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28e22ab A story has no beginning or end: arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead. beginning creative-process end storytelling writing Graham Greene
2625f5c When I buy a new book, I always read the last page first, that way in case I die before I finish, I know how it ends. That, my friend, is a dark side. dark-side die end finish first humor know last-page read Nora Ephron
3ce3e0f I keep turning over new leaves, and spoiling them, as I used to spoil my copybooks; and I make so many beginnings there never will be an end. (Jo March) beginnings end fresh-start new-leaf start-over try-again Louisa May Alcott
3c9c52a It is better to lock up your heart with a merciless padlock, than to fall in love with someone who doesn't know what they mean to you. affair apart breakdown breakup celibacy celibate chaste cheating courage divorce end enstrangement falling-in-love falling-in-love-with-a-beast final-decision key lock-up love-affair mercilless michael-bassey-johnson padlock parting sea single Michael Bassey Johnson
ada97dc End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path. One that we all must take. end journey life path J.R.R. Tolkien
1f37d7b "Promise me you'll marry me. Not now. Someday. Because I need to know." Claire felt a flutter inside, like a bird trying to fly, and a rush of heat that made her dizzy. And something else, something fragile as a soap bubble, and just as beautiful. Joy, in the middle of all this horror and heartbreak. "Yes," she whispered back. "I promise." And she kissed him, and kissed him, and kissed him, while the sun came up and bathed Morganville in one last, shining day." end love shane-collins Rachel Caine
f226408 Go on till you come to the end; then stop. begin beginning end go-on hearts king stop wonderland Lewis Carroll
bb33e4b So the world ended. And the next one began. They were infinite. They were the beginning and the ending; they were eternity. end eternity infinity Sarah J. Maas
e5dd3f7 There are endings. There are beginnings. Sometimes they coincide, with the ending of one thing marking the beginning of another. But sometimes there is simply a long space after an ending, a time when it seems everything else has ended and nothing else can ever begin. beginning coincide depression empty end ending initiate lead loss mark mourn mourning numb passage show sign sorrow space start time Robin Hobb
7a034b8 "Glaring at the Gasman, ter Borcht said, "Your time is coming to an end, you pathetic failure of an experiment. Vhat you say now is how you vill be remembered." Gazzy's blue eyes flashed. "Then you can remember me telling you to kiss my-" "Enough!" ter Borcht said." badass cool-response death end funny gazzy-i-love-u good-guy lol James Patterson
ca4e706 "All's well that ends well.' 'Assuming there's an end somewhere,' Aomame said. Tamaru formed some short creases near his mouth that were faintly reminiscent of a smile. 'There has to be an end somewhere. It's just that nothing's labeled "This is the end." Is the top rung of a ladder labeled "This is the last rung. Please don't step higher than this'?" Aomame shook her head. 'It's the same thing,' Tamaru said. Aomame said, 'If you use common sense and keep your eyes open, it becomes clear enough where the end is.' Tamaru nodded. 'And even if it doesn't' -- he made a falling gesture with his finger -- 'the end is right there." common-sense end endings eyes-wide-open hope hopelessness keep-going-keep-your-eyes-open ladder suicide Haruki Murakami
fefc112 Dans chaque fin, il y a un debut. end Libba Bray
10be694 "That part of your life is over. Set it aside as something you have finished. Complete or no, it is done with you. No being gets to decide what his life is "supposed to be"...'Be a man. Discover where you are now, and go on from there, making the best of things. Accept your life, and you might survive it. If you hold back from it, insisting this is not your life, not where you are meant to be, life will pass you by. You may not die from such foolishness, but you might as well be dead for all the good your life will do you or anyone else." aside be complete dead decide destiny discover done end fate finish forget forgo future good honesty life meant not over part past path present section set survive to truth Robin Hobb
2fd241a When the end comes, I will meet it raging. death end george r.r. martin
06a0fac May you tear each other to bits, you damned hyenas, and the quicker the better. Let it be destroyed. Let it happen. Let it end, this cold insanity. destruction end hyenas insanity tear Jean Rhys
22ad072 Well, this is basically the end, so the answers should be in these next few pages. I doubt they will surprise you, but you never know. I don't know how smart or thick you are. You could be Albert Einstein for all I know, or some literary prizewinner, or maybe you're just middle of the road like me. answers end know middle-of-the-road pages smart surprise Markus Zusak
5041432 Fussing over food was important. It gave a shape to the day: breakfast, lunch, dinner; beginning, middle, end. breakfast cooking daily-life dinner end food lunch middle Robert Hellenga
0b579c5 The two of us in that room. No past, no future. All intense deep that-time-only. A feeling that everything must end, the music, ourselves, the moon, everything. That if you get to the heart of things you find sadness for ever and ever, everywhere; but a beautiful silver sadness, like a Christ face. beauty christ deep end ending ever everywhere feeling future heart intense moon music ourselves past sad sadness silver John Fowles
4b795b6 It will never end. Till the world ends in the chaos of Ragnarok, we will fight for our women, for our land, and for our homes. Some Christians speak of peace, of the evil of war, and who does not want peace? But then some crazed warrior comes screaming his god's filthy name into your face and his only ambitions are to kill you, to rape your wife, to enslave your daughters, and take your home, and so you must fight. chaos christians daughters end enslave evil face fight god home kill must name peace ragnarok rape take war warrior wife world Bernard Cornwell
faf577b An answer is always a form of death. death end John Fowles
7b99d9f Well, that was the end of me, the real end. Two pound ten every Tuesday and a room of the Gray's Inn Road. Saved, rescued and with my place to hide in - what more did I want? I crept in and hid. The lid of the coffin shut down with a bang. Now I no longer wish to be loved, beautiful, happy or successful. I want one thing and one thing only - to be left alone. No more pawings, no more pryings - leave me alone. beautiful coffin end happy hide left-alone love rescued room saved successful wish Jean Rhys
b7936d6 "The Sun Going South In late sunshine I wander troubled. Restless I wander in autumn sunlight. Too many changes, partings, and deaths. Doors have closed that were always open. Trees that held the sky up are cut down. So much that I alone remember! This creek runs dry among its stones. Souls of the dead, come drink this water! Come into this side valley with me, end troubled ursula-k-le-guin Ursula K. Le Guin
bdf22c0 Once upon a time the fairy tales begin. But then they end and often you don't know really what has happened, what was meant to happen, you only know what you've been told, what the words suggest. end fairy-tales suggest words Joyce Carol Oates
429e5af Reading yourself as a fiction as well as a fact is the only way to keep the narrative open - the only way to stop the story from running away under its own momentum, often towards an ending no one wants. end fiction life reading stories Jeanette Winterson
0fbd180 "Furono trovati tra tutte quelle carcasse raccapriccianti due scheletri di cui uno teneva l'altro strettamente abbracciato. Uno di questi due scheletri, che era quello di una donna, aveva ancora qualche brandello di una veste la cui stoffa doveva essere stata bianca e intorno al collo una collana di adrezarach con un sacchettino di seta, ornato di vetri verdi, che era aperto e vuoto. Quegli oggetti avevano cosi poco valore che senza dubbio il boia non li aveva voluti. L'altro, che teneva questo primo scheletro strettamente abbracciato, era lo scheletro di un uomo. Fu notato che aveva la colonna vertebrale deviata, la testa nelle scapole, e una gamba piu corta dell'altra. Non aveva pero alcuna rottura di vertebre alla nuca, ed era evidente che non era stato impiccato. L'uomo al quale apparteneva era dunque andato la, e la vi era morto. Quando si cerco di staccarlo dallo scheletro che abbracciava, si disfece in polvere. " - Notre-Dame de Paris, V. Hugo" end ending esmeralda finale fine notre-dame-de-paris polvere quasimodo Victor Hugo
5915692 The way you remember or dream about your loved ones - the ones who are gone - you can't stop their endings from jumping ahead of the rest of their stories. You don't get to choose the chronology of what you dream, or the order of events in which you remember someone. In your mind - in your dreams, in your memories - sometimes the story begins with the epilogue. death end family friends inspiration life love memories memory nostalgia relationships thoughts John Irving
59846d7 As much as I had always longed to be freed of my duties and obligations, being released from such bonds was as much a severing as an emancipation. duties duty emancipation end freedom obligation outcome reality release responsibilities responsibility sever ties truth Robin Hobb
27d2d34 Her failure didn't matter, because at least she'd been true to her impossible dream until the very end. dreams end failure inspirational nothing-is-impossible trying-hard Ruth Ozeki
68dd477 But I can sit here with my dwindling days and look at what I think is important in life. I have both the time - and the reason - to do that. dying end ill important life reason think time Mitch Albom
49d4e9b That was the end of his driving.. That was the end of his walking free.. That was the end of his privacy.. And that was the end of his secret. change disease end ill life normal terminal Mitch Albom
f5757dc Is this what comes at the end, I wondered? Maybe death is the great equaliser, the one big thing that can finally make strangers shed a tear for one another. empathy end equal equaliser feel shed stranger tear Mitch Albom
9219d1d Up to a decade or two ago, the system production-nature (man's productive-exploitative relationship with nature and its resources) was perceived as a constant, whereas everybody was busy imagining different forms of the social organization of production and commerce (Fascism or Communism as alternatives to liberal capitalism); today, as Fredric Jameson perspicaciously remarked, nobody seriously considers possible alternatives to capitalism any longer, whereas popular imagination is persecuted by the visions of the forthcoming 'breakdown of nature', of the stoppage of all life on earth - it seems easier to imagine the 'end of the world' than a far more modest change in the mode of production, as if liberal capitalism is the 'real' that will somehow survive even under conditions of a global ecological catastrophe. catastrophe ecological end exploitation global humanity liberal nature world Slavoj Žižek