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890aabc Why Polish the Gold? * It builds your confidence when you realize that your words have power and can positively influence. * As you seek to find the good in others, you will enjoy the ripple effect reminder for finding the good in yourself. * It makes a great ice-breaker to begin a conversation. * It helps you meet new people and make new friends. * It strengthens your relationships and builds mutual admiration. * It brings more happiness and joy into your life. * A little praise goes a long way to make others happy. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
09b200a "Service [sur-vis] noun 1. the act of helping, aiding, or doing work for another. "Does this dictionary definition sound simplistic? Well, it is foundational to delivering world-class, game-changing service. Did you notice it didn't mention you? True service takes the focus completely off you and devotes it entirely to the needs of another person." find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
08144ec Graciously Accepting a Compliment. How many times have you offered someone a sincere compliment only to have it thrown back in your face as if your assessment were wrong? How did you feel? Women are notorious for this social misstep and poor maneuver. Why do they do it? Rejecting a compliment makes the compliment-giver feel as though they should have said nothing. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
3df2ea0 All compliments are not created equal. Some may change the trajectory of a person's life, while others fall on deaf ears. Is it well deserved or earned? People will remember you fondly when you have affirmed them in a positive way. Paying compliments creates good will, happy moments, and makes you more likable in return. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
d851fe6 To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Focus on the Positives: Focusing on the positives will get you further in business and further in life. Whatever you focus on will expand. If you focus on what you do not like about another person, they will become so intolerable to you that you cannot bear to be around them. However, if you focus on their positives and can find something redeeming, regardless of how small, the positivity needed to experience a more constructive interaction and relationship will manifest before your eyes. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
416833c To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Be complimentary: Find something positive to say to compliment another person. Whether they are being a great parent, dressing nicely, maintaining a gorgeous yard, or winning a recent 5K run, pick something to acknowledge which is noteworthy. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
055f675 What are the key elements for a fabulous, well-delivered compliment? You . . . * are sincere and genuine. * give it freely without expecting anything in return. Your compliment is a selfless gift, not a boomerang. * are specific and detailed. * elaborate on why you like something. * describe how their positive virtue has positively impacted you. * can use adjectives for more colorful descriptions. * keep it positive. * say it like you mean it with intentional impact. * use discretion and good judgment. * leave no room for misinterpretation or misunderstanding. * say the right thing at the right moment and let it flow organically. Finding sincere ways to compliment others is a powerful way to make a great first and last impression. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young