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da7f2db This thing about looking for someone less different... It only really worked, he realized, if you were convinced that being you wasn't so bad in the first place. love nick-hornby self-hate Nick Hornby
b4bdcd1 Thanks to our artists, we pretend well, living under canopies of painted clouds and painted gods, in halls of marble floors across which the sung Masses paint hope in deep impatsi of echo. We make of the hollow world a fuller, messier, prettier place, but all our inventions can't create the one thing we require: to deserve any fond attention we might accidentally receive, to receive any fond attention we don't in the course of things deserve. We are never enough to ourselves because we can never be enough to another. Any one of us walks into any room and reminds its occupant that we are not the one they most want to see. We are never the one. We are never enough. expectations falling-below-expectations never-enough requirements self-hate Gregory Maguire
1a4b730 "Do you know that feeling? When everything you do seems like a struggle. Where you dont wanna leave the house because you know everyone is judging you. Where you cant even ask for directions in fear that they critise you. Where everyone always seems to be picking out your flaws. That feeling where you feel so damn sick for no reason. Do you know that feeling where you look in the mirror and completly hate what you see. When you grab handfuls and handfuls of fat and just want to cut it all off. That feeling when you see other beautiful girls and just wish you looked like them. When you compare yourself to everyone you meet. When you realise why no one ever showed intrest in you. That feeling where you become so self conscious you dont even turn up at school. That feeling when you feel so disappointed in who you are and everything you have become. That feeling when every bite makes you wanna be sick. When hunger is more satifying that food. The feeling of failure when you eat a meal. Do you know that feeling when you cant run as far as your class. Fear knowing that everyone thinks of you as the"Unfit FAT BITCH" That feeling when you just wanna let it all out but you dont wanna look weak. The fear you have in class when you dont understand something but your too afraid to ask for help. The feeling of being to ashamed to stand up for yourself. depression depression-quotes depression-recovery school self-harm self-hate teenagers Anonymous.
5e1beaf [...] falling in love with someone beautiful and intelligent and the rest of it, then feeling like a blank twit put you at something of a disadvantage. love nick-hornby self-hate Nick Hornby
d63f455 I am stupid, am I not? What more can I want? If you ask them who is brave--who is true--who is just--who is it they would trust with their lives?--they would say, Tuan Jim. And yet they can never know the real, real truth.... anxiety-disorders burden cowardly emotional-wounds guilty-conscience haunted haunting hypocrisy monster-under-the-bed monsters-of-men ptsd secret self-hate sinful-nature why-we-need-jesus wounded-souls wounds-to-the-heart Joseph Conrad
752c450 And yet is not mankind itself, pushing on its blind way, driven by a dream of its greatness and its power upon the dark paths of excessive cruelty and of excessive devotion. And what is the pursuit of truth, after all? ambitious-minds ambitious-people driven fall fear fire grace haunted human-condition humanity idlesness mankind pride self-hate self-loathing self-motivated truth Joseph Conrad
f11f30d She had said he had been driven away from her by a dream,--and there was no answer one could make her--there seemed to be no forgiveness for such a transgression. And yet is not mankind itself, pushing on its blind way, driven by a dream of its greatness and its power upon the dark paths of excessive cruelty and of excessive devotion. And what is the pursuit of truth, after all? ambitious-minds ambitious-people driven fall fear fire grace haunted human-condition humanity idlesness mankind pride self-hate self-loathing self-motivated truth Joseph Conrad
dabe36e The more I disliked myself the more wretched I grew. The difference now was that this mood did not manifest itself in sullen silence; I merely made use of my barbed tongue to wound them and spoil their pleasure. bad-behaviour mean projection self-distancing self-hate Victoria Holt
6ed78c9 Men who believe that the way to the mind is not by way of ice picks through the brain or large dosages of dangerous medicine but through an honest reckoning of the self. broken-hearted confess delusion denial happy heal healing honesty hope life love pathetic recover rigourous-honesty scars self-hate tragic treatment wound Dennis Lehane