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0c4693b Charm is often despised but I can never see why. No one has it who isn't capable of genuinely liking others, at least at the actual moment of meeting and speaking. Charm is always genuine; it may be superficial but it isn't false. false genuine humor humour theo xan P.D. James
5cd66a5 This century will be called 's century. He was one of the greatest men who ever touched this globe. He has explained more of the phenomena of life than all of the religious teachers. . Think of the men who replied to him. Only a few years ago there was no person too ignorant to successfully answer , and the more ignorant he was the more cheerfully he undertook the task. He was held up to the ridicule, the scorn and contempt of the Christian world, and yet when he died, England was proud to put his dust with that of her noblest and her grandest. conquered the intellectual world, and his doctrines are now accepted facts. His light has broken in on some of the clergy, and the greatest man who to-day occupies the pulpit of one of the orthodox churches, Henry Ward Beecher, is a believer in the theories of --a man of more genius than all the clergy of that entire church put together. ...The church teaches that man was created perfect, and that for six thousand years he has degenerated. demonstrated the falsity of this dogma. He shows that man has for thousands of ages steadily advanced; . Religion and science are enemies. One is a superstition; the other is a fact. One rests upon the false, the other upon the true. One is the result of fear and faith, the other of investigation and reason. atonement biology charles-darwin clergy darwin dogma england evolution fact false fear garden-of-eden genius geology ignorance investigation myth nature origin-of-species original-sin orthodox orthodox-christianity reason science superstition survival-of-the-fittest true Robert Green Ingersoll
bee48b9 It's hard to explain and best thing to do is not be false. false Jack Kerouac
98a1c54 "Thus in order to be a "radical" one must be open to the possibility that one's own core assumptions are misconceived." -- false humility radical Christopher Hitchens
9d645e6 Dreams are just lies that we tell ourselves while we're asleep. cynical deams fake false lie nightmare sleep Rebecca McNutt