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e0cf19f There are a dozen views about everything until you know the answer. Then there's never more than one. truth view C.S. Lewis
14507e3 My father says that there is only one perfect view -- the view of the sky straight over our heads, and that all these views on earth are but bungled copies of it. perception the-sky view E.M. Forster
4f4af64 She opened her curtains, and looked out towards the bit of road that lay in view, with fields beyond outside the entrance-gates. On the road there was a man with a bundle on his back and a woman carrying her baby; in the field she could see figures moving - perhaps the shepherd with his dog. Far off in the bending sky was the pearly light; and she felt the largeness of the world and the manifold wakings of men to labor and endurance. She was a part of that involuntary, palpitating life, and could neither look out on it from her luxurious shelter as a mere spectator, nor hide her eyes in selfish complaining. view window George Eliot
598b29e I walked home, seeing all my doubt from the other side. Have you ever seen that? Like when you go on holiday. On the way back, everything is the same but it looks a little different than it did on the way. It's because you're seeing it backwards. life perception view Markus Zusak
c81b296 Unfortunately in this world of ours, each person views things through a certain medium, which prevents his seeing them in the same light as others... perspective view worldview Alexandre Dumas
ee19ac4 When we view ourselves through the lens of God's Word, we better understand God's love for us and the worth we have in His eyes. christian eyes god inspire lens love men understand value view women word worth Elizabeth George
52501b6 The whole underneath of Paris was an ant nest, Metro tunnels, sewer shafts, catacombs, mines, cemeteries. She'd been down in the city of bones where skulls and femurs rose in yellowing walls. Right down there, win the square before them. through a dinky little entrance, were the Roman ruins like honeycomb. The trains went under the river. There were tunnels people had forgotten about. It was a wonder Paris stood up at all. The bit you saw was only half of it. Her skin burned, thinking of it. The Hunchback knew. Up here in the tower of Notre Dame he saw how it was. Now and then, with the bells rattling his bones, he saw it like God saw it -- inside, outside, above and under -- just for a moment. The rest of the time he went back to hurting and waiting like Scully out there crying in the wind. hidden hunchback-of-notre-dame paris perspective tour view Tim Winton
66df5db Wisdom is the God-given ability to see life with rare objectivity and to handle life with rare stability. christian faith god joy life love objectivity peace point-of-view see stability stable view wisdom Elizabeth George
a5cd52d Habia un no se que de vertiginoso que Emma sentia llegar hasta si, como una emanacion de aquellas vidas amontonadas, y su corazon se henchia profundamente al percibirlo. Era como si las ciento veinte mil almas que alli palpitaban le estuvieran enviando al unisono el vaho de aquellas pasiones que ella les atribuia. Su amor ensanchaba a la vista de aquel espacio y se llenaba con el rumoreo de confusos murmullos que subian hasta ella. Proyectaba su amor hacia fuera, hacia las plazas, los paseos y las calles, y la antigua villa normanda le antojaba una capital desmesurada, una especie de Babilonia por cuyas puertas estaba entrando. Se apoyaba con las dos manos en el borde de la ventanilla y se inclinaba hacia afuera para aspirar la brisa, mientras los tres caballos seguian su galope. emma-bovary nature soul view Flaubert Gustave