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a8f9337 If it's going to be a world with no time for sentiment, it's not a world that I want to live in. inspirational sentiment humanity-and-society Christopher Isherwood
f35c66d The West's post-Holocaust pledge that genocide would never again be tolerated proved to be hollow, and for all the fine sentiments inspired by the memory of Auschwitz, the problem remains that denouncing evil is a far cry from doing good. apathy auschewitz evil genocide good hitler hollow holocaust indifference rwanda sentiment south-sudan sudan talk tolerance west Philip Gourevitch
cdc1eb6 What liars poets and everybody were! They made one think one wanted sentiment. When what one supremely wanted was this piercing, consuming, rather awful sensuality. desire lady-chatterley-s-lover poets sentiment sex D.H. Lawrence
5420b45 For her, sex was nothing more than an itch. And this phsychological and physiological neutrality of hers at once relieved her of so many human emotions and sentiments and desires. Sexual neutrality was the essence of coldness in an individual. It was a great and wonderful thing to be born with. desire emotion neutrality sentiment sex Ian Fleming
8146870 "Has it ever happened to you," Leon went on, "to come across some vague idea of one's own in a book, some dim image that comes to you from afar, and as the completest expression of your own slightest sentiment?" ideas sentiment Gustave Flaubert
5af3f20 "Eko brushed a tear from her eye, and Immo jeered at her, but father held up a hand. "Never mock a tender heart," he said." -- mockery sentiment Orson Scott Card
c466cd7 From early childhood his mother had taught him that to discuss in public a profound emotional experience-which, in the open air, immediately evanesces and fades, and, oddly, becomes similar to an analogous experience of one's interlocutor-was not only vulgar, but also a sin against sentiment. sentiment Vladimir Nabokov
ba7e599 Within he felt that faint stirring of derision for the whole business of life which is the salt of the American mentality. Outwardly they are sentimental and enthusiastic and inwardly they are profoundly cynical. cynicism enthusiasm personality sentiment H.G. Wells
87b6ba8 She(Joan of Arc) put her dreams and her sentiment into her aims, where they ought to be; she put her practicality into her practice. In modern Imperial wars, the case is reversed. Our dreams, our aims are always, we insist, quite practical. It is our practice that is dreamy. dream joan-of-arc practical sentiment G.K. Chesterton
88b9a7d - A sentyment staje sie uciazliwy. W koncu jest cos nazbyt fizycznego w probie zachowania czastki dziecinstwa na swoim mostku. - Nie pan pierwszy sprowadza wiare do zmyslu dotyku. sentiment Vladimir Nabokov
fbd009e We have all heard of these things before. The love letter arriving as the teacup falls. The guitar striking up as the last breath sounds out. I don't attribute it to God or to sentiment. Perhaps it's a chance. Or perhaps chance is just another way to try to convince ourselves that we are valuable. god sentiment serendipity Colum McCann
e6cd549 Lucrezia Borgia couldn't be moved by the sentiment, nor could she forgive the insult. Old woman. Old. sentiment Gregory Maguire