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c905b7a I was smiling yesterday,I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow.Simply because life is too short to cry for anything. cry inspirational joke love romance smile Santosh Kalwar
ccc3c97 Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do. cry crying decisions C.S. Lewis
5ce9c0e I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. (Psalms 116:1-2 NIV) cry god jesus-christ life live love mercy truth voice Anonymous
78e26ef And now, my poor old woman, why are you crying so bitterly? It is autumn. The leaves are falling from the trees like burning tears- the wind howls. Why must you mimic them? copy cry crying despair fall howl metaphor mimic poetic rain shakespearean simile wind wit Mervyn Peake
a628166 Whenever she felt like crying, she would instead become angry--at someone else or at herself--which meant that it was rare for her to shed tears. cry Haruki Murakami
af684ff Put my head under my pillow, and let the quiet put things where they are supposed to be. cry love sleep the-perks-of-being-a-wallflower Stephen Chbosky
c5e2cee -- This world is full of trouble, umfundisi. -- Who knows it better? -- Yet you believe? Kumalo looked at him under the light of the lamp. I believe, he said, but I have learned that it is a secret. Pain and suffering, they are a secret. Kindness and love, they are a secret. But I have learned that kindness and love can pay for pain and suffering. There is my wife, and you, my friend, and these people who welcomed me, and the child who is so eager to be with us here in Ndotsheni - so in my suffering I can believe. -- I have never thought that a Christian would be free of suffering, umfundisi. For our Lord suffered. And I come to believe that he suffered, not to save us from suffering, but to teach us how to bear suffering. For he knew that there is no life without suffering. Kumalo looked at his friend with joy. You are a preacher, he said. beloved country cry inspirational paton suffering Alan Paton
467f283 What is so real as the cry of a child? A rabbit's cry may be wilder But it has no soul. children cry motherhood rabbit Sylvia Plath
5f00bfd Jennifer Merrick had stored all her tears inside her, and her pride and courage would never permit her to break down and shed them. cry pride stock tears Judith McNaught
0ad6dc4 Crying is part of the adventure bravery cry Gail Carson Levine
feae7ba Stop your whining. If you are frightened, be silent. Whining is for prey. It attracts predators. And you are not prey. cry fright predator prey scare silence silent whine wolf worry Robin Hobb
34167bf Some boys walk by and you cry, seeing them. They feel good, they look good, they are good. Oh, they're not above peeing off a bridge, or stealing an occasional dime-store pencil sharpener; it's not that. It's just, you know, seeing them pass, that's how they'll be all their life; they'll get hit, hurt, cut, bruised, and always wonder why, why does it happen? how can it happen to cry description good goodness hurt innocence pain people-will-hurt-you sad vulnerable Ray Bradbury
b9cddac "Frodo gave a cry, and there was, fallen upon his knees at the chasm's edge. But Gollum, dancing like a mad thing, held aloft the ring, a finger still thrust within its circle. "Precious, precious, precious!" Gollum cried. "My Precious! O my Precious!" And with that, even as his eyes were lifted up to gloat on his prize, he stepped too far, toppled, wavered for a moment on the brink, and then with a shriek he fell. Out of the depths came his last wail precious, and he was gone." cry danc finger frodo-baggins gollum mad mount-doom ring samwise-gamgee the-lord-of-the-rings the-one-ring-j-r-r-tolkien the-return-of-the-king tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien
d9c35b2 Go on, glare your eyes at me, and cry and plead, and talk to me about money and what it can buy. But it can't buy back a child once he's dead! baby buy child children cry crying dead death eyes glare glares glaring kid kids life money-monetary plead pleading talk talking young young-adults youth V.C. Andrews
f70e64a I've had enough of these streets that sweat a cold, yellow slime, of hostile people, of crying myself to sleep every night. I've had enough of thinking, enough of remembering. cry crying enough hostile people remembering sleep slime streets sweat thinking Jean Rhys
accd664 Fussing over children who cry only encourages them. That's positive reinforcement for negative behavior. cry parenting Jeannette Walls
c1359fe She smiled at him as they waited for their dessert, her chin poised on her clasped hands. 'You're being very silent.' 'That's how men cry. cry john-fowles men silence silent John Fowles
d447005 She cried aloud, with a great mourning cry for all that she had never known in this life, and the agony of a bereavement unguessed till this moment. cry regret Marion Zimmer Bradley
994dfd4 Well, let's argue this out, Mr Blank. You, who represent Society, have the right to pay me four hundred francs a month. That's my market value, for I am an inefficient member of Society, slow in the uptake, uncertain, slightly damaged in the fray, there's no denying it. So you have the right to pay me four hundred francs a month, to lodge me in a small, dark room, to clothe me shabbily, to harass me with worry and monotony and unsatisfied longings till you get me to the point when I blush at a look, cry at a word. We can't all be happy, we can't all be rich, we can't all be lucky - and it would be so much less fun if we were. Isn't it so, Mr Blank? There must be the dark background to show up the bright colours. Some must cry so that the others may be able to laugh the more heartily. cry damaged fun happiness happy harass inefficient job longings monotony pay rich slow society worry Jean Rhys
352fd44 There are some mornings when I cry and cry and mourn for myself. Some mornings, I'm so angry and bitter. But it doesn't last too long. Then I get up and say, 'I want to live..' 'So far, I've been able to do it. Will I be able to continue? I don't know. But I'm betting on myself I will.' Koppel seemed extremely taken with Morrie. He asked about the humility that death induced. bitter choice cry death decision humility life live mourn Mitch Albom
cbced9a I give myself a good cry if I need it. But then I concentrate on all the good things still in my life. On the people who are coming to see me. On the stories I'm going to hear. On you - if it's Tuesday. Because we're Tuesday people. cry dying good life need people self story tuesday Mitch Albom
ea3d59a Stranno e, che vsichki greshki sv'rshvat ednakvo, che vinagi gi povtariame i prod'lzhavame s novi nadezhdi. Tsiala noshch khapem ustni, kh'ltsame v'v v'zglavnitsata s bezpomoshchen gniav i tv'rdo se zaklevame da ostanem samotni, a shchom s'mne, podnasiame dushata si kato nezhen balon ot ts'fnalo glukharche na nasreshchnite vetrove na zhivota i te go roniat i raznasiat. Ala koito spasi samo edno malko pukhche i go vnese na zavet, toi e spasil tsialata si dusha. Tova e gorchiva rabota, no koito ne obr'shcha nezhnoto tsvete na dushata si k'm vetrovete na izpitaniiata, dori tsialoto da go spasi i da go prenese dokrai, toi ne mozhe da pochuvstva, che izobshcho niakoga go e imal. cry dandelion feel flower life live loneliness pain sad safe salvation save soul test winter yugoslavia болка вятър глухарче душа живот изпитания плач самота спасение страх Ivo Andrić
6643bf2 It's a comedy, but I'm sure I'll cry. cry Ai Yazawa
0bbba60 "I'll never let it happen. I'll do everything in my power to keep my sister at home. "I don't want to have a civilized discussion. My parents want to send my sister to a facility behind my back and my head feels like it's about to split open. Leave me alone, okay?" Something is sticking out of my pocket. It's Alex's bandanna. Isabel isn't a friend, yet she helped me. And Alex, a boy who cared about me last night more than my own boyfriend did, acted as my hero and is urging me to be real. Do I even know how to be real? I clutch the bandanna to my chest. And I allow myself to cry." bandanna brittany-ellis cry emotional shelley-ellis sister Simone Elkeles