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004d7e7 "Vhat ozzer abilities do you haf?" ter Borcht snapped, which his assistant waited, pen in hand. Gazzy thought. "I have X-ray vision," he said. He peered at ter Borcht's chest, then blinked and looked alarmed. Ter Borcht was startled for a second, but then he frowned. "Don't write dat down," he told his assistant in irritation. The assistant froze in midsentence. "You. Do you haf any qualities dat distinguish you in any way?" Nudge chewed on a fingernail. "You mean, like, besides the WINGS?" She shook her shoulders gently, and her beautiful fawn-colored wings unfolded a bit. His face flushed, and I felt like cheering. "Yes," he said stiffly. "Besides de vings." "Hmm. Besides de vings." Nudge tapped one finger against her chin. "Um..." Her face brightened. "I once ate nine Snickers bars in one sitting. Without barfing. That was a record!" "Hardly a special talent," ter Borcht said witheringly. Nudge was offended. "Yeah? Let's see YOU do it." ... "I vill now eat nine Snickers bars," Gazzy said in a perfect, creepy imitation of ter Borcht's voice, "visout bahfing." Iggy rubbed his forehead with one hand. "Well, I have a highly developed sense of irony." Ter Borcht tsked. "You are a liability to your group. I assume you alvays hold on to someone's shirt, yes? Following dem closely?" "Only when I'm trying to steal their dessert" james-patterson lol maximum ride snickers James Patterson
2ad648b "Everyone thinks you've been kidnapped," he said. "We've been scouring the ship. When Coach Hedge finds out- oh, gods, you've been here all night?" "Frank!" Annabeth's ears were as red as strawberries. "We just came down here to talk. We fell asleep. Accidentally. That's it." "Kissed a couple of times," Percy said. Annabeth glared at him. "Not helping!" funny humor kissing lol oh-my-god-percy otp-foreva Rick Riordan
1735e32 "Leo," Hazel gasped, "I can't--my arms--" "Hazel," he said. "Do you trust me?" "No!" "Me neither," Leo admitted." humor leo-i-love-you-ok lol trust Rick Riordan
8ab1515 "(Jace) "Is there anything special you want to see? Paris? Budapest? The Leaning Tower of Pisa?" Only if it falls on Sebastian's head, she thought." clary-fray jace lol sebastian Cassandra Clare
97d5158 "(Sebastian) "See, there you go. You're always looking at me like that." clary-fray jonathan-morgenstern lol sebastian Cassandra Clare
e264f40 "Are you two you know?" Jacob pointed at us. " " I didn't get a chance to answer. Cam spun me around and kissed me, right there between the two buildings. It was no friendly peck on the lips. When our tongues touched, my bag slipped off my arm and hit the frosted ground. "Holy crap," Jacob muttered. "I think they're going to make babies." cam funny j-lynn jacob jacob-massen jennifer-l-armentrout lol wait-for-you Jennifer L. Armentrout
98f4897 "Clary?" he thought. Her voice came through, tinged with alarm. "What is it? What's happened? Did my mom find out I'm gone?" "Not yet," he thought back. "Is Azazel the cat from the Smurfs?" There was a long pause. "That's Azrael, Simon. And no more using the magic rings for Smurfs question." clary-fray lol simon smurfs Cassandra Clare
786807b "When I was alive, I mean the first time, Mussolini was in charge. We were at war." "Mussolini?" Leo frowned. "Wasn't he like BFFs with Hitler?" hazel-levesque leo-valdez lol Rick Riordan
6f313fc "The king picked up his goblet, swirling the wine inside. 'I didn't receive word that your legion was here.' "They're not." Chaol braced for the execution order, praying he wouldn't be the one to do it. The king said, "I told you to bring them, General." "Here, I was thinking you wanted the plesure of my company." aedion-ashryver general-aedion insolence king-of-adarlan lol sassiness sassy wolf Sarah J. Maas
793748a "Coach," Annabeth said, "it was an accident. We were talking, and we fell asleep." "Besides," Percy said, "you're starting to sound like Terminus." Hedge narrowed his eyes. "Is that an insult, Jackson? 'Cause I'll-I'll Terminus you, buddy!" -- humor lol percy-i-love-you-bye roman terminus Rick Riordan
36378e5 "It's a training camp," Leo realized. He looked at Aphros in awe. "You train heroes, the same way Chiron does?" Aphros nodded, a glint of pride in his eyes. "We have trained all the famous mer-heroes! Name a merhero, and we have trained him or her!" "Oh, sure," Leo said. ", the Little Mermaid?" humor lol omg-leo-ashjagshja Rick Riordan
deeeb6c "Shigure Sohma: So anyway I was wondering if you could stop by the house and take a look at Tohru's cut. That is if it isn't a problem. Hatori Sohma: No problem. I'll stop by the house this evening. Shigure Sohma: Hmmm What's this Hatori I don't think I ever heard you sound so eager to come over. Could it be you have a secret crush on Tohru [long silence from the other end of the phone] Shigure Sohma: [shouts] I knew it You naughty naughty man you dog dragon fruits-basket funny hatori lol shigure tohru Natsuki Takaya
61cbb07 "Sam's hand brushed her shoulder, and she almost jumped out of her skin as he brought his mouth close to her ear and murmured, "You look beautiful. Though I bet you already know that." She most certainly did." humor humour humourous lol Sarah J. Maas
dcd581f "Claire found herself staring at his feet, which were in bunny slippers. Myrnin looked down. "What?" he asked. "They're quite comfortable." He lifted on to look at it, and the ears wobbled in the air. "Of course they are," she said. Just when she thought Myrnin was getting his mental act together, he'd do something like that. Or maybe he was just messing with her. He liked to do that, and his dark eyes were fixed on her now, assessing just how weirded-out she was. Which, on the grade scale of zero to Myrnin, wasn't much." funny lol morganville-vampires vamps Rachel Caine
f39b83b (...) : Oh, David, I would trust you with my life! Oh, Jonathan, I would sacrifice my own life for your holy mission! (He almost does) : (weeping) David, you must return to me! I need you! I cannot do this thing without you! : Lo, I return! clary fanfic lol simon the-shadowhunters-codex tmi Cassandra Clare
188ba3a Sorry. Sorry. Don't hit. Bitches be scary when they hit. haha hit j-lynn jacob jennifer-l-armentrout lmfao lol wait-for-you Jennifer L. Armentrout
8b343d1 "My name," I tell Wilbur in the most dignified voice I can find, "Was inspired by Harriet Quimby, the first female American pilot and the first woman ever to cross the Channel in an aeroplane. My mother chose it to represent freedom and bravery and independence, and she gave it to me just before she died." There's a short pause while Wilbur looks appropriately moved. Then Dad says, "Who told you that?" "Annabel did." "Well, it's not true at all. You were named after Harriet the tortoise, the second longest living tortoise in the world." There's a silence while I stare at Dad and Annabel puts her head in her hands so abruptly that the pen starts to leak into her collar. " ," she moans quietly. "A ?" I repeat in dismay. "I'm named after a ? What the hell is a tortoise supposed to represent?" "Longevity?" lol tortoise Holly Smale
bd81dec "Kyo Sohma: One of these days I'll make you say you're sorry Yuki Sohma: looking bored I'm sorry. Kyo Sohma: Dammit That's not what I meant Don't you have any shame Yuki Sohma: still looking annoyed Yes I'm ashamed to be seen with you shouting in public. fruits-basket funny kyo lol yuki Natsuki Takaya
37de017 In the old legends, Arachne had gotten into trouble because of pride. She'd bragged about her tapestries being better than Athena's, which had led to Mount Olympus's first reality TV punishment program: 'So You Think You Can Weave Better Than a Goddess?' Arachne had lost in a big way. athena funny humor lol wicked Rick Riordan
6c1ec56 "He nuzzled my neck, inhaling deeply. "Mmm. You smell so good." "Oh, yeah," I said, smirking. "I call this new perfume 'Le Jungle grime et tropical BO.' " "Dirt and sweat. Very sexy." humor lol love otp qué-romántico James Patterson
90ce716 Oh, my dear! I'm afraid you've mistaken me for someone else! My name is Rhea Silvia. I was the mother to Romulus and Remus, thousands of years ago. But you're so kind to think I look as young as the 1950s. audrey-hepburn funny lol percy-jackson rhea-silvia Rick Riordan
281822a "Okay, so, flying," I started, taking a deep breath and focusing on the thing I loved most in the world. "Flying is ... great. It feels great when you're doing it. It's fun. Pure freedom. There's nothing better." Dylan smiled, a slow, easy smile that seemed to light up his whole face. "So the first thing we're going to do," I told him, "is push you off the roof." funny humor lol smile smooth smooth-max wings James Patterson
dfcecdc "He rolled his eyes and took my hand. His hand was hard and calloused, tough with muscle and old scars. The night settled around us like a blanket. I could hear the water lapping against the dock. We were totally alone. "You're . . . ," he began, and I waited, heart throbbing in my throat. "Such a pain," he concluded. "What?" I asked, just as his head swooped in and his mouth touched mine. I tried to speak, but one of Fang's hands held the back of my head, and he kept his lips pressed against me, kissing me softly but with a Fanglike determination. Oh, jeez, I thought distractedly. Jeez, this is Fang, and me, and . . . Fang tilted his head to kiss me more deeply, and I felt totally lightheaded. Then I remembered to breathe through my nose, and the fog cleared a tiny bit. Somehow we were pressed together, Fang's arms around me now, sliding under my wings, his hands flat against my back. It was incredible. I loved it. I loved him. It was a total disaster. Gasping, I pulled back. "I, uh--," I began oh so coherently, and then I jumped up, almost knocking him over, and raced down the dock. I took off, flying fast, like a rocket." -- best-friends brb-dying confusion feelings friendship funny holding-hands jealousy kiss lol love night otp pain pals weird wings James Patterson
56018ae "Which brings me to the point of this call." Thank God, baby Jesus, and the Holy Ghost." -- j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout lol wait-for-you Jennifer L. Armentrout
7bbe6de "Fang swerved closer to me, big and supremely graceful, like a black panther with wings. Oh, God. I'm so stupid. Forget I just said that. "He needs a Band-Aid," I said. A look passed between me and Fang, full of suppressed humor, relief, understanding,love -- Forget I said that too. I don't know what's wrong with me." flying friendship funny humor lol love relief understanding wings James Patterson
50c23d2 A classroom . People trying to stick me in classrooms was becoming as predictable and annoying as people trying to kill me, but with less-fun results. humor lol school James Patterson
a19ee35 "It's okay, Ig." said Fang. "Just give it your best shot." Sometimes the Fangster is incredibly supportive, just not with me." fang iggy lol maximum-ride James Patterson
e2f1cde "Easy for you to say. You're the one who got plowed. I was doing the plowing." Cam's mouth opened. Oh my God, did I really just say that? I had." cam funny haha jennifer-l-armentrout lol wait-for-you Jennifer L. Armentrout
572c6e3 There you have it: our lives in a nutshell. Emphasis on nut. funny life lol nuts James Patterson
7a034b8 "Glaring at the Gasman, ter Borcht said, "Your time is coming to an end, you pathetic failure of an experiment. Vhat you say now is how you vill be remembered." Gazzy's blue eyes flashed. "Then you can remember me telling you to kiss my-" "Enough!" ter Borcht said." badass cool-response death end funny gazzy-i-love-u good-guy lol James Patterson
941c02f I never thought I'd hear myself say it, but safety first! funny harrypotter lol safety weasley weasleytwins J.K. Rowling
7d61dd4 "I found this, though," Gazzy said excitedly, holding up a small green box. "Gas-X! Like, 'X' for explosion! This is great! I'm thinking I rig this with a detonator and-" "Did you find that in the medicine cabinet?" Dylan asked. "Yeah." "It's for upset stomachs," Dylan said, trying to hide a smile. He pointed to the words on the box. "It's to reduce gas in you digestive system, not to create more gas to make explosions." Gazzy's face fell as Iggy said, "Really? Gazzy, take it! Take the whole box!" funny gas humor iggy-i-love-you lol James Patterson
7754bf6 Does she realize she looks like a sunflower, ready to rain sunlight on all who look down upon her? lol Simone Elkeles
2d0f66f "Everybody in!" I said. Which was when we discovered the final problem. Little Echos aren't designed to hold six, count them six, larger-than-average-sized children. And their wings. And a dog. "This is like a clown car," Total grumbled front my lap in the front seat. "Why does the dog get to sit in your lap?'' Gazzy asked plaintively, as we rattled and banged down the dark streets. "How about a kid?" "Oh. 'The dog.' Very nice," said Total. "Because you're not allowed to have people on your lap in the front seats," I explained. "It's not safe. If a cop saw us, we'd be stopped for sure. You want Total back there?" Everyone in the back screamed no at the same time." dog funny lol talking-dog James Patterson
383f9b5 "You were at the party on Friday night, weren't you?" I didn't mentioned I'd followed him into the woods. He leaned back in his chair, his legs sprawled out. His boots nudged the bottom ruffle of my skirt. "Aye." Aye? Seriously? Could he be any hotter? Unless he had been looking for his girlfriend at the party. Not hot. "I was supposed to meet my cousin," he elaborated, "but I didn't find her," Hot again." jo lol rock-guy stolen-away Alyxandra Harvey
3771d09 "Not saving you from this storm, mutant," he said. "Saving you for your later fate, we are." His voice was weirdly inflected and metallic, like an automated answering machine. "Oh, good. Yoda captured us," Fang whispered." lol machine mutant robot star-wars yoda James Patterson
87fc769 I am near fourteen and have never yet seen a hanging. My life is barren. death hanging life lol teenagers the-more-things-change Karen Cushman
265ab1c If you turn into a hideous monster and I am sent to slay you, I will remember this and make it as painless as I can, out of respect for you. funny humor lol sanya the-dresden-files Jim Butcher
11cb189 "I want to do it too!" said Gazzy, sitting very, very quietly, completely motionless. "Nope," said Nudge, shaking her head. "You stand out like a fart in church." fart funny lol powers James Patterson
09f31ab "Just before his lips reached hers, she jerked her head back to whip it forward into his nose. A kiss. Distinct cracking sounded. With his nose pouring blood, he squeezed her upper arms, "Holly, what the fuck--" Using all her strength, she hiked her knee up between his legs. His hands flew to cup his groin as his knees met the ground. "You're right, Cadeon." She dusted off her hands. "That really fun." best-heroines cade demon holly lol Kresley Cole
700bfbb "I look like prep school Barbie," Nudge complained, as she entered the kitchen. She caught sight of me in my uniform and looked mollified. "Actually, like prep school Barbie. I'm just Barbie's " lol max nudge school James Patterson
572bd08 "You have terminated me," one of them said in a strange, flat voice. "But I am one of many." "Robots!" Iggy breathed, taking Total from Angel. "One of many, one of many, one of many," the robot Eraser was saying. Now Nudge saw the red light in its eyes, saw how they were fading and winking out. bombs fight flying funny lol repeating robot James Patterson
c745eb3 You wouldn't recognize a good thing if it was spanking your ass. lol rydstrom Kresley Cole
37e7e51 Angelique Sookie, toi qui es la beaute et la grace incarnees, pardonne-moi. Je suis accable a l'idee que cette menade malfaisante et demoniaque ait pu oser violenter ce corps parfait et voluptueux qui est le tien, dans l'intention de faire parvenir un message a mon indigne et miserable personne. lol Charlaine Harris
219ecbc They have provided a system which for terse comprehensiveness surpasses Justinian's Pandects and the By-laws of the Chinese Society for the Suppression of Meddling with other People's Business. chinese-society funny justinian laws lol melville mind-your-own-business moby-dick pandects Herman Melville
9ebea32 "Bloody hell," Phillip finally burst out. "If you're going to break my legs, would you just go ahead and do it now?" lol Julia Quinn
c376503 Twenty minutes later, I caught sight of Barack across the room, in the grips of what looked to be an endless conversation with the woman, who was doing a large portion of the talking. He shot me a look, implying that he'd like to be rescued. But he was a grown man. I let him rescue himself. lol Michelle Obama
b41c71c Preserved pufferfish. Former flounders. Ex-eels. lol Sy Montgomery
69959a7 I started rubbing my temples and she suggested I don't really get headaches. It just hurts me to think. lol sarcasm Kelley Armstrong