"You've got a lot of responsibility now," Jace said to Julian. "You'll have to make sure Emma winds up with a guy who deserves her." Julian was strangely white-faced. Maybe he was feeling the effects of the ceremony, Emma thought. It had been strong magic; she still felt it sizzling through her blood like champagne bubbles. But Jules looked as if he'd been slapped. "What about me?" Emma said, quickly. "Don't I have to make sure Jules winds up with someone who deserves him?" "Absolutely. I did it for Alec, Alec did it for me -- well, actually, he hated Clary at first, but he came around." "I BET you didn't like Magnus much, either," said Julian, still with the same odd, stiff look on his face. "Maybe not," said Jace, "but I never would have said so." "Because it would have hurt Alec's feelings?" Emma asked. "No," said Jace, "because Magnus would have turned me into a hat rack."
He knew in the way that she was a part of him, the way her breathing was his breathing, and her dreams were his dreams, and her blood was his blood, and when her heart stopped he knew that his would too, and he would be glad, because he wouldn't want to live one second in a world that didn't have her in it.
"This cat is looking at me with judgment.""He's not," said Jules. "That's just his face.""You look at me the same way," Mark said, glancing at Julian. "Judgy face."