Humanity is not without answers or solutions regarding how to liberate itself from scenarios that invariably end with mass exterminations. Tools such as compassion, trust, empathy, love, and ethical discernment are already in our possession. The next sensible step would be to use them.
What holds true for the individual holds true for a society. It is never static; if it does not grow, it decays; if it does not transcend the status quo for the better, it changes for the worse. Often we, the individual or the people who make up a society, have the illusion we could stand still and not alter the given situation in the one or the other direction. This is one of the most dangerous illusions. The moment we stand still, we begin to decay.
Evidently, I'd suffered an epiphany: the subconscious realization that when it comes to coolness, nothing the human race has ever invented is more cool than a book.
"Are you considering becoming a creative person? Too late, you already are one. To even call somebody "a creative person" is almost laughably redundant; creativity is the hallmark of our species. We have the sense for it; we have the curiosity for it; we have the opposable thumbs for it; we have the rhythm for it; we have the language and the excitement and the innate connection to divinity for it. If you're alive, you're a creative person. You and I and everyone you know are descended from tens of thousands of years of makers. Decorators, tinkerers, storytellers, dancers, explorers, fiddlers, drummers, builders, growers, problem-solvers, and embellishers--these are our common ancestors."
El mayor de todos los males es el poder_ contesto el sumo pontifice_, y es nuestro deber borrar cualquier deseo de poder de los corazones y las almas de los hombres. Esa es la mision de la Iglesia, pues es la lucha por el poder lo que hace que los hombres se enfrentan unos a otros. Ahi radica el mal de nuestro mundo; siempre sera un mundo injusto, siempre sera un mundo cruel para los menos afortunados. Quien sabe,,, Es posible que dentro de quinientos anos los hombres dejen de matarse entre si. Feliz dia sera aquel en el que ocurra. Pero el poder forma parte de la misma naturaleza del hombre. Igual que forma parte de la naturaleza de la sociedad que, para mantener unidos a sus subditos, por el bien de su Dios y d su nacion, un rey tenga que mandar ahorcar a quienes no obedezcan su ley. ?Pues como, si no, podria doblegar la voluntad de su subditos? Ademas, no debemos olvidar que la naturaleza humana es tan insondable como el mundo que nos acoge y que no todos los demonios temen el agua bendita.
A time before Flanders and Auschwitz had shown that, given the means of killing and the opportunity to use them, the species, far from being a pinnacle in creation, was actually lower on the scale than all others in its genus or family.