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669c057 "Did he just rip out the engine?" I asked. "Yes", Saiman said. "And now he is demolishing the Maserati with it." Ten seconds later Curran hurled the twisted wreck of black and orange that used to be the Maserati into the wall. The first melodic notes of an old song came from the computer. I glanced at Saiman. He shrugged. "It begged for a soundtrack." -- kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
ada5097 "Are you sure you know where you're going?" Andrea frowned. "Would you like me to pull over and ask that bamboo for directions?" "I don't know, do you think it will answer?" We peered at the bamboo. "I think it looks suspicious," Andrea said. "Maybe there is a heffalump hiding in it." Andrea stared at me. "You know, heffalump? From Pooh Bear?" "Where do you even get this shit?" kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
109fdd0 "You know anything about investigative work?" "Sure. Annoy the people involved until the guilt party tries to make you go away." ilona-andrews investigative-work kate kate-daniels magic-bites Ilona Andrews
52d84c6 I think you're confused as to the nature of our relationship. You and I, we don't get along. You're a psychopathic control freak. You order me around and I want to kill you. I'm a pigheaded insubordinate ass. I drive you mad and you want to strangle me. kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
b4f7152 "Aha! So I'm not crazy." "You are most definitely crazy," Derek said. "But in a deranged, endearing way." -- kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
e3ecab7 "Did those nice church ladies come by again?" He nodded. "I asked them if a man died and then the woman remarried, and then the three of them met in heaven, would it be a sin for them to have a threesome, since they were all married in God's eye. And they decided they were late to be somewhere else." ascanio awesome church funny hilarious kate-daniels threesome Ilona Andrews
7cbe11c "You know," she said, stirring her tea, "the fastest way to get him off your back is to sleep with him. And tell him you love him. Preferably while in bed." I smirked and the tea almost came out of my nose. "He'd run like he was on fire." curran ilona-andrews kate kate-daniels magic-burns Ilona Andrews
aa6de07 "You're taking a nap? Come on, Kate, I need you for this fight. Stop lying around." "You must think you're funny." "Just saying, you have to pull your own weight. A hot body and flirting will only get you so far." "Everything I do, I learned from you, boy toy." "Boy toy?" Curran asked. "Would you prefer ?" kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
359fad3 "He lunged for the maps. I grabbed the chair and hit him with it. He went down. I hit him again to make sure he stayed that way, stepped over him, and picked up the maps. "I win." ilona-andrews kate kate-daniels magic-burns maps Ilona Andrews
83038d5 "You snore worse. At least I don't turn into a lion in my sleep." "I only did it once." "Once was weird enough, thank you." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
db36b37 I flexed my wrist, popped a silver needle into my palm, and offered it to him. 'What's this?' 'A needle.' 'What should I do with it?' He'd walked right into it. Too easy. 'Please use it to pop your head. It's obscuring my view of the room.' - Kate & Saiman kate-daniels magic-strikes saiman shapeshifters Ilona Andrews
016ca93 "Tall, with skin the color of rich coffee, and dressed all in black, Jim looked like he was carved from a block of solid muscle. Logic said that at some point he must've been a baby and then a child, but looking at him one was almost convinced that some deity touched the ground with its scepter and proclaimed, "There shall be a badass," and Jim sprung into existence, fully formed, complete with clothes, and ready for action." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
cbe466a "Secret to what?" "Secret to shutting you up," he said. "I just have to beat you till you're half-dead, then give you chicken soup and"--he raised his hands--"blessed silence." curran ilona-andrews kate kate-daniels magic-burns silence Ilona Andrews
d292431 "What did you tell them?" "I don't recall. I think I mentioned your discipline and ability to follow orders. I may have said something about you being a team player." Derek emitted a strangled cough. "Why?" I demanded. "It seemed like a good idea at the time." Curran resumed hammering. "I'm sorry," I said into the phone, sticking me finger into my other ear so I could hear. "His Majesty tends to exaggerate things. I'm not a team player. I'm undisciplined and I have a problem with authority. Also, the Beast Lord can't hammer for shit." On the roof Derek was laughing his head off." derek funny kate-daniels roof Ilona Andrews
4dfab72 "Do you have spies in Clan Heavy?" "I have spies everywhere." I looked at Andrea, who was hoarding bacon on her plate. "She had tea with Mahon's wife." Andrea said. Aunt B looked at her. "You and I need to work on your air of mystery." aunt-b kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
96fe518 I've never seen such a collection of idiots in my whole life.' Doolittle shook his head. 'If you participate in this lunacy, y'all will get yourselves killed. Then don't come crying to me.' Now that would be a neat trick. ilona-andrews kate-daniels magic-strikes Ilona Andrews
912b121 "Desandra shrugged her shoulders. "Hey, Kate? Have you thought of walking up to Hugh and telling him that he's got the biggest dick ever?" She spread her arms to the size of a baseball bat. "No, you think it would work?" I asked. "It's worth a try. May be he'll be so happy you noticed his pork sword, he'll forget all about trying to kill us." Pork sword. Kill me now. "I'll think about it." Ascanio began patting his clothes. "What?" Derek growled. "Looking for something to take notes with." derek desandra hugh-d-ambray kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
8d4e5c7 "Where is the bane of my existence?" "In the shower, freshening up." Damn it all to hell. "Oh God, who did Ascanio screw now?" "No, no, he's covered in blood." "Oh good." Wait a minute. "The kid is covered in blood and we're relieved. There is something wrong with us." ascanio kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
2eed698 "Quick, Derek, it's your chance to shine," Ascanio said. Derek gave him a withering look. "Desandra is a mother, Robert is married, Kate's affianced, and I'm an old soul. You're the closest thing to a virgin we've got. Get on with growing some flowing locks." banter derek humor kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
4c43fa7 "Who snitched?" "We have people monitoring police radio frequencies. They gave Jim a heads-up in case our security had to storm PAD offices and bust you out of there. I found out when I saw Jim walking down the hallway snickering to himself." ilona-andrews jim kate kate-daniels magic-slays Ilona Andrews
d8be8a1 Curran shrugged and pulled me back to him. 'You don't pick the family you're born into. You pick the one you make. I already chose my mate and glued her ass to the chair to make sure she knew it. kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
5e03c73 "If the lot of you survives, Curran will flay the skin off your backs," Doolittle said. "That's what I always love about you, Doctor." Raphael grinned. "You're a cup-halfway-full kind of guy. All flowers and sunshine." ilona-andrews kate-daniels magic-strikes raphael Ilona Andrews
cd5d40b "And how did your day go?" I asked Ascanio. He turned to me, a dreamy look on his pretty face. "We killed things. There was blood. Fountains of blood. And then we had barbecue." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
8834d11 I had to give it him, to flatter and insult a woman in one propostition took talent. ilona-andrews kate kate-daniels magic-burns Ilona Andrews
bc684b9 "You see, the mailman saw your husband during one of his walks." "He's my fiance," I told her. "We are living in sin." Heather blinked, momentarily knocked off her stride, but recovered. "Oh, that's nice." "It's very nice. I highly recommend it." irony kate-daniels marital-bliss neigbors Ilona Andrews
e8b9b26 "Okay, pull me up." The rope didn't move. "Ascanio?" What was it now? Did he see a butterfly and get distracted? The rope slid up, as fast as if wound by a winch. I shot upward. What the...? I cleared the edge and found myself face to face with Curran. Oh boy. He held the rope with one hand, muscles bulging on his arm under his sweatshirt. No strain showed on Curran's face. It's good to be the baddest shapeshifter in the city. Behind him Ascanio stood very still, pretending to be invisible. Curran's gray eyes laughed at me. The Beast Lord reached out and touched my nose with his finger. "Boop." beast-lord boop bunnycat curran kate-daniels kate-daniels-magic-breaks Ilona Andrews
02f7700 "What's this " "A needle." "What should I do with it " He'd walked right into it. Too easy. "Please use it to pop your head. It's obscuring my view of the room." humor kate-daniels saiman Ilona Andrews
02c3858 "Curran's eyes went gold. His voice dropped into a rough growl. "If you're going to shoot, make sure to empty the clip, because after you're done, I'll shove that gun up your ass sideways." Blue Jacket blinked. "Can you even do that?" I asked. "Let's find out." Curran stared at the thug. "Well? Shoot, so we can start this experiment." -- kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
27efba9 "At first glance you looked at Kate and thought "fighter," maybe merc. Five inches taller than me, she was all muscle--well, and some boobs--but mostly muscle. She moved like a predator and when she got pissed off, she exhaled aggression, like hot breath on a winter evening. Still, men looked, until they saw her eyes. Kate's eyes were crazy. It was that hidden-deep crazy that told you that you had no idea what the hell she would do next but whatever it was, the bad guys wouldn't like it." ilona-andrews kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
fde67ab Were you watching me sleep? Because I thought we agreed that's creepy. kate-daniels sleep watching-someone-sleep Ilona Andrews
b3a96f0 "Andrea turned her back to Desandra and rolled her eyes. Raphael grimaced. They both looked scandalized. Dear God, what could she have said to scandalize a bouda... "No, really!" Desandra nodded. "Okay, so most guys don't have a nice ball sack, right? It looks all hairy and wrinkled like some small animal died between their legs, but Gerardo's is like two plums in a velvet bag..." Derek, who'd been lingering in the doorway, took a careful step to the left behind the wall and disappeared from my view. I raised my hand. "Hold that thought. I need to borrow Andrea for a minute." I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the hallway. Behind us Raphael growled, "Don't leave me!" Andrea leaned towards me. "Plums." "Listen..." Andrea raised her hands, imitating holding plums the size of small coconuts, and moved them up and down." kate-daniels raphael Ilona Andrews
5bc596a "Who is Hunter Becker?" "Becker the Gory? Lighthouse Keepers? Boston?" "I would've preferred Becker the Easiley Surrendering or Becker the Quite Reasonable, but beyond that his name tells me nothing." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
d264373 "One does not simply Roland." Oh boy. I supposed I would get a lecture on the dangers of wandering into Mordor next." funny-quotes ghastek kate kate-daniels mordor Ilona Andrews
e5b8bde When life backs you into a corner and offers you no escape, when your friends, your lover, and your family abandon you, when you're at the end of your rope, panicked, alone, and losing your mind, you know you'd give anything to make your problems go away. Then, desperate and eager, you will come to Unicorn Lane, seeking salvation in its magics and secrets. You'll do anything, pay any price. Unicorn Lane will take you in, shroud you in its power, fix your problems, and exact its price. And then you will learn what 'anything' really means. ilona-andrews kate kate-daniels magic-bites unicor-lane Ilona Andrews
19a01bc "Isn't that why you have that gun mounted on the front? Or is it for other reasons, because I would've thought that a man with your powers would be past the urge to compensate." Barabas grinned. "I had forgotten that talking to you is like trying to pet a cactus," Saiman said dryly. "Thank you for reminding me." "Always happy to oblige." kate-daniels saiman Ilona Andrews
7ed73b2 "Have you called the alphas?" "Yes." "The rats, too?" He bristled. "What about the rats?" "They think you're hiding information from them" "I hide information from everyone. Do they think they're special?" kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
a497fef "Other pirates leaped over the railing. One, two... seven... thirteen. A baker's dozen. Wait, fifteen. Eighteen... Twenty-one. The odds weren't in our favor. "Maybe they just came over to borrow a cup of sugar," I said. Andrea barked a short laugh. Curran put his hand on my shoulder. "That's a lot of sugar. Must be a big cake." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
0678879 "What's your problem with the Guild?" "The only way to resolve it involves me being entangled in running it and I don't want to do it." I waved my arms. "I have the Consort crap and I have the Cutting Edge crap and whatever other bullshit the two of you throw my way. I don't want to go to the Guild every month and deal with their crap on top of everything else." Curran leaned toward me. "I have to dress up and meet with those corpsefuckers once every three months and be civil while we're eating at the same table. You can deal with the Guild." "You dress up? Wow, I had no idea that putting on your formal sweatpants was such a huge burden." "Kate," Curran snarled. "They're not sweatpants, they are slacks and they have a belt. I have to wear shoes with fucking laces in them." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
19a1ebc "The rage of the Beast Lord was a terrible thing to behold. Some people stormed, some punched things, but Curran slipped into this icy, bone-chilling calm. His face hardened into a flat mask, and his eyes turned into a molten inferno of pure gold. If you looked at it for longer than two seconds, your muscles locked, your knees shook, and you had to fight to keep from cringing. It was easier to look at the floor, but I didn't. Besides, he wasn't angry with me. He wasn't even angry with Kate. He was angry with Anapa. I had no doubt that if he could've gotten a hold of the god at that moment, he would've broken him in half. "It's only ribs," Kate told him. "And they're not even broken. They are fractured." "And the hip," Doolittle said. "And the knee." There you go. Don't expect mercy from a honeybadger. "How long do you need to keep her?" Curran looked to Doolittle. "She can go to her quarters, provided she doesn't leave them," Doolittle said. "I can't do anything else with the magic down. She must stay down until I can patch her up." "She will." Curran reached for Kate. "Hey, baby. Ready?" She nodded. Curran slid his hands under her and picked her up, gently, as if she weighed nothing. "Good?" he asked. She put her arm around him. "Never better." gunmetal-magic ilona-andrews kate-daniels love tenderness Ilona Andrews
ff641a3 "A shadow crossed Andrea's face. "I don't want to be his TWT-IHFB." "What does that mean?" "That Weird Thing I Haven't Fucked Before." I choked." kate-daniels shapeshifter vampyre Ilona Andrews
e7800b1 "Why were you in a vehicle with Kate, alone? What were you wearing? What was she wearing? How long were you there? Did you do something or did you talk? What was the nature of your discussion? Could this trip have been avoided?" I rubbed my face. "So basically you're scared that His Lordship might get his panties in a bunch?" "That's one way to put it." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
6f1282c "The Oracle rose. As one, the three witches bowed. "See?" Bran jerked his thumb at the three women. "That's how a woman should treat a man. Next time you see me, I want you to do just like them." bran ilona-andrews kate kate-daniels magic-burns oracle Ilona Andrews
aafdf53 I thought of telling him that if it wasn't for Oklahoman cowboys and Mexican whores having a bit of fun, there would've been no Texans, but that would be counterproductive. kate kate-daniels magic-bites texans Ilona Andrews
4f431ff "A massive beast dashed along the mountain apex. Astamur reached for his rifle. "A demon?" "No, not a demon." I might have preferred one . "That's my boyfriend." Atsany and the shepherd turned to look at me. "Boyfriend?" Astamur said. Curran saw us. He paused on a stone crag and roared. The raw declaration of strength cracked through the mountains, rolling down the cliffs like a rockslide. "Yep. Don't worry. He's harmless." humor kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
81c2a2a The woman said something to Roman. He stopped, turned to her, and shook his staff. She crossed her arms. I couldn't see her face, but I read the body language well enough. dark-volhv kate-daniels roman witch Ilona Andrews
b8560ff "I turned to the courtyard and waved at Roman and the witch next to him. "Is that his sister?" Andrea asked me. "No." I had spoken with both of them. "I'd asked her that. Her name is Alina, she isn't his sister, and she feels deeply sorry for his sisters, because if she had to put up with being in his presence for longer than a day, she would throw herself off the nearest bridge just to end the agony." "Well," Andrea said. "Glad she cleared that up." kate-daniels roman Ilona Andrews
213baa8 "He comes into my city, he throws away my people, he orders me around like I'm his servant and now this? How dare he!" I sighed. "How dare he!" came out. Could "Does he know who I am?" be far behind? "I'm not some illiterate he can push around. I won't be treated this way. I worked too damn hard, for years. Years! Years of study and that fucking Neanderthal comes in and waves his arms." Ghastek skewed his face into a grimace. He was probably aiming to impersonate Hugh, but he mostly succeeded in looking extremely constipated. "Ooo, I'm Hugh d'Ambray, I'm starting a war!" Laughing right now was a really bad idea. I had to conserve the energy. "A war I've been trying years to avoid. Years!" He kept saying that. "Does he think it's easy to negotiate with violent lunatics, who can't understand elementary concepts?" Good to know where we stood with him." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
5aec00c "Go play your games with Jim. I'll find you both when I need you." Arrogant asshole. "I tell you what, if you find us before those three days run out, I'll cook you a damn dinner and serve it to you naked." "Is that a promise?" "Yes. Go fuck yourself." flirting humor kate-daniels magic-strikes Ilona Andrews
cb7c6a8 "I love you," I told him. There. Nice and simple. "I knew you would find me." He smiled at me. "I would never stop looking." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
f3e197a Go to the Black Sea, meet new people, see beautiful places, get killed by a mutant carnivorous kangaroo goat. One item off my bucket list. kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
55294bf "If I pass out face down in this water, will you fish me out?" "Will you promise to call me Your Majesty?" "Hell no." "Then I'll have to think about it." kate-daniels kate-to-curran Ilona Andrews
1a4238f Nice plan. Take the gullible outsiders, walk them around for a bit, then feed them to the giant tortoise. kate kate-daniels magic-burns tortoise Ilona Andrews
1026198 "Kate stood by the door with her arms crossed. That was an anti-Curran pose. What the hell was the Beast Lord doing here? I padded to the door. "First, you didn't come home." Curran's voice held zero humor. "Second, I'm told that my mate is lingering in Raphael's house. There can't be any good reason for you to be here." "Are you spying on me, Your Furriness?" Kate asked." funny gunmetal-magic kate-daniels snark Ilona Andrews
d4a2d77 "I saved the baby. I saved her. For you." - Bran" kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
d02dbb5 "He raised his hand in a peaceful gesture. "You need to relax a bit, dove. Like Mouse over there. You trust me, don't you, Mouse?" "Nope!" "Ahhh, I'm hurt. Nobody likes me." funny julie kate kate-daniels magic-burns Ilona Andrews
235640f "If you don't explain it all to me, I might strangle somebody." Of course, Raphael might like that..." curran hyenas ilona-andrews kate kate-daniels magic-burns raphael soup Ilona Andrews
04b16bd She swept away, putting an extra kink into her walk. I would not have thought that a woman with an ass that bony could make it wiggle so much but she proved me wrong. humor kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
b01c7f8 "Did you run any of this by Curran?" "I told him I was about to do something idiotic and dangerous, and he told me to go ahead and let him know if he could help in any way." "I don't understand your relationship." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
a74e23f "Kate leaned back against her chair. "Where is the bane of my existence?" "In the shower, freshening up." "Oh, God, who did Asciano screw now?" "No, no, he's covered in blood." "Oh good." She sighed and stopped. "The kid is covered in blood and we're relieved. There is something wrong with us." asciano kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
438756f "Diplomacy was never my strong suit and my patience had run dry. I crouched and called out, "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty." [...] "Kitty, kitty?" asked a level male voice.[...] "What kind of woman greets the Beast Lord with 'here, kitty, kitty'?" he asked. "One of a kind". I murmered the obvious reply." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
cbb8827 "You're going to take him on by yourself?" Curran's voice asked at my side. He sounded amused. "If I wait any longer, I won't go in," I said. My knees tembled. My teeth chattered in my mouth. He grabbed me and kissed me. The kiss sent a wave of heat from my lips all the way to my toes. Curran's eyes laughed. "For luck," he whispered, his breath a hot cloud on my ear. I broke free and wiped my mouth on the back of my hand. "When we're done with the upir," I growled, "I'll give you that fight you've been wanting." "Much better," Curran said. "If you lovebirds are done," Nick said. "Get out of my way." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
daa1d06 "So how was it?" she asked. "Kissing Curran?" "I can't let him kiss me again, because if he does, I'll sleep with him." Andrea blinked. "Well," she said finally, "At least you know where you stand." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
f43962c She had wailed loudly enough to wake the dead and make them call the cops. humor kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
ef44a41 "I have a vamp body for you," Andrea said. "It's in the freezer." I gave her a nice smile. "You shouldn't have." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
611a11c In there?' She nodded. 'You want us to go into the tortoise?' Another nod. 'It's alive.' Another nod. kate kate-daniels magic-burns tortoise Ilona Andrews
232cf10 "I've been assigned to bodyguard you." Derek snorted. Ascanio pretended not to hear it. "The Beast Lord spoke to me this morning. I'm responsible for your well-being, and if you get injured, I'll answer to him personally." Oh, that bastard. Found the kid an impossible job, did he? Derek laughed quietly. Ascanio finally deemed it necessary to acknowledge Derek's existence. "Is something funny?" "I don't even know you, and I feel sorry for you." derek kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
15c92c2 "Why is everyone calling me Consort?" "Jim designated you as Consort in official papers. You don't want to be called Mate, calling you Alpha is confusing, and 'Beast Lady' makes people laugh." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
2f3e268 "Bran grabbed my hand,pulled me to a chest, and swung the heavy lid open. A white cloth covered the contents. He jerked it aside. Human heads filled the chest. "Oh God." He scooped a mummified head from the chest by a scalp lock and thrust it at me. "All of them are mine." This was officially the weirdest version of "come down to my place and I'll show you some etchings" I've ever been hit with." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
dbe3041 "Who is there with you?" "Raphael" Kate's voice snapped. "I'll be in Atlanta in three hours. Where are you?" "I said it's nothing major." "Bullshit. You wouldn't work with Raphael unless the Apocalypse was imminent and that was the only way to prevent it." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
5cdca8c "Because that's what it would catch in the wild, a boar, right? I can't wait to see a pack of bunnycats take down a wild hog with those short tiny legs. Wouldn't the boar be surprised?" Everybody was a comedian. "May be if I oink loud enough, it'll leap across the beam and try to devour me." humor kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
5bce551 "He stepped forward. "We've been together a year. How many times have you seen me hunt?" Umm. "How many times, Kate?" "None." "That's because I don't hunt. I'm a male lion. I weigh six hundred pounds. Do you really expect me to scamper through the brush after deer? When I want a steak, I want a damn steak." humor kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
b0b2ce5 The decorator of Las Colimas must have been a great admirer of both early Aztec and late Taco Bell architectural styles. kate kate-daniels las-colimas magic-bites styles Ilona Andrews
07494d8 "Ascanio..." "Yes, Consort?" "I think you misunderstand the whole nature of what it means to be an employee. We have a job to do; we are doing it. Or I'm doing it, and you're making it more difficult." "I'm not an employee. I'm an intern." "Try to be a silent intern." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
e410480 "Please relay my greetings to the Beast Lord," I said. "I appreciate his willingness to alter his extremely busy schedule and make and appearance." Curran show no emotion. No gloating, no anger, nothing at all. Jim looked at me, looked at Curran, looked back at me again. "Kate says hi," he said finally. "I'm ecstatic," Curran said." jim kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
98932f7 "And Raphael will be joining us," Andrea said. "So you get twice the backup. Nobody will be killing you on our watch." So that was what this was all about. I got a cookie after all. "Aww. I had no idea you cared. I'm touched." "You should be." Andrea bit another bacon slice. "I'm willing to abandon the tender embrace of my future mother-in-law for your sake." "About that," Aunt B said. "I'm coming, too." Dear God, the cookie was poisoned." 12% in 'Magic Rises' by Ilona Andrews" aunt-b humour kate-daniels poisoned-cookie Ilona Andrews
e565fba "Curran growled. "Later, babycakes." Asshole. "Good hunting, sugar woogums." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
013d16f "This was heaven. "Hey, baby," Hugh said. Heaven just got canceled." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
bf930e9 "Are you waiting for a clue to fall on your head?" Derek asked. "Yep. Tell me if you see one coming." "Nope." "My super mental powers must be getting rusty." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
f4c389e "It must be very tiring for the Consort," Lorelei said next to me. [...] "Perhaps a mount could be brought...?" Lorelei suggested. Out of a corner I saw both Barabas and George freeze. "Thank you for your concern. I can manage." "Please, it's no trouble at all. You could hurt yourself. I know that even something minor like a twisted ankle would present a big problem for a human..." "We wouldn't want you to struggle to keep up." Okay, she went too far. I gave her a nice big smile. Curran's face snapped into a neutral expression. "We just got here, baby. It's too early for you to start killing people." kate-daniels lorelei Ilona Andrews
92a3f15 "What's so funny?" "Your panties have a bow," he said. I looked down. I was wearing a short tank top -not mine- and my blue panties with a narrow white strip of lace at the top and a tiny white bow. Would it have killed me to check what I was wearing before I pulled the blanket down? "What's wrong with bows?" "Nothing." He was grinning now. "I expected barbed wire. Or one of those steel chains." Wiseass. "I'm secure enough in myself to wear panties with bows on them. Besides, they are comfy and soft." "I bet." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
8bf4dc4 Beautiful I would never be. Striking, that I could manage. kate-daniels magic-bites Ilona Andrews
15fa4d8 "Andrea, in less than twelve hours, Atlanta will be full of demons. They will kill, feed, and release more demons. What emergency is more important than this one? She hesitated. "I'm not supposed to disclose this. There's a man. His name is Roland..." I almost punched the wall. "What is he doing that's so damn crucial? What, is he building another tower? It will fall like all his other ones. Or did his eye finally grow back and he decided to have a battle to celebrate?" kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
40a9e04 "What is the connection between you and our handsome host? Aunt B asked. Blackberries taste much worse when they try to come back up your throat. "Uhhh..." "Uhhh is not an answer," Keira informed me. Andre must not have told her about Hugh, and I had no desire to explain who my dad was. "We never met but we were trained by the same person. Now he works for a very powerful man who will kill me if he finds me." "Why?" Keira asked. "It's a family thing." "That explains the attraction," Aunt B said. "Attraction?" "You're that thing he can't have. It's called forbidden fruit." "I'm not his fruit!" "He thinks you are. The word you're looking for is "smitten," my dear." Aunt B smiled. "I'm sure the way Megobari looked at you made Curran positively giddy." forbidden-fruit hugh-d-ambray kate-daniels keira Ilona Andrews
85690e9 On the other hand it was bad manners to look a gift horse in the mouth. Even if you're getting it from an overweight cracker in a fringe shirt. gift-horse ilona-andrews kate kate-daniels magic-bites ted Ilona Andrews
f50a88b "There are only two things that can screw this up for us: you and me." "Then we're doomed for sure." -- kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
4826550 "Kate? What the hell are you doing here?" "I live here." "Why?" "Because I'm with him now." Dagfinn looked at Curran. "You and her are...?" "She's my mate," Curran said. Dagfinn swung his axe onto his shoulder. The runes sparked with pale green. "Well, how about that? You know what, I don't care, I'll still beat your ass, but I like her so I won't kill you." Curran's eyes turned gold. "Thanks." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
d1539cc "Don't do this to yourself," he said. "It's a cycle, Kate. We fight for the Pack, they fight for us. We bleed, they bleed. Sometimes people die. Everyone who came with me came of their own free will. The knew where we were going. They all knew there was a good chance that not everybody would make it out. This isn't the first fight or the last. People will sacrifice themselves for us again, and we'll do the same. I don't know how bad the future will be, but I promise you, we'll deal with it. You and I. Together." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
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8abe9c8 So. You refuse my money, you serve me thirty-year-old Highland Park scotch, and we've been in the same room for approximately five minutes, yet none of my bones are broken. This leads me to believe that your back is against the wall and you desperately need me for something. I'm dying to know what that is. kate-daniels saiman Ilona Andrews
932b6d6 "She crouched with her hand out. What the hell was she doing... "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty." Oh my God, she was retarded and I was going to kill Jim. She blinked and stared at me. She'd seen my eyes glow. I let go, shifting in the dark into my true form in the dark. If you want a Kitty, little girl, I'll give you one you'll never forget. I stepped into the moonlight. She froze. That's right. No sudden moves. I padded toward her slowly and circled her allowing her take it all in. Do you like the kitty now? I could smell her surprise and fear. Our gazes met. Her eyes went wide and then she fell on her ass. Heh. A bow would have been sufficient." humor ilona-andrews kate-daniels kitty-kitty Ilona Andrews
7a686d3 Curran smiled. It was a happy, genuine smile and it catapulted him from attractive into irresistible territory. He didn't smile very often in public. That intimate smile was usually reserved for private moments when we were alone. I pulled the band off my still-damp braid and slid my fingers through it, unraveling the hair. Curran's gaze snagged on my hands. He focused on my fingers like a cat on a piece of foil pulled by a string. I shook my head and my hair fell over my shoulders in a long dark wave. There we go. Now we were both private in public. kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
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c5b68f2 "I was a knight," Andrea said. "I'm not just going to start shooting every dickhead who mouths off to me." "Just making sure." "Besides, if I shot him, I'd do it so nobody could trace it back to me. I'd shoot him somewhere remote, his head would explode like a melon, and they would never find his body. He would just vanish." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
eaa0fb6 "Curran lunged at a silver Bentley. The hood went flying. He thrust his hand into the car. Metal screamed, and Curran jerked a twisted clump out of the hood and smashed it into the nearest car like a club. "Did he just rip out the engine?" I asked. "Yes," Saiman said. "And now he's demolishing the Maserati with it." Ten seconds later Curran hurled the twisted wreck of black and orange that used to be the Maserati into the wall. The first melodic notes of an old song came from the computer. I glanced at Saiman. He shrugged. "It begged for a soundtrack." kate-daniels saiman Ilona Andrews
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e37b0ac "His beard was nonexistent, except for a carefully trimmed goatee that met his mustache on both sides of his mouth. The overall effect was decidedly villainous. He needed a black horse and a barbarian horde to lead. That or a crew of cutthroats, a ship with blood-red sails, and some knucklehead heroine to lust after. "Look, I've had a bad day. How about you just walk away from my Jeep?" The volhv smiled wider, flashing even white teeth. If he started stroking his beard, I'd have to kill him on principle."He raised his hand to his goatee. That does it. "Yeah. And what's with the beard and the horse mane? You look like Rent-a-Villain." kate-daniels kate-humor roman Ilona Andrews
7e80ce3 "The black volhv pivoted to me. "I have questions." "Can it wait?" "No. Your wedding is in two weeks. Have you prepared your guest list?" "Why do I need a list? I kind of figured that whoever wanted to show up would show up." "You need a list so you know how many people you are feeding. Do you have a caterer?" "No." "But you did order the cake?" "Umm..." "Florist?" "Florist?" "The person who delivers expensive flowers and sets them up in pretty arrangements everyone ignores?" "No." Roman blinked. "I'm almost afraid to ask. Do you at least have the dress?" "Yes." "Is it white?" "Yes." He squinted at me. "Is it a wedding dress?" "It's a white dress." "Have you worn it before?" "Maybe." Ascanio snickered." "The ring, Kate?" Oh crap. Roman heaved a sigh. "What do you think this is, a party where you get to show up, say 'I do,' and go home?" "Yes?" That's kind of how it went in my head." ilona-andrews kate-daniels magic-bites Ilona Andrews
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f2e3f52 "Ghastek, why haven't you married?" I asked. He gave me a thin-lipped smile. "Because if I were to get married, I would want to have a family. To me, marriage means children." "So what's the problem? Shooting blanks?" Desandra asked. Kill me." ghastek kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
1d1038a "I leaned forward slightly and pulled the lower lid of my left eye down. "What the f**k?" the stocky, muscular woman behind Tremblay murmured. Not a melee fighter. She stood flat on her feet, planted like a tree, and carried no weapons. "She's asking you if you can see the care in her eye." Saiman said helpfully." kate-daniels saiman Ilona Andrews
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6a013cb "The vampire gagged. The muscles of its neck constricted, widened, constricted again, and it disgorged a six-inch-long metal cylinder onto my desk. The bloodsucker grasped it, twisted the cylinder's halves apart, and retrieved a roll of papers. "Photographs," Ghastek said, handing me a couple of sheets from the roll. "That's disgusting." "He is thirty years old," Ghastek said. "All his internal organs, with the exception of the heart, atrophied long ago. The throat makes for a very good storage cavity. People seem to prefer it to the anus." Translation: be happy I didn't pull it out of my ass. Thank the gods for small favors." kate-daniels vampire Ilona Andrews
6837d27 "When alone in a dark forest waiting for an audience with an evil god, the most prudent course of action is to be quiet and wait. 'Prudent' wasn't one of my favourite words. "Hello? I've come to borrow a cup of sugar. Anybody? Perhaps there is an old woman with a house made of candy who could help me?" "Marrying for love isn't wise." The voice came from somewhere to the left. Melodious, but not soft, definitely female and charged with a promise of hidden power. Something told me that hearing her scream would end very badly for me. I stopped and pivoted toward the voice. "Marry for safety. Marry for power. But only fools marry for love." When a strange voice talks to you in the black woods, only idiots answer. I was that idiot. "Thank you, counsellor. How much do I owe you for this session?" ilona-andrews kate-daniels magic-bites Ilona Andrews
9c4eda7 "Saiman reached into the trunk and pulled out a pink tulle tutu. "No." "Yes." "It won't fit." "Elastic waistband," Saiman said. "It will fit." Curran's grin was pure evil. "Don't you dare," I told him. "It's too bad the magic is up," he said. "I'd take pictures." "Shut up." "Have no fear, Alpha," Ascanio said. "We'll tell no one." Kill me, somebody. Saiman held out the tulle skirt to me. "Maybe it will work without it." "Don't be ridiculous." "If I put this on, it will be ridiculous." Saiman waved the pink tutu in front of me. Fine. I snatched it out of his hands and pulled it on over my hips. Ascanio collapsed into a moaning heap of laughter. "Now what?" curran kate-daniels saiman Ilona Andrews
b69de69 "Doolittle stopped and looked at me. For a moment he looked stricken, and then he crossed his arms. "There will be none of that, now. You are my fines work. If I ever go to one of those medmage conferences they keep inviting me to, I will take you with me. Look!" He held his hands out toward me. "Bone dragons, sea demons, rakshasas, and worst of all, our own people, and these magic hands kept her alive through it all. Look at her walk! You can't even see the limp anymore. As long as you don't open your mouth, you will appear as a perfect example of a healthy adult female. With your history, they'll be calling me a miracle worker." I snickered." kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
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4d652f0 "The skull sat on top of an old Stop sign. Someone had painted the surface of the octagon white and written KEEP OUT across it in large jagged letters. A reddish-brown splatter stained the bottom edge, looking suspiciously like dried blood. I leaned closer. Yep, blood. Some hair, too. Human hair. Curran frowned at the sign. "Do you think he's trying to tell us something?" "I don't know. He's being so subtle about it." ilona-andrews kate-daniels magic-bites Ilona Andrews
6689b5e Streetlamps and security lights blazed hot in the confined lane, giving the mist a purple-blue glow. Pike stopped outside Dru's house. A few windows glowed dull ocher in the surrounding houses, but most were dark and all were quiet. No one was awake. Even Jared's window was dark. Pike kate-daniels Robert Crais