Jem: Come in. Jace: Where's Brother Zachariah? Jem: I'm right here. Jace Herondale. And once more a Herondale is the object of my deliverance. I should have anticipated.
"You've got a lot of responsibility now," Jace said to Julian. "You'll have to make sure Emma winds up with a guy who deserves her." Julian was strangely white-faced. Maybe he was feeling the effects of the ceremony, Emma thought. It had been strong magic; she still felt it sizzling through her blood like champagne bubbles. But Jules looked as if he'd been slapped. "What about me?" Emma said, quickly. "Don't I have to make sure Jules winds up with someone who deserves him?" "Absolutely. I did it for Alec, Alec did it for me -- well, actually, he hated Clary at first, but he came around." "I BET you didn't like Magnus much, either," said Julian, still with the same odd, stiff look on his face. "Maybe not," said Jace, "but I never would have said so." "Because it would have hurt Alec's feelings?" Emma asked. "No," said Jace, "because Magnus would have turned me into a hat rack."
"Herondales." Zachariah's voice was a breath, half laughter, half pain. "I had almost forgotten. No other family does so much for love, or feels so much guilt for it. Don't carry the weight of the world on you, Jace. It's too heavy for even a Herondale to bear."
"Hello? This is Clary Fairchild." "Clary? It's me, Emma." "Oh, Emma, hi! I haven't heard from you in ages. My mom says thanks for the wedding flowers, by the way. She wanted to send a note but Luke whisked her away on a honeymoon to Tahiti." "Tahiti sounds nice." "It probably is -- Jace, what are you doing with that thing? There is no way it'll fit." "Is this a bad time?" "What? No! Jace is trying to drag a trebuchet into the training room. Alec, stop helping him." "What's a trebuchet?" "It's a huge catapult." "What are they going to use it for?" "I have no idea. Alec, you're enabling! You're an enabler!" "Maybe it is a bad time." "I doubt there'll be a better one. Is something wrong? Is there anything I can do?" "I think we have your cat." "What?" "Your cat. Big fuzzy Blue Persian? Always looks angry? Julian says it's your cat. He says he saw it at the New York Institute. Well, saw him. It's a boy cat." "Church? You have Church? But I thought -- well, we knew he was gone. We thought Brother Zachariah took him. Isabelle was annoyed, but they seemed to know each other. I've never seen Church actually likeanyone like that." "I don't know if he likes anyone here. He bit Julian twice. Oh, wait. Julian says he likes Ty. He's asleep on Ty's bed." "How did you wind up with him?" "Someone rang our front doorbell. Diana, she's our tutor, went down to see what it was. Church was in a cage on the front step with a note tied to it. It said For Emma. This is Church, a longtime friend of the Carstairs. Take care of this cat and he will take care of you. --J." "Brother Zachariah left you a cat." "But I don't even really know him. And he's not a Silent Brother any more." "You may not know him, but he clearly knows you." "What do you think the J stands for?" "His real name. Look, Emma, if he wants you to have Church, and you want Church, you should keep him." "Are you sure? The Lightwoods --" 'They're both standing here nodding. Well, Alec is partially trapped under a trebuchet, but he seems to be nodding." "Jules says we'd like to keep him. We used to have a cat named Oscar, but he died, and, well, Church seems to be good for Ty's nightmares." "Oh, honey. I think, really, he's Brother Zachariah's cat. And if he wants you to have him, then you should." "Why does Brother Zachariah want to protect me? It's like he knows me, but I don't know why he knows me." "I don't exactly know ... But I know Tessa. She's his -- well, girlfriend seems not the right word for it. They've known each other a long, long time. I have a feeling they're both watching over you." "That's good. I have a feeling we're going to need it." "Emma -- oh my God. The trebuchet just crashed through the floor. I have to go. Call me later." "But we can keep the cat?" "You can keep the cat."
There are ways in which we're so alike. We're reckless. We don't think before we act. We'll do anything for people we love. And I never thought how scary that was for the people who loved me until I saw
"What's the Nephilim motto again?" " 'We are dust and shadows,' " said Ty, not looking up from his book. "Some of us are very handsome dust," Jace added"
"Can I tell you a boring science fact?" she whispered. "I bet you didn't learn it in Shadowhunter history class." "If you're trying to distract me from talking about my feelings, you're not being very subtle about it." He touched her face. "You know I make speeches. It's okay. You don't have to make them back. Just tell me you love me," "I'm not trying to distract you." She held up her hand and wiggles the fingers. "There are a hundred trillion cells in the human body," she said. "And every single one of the cells of my body loves you. We shed cells, and grow new ones, and my new cells love you more than the old ones, which is why I love you more every day than I did before. It's science. And when I die and they burn my body and I become ashes that mix with the air, and part of the ground and the trees and the stars, everyone who breathes air of sees the flowers that grow out of the ground or looks up at the stars will remember you and love you, because I love you that much," She smiled. "How was that for a speech?"
"We gather here today," said Robert, reaching out his arms expansively, "to honor my son, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, who has single-handedly destroyed the forces of the Endarkened and who defeated in battle the son of Valentine Morgenstern. Alec saved the life of our third son, Max. Along with his parabatai, Jace Herondale, I am proud to say that my son is one of the greatest warriors I have ever known." He turned and smiled at Alec and Magnus. "It takes more than a strong arm to make a great warrior," he went on. "It takes a great mind and a great heart. My son has both. He is strong in courage, and strong in love. Which is why I also wanted to share our other good news with you. As of yesterday, my son became engaged to be married to his partner, Magnus Bane--" A chorus of cheers broke out. Magnus accepted them with a modest wave of his fork. Alec slid down in his chair, his cheeks burning. Jace looked at him meditatively. "Congratulations," he said. "I kind of feel like I missed an opportunity." "W-what?" Alec stammered. Jace shrugged. "I always knew you had a crush on me, and I kind of had a crush on you, too. I thought you should know." "What?" Alec said again. Clary sat up straight. "You know," she said, "do you think there's any chance that you two could ..." She gestured between Jace and Alec. "It would be kind of hot." "No," Magnus said. "I am a very jealous warlock." "We're parabatai," Alec said, regaining his voice. "The Clave would--I mean--it's illegal." "Oh, come on," said Jace. "The Clave would let you do anything you wanted. Look, everyone loves you." He gestured out at the room full of Shadowhunters. They were all cheering as Robert spoke, some of them wiping away tears. A girl at one of the smaller tables held up a sign that said, ALEC LIGHTWOOD, WE LOVE YOU."
One minute you're munching on a faerie plum the next minute you're running naked down Madison Avenue with antlers on your head. Not,' he added hastily, 'that this has ever happened to me.
"Jace," she said. "Why are you doing this to me?" "Because you're lying to me. And you're lying to yourself." Jace's eyes were blazing, and even though his hands were stuffed into his pockets, she could see that they were knotted into fists."
"Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is as strong as death' "Ours is stronger than that," Clary whispered, remembering how she had brought him back. And this time, when his eyes darkened, she reached up and drew him down to her mouth."
"Hey, Clary. You take care of yourself," he said. "I know you can." He paused. "And take care of Jace, that poor, helpless blond." Jace made an obscene gesture, which actually did feel familiar to Simon, so he knew that was their thing."
"Idris had been green and gold and russet in the autumn, when Clary had first been there. It had a stark grandeur in the winter: the mountains rose in the distance, capped white with snow, and the trees along the side of the road that led back to Alicante from the lake were stripped bare, their leafless branches making lace-like patterns against the bright sky. Sometimes Jace would slow the horse to point out the manor houses of the richer Shadowhunter families, hidden from the road when the trees were full but revealed now. She felt his shoulders tense as they passed one that nearly melded with the forest around it: it had clearly been burned and rebuilt. Some of the stones still bore the black marks of smoke and fire. "The Blackthorn manor," he said. "Which means that around this bend in the road is ..." He paused as Wayfarer summited a small hill, and reined him in so they could look down to where the road split in two. One direction led back toward Alicante -- Clary could see the demon towers in the distance -- while the other curled down toward a large building of mellow golden stone, surrounded by a low wall. " ... the Herondale manor," Jace finished. The wind picked up; icy, it ruffled Jace's hair. Clary had her hood up, but he was bare-headed and bare-handed, having said he hated wearing gloves when horseback riding. He liked to feel the reins in his hands. "Did you want to go and look at it?" she asked. His breath came out in a white cloud. "I'm not sure."