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ae51c4b When people see some things as beautiful beauty evil good inspirational lao-tzu tao-te-ching worldview Lao Tzu
5477896 "I incline to Cain's heresy," he used to say quaintly: "I let my brother go to the devil in his own way." cain damnation fratricide worldview Robert Louis Stevenson
6758fc3 LESBIANS are women who prefer their own ways to male ways. LESBIANS prefer the convoluting halls of sensuality to direct goal-pursuing mores. LESBIANS have made a small world deep within and separated from the world. What has usually been called the world is the male world. lesbians world worldview Kathy Acker
8293a6a I'd made it back to the land of the living. No matter how boring or mediocre a world it might be, this was it. worldview Haruki Murakami
df597ee People from different parts of the world can respond to the same story if it says something to them about their own history and their own experience. nigeria south-korea worldview Chinua Achebe
d3bd47e [Buddhism and Christianity] are in one sense parallel and equal; as a mound and a hollow, as a valley and a hill. There is a sense in which that sublime despair is the only alternative to that divine audacity. It is even true that the truly spiritual and intellectual man sees it as sort of dilemma; a very hard and terrible choice. There is little else on earth that can compare with these for completeness. And he who does not climb the mountain of Christ does indeed fall into the abyss of Buddha. belief beliefs compare comparison contrast darkness death life opposites philosophy religion worldview G.K. Chesterton
43730b6 A beetle may or may not be inferior to a man -- the matter awaits demonstration; but if he were inferior by ten thousand fathoms, the fact remains that there is probably a beetle view of things of which a man is entirely ignorant. If he wishes to conceive that point of view, he will scarcely reach it by persistently revelling in the fact that he is not a beetle. worldview G.K. Chesterton
ea3e16c There are several other sources of enjoyment in a long voyage, which are of a more reasonable nature. The map of the world ceases to be a blank; it becomes a picture full of the most varied and animated figures. Each part assumes its proper dimensions: continents are not looked at in the light of islands, or islands considered as mere specks, which are, in truth, larger than many kingdoms of Europe. Africa, or North and South America, are well-sounding names, and easily pronounced; but it is not until having sailed for weeks along small portions of their shores, that one is thoroughly convinced what vast spaces on our immense world these names imply. travel worldview Charles Darwin
a8c2bb6 Evidently, I'd suffered an epiphany: the subconscious realization that when it comes to coolness, nothing the human race has ever invented is more cool than a book. coolness humanity-and-society invention literature worldview Tom Robbins
e854603 Spirituality isn't some quaint stepchild of an intelligent worldview, or the only option for those of us not smart enough to understand the facts of the real world. Spirituality reflects the most sophisticated mindset, and the most powerful force available for the transformation of human suffering. belief-system beliefs conscious-living facing-facts faith forces-of-nature healing-abuse healing-the-emotional-self healing-the-past healing-trauma human-suffering intellectualism intelligent intelligent-people mindset outlook-on-the-world overcoming-adversity-quotes power-of-love power-of-thoughts real-world realism reality smart-people sophisticated spiritual-living spiritual-quotes spiritual-wisdom spirituality stepchild suffering suffering-of-humanity worldview worldview-quotes Marianne Williamson
89759e2 Men are moved most by their religion; especially when it is irreligion. religion worldview G.K. Chesterton
c81b296 Unfortunately in this world of ours, each person views things through a certain medium, which prevents his seeing them in the same light as others... perspective view worldview Alexandre Dumas
c06b2c1 "Moshup made this island He dragged his toe through the water and cut this land from the mainland." He went on then, with much animation, to relate a fabulous tale of giants and whales and shape-shifting spirits. I let hi speak, because I did not want to vex him, but also because I liked to listen to the story as he told it, with expression and vivid gesture. Of course, I thought it all outlandish. But... it came to me that our story of a burning bush and a parted sea might also seem fabulous, to one not raised up knowing it was true." relative-truth worldview Geraldine Brooks
777c837 The present importance of the Book of Job cannot be expressed adequately even by saying that it is the most interesting of ancient books. We may almost say of the Book of Job that it is the most interesting of modern books. In truth, of course, neither of the two phrases covers the matter, because fundamental human religion and fundamental human irreligion are both at once old and new; philosophy is either eternal or it is not philosophy. The modern habit of saying, 'This is my opinion, but I may be wrong,' is entirely irrational. If I say that it may be wrong I say that is not my opinion. The modern habit of saying 'Every man has a different philosophy; this is my philosophy and its suits me'; the habit of saying this is mere weak-mindedness. A cosmic philosophy is not constructed to fit a man; a cosmic philosophy is constructed to fit a cosmos. A man can no more possess a private religion than he can possess a private sun and moon. philosophy religion truth worldview G.K. Chesterton
bc9eeeb Discipline is aimed at formation for a specific end, and that end is determined by our founding narrative. narrative worldview James K.A. Smith
587585c The world is perhaps ultimately to be defined as a place of suffering. Man is a suffering animal, subject to ceaseless anxiety and pain and fear. iris-murdoch nihilism pessimism suffering the-black-prince the-human-condition the-world worldview Iris Murdoch
bcc0cc9 "But we lost so much in the Prettytime - all the foundations were gone. So we're stuck making it up as we go along!" Tally laughed. "So what else is new, Frizz? Life doesn't come with an instruction manual. So don't tell me that humanity being logic-missing is my fault." worldview Scott Westerfeld
5ebd0d1 From all accounts, it seems the faithful opposition is reduced to Gideon's 300. The day has arrived for Christians to engage the battle...From now on, true Christians will engage the battle of ideas in academy. The time for giving up ground is over. Now we must fight. We must engage the [B]iblical worldview vigorously in the world of great literature. The greatests wars ever fought in history are not those fought by sword or artillery. The greatest battles are engaged in the realm of ideas culture dominion postmillenial postmillenialism worldview Kevin Swanson