But it was not the room's disorder which was frightening; it was the fact that when one began searching for the key to this disorder, one realized that it was not to be found in any of the usual places. For this was not a matter of habit or circumstance or temperament; it was a matter of punishment and grief.
He found himself in a room not unlike the shop. All books again, packed tight on shelves or laying in piles on every surface. It was a cozy room, for all that ; it smelled of warm, rich words and very deep thoughts.
The air of those rooms was saturated with the fine bouquet of a silence so nourishing, so succulent, that I never went into them without a sort of greedy anticipation, particularly on those first mornings, chilly still, of the Easter holidays, when I could taste it more fully because I had only just arrived in Combray[...]
Well, that was the end of me, the real end. Two pound ten every Tuesday and a room of the Gray's Inn Road. Saved, rescued and with my place to hide in - what more did I want? I crept in and hid. The lid of the coffin shut down with a bang. Now I no longer wish to be loved, beautiful, happy or successful. I want one thing and one thing only - to be left alone. No more pawings, no more pryings - leave me alone.
"Bye-bye." Walker flaps his hand up and down. I think I'll give him a hug. I do it too fast and knock him down, he bangs on the train table and cries. "I'm so sorry," Grandma keeps saying, "my grandson doesn't -- he's learning about boundaries--" "No harm done," says the first man. They go off with the little boy doing one two three whee swinging between them, he's not crying anymore. Grandma watches them, she's looking confused. "Remember," she says on the way to the white car, "we don't hug strangers. Even nice ones." "Why not?" "We just don't, we save our hugs for people we love." "I love that boy Walker." "Jack, you never saw him before in your life."