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ab973d3 I have lots of things to teach you now, in case we ever meet, concerning the message that was transmitted to me under a pine tree in North Carolina on a cold winter moonlit night. It said that Nothing Ever Happened, so don't worry. It's all like a dream. Everything is ecstasy, inside. We just don't know it because of our thinking-minds. But in our true blissful essence of mind is known that everything is alright forever and forever and forever. Close your eyes, let your hands and nerve-ends drop, stop breathing for 3 seconds, listen to the silence inside the illusion of the world, and you will remember the lesson you forgot, which was taught in immense milky way soft cloud innumerable worlds long ago and not even at all. It is all one vast awakened thing. I call it the golden eternity. It is perfect. We were never really born, we will never really die. It has nothing to do with the imaginary idea of a personal self, other selves, many selves everywhere: Self is only an idea, a mortal idea. That which passes into everything is one thing. It's a dream already ended. There's nothing to be afraid of and nothing to be glad about. I know this from staring at mountains months on end. They never show any expression, they are like empty space. Do you think the emptiness of space will ever crumble away? Mountains will crumble, but the emptiness of space, which is the one universal essence of mind, the vast awakenerhood, empty and awake, will never crumble away because it was never born. born die empty letter mountain soul space Jack Kerouac
6c60267 Alone, I often fall down into nothingness. I must push my foot stealthily lest I should fall off the edge of the world into nothingness. I have to bang my head against some hard door to call myself back to the body. empty emptyness nothingness Virginia Woolf
af08859 This was something she would keep hidden within herself, maybe in place of the knot of pain and anger she had been carrying under her breastbone...a security blanket, an ace up her sleeve. She might never use it, but she would always feel its presence like a swelling secret stone, and that way when she let go of the rage, she would not feel nearly as empty. empty heartbreak picoult rage secret security Jodi Picoult
9c92375 You can exist without your soul, you know, as long as your brain and heart are still working. But you'll have no sense of self anymore, no memory, no . . . anything. There's no chance at all of recovery. You'll just -- exist. As an empty shell. And your soul is gone forever . . . lost. dementors-kiss empty existence remus-lupin soul J.K. Rowling
0358a63 If she spoke, she would tell him the truth: she was not okay at all, but horribly empty, now that she knew what it was like to be filled. drama empty fiction filled jodi-picoult love mystery novel okay plain-truth say speak tell truth Jodi Picoult
56bbd33 "Do we not each dream of dreams? Do we not dance on the notes of lost amnesia androids apocalypse carrack cityisle cityspire count damnation death desolate dreams emily-dickinson empty fedora ghosts gothic greek-mythology haunting haunts horace-walpole jazz life magic magick mannequins masquerade music phillip-k-dick piano poems puddles rain reflections romance sacrifice science-fiction sex shakespeare ships songs specters spectre storms tempest waking water Nathan Reese Maher
a8278c6 I lived my grief; I slept mourning and ate sorrow and drank tears. I ignored all else. death depression empty forget grief hollow ignore life loss mourn mourning numb pass-by sorrow tears Robin Hobb
e17fd53 "There is a stillness between us, a period of restlessness that ties my stomach amnesia androids apocalypse carrack cityisle cityspire count damnation death desolate dreams emily-dickinson empty fedora ghosts gothic greek-mythology haunting haunts horace-walpole jazz life magic magick mannequins masquerade music phillip-k-dick piano poems puddles rain reflections romance sacrifice science-fiction sex shakespeare ships songs specters spectre storms tempest waking water Nathan Reese Maher
c6fb3bf In an instant all will vanish and we'll be alone once more, in the midst of nothingness. empty Samuel Beckett
e5dd3f7 There are endings. There are beginnings. Sometimes they coincide, with the ending of one thing marking the beginning of another. But sometimes there is simply a long space after an ending, a time when it seems everything else has ended and nothing else can ever begin. beginning coincide depression empty end ending initiate lead loss mark mourn mourning numb passage show sign sorrow space start time Robin Hobb
f73679a Slowly, even though I thought it would never happen, New York lost its charm for me. I remember arriving in the city for the first time, passing with my parents through the First World's Club bouncers at Immigration, getting into a massive cab that didn't have a moment to waste, and falling in love as soon as we shot onto the bridge and I saw Manhattan rise up through the looks of parental terror reflected in the window. I lost my virginity in New York, twice (the second one wanted to believe he was the first so badly). I had my mind blown open by the combination of a liberal arts education and a drug-popping international crowd. I became tough. I had fun. I learned so much. But now New York was starting to feel empty, a great party that had gone on too long and was showing no sign of ending soon. I had a headache, and I was tired. I'd danced enough. I wanted a quiet conversation with someone who knew what load-shedding was. drugs empty headache immigration liberal-arts load-shedding manhattan new-york party tired Mohsin Hamid
55c70a4 I have become a sour woman. I take no joy in meat nor mead, and song and laughter have become suspicious strangers to me. I am a creature of grief and dust and bitter longings. There is an empty place within me where my heart was once. catelyn emptiness empty grief longing sour woman George R.R. Martin
4b414cf The problem with making a virtual world of oneself is akin to the problem with projecting ourselves onto a cyberworld: there's no end of virtual spaces in which to seek stimulation, but their very endlessness, the perpetual stimulation without satisfaction, becomes imprisoning. boredom cyber cyberworld david-foster-wallace depression dissatisfaction distractions emptiness empty endlessness facebook facebook-addiction facebook-quotes filler first-world-problems jonathan-franzen loneliness lonely problems robinson-crusoe satisfaction solitary solitude stimulation suicide virtual void Jonathan Franzen
2cb476e "History doesn't start with a tall building amnesia androids apocalypse carrack cityisle cityspire count damnation death desolate dreams emily-dickinson empty fedora ghosts gothic greek-mythology haunting haunts horace-walpole jazz life magic magick mannequins masquerade music phillip-k-dick piano poems puddles rain reflections romance sacrifice science-fiction sex shakespeare ships songs specters spectre storms tempest waking water Nathan Reese Maher
934fde2 She fitted in my arms, she always had, and the shock of holding her caused me to feel that my arms had been empty since she had been away. empty feelings hug love woman James Baldwin
c4fb77c He thought perhaps it was a woman's way, to come out of such a storm of emotion and pain as if she were a ship emerging onto calm seas. She had seemed, not at peace, but emptied of sorrow. As if she had run out of that particular emotion and no other one arose to take its place. cold depression devastation disappointment emotion empty numb pain peace sadness ship sorrow storm tragedy way woman Robin Hobb
81419c3 No, I don't think I've been defiled. But I haven't been saved, either. There's nobody who can save me right now, Mr. Wind-Up Bird. The world looks totally empty to me. Everything I see around me looks fake. The only thing thay isn't fake is that gooshy thing inside me. empty fake haruki-murakami may-kasahara sad Haruki Murakami
d24a683 I'm going to go pee. If the universe is bigger and stranger than I can imagine, it's best to meet it with an empty bladder. bigger bladder empty imagine meet pee stranger universe John Scalzi
b7e28bc ...there was no point in sighing after what I could not have. It only distracted me from what I did have. distract empty fond fondness have miss remember reminiscence seek sigh sorrow want Robin Hobb
6e9cbf3 "She leaves my side and heads deeper into amnesia androids apocalypse carrack cityisle cityspire count damnation death desolate dreams emily-dickinson empty fedora ghosts gothic greek-mythology haunting haunts horace-walpole jazz life magic magick mannequins masquerade music phillip-k-dick piano poems puddles rain reflections romance sacrifice science-fiction sex shakespeare ships songs specters spectre storms tempest waking water Nathan Reese Maher
4c8d46b "That's a stupid name! Whirly-gig is much better, I think. Who in their right mind would point at this thing and say, 'I'm going to fly in my Model-A1'. amnesia androids apocalypse carrack cityisle cityspire count damnation death desolate dreams emily-dickinson empty fedora ghosts gothic greek-mythology haunting haunts horace-walpole jazz life magic magick mannequins masquerade music phillip-k-dick piano poems puddles rain reflections romance sacrifice science-fiction sex shakespeare ships songs specters spectre storms tempest waking water Nathan Reese Maher
a9887f4 It was a high ceilinged room with tall, large-panes windows. Apart from the doorway was the desk where book had been checked out in days when books were still being checked out. He stood there for a moment looking around the silent room, shaking his head slowly. All these books, he thought, the residue of a planet's intellect, the scrapings of futile minds, the leftovers, the potpourri of artifacts that had no power to save men from perishing. apocalypse books dead death decay empty library metaphor zombies Richard Matheson
0e7e577 I look for places like me: big, hollow, forgotten by almost everyone. emptiness empty loneliness sadness Jodi Picoult
143f035 I think I'm going to cut down on my dating,' Annie said. 'I used to need a lot of attention. You know, to make up for that empty feeling inside. But boys aren't always the answer. dating empty sweet-valley Francine Pascal
080c3c2 "...I love you," he said to her, although at that point he was certain she could no longer comprehend the words. "I'd trade places with you in an instant, Mandy Valems... you never deserved this... why would anyone do something so terrible!?" A cold chill froze his heart when he saw her empty eyes again. The fluorescent lights in the dim room sparked to life all of a sudden, brightness so sharp that it startled him. In a flash, sharp and sudden, quicker than a lightning strike, the bulbs flickered and exploded with a few jingling pops." bulb death depressing dim electricity empty explode eyes fluorescent friendship grief heart hospital i-love-you lobotomy loss love mental-hospital psychosurgery tragic Rebecca McNutt