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0c43eaa "I can't sleep," he says so quietly that only I can hear. "I can't sleep. I can't sleep. I can't sleep." "Nor I." "You neither?" "No." "Truly?" "Yes." He sighs a deep sigh, as if he is relieved. "Is this love then?" "I suppose so." "I can't eat." "No." "I can't think of anything but you. I can't go on another moment like this; I can't ride out into battle like this. I am as foolish as a boy. I am mad for you, like a boy. I cannot be without you; I will not be without you. Whatever it costs me." I can feel my color rising like heat in my cheeks, and for the first time in days I can feel myself smile. "I can't think of anything but you," I whisper. "Nothing. I thought I was sick." The ring like a crown is heavy in my pocket, my headdress is pulling at my hair; but I stand without awareness, seeing nothing but him, feeling nothing but his warm breath on my cheek and scenting the smell of his horse, the leather of his saddle, and the smell of him: spices, rosewater, sweat. the-white-queen white-queen the-cousins-war philippa-gregory Philippa Gregory
b9ad71a "I don't know how much we will rise," I say stoutly. "And I have no fear of falling. He looks at me. "You are ambitious to rise?" "We are all on fortune's wheel," I say. "Without a doubt we will rise. We may fall. But still I have no fear of it." the-lady-of-the-rivers wheel-of-fortune the-cousins-war philippa-gregory Philippa Gregory
eb923db "Dzelat mi prilazi i kaze: "Spustite glavu na panj i rasirite ruke kad budete spremni, gospo." Poslusno spustam ruke na panj i nespretno kleknem na travu. Osecam njen miris pod kolenima. Osecam bol u ledima i cujem krik galebova i neciji plac. A onda odjednom, bas kad se spremim da spustim celo na hrapavu povrsinu panja i rasirim ruke da dam znak krvniku da moze da udari, odjednom me preplavljuje talas radosti i zudnje za zivotom, i kazem: "Ne." Prekasno je, dzelat je vec zamahnuo sekirom iznad glave, vez je spusta, ali ja kazem: "Ne" i ustajem, pridrzavajuci se za panj da se osovim na noge. Osetim strahovit udarac na potiljku, ali gotovo nikakav bol. Silina udarca obara me na zemlju i ja ponavljam "Ne", i odjednom me obuzima buntovnicki zanos. Ne pristajem na volju ludaka Henrija Tjudora, ne spustam krotko glavu na panj i nikada to necu uraditi. Boricu se za svoj zivot i vicem "Ne!", pokusavajuci da ustanem i "Ne", kad osetim novi udarac, "Ne" dok puzem po travi, a krv mi lipti iz rane na vratu i glavi i zaslepljuje me, ali ne gusi moju radost u borbi za zivot iako mi on izmice, i svedocenju, do poslednje g casa, o zlu koje Henri Tjudor nanosi meni i mojima. "Ne!", vicem. "Ne! Ne! Ne" death margaret-pole philippa-gregory intriguing haunting henry-viii last-words execution dying Philippa Gregory
c58ed10 You've got ice between your legs, Meridon. All you ever want there is a horse. meridon philippa-gregory wideacre sexuality horses Philippa Gregory