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13dd10a There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me. dignity elizabeth-bennet empowerment fear independence intimidation self-determination strength stubbornness women Jane Austen
0413dd8 Top 15 Things Money Can't Bu character class common-sense dignity happiness health inner-peace inspiration inspirational inspirational-quotes integrity life life-quotes love manners money morals patience respect time trust Roy T. Bennett
d87db97 As long as she thinks of a man, nobody objects to a woman thinking. dignity double-standards empowerment feminism gender hypocrisy intelligence men misogyny self-determination social-norms stereotypes thought women Virginia Woolf
6c767ff A woman knows very well that, though a wit sends her his poems, praises her judgment, solicits her criticism, and drinks her tea, this by no means signifies that he respects her opinions, admires her understanding, or will refuse, though the rapier is denied him, to run through the body with his pen. dignity double-standards empowerment equality feminism gender hypocrisy judgment men misogyny poetry respect women writing Virginia Woolf
07057e7 Self-respect is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grow dignity discipline inspirational self-respect Abraham Joshua Heschel
111fa2e When, however, one reads of a witch being ducked, of a woman possessed by devils, of a wise woman selling herbs, or even of a very remarkable man who had a mother, then I think we are on the track of a lost novelist, a suppressed poet, of some mute and inglorious Jane Austen, some Emily Bronte who dashed her brains out on the moor or mopped and mowed about the highways crazed with the torture that her gift had put her to. Indeed, I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman. dignity empowerment feminism gender history misogyny persecution social-norms suppression witches women women-writers writing Virginia Woolf
eb8cfe2 Anything may happen when womanhood has ceased to be a protected occupation. dignity double-standards empowerment feminism gender hypocrisy inequality misogyny morality protectiveness social-norms stereotypes womanhood women Virginia Woolf
ea2da98 I will remember this, thought Ender, when I am defeated. To keep dignity, and give honor where it's due, so that defeat is not disgrace. And I hope I don't have to do it often. dignity disgrace honor Orson Scott Card
388cfcf Slavery is a sin when whites were put to the yoke, but not the African. All men are created equal, unless we decide you are not a man. dignity race-relations slavery white-people Colson Whitehead
0981305 Since childhood, I'd believed it was important to speak out against bullies while also not stooping to their level. And to be clear, we were now up against a bully, a man who among other things demeaned minorities and expressed contempt for prisoners of war, challenging the dignity of our country with practically his every utterance. I wanted Americans to understand that words matter--that the hateful language they heard coming from their TVs did not reflect the true spirit of our country and that we could vote against it. It was dignity I wanted to make an appeal for--the idea that as a nation we might hold on to the core thing that had sustained my family, going back generations. Dignity had always gotten us through. It was a choice, and not always the easy one, but the people I respected most in life made it again and again, every single day. There was a motto Barack and I tried to live by, and I offered it that night from the stage: When they go low, we go high. bullies dignity high low minorities politics Michelle Obama
3b5cdcb I am anchored on a resolve you cannot shake. My heart, my conscience shall dispose of my hand -- . Know this at last. conscience courtship dignity empowerment feminism gender independence integrity love marriage matrimony self-determination social-norms women wooing Charlotte Brontë
bacb7f4 If woman had no existence save in the fiction written by men, one would imagine her a person of the utmost importance (...); as great as a man, some think even greater. But this is woman in fiction. In fact, as points out [in his ], she was locked up, beaten and flung about the room. clichés dignity equality fiction gender greatness hypocrisy importance respect stereotypes truth woman Virginia Woolf
84510ef It was a life, she eventually concluded, that had been lived in the middle ground, where contentment and love were found in the smallest details of people's lives. It was a life of dignity and honor, not without sorrows yet fulfilling in a way that few experiences ever were. dignity fulfilling honor life love sorrows Nicholas Sparks
4404529 Human beings, whatever their backgrounds, are more open than we think, that their behavior cannot be confidently predicted from their past, that we are all creatures vulnerable to new thoughts, new attitudes. And while such vulnerability creates all sorts of possibilities, both good and bad, its very existence is exciting. It means that no human being should be written off, no change in thinking deemed impossible. dignity humanity love-and-respect-for-all vulnerability Howard Zinn
a5495ea Nothing in his life became him like the leaving it. dignity tragedy William Shakespeare
2428b8f "No: I shall not marry Samuel Fawthrop Wynne." "I ask why? I must have a reason. In all respects he is more than worthy of you." She stood on the hearth; she was pale as the white marble slab and cornice behind her; her eyes flashed large, dilated, unsmiling. "And ask in what sense that young man is worthy of ?" courtship dignity empowerment equality feminism gender independence inferiority integrity marriage marriage-proposal matrimony men self-awareness self-determination social-norms suitability women wooing worthiness Charlotte Brontë
0fc82a2 Equality lies only in human moral dignity. ... Let there be brothers first, then there will be brotherhood, and only then will there be a fair sharing of goods among brothers. dignity equality sharing Fyodor Dostoyevsky
dccf0d0 Yes, faith; it is my cousin's duty to make curtsy and say 'Father, as it please you.' But yet for all that, cousin, let him be a handsome fellow, or else make another curtsy and say 'Father, as it please me. courtship dignity empowerment happiness husbands independence love marriage marriage-proposal matrimony pleasure self-determination wooing William Shakespeare
af1d004 Chastity ... has, even now, a religious importance in a woman's life, and has so wrapped itself round with nerves and instincts that to cut it free and bring it to the light of day demands courage of the rarest. dignity double-standards empowerment encroachment feminism gender hypocrisy liberty misogyny morality self-determination sexuality social-norms suppression women Virginia Woolf
d0ecf42 I told you in the course of this paper that Shakespeare had a sister; but do not look for her in 's of the poet. She died young--alas, she never wrote a word. She lies buried where the omnibuses now stop, opposite the Elephant and Castle. Now my belief is that this poet who never wrote a word and was buried at the crossroads still lives. She lives in you and in me, and in many other women who are not here tonight, for they are washing up the dishes and putting the children to bed. But she lives; for great poets do not die; they are continuing presences; they need only the opportunity to walk among us in the flesh. dignity dreams empowerment equality feminism fiction gender opportunities poetry self-determination social-norms women women-writers Virginia Woolf
470addb There's a dignity in consequences. dignity James S.A. Corey
8a6ae1f Although claiming my true identity as a child of God, I still live as though the God to whom I am returning demands an explanation. I still think about his love as conditional and about home as a place I am not yet fully sure of. While walking home, I keep entertaining doubts about whether I will be truly welcome when I get there. As I look at my spiritual journey, my long and fatiguing trip home, I see how full it is of guilt about the past and worries about the future. I realize my failures and know that I have lost the dignity of my sonship, but I am not yet able to fully believe that where my failings are great, 'grace is always greater.' Still clinging to my sense of worthlessness, I project for myself a place far below that which belongs to the son, (p. 52). dignity doubts failure failures god grace guilt home identity love son sonship worries worry worthlessness Henri J.M. Nouwen
6876fef I am very much concerned that American Negroes achieve their freedom here in the United States. But I am also concerned for their dignity, for the health of their souls, and must oppose any attempt that Negroes may make to do to others what has been done to them. dignity race violence James Baldwin
edf5901 There was hardly a touch of earth in her love for Clare. To her sublime trustfulness he was all that goodness could be--knew all that a guide, philosopher, and friend should know. She thought every line in the contour of his person the perfection of masculine beauty, his soul the soul of a saint, his intellect that of a seer. The wisdom of her love for him, as love, sustained her dignity; she seemed to be wearing a crown. The compassion of his love for her, as she saw it, made her lift up her heart to him in devotion. He would sometimes catch her large, worshipful eyes, that had no bottom to them looking at him from their depths, as if she saw something immortal before her. dignity love Thomas Hardy
920a5ae Her profile as well as her stature and bearing seemed to gain the more dignity from her plain garments, which by the side of provincial fashion gave her the impressiveness of a fine quotation from the Bible,--or from one of our elder poets,--in a paragraph of to-day's newspaper. dignity George Eliot
1e13799 She had the experience to suffer with discretion. contentment dignity John le Carré
c154929 "On Lee as commander: "He had a cheerful dignity and could praise them (his men) without seeming to court their favor." american-civil-war-biography confederate-army confederate-states-of-america dignity encouragement leadership robert-e-lee Shelby Foote
000fbff Once upon a time, my government turned my city into a police state, kidnapped me, and tortured me. When I got free, I decided that the problem wasn't the system, but who was running it. Bad guys had gotten into places of high office. We needed good apples. I worked my butt off to get people to vote for good apples. We had elections. We installed the kind of apples everyone agreed would be the kind of apples we could be proud of. They said good things. A few real dirtbags like Carrie Johnstone lost their jobs. And then, well, the good apples turned out to act pretty much exactly like the bad apples. Oh, they had reasons. There were emergencies. Circumstances. It was all really regrettable. But there were always emergencies, weren't there? change dignity freedom good-apples police-state Cory Doctorow
da75eb2 The urge to lie is produced by the contradictions in our lives. We are made to declare love for our country, while it tramples our rights and dignity. dignity love-for-country lying nationalism patriotism rights Barbara Kingsolver
88fa3c5 A diminished self-image causes us to slouch, to avoid looking others in the eye, to be unassertive, to be indecisive. On the other hand, a healthy self-image causes us to carry ourselves well, to speak confidently and to portray dignity. confidence dignity indecision self-image wu-wei Wu Wei
28e0175 I'd seriously contemplated a real collar - a sparkly green one - if only because I was sure it would offend his dignity. collar dignity humor olivia Kelley Armstrong
96c2b14 For this is your home, my friend, do not be driven from it; great men have done great things here, and will again, and we can make America what America must become. It will be hard, James, but you come from sturdy, peasant stock, men who picked cotton and dammed rivers and built railroads, and, in the teeth of the most terrifying odds, achieved an unassailable and monumental dignity. black-in-america civil-rights dignity racism-in-america slavery James Baldwin
44b304f the very least we can live with is an agreement that does not reduce us to slaves of imposition, but makes us partners of consent. Yes, we are compelled to make peace, we submit to force majeure, but leave us at least a piece of clothing to cover our nudity. This is the motivation behind every formula of diplomatic contrivance that is sometimes described as face-saving, and wise indeed is the victor who knows that, in order to shield his own rear from the elements, he must not denude his opponents. dignity diplomacy Wole Soyinka
54d1f9f Dignity is pride's barometer. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
a9b32b2 In spite of the circumstance, a person who abides in dignity and grace will use the lessons learned as ballast for their ship as they sail through stormy waters--taking the wisdom gained from life and using it to anchor their confidence. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
1976ff1 Dignity is a gracious pride without narcissistic projection. It portrays a calm confidence and awareness regardless of the environment or circumstances. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
d3446df Dignity is an inherent value and human virtue which represents the best of mankind. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
3ff0284 Grounded by healthy self-esteem and personal self-worth, this admirable character quality can inspire awe and reverence. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
79760d2 If she had cried and sobbed and seemed frightened, Miss Minchin might almost have had more patience with her. She was a woman who liked to domineer and feel her power, and as she looked at Sara's pale little steadfast face and heard her proud little voice, she felt quite as if her mind was being set at naught. dignity pride Frances Hodgson Burnett
514613c "Likened to "still waters run deep," a dignified person is able to call upon their wisdom and experience to discern a situation and expertly navigate it with grace." -- communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
9d04f6b Dignity is a quiet strength which reflects your deep honor and self-respect. It is a gracious pride without narcissistic projection and portrays a calm awareness and generosity of spirit regardless of the environment or circumstances. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
77640b6 Dignity impacts how you are perceived and received when making a first impression. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
b8464d0 The radiance of dignity and grace creates a profound elegance which exists whether anyone is watching or not. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
1372f25 Do you see dignity & grace as a state of emotional and spiritual being or a physical projection of courage and class? Perhaps they describe both. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
33c6585 Dignity impacts the quality of your external world in your relationships, communications, and interactions. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
eb84b6e Dignity impacts everything in your life. It affects the quality of your internal world for how you see, feel, and think about yourself. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
d4c7d87 Grace is an attitude of generosity toward our fellow humans. We are not easily offended and do not look to judge and label others. With a spirit of graciousness, we are amiable, benevolent, and charitable. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
4fbbaa4 A wonderful place to start is to seek role models who exemplify this way of being and try their style on for size. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
a1032ba Gracious pride is a wonderful quality when it is used for good; it brings out the best in you and encourages the best in others. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
6b3d5a0 Gracious pride is a powerful motivator and an exceptional quality. It drives a person to strive for excellence, keep promises, not give up, be more resilient, maintain optimism, and hold their head high while enduring challenge and change. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
c679555 "You will be stuck with you for the rest of your life so learn to be your own best friend. Take a moment, look at yourself in the mirror, and say, "I love you." It feels awkward at first. Do it anyway. Begin a great friendship with YOU!" communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
688cb14 With awareness and practice, even the most awkward people can learn how to be both fluid and purposeful in their bearing. communication-skills dignity first-impressions grace motivational-speaker relationship-quotes self-confidence self-esteem-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
f946fc4 .. when all this started, I asked myself, 'Am I going to withdraw from the world, like most people do, or am I going to live?' I decided I'm going to live - or at least try to live - the way I want, with dignity, with courage, with humour, with composure. cope courage death decision dignity humour life way-of-life withdraw Mitch Albom
d6ab5de Democracy--here and in Britain and France, it hasn't been so universal a sniveling slavery as Naziism in Germany, such an imagination-hating, pharisaic materialism as Russia--even if it has produced industrialists like you, Frank, and bankers like you, R. C., and given you altogether too much power and money. On the whole, with scandalous exceptions, Democracy's given the ordinary worker more dignity than he ever had. democracy dignity germany money power russia united-states workers Sinclair Lewis
e66083c Morrie was in a wheelchair full-time now, getting used to helpers lifting him like a heavy sack from the chair to the bed and the bed to the chair. dignity help ill life wheelchair Mitch Albom