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626f923 For last year's words belong to last year's language And next year's words await another voice. new-year voice words T.S. Eliot
52c3c27 When people don't express themselves, they die one piece at a time. inspirational voice death Laurie Halse Anderson
eba01c6 It's easier not to say anything. Shut your trap, button your lip, can it. All that crap you hear on TV about communication and expressing feelings is a lie. Nobody really wants to hear what you have to say. voice Laurie Halse Anderson
5ce9c0e I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. (Psalms 116:1-2 NIV) cry god jesus-christ life live love mercy truth voice Anonymous
7b798ef The exhilarating ripple of her voice was a wild tonic in the rain. voice F. Scott Fitzgerald
7701a27 Soon madness has worn you down. It's easier to do what it says than argue. In this way, it takes over your mind. You no longer know where it ends and you begin. You believe anything it says. You do what it tells you, no matter how extreme or absurd. If it says you're worthless, you agree. You plead for it to stop. You promise to behave. You are on your knees before it, and it laughs. eating-disorder madness surrender voice worthless Marya Hornbacher
b69fe7f The educated ones leave, the ones with the potential to right the wrongs. They leave the weak behind. The tyrants continue to reign because the weak cannot resist. Do you not see that it is a cycle? Who will break that cycle? fight oppression revolution voice Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
32be300 When one woman doesn't speak, other women get hurt. hurt pain voice women Terry Tempest Williams
af7a205 WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES when we go against our instincts? What are the consequences of not speaking out? What are the consequences of guilt, shame, and doubt? consequences doubt guilt instinct instincts shame speaking-out voice Terry Tempest Williams
66cf88a Choosing with integrity means finding ways to speak up that honor your reality, the reality of others, and your willingness to meet in the center of that large field. It's hard sometimes. choose honor integrity reality speaking speaking-out speaking-up voice Terry Tempest Williams
e3a86eb My voice is born repeatedly in the fields of uncertainty. uncertainty voice Terry Tempest Williams
309d56c "Forget your voice, sing! Forget your feet, dance! awareness awareness-quotes be become beloved conscious consciousness consciousness-quotes dance enjoy feet forget hafez hafiz harmony inspirational kamand kamand-kojouri khayyam kojouri let-go letting-go-quotes life live living-in-the-now love lover moment music present rumi saadi sing song spiritual spirituality sufi surrender voice yourself Kamand Kojouri
ce4ff7e When silence is a choice, it is an unnerving presence. When silence is imposed, it is censorship. censorship silence voice Terry Tempest Williams
a00b111 Ultimately,we hear things because we cannot see everything. hear see voice Slavoj Žižek
c5c7332 But there were too many points at which the other self could invade the self he wanted to preserve, and there were too many forms of invasion: certain words, sounds, lights, actions his hands or feet performed, and if he did nothing at all, heard and saw nothing, the shouting of some triumphant inner voice that shocked him and cowed him. inner-voice inner-voicery invasion life lights mind patricia-highsmith self shocked shouting sounds strangers strangers-on-a-train train voice words Patricia Highsmith
aad0bc0 Voices and faces aren't manifestations of good or bad. face voice Gail Carson Levine
4589a33 "To write," Marguerite Duras remarked, "is also not to speak. It is to keep silent. It is to howl noiselessly." silence silent voice Terry Tempest Williams
75176da Not everything is meant for all to hear. voice Terry Tempest Williams
10f1bf2 "The task of the moral philosopher-thinker is to support and strengthen the voice of human conscience, to recognize what is good or what is bad for people, whether they are good or bad for society in a period of evolution. May be a "voice crying in the wilderness", but only if that voice remains lively and uncompromising, it is possible to transform the desert into fertile land." moral philosopher support task transform uncompromising voice Erich Fromm
1d392f9 When Jackson used that particular tone of voice, men died, pure and simple. tone voice Christine Feehan
e04d5e8 The vehemence of emotion, stirred by grief and love within me, was claiming mastery, and struggling for full sway; and asserting a right to predominate: to overcome, to live, rise, and reign at last; yes,--and to speak. voice Charlotte Brontë
33db63b A voice is a human gift; it should be cherished and used, to utter fully human speech as possible. Powerlessness and silence go together. silence voice Margaret Atwood
f23eb90 She was a voice with a body as afterthought, a wry smile that sailed through heavy traffic. Give her a history and she'd disappear. Eric Packer about Vija Kinski voice Don DeLillo
d57fc62 Finding one's voice is a process of finding one's passion. voice Terry Tempest Williams
49dc599 "Your voice is the wildest thing you own," Brooke says to me. "And you're giving it away. You can't see it. Your obsession is blinding you." He is angry. He is talking in shorthand. "You're losing yourself." losing-self voice Terry Tempest Williams
c2f323e Silence introduced in a society that worships noise is like the Moon exposing the night. Behind darkness is our fear. Within silence our voice dwells. What is required from both is that we be still. We focus. We listen. We see and we hear. The unexpected emerges. voice Terry Tempest Williams
9d35d4a When it comes to words, rather than using our own voice, authentic and unpracticed, we steal someone else's to shield our fear. fear quote voice words Terry Tempest Williams
a53e29a There is an art to writing, and it is not always disclosure. The act itself can be beautiful, revelatory, and private. beauty disclusure private privicy silence voice writing Terry Tempest Williams
fb52610 It is also true that memory sometimes comes to him as a voice. It is a voice that speaks inside him, and it is not necessarily his own. It speaks to him in the way a voice might tell stories to a child, and yet at times this voice makes fun of him, or calls him to attention, or curses him in no uncertain terms. At times it willfully distorts the story it is telling him, changing the facts to suit its whims, catering to the interests of drama rather than truth. Then he must speak to it in his own voice and tell it to stop, thus returning it to the silence it came from. At other times it sings to him. At still other times it whispers. And then there are the times it merely hums, or babbles, or cries out in pain. And even when it says nothing, he knows it is still there, and in the silence of this voice that says nothing, he waits for it to speak. voice Paul Auster
55afa62 He was dimly angry with himself, he did not know why. It was that he had struck his wife. He had forgotten it, but was miserable about it, notwithstanding. And this misery was the voice of the great Love that had made him and his wife and the baby and Diamond, speaking in his heart, and telling him to be good. For that great Love speaks in the most wretched and dirty hearts; only the tone of its voice depends on the echoes of the place in which it sounds. On Mount Sinai, it was thunder; in the cabman's heart it was misery; in the soul of St John it was perfect blessedness. heart love misery thunder voice George MacDonald
d34484e Shout to the top! cheer fun happy joy life protest shout voice Rebecca McNutt
5167d97 Listening over and over to the voices through a family of instruments allowed us to recognize and appreciate the dignity and uniqueness of each living thing in the meadow and forest. listening music peter-the-wolf story voice Terry Tempest Williams
54a3539 In 1881, being on a visit to Boston, my wife and I found ourselves in the Parker House with the 's, and went over to Charleston to hear him lecture. His subject was 'Some Mistakes of Moses,' and it was a memorable experience. Our lost leaders, -- , , Theodore Parker, -- who had really spoken to disciples rather than to the nation, seemed to have contributed something to form this organ by which their voice could reach the people. . The wonderful power which Washington's Attorney-general, Edmund Randolph, ascribed to of insinuating his ideas equally into learned and unlearned had passed from 's pen to 's tongue. . { } art boston emerson emotion friendship henry-d-thoreau henry-david-thoreau henry-thoreau honor humor imagination ingersoll inspirational laughter lecture logic love memorable mirth morality orator paine pathos poetry power praise ralph-e-emerson ralph-emerson ralph-waldo-emerson reason respect robert-g-ingersoll robert-green-ingersoll robert-ingersoll simplicity some-mistakes-of-moses speech sympathy tears thomas-paine thoreau truth voice wisdom Moncure Daniel Conway
a56c407 Her voice makes perfume when she speaks, Her breath is music faint and low. voice Charles Baudelaire
23ac7d7 words are much stronger than I am. voice words Terry Tempest Williams
1815a85 "The only way he could have her was to shatter this stubborn faith of hers. In doing so, would he shatter her? "What has this god of yours ever really done for you?" She stood very still for a long moment, her back to him. "Everything." a-voice-in-the-wind a-voice-in-the-wind-quote francine francine-rivers francine-rivers-quote in quote rivers the voice wind Francine Rivers
c47bdc3 ...listening with absorbed attention more to her voice than to what she was saying, and thinking how like she was, flowering through her voice into beauty in the darkness, to some butterflies he had come across in the Swiss mountains the summer before. When they were folded up they were grey, mothlike creatures that one might easily overlook, but directly they opened their wings they became the loveliest things in the world, all rose-colour or heavenly blue. So had she been to him in the daylight that afternoon,--an ordinary woman, not in any way noticeable; but now listen to her, opening into beauty on the wings of her voice! butterflies hidden-beauty voice Elizabeth von Arnim
aba995e The soul might be silent but the servant of the soul has always got a voice and it has got one for a reason. silence soul voice voice-of-the-soul Cormac McCarthy
e0a0afe Never had he thought, never once, that such a woman existed, one who stood so close to God that God's own voice poured from her. How far she must have gone inside herself to call up that voice. It was as if the voice came from the center part of the earth and by the sheer effort and diligence of her will she had pulled it up through the dirt and rock and through the floorboards of the house, up into her feet, where it pulled through her, reaching, lifting, warmed by her, and then out of the white lily of her throat and straight to God in heaven. It was a miracle and he wept for the gift of bearing witness. singing voice Ann Patchett
054b07d If I provide for this life and turn away from the Lord, I am wise for a moment, but lost forever. a-voice-in-the-wind a-voice-in-the-wind-quote francine francine-rivers francine-rivers-quote in quote rivers the voice wind Francine Rivers
4c33efa "Gankis lifted an arm to point at the distant shale cliffs. "And in the face of it there were thousands of little holes, little what-you-call-'ems..." "Alcoves," Kennit supplied in an almost dreamy voice. "I call them alcoves, Gankis. As would you, if you could speak your own mother tongue." answer arm blank captain cliff funny language mother name point query question response sarcasm sarcastic title tongue voice wit witty word Robin Hobb
1b59be4 He [satan] vies for the bedside position, hopping to be the first voice you hear. He covets your waking thoughts, those early, pillow-born emotions. He awakes you with words of worry, stirs you with thoughts of stress. If you dread the day before you begin your day, Mark it down; your giant has been in your head. dread giants stress thoughts voice worry Max Lucado
825b5b4 She told him that he had the most beautiful voice she'd ever heard, that it sounded like whiskey and wood smoke. description man mystic-river smoke voice Dennis Lehane
2fda897 My mother's journals are a shadow play with mine. I am a woman wedded to words. Words cast a shadow. Without a shadow there is no depth. Without a shadow there is no substance. If we have no shadow, it means we are invisible. As long as I have a shadow, I am alive. language voice words Terry Tempest Williams
fccec33 "Chris was in the rocker, fully clothed, and was strumming idly on Cory's guitar. "Dance, ballerina, dance," he softly chanted, and his singing voice wasn't bad at all. Maybe we could work as musicians---a trio -if Carrie ever recovered enough to want a voice again." ballerinas chanted dance dancing guitarist guitars maybes musician musicians recovered rocker singing singing-voice strumming trio voice work V.C. Andrews
8e38d90 "Many of the stories we take to be true or fixed about ourselves can change dramatically when we have conversations with people who make our world larger, not smaller. By doing our part to develop rather than diminish our voice, we can: - Create a more accurate and complex picture of ourselves and another person. - Speak with honor and personal integrity even when the other person behaves badly. - Strengthen our capacity for creativity, wisdom, joy, and zest. creativity integrity intimacy love strength voice Harriet Lerner Ph.D.
d726a75 The only way he could have her was to shatter this stubborn faith of hers. In doing so, would he shatter her? 'What has this god of yours ever really done for you?' She stood very still for a long moment, her back to him. 'Everything. a-voice-in-the-wind a-voice-in-the-wind-quote francine francine-rivers francine-rivers-quote in rivers the voice wind Francine Rivers
efc51fb It was a voice that you felt you had to listen to--or you ignored at your peril. alexander-mccall-smith peril voice voices Alexander McCall Smith
fee9f80 And even with the book closed, the voices do not stop--there are echoes and reverberations that seem to leap off the pages and mischievously leave the novel tingling in our ears. reading voice Azar Nafisi
22b1d7a She had a sweet voice, a voice with a warm and tender quality. This was strange, because her face was cold, as though warmth and tenderness were dead in her. voice warmth Jean Rhys