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c4e75e6 Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living. You said I killed you--haunt me then. The murdered do haunt their murderers. I believe--I know that ghosts have wandered the earth. Be with me always--take any form--drive me mad. Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! It is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul! haunting heathcliff love malediction restlessness Emily Brontë
c62b710 Heaven is comfort, but it's still not living. haunting imaginative inspirational murder personal-growth rape family Alice Sebold
d2c79db We're all of us haunted and haunting. haunting Chuck Palahniuk
7dd3914 He never sleeps, the judge. He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die. haunting literature Cormac McCarthy
aa9c54a "Ghosts don't haunt us. That's not how it works. They're present among us because we won't let go of them." "I don't believe in ghosts," I said, faintly. "Some people can't see the color red. That doesn't mean it isn't there," she replied." haunting perception Sue Grafton
56bbd33 "Do we not each dream of dreams? Do we not dance on the notes of lost amnesia androids apocalypse carrack cityisle cityspire count damnation death desolate dreams emily-dickinson empty fedora ghosts gothic greek-mythology haunting haunts horace-walpole jazz life magic magick mannequins masquerade music phillip-k-dick piano poems puddles rain reflections romance sacrifice science-fiction sex shakespeare ships songs specters spectre storms tempest waking water Nathan Reese Maher
e17fd53 "There is a stillness between us, a period of restlessness that ties my stomach amnesia androids apocalypse carrack cityisle cityspire count damnation death desolate dreams emily-dickinson empty fedora ghosts gothic greek-mythology haunting haunts horace-walpole jazz life magic magick mannequins masquerade music phillip-k-dick piano poems puddles rain reflections romance sacrifice science-fiction sex shakespeare ships songs specters spectre storms tempest waking water Nathan Reese Maher
2cb476e "History doesn't start with a tall building amnesia androids apocalypse carrack cityisle cityspire count damnation death desolate dreams emily-dickinson empty fedora ghosts gothic greek-mythology haunting haunts horace-walpole jazz life magic magick mannequins masquerade music phillip-k-dick piano poems puddles rain reflections romance sacrifice science-fiction sex shakespeare ships songs specters spectre storms tempest waking water Nathan Reese Maher
e02e441 Ghosts could walk freely tonight, without fear of the disbelief of men; for this night was haunted, and it would be an insensitive man who did not know it. haunting John Steinbeck
6e9cbf3 "She leaves my side and heads deeper into amnesia androids apocalypse carrack cityisle cityspire count damnation death desolate dreams emily-dickinson empty fedora ghosts gothic greek-mythology haunting haunts horace-walpole jazz life magic magick mannequins masquerade music phillip-k-dick piano poems puddles rain reflections romance sacrifice science-fiction sex shakespeare ships songs specters spectre storms tempest waking water Nathan Reese Maher
c233642 You are so vulnerably haunting; Your eeriness is terrifyingly irresistible. haunting letters Franz Kafka
d63f455 I am stupid, am I not? What more can I want? If you ask them who is brave--who is true--who is just--who is it they would trust with their lives?--they would say, Tuan Jim. And yet they can never know the real, real truth.... anxiety-disorders burden cowardly emotional-wounds guilty-conscience haunted haunting hypocrisy monster-under-the-bed monsters-of-men ptsd secret self-hate sinful-nature why-we-need-jesus wounded-souls wounds-to-the-heart Joseph Conrad
4c8d46b "That's a stupid name! Whirly-gig is much better, I think. Who in their right mind would point at this thing and say, 'I'm going to fly in my Model-A1'. amnesia androids apocalypse carrack cityisle cityspire count damnation death desolate dreams emily-dickinson empty fedora ghosts gothic greek-mythology haunting haunts horace-walpole jazz life magic magick mannequins masquerade music phillip-k-dick piano poems puddles rain reflections romance sacrifice science-fiction sex shakespeare ships songs specters spectre storms tempest waking water Nathan Reese Maher
99c5c19 "I've seen how cigarettes went from being advertised in every type of media to being something found to be deadly... they can't kill me no matter how many of them I smoke but I've seen humans die from smoking them... if I were you I would stop smoking them." "Why should I? You smoke 'em all the time, you chain-smoke cigarettes," Mandy pointed out. "Yeah, I started doing that back in the Sixties... for reasons you likely saw on those VHS tapes... but I'm not a person, I'm Pollution, things like that aren't dangerous to me but they are to you," Alecto told her. "It's not a good idea." attack blast-from-the-past cancer chain-smoke cigar cigarette creepy deadly depress depression disturbing education eerie gray grief haunting health horror knowledge loss no-smoking past pollution retro scary self-help sick smog smoke spooky times tobacco trapped vhs-tape video Rebecca McNutt
13007d7 It had begun to be present to him after the first fortnight, it had broken out with the oddest abruptness, this particular wanton wonderment: it met him there--and this was the image under which he himself judged the matter, or at least, not a little, thrilled and flushed with it--very much as he might have been met by some strange figure, some unexpected occupant, at a turn of one of the dim passages of an empty house. The quaint analogy quite hauntingly remained with him, when he didn't indeed rather improve it by a still intenser form: that of his opening a door behind which he would have made sure of finding nothing, a door into a room shuttered and void, and yet so coming, with a great suppressed start, on some quite erect confronting presence, something planted in the middle of the place and facing him through the dusk. haunted-house haunting Henry James
f564a34 ...though leaving him always to remark, portentously, on his probably having formed a relation, his probably enjoying a consciousness, unique in the experience of man. People enough, first and last, had been in terror of apparitions, but who had ever before so turned the tables and become himself, in the apparitional world, an incalculable terror? He might have found this sublime had he quite dared to think of it; but he didn't too much insist, truly, on that side of his privilege. haunting Henry James
2f34910 "Five actors playing allotted parts on a set stage; and now he, for whom no part had been written, had walked onto the stage unexpectedly, because one of the players had turned rebel, as she had once before. He threw everything out of focus, and them into a fever. The heat and intensity of these flying questions was enough to make a man with even partially trained clairvoyant faculties feel as if he sat in a room filled with flashing fireflies. He took warning and withdrew himself to a cold inner isolation, as he knew how to do, even while laughing and talking with surface ease. It would not do to let his mind become clouded with emotion; or open any door of his imagination. But the impressions that came across that safer inner distance did not make his companions seem less dramatic, more normal: they were still out of focus. Something about the picture was distorted, even to a clear vision. The sense of evil was as strong as ever although the lurking Presence seemed to have retreated into a far background. He saw presently what the distortion was. Their modern figures were somehow incongruous in the old house, not at home. Like actors who had somehow got onto the wrong stage, onto sets with which their voices and costumes clashed. Interlopers. Or else-actors of an old school dressed up in an unbecoming masquerade. Witch House was an old house. Not old as other houses are old, that remain beds of the continuous stream of life, of marriages and births and deaths, of children crying and children laughing, where the past is only part of the pattern, root of the present and the future. Joseph de Quincy, dead nearly a quarter of a thousand years, was still its master: he had been strong, so strong that no later personality could dim or efface him here where he had set his seal. "He left his evil here when he could no longer stay himself," Carew thought. "As a man with diphtheria leaves germs on the things he has handled, the bed he has lain in. Thoughts are tangible things; on their own plane they breed like germs and, unlike germs, they do not die. He may have forgotten; he may even walk the earth in other flesh, but what he has left here lives." As probably it had been meant to do. For the man whose malignance, swollen with the contributions of the centuries, still ensouled these walls would not have cared to build a house or found a family except as a means to an end. Witch House was set like a mold, steeped in ritual atmosphere as a temple. Dangerous business, for who could say that such a temple would not find a god? There are low, non-human beings that coalesce with and feed on such leftover forces: lair in them." evil-thoughts haunting hauntings Evangeline Walton
bd2a2ac Out on the lawn, Bunny had just knocked Henry's ball about seventy feet outside the court. There was a ragged burst of laughter; faint, but clear, it floated back across the evening air. That laughter haunts me still. donna-tartt haunting laughter melancholy sad the-secret-history Donna Tartt
eb923db "Dzelat mi prilazi i kaze: "Spustite glavu na panj i rasirite ruke kad budete spremni, gospo." Poslusno spustam ruke na panj i nespretno kleknem na travu. Osecam njen miris pod kolenima. Osecam bol u ledima i cujem krik galebova i neciji plac. A onda odjednom, bas kad se spremim da spustim celo na hrapavu povrsinu panja i rasirim ruke da dam znak krvniku da moze da udari, odjednom me preplavljuje talas radosti i zudnje za zivotom, i kazem: "Ne." Prekasno je, dzelat je vec zamahnuo sekirom iznad glave, vez je spusta, ali ja kazem: "Ne" i ustajem, pridrzavajuci se za panj da se osovim na noge. Osetim strahovit udarac na potiljku, ali gotovo nikakav bol. Silina udarca obara me na zemlju i ja ponavljam "Ne", i odjednom me obuzima buntovnicki zanos. Ne pristajem na volju ludaka Henrija Tjudora, ne spustam krotko glavu na panj i nikada to necu uraditi. Boricu se za svoj zivot i vicem "Ne!", pokusavajuci da ustanem i "Ne", kad osetim novi udarac, "Ne" dok puzem po travi, a krv mi lipti iz rane na vratu i glavi i zaslepljuje me, ali ne gusi moju radost u borbi za zivot iako mi on izmice, i svedocenju, do poslednje g casa, o zlu koje Henri Tjudor nanosi meni i mojima. "Ne!", vicem. "Ne! Ne! Ne" death dying execution haunting henry-viii intriguing last-words margaret-pole philippa-gregory Philippa Gregory
1ab3e06 The splendor of that moment, its transcendent glory and aliveness, haunted him. He could thrust it aside by day, but it poisoned his dreams by night, calling to him and pleading with him to unlock the chains he'd bound about it. aliveness berserker chain chains desire dreams glory haunt haunted haunting moment nightmare pleading rage splendor unlock yearn David Weber