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4b42d69 CHORONZON: I am a dire wolf, prey-stalking, lethal prowler. MORPHEUS: I am a hunter, horse-mounted, wolf-stabbing. CHORONZON: I am a horsefly, horse-stinging, hunter-throwing. MORPHEUS: I am a spider, fly-consuming, eight legged. CHORONZON: I am a snake, spider-devouring, posion-toothed. MORPHEUS: I am an ox, snake-crushing, heavy-footed. CHORONZON: I am an anthrax, butcher bacterium, warm-life destroying. MORPHEUS: I am a world, space-floating, life-nurturing. CHORONZON: I am a nova, all-exploding... planet-cremating. MORPHEUS: I am the Universe -- all things encompassing, all life embracing. CHORONZON: I am Anti-Life, the Beast of Judgment. I am the dark at the end of everything. The end of universes, gods, worlds... of everything. Sss. And what will be , Dreamlord? MORPHEUS: I am hope. cunning hope insight outwit wisdom Neil Gaiman
20e5f3c Everything takes time. Bees have to move very fast to stay still. impermanence insight mujō philosophy stillness time 無常 David Foster Wallace
8a99277 Books, which we mistake for consolation, only add depth to our sorrow. insight sorrow Orhan Pamuk
e7c7681 How could I have been so ignorant? she thinks. So stupid, so unseeing, so given over to carelessness. But without such ignorance, such carelessness, how could we live? If you knew what was going to happen, if you knew everything that was going to happen next--if you knew in advance the consequences of your own actions--you'd be doomed. You'd be as ruined as God. You'd be a stone. You'd never eat or drink or laugh or get out of bed in the morning. You'd never love anyone, ever again. You'd never dare to. despair ignorance insight loneliness love sorrow wisdom Margaret Atwood
887e2b4 To know a man's library is, in some measure, to know a man's mind. insight mind reading tastes Geraldine Brooks
f61bae6 I am afraid that our eyes are bigger than our stomachs, and that we have more curiosity than understanding. We grasp at everything, but catch nothing except wind. greed insight understanding Michel de Montaigne
c4bfc10 You don't read Gatsby, I said, to learn whether adultery is good or bad but to learn about how complicated issues such as adultery and fidelity and marriage are. A great novel heightens your senses and sensitivity to the complexities of life and of individuals, and prevents you from the self-righteousness that sees morality in fixed formulas about good and evil. individuality insight issues learning life morality novels reading self-righteousness sensitivity society Azar Nafisi
f5eaac9 The voice says, maybe you don't go to hell for the things you do. Maybe you go to hell for the things you don't do. The things you don't finish. insight life life-lessons living motivation thought-provoking Chuck Palahniuk
5fcf20d Allah causes the night and the day to succeed each other. Truly, in these things is indeed a lesson for those who have insight. day insight lesson night succeed Anonymous
e3ea66d Whether the bear beats the wolf or the wolf beats the bear, the rabbit always loses. insight pity Robert Jordan
5edd0cd In much of the rest of the world, rich people live in gated communities and drink bottled water. That's increasingly the case in Los Angeles where I come from. So that wealthy people in much of the world are insulated from the consequences of their actions. civilization consequences environment foresight insight isolation realization rich wealthy Jared Diamond
b17a952 The problem of knowledge is that there are many more books on birds written by ornithologists than books on birds written by birds and books on ornithologists written by birds art-criticism critics insight knowledge music-criticism music-journalism wisdom writers writing Nassim Nicholas Taleb
351f9df "The poet, the artist, the sleuth - whoever sharpens our perception tends to be antisocial; rarely "well-adjusted", he cannot go along with currents and trends. A strange bond often exists between antisocial types in their power to see environments as they really are. This need to interface, to confront environments with a certain antisocial power is manifest in the famous story "The Emperor's New Clothes"." insight nonconformist quentin-fore Marshall McLuhan
8fc408c ...your mind was seizing on something to try to make sense of the emotion... Can you see the power emotion has to distort our outlook? Makes you wonder, did you have a bad day, or did you make it a bad day? insight tanu Brandon Mull
4cbbb82 It's much easier . . . to be on the verge of something than to actually be it. This would still take time. insight Markus Zusak
999e4cb There was such a difference, he thought, between the beauty that illuminated, and the beauty that was illuminated. insight R. Scott Bakker
88cbfc7 Hell didn't make me a monster. It just confirmed all my worst fears about myself. human-nature insight Richard Kadrey
70b41e7 There was no mistaking her sincerity--it breathed in every tone of her voice. Both Marilla and Mrs. Lynde recognized its unmistakable ring. But the former understood in dismay that Anne was actually enjoying her valley of humiliation--was reveling in the thoroughness of her abasement. Where was the wholesome punishment upon which she, Marilla, had plumed herself? Anne had turned it into a species of positive pleasure. insight L.M. Montgomery
98355b4 We journalists love writing about eccentrics. We hate writing about impenetrable, boring people. It makes us look bad: the duller the interviewee, the duller the prose. If you want to get away with wielding true, malevolent power, be boring. insight journalism Jon Ronson
a189a92 who journeyed to Denver, who died in Denver, who came back to Denver & waited in vain, who watched over Denver & brooded and loned in Denver and finally went away to find out the Time, & now Denver is lonesome for her heroes, beauty-alone death impatience insight sadness travel Allen Ginsberg
b93dac4 Consequences lost all purchase when they became mad. And desperation, when pressed beyond anguish, became narcotic. insight R. Scott Bakker
8bd2a2a "The dilemma of the critic has always been that if he knows enough to speak with authority, he knows too much to speak with detachment." ( )" critics detachment insight writing Raymond Chandler
8dba5cf "If the case isn't plea bargained, dismissed or placed on the inactive docket for an indefinite period of time, if by some perverse twist of fate it becomes a trial by jury, you will then have the opportunity of sitting on the witness stand and reciting under oath the facts of the case-a brief moment in the sun that clouds over with the appearance of the aforementioned defense attorney who, at worst, will accuse you of perjuring yourself in a gross injustice or, at best, accuse you of conducting an investigation so incredibly slipshod that the real killer has been allowed to roam free. insight David Simon
772933a Where there is a true art and genuine virtuosity the artist can paint an incomparable masterpiece without leaving even a trace of his identity. artist artists-life insight Orhan Pamuk
61950f2 He had a look of composed dissatisfaction, as if he understood life thoroughly. education insight philosophy Flannery O'Connor
c34fe58 Something ... made him feel small, not in the way of orphans or beggars or children, but in a good way. In the way of souls. insight R. Scott Bakker
f1c4a1e A sober friend from Texas said once that the three things I cannot change are the past, the truth, and you. I hate this insight so much. insight life-philosophy Anne Lamott
59565ca There was a pleasant party of barge people round the fire. You might not have thought it pleasant, but they did; for they were all friends or acquaintances, and they liked the same sort of things, and talked the same sort of talk. This is the real secret of pleasant society. children england insight life society E. Nesbit
4f07c40 Love gives insight, Maggie, and insight often gives foreboding. Listen to me, let me supply you with books; do let me see you sometimes, be your brother and teacher, as you said at Lorton. It is less wrong that you should see me than that you should be committing this long suicide. bookish caring compassion foreboding gentleman insight love suicide wrong George Eliot
665df0f [Patricia Highsmith] was a figure of contradictions: a lesbian who didn't particularly like women; a writer of the most insightful psychological novels who, at times, appeared bored by people; a misanthrope with a gentle, sweet nature. contradictions gentle insight insightful lesbian like misanthrope nature novels people psychological sweet women writer writing Andrew Wilson
80ec1c0 Phaedrus wrote a letter from India about a pilgrimage to holy Mount Kailas, the source of the Ganges and the abode of Shiva, high in the Himalayas, in the company of a holy man and his adherents. He never reached the mountain. After the third day he gave up, exhausted, and the pilgrimage went on without him. He said he had the physical strength but that physical strength wasn't enough. He had the intellectual motivation but that wasn't enough either. He didn't think he had been arrogant but thought that he was undertaking the pilgrimage to broaden his experience, to gain understanding for himself. He was trying to use the mountain for his own purposes and the pilgrimage too. He regarded himself as the fixed entity, not the pilgrimage or the mountain, and thus wasn't ready for it. He speculated that the other pilgrims, the ones who reached the mountain, probably sensed the holiness of the mountain so intensely that each footstep was an act of devotion, an act of submission to this holiness. The holiness of the mountain infused into their own spirits enabled them to endure far more than anything he, with his greater physical strength, could take. devotion faith insight journey mindfulness mountains soul-searching Robert M. Pirsig
469aea5 Hoga Gothyelk no longer felt anger, not truly -- only varieties of sorrow. insight R. Scott Bakker
fbd8c5d He comments on how amazing it is that everything in the universe can be described by the twenty-six written characters with which they have been working. english insight language observations wonder Robert M. Pirsig
5a09e23 A person who is worth nothing must introduce you to a person worth next-to-nothing, and that person to another, and so on and so forth until finally you can step across the threshold, almost one of the family. insight society Michel Faber
69f6c22 Lonzi said the only thing worth loving was what was to come, and since what was to come was unforeseeable---only a cretin or a liar would try to predict the future---the future had to be lived now, in the now, as intensity. hindsight insight living love time Rachel Kushner
ad3ea78 The world had opened out and so had the universe, or what she since had thought must have been the universe, lying all spread out before her, with ever nook revealed, with all the knowledge, all the reasons there - a universe in which time and space had been ruled out because time and space were only put there, in the first place, to make it impossible for anyone to grasp the universe. Seen for a moment, half-sensed, a flash of insight that had been gone before there had been time for it to register on her brain, sensed and known for an instant only and then gone so quickly that it had left impression only, no certain memory and no solid knowledge, but impressions only, like a face seen in a lightning flash and then the darkness closing in, insight life Clifford D. Simak
9166150 The only people who really think they have seen something new are those whose experience is limited or whose vision can't penetrate beneath the surface of things. Because something is recent, they think it is new; they mistake now the for originality. insight novelty perspective Warren W. Wiersbe
5dc6bb7 "(Pagina 45) "A enfermaria zumbe da maneira como ouvi uma fabrica de tecido zumbir uma vez, quando o time de futebol jogou com a escola secundaria na California. Depois de uma boa temporada, s promotores da cidade estavam tao orgulhosos e exaltados que pagavam para que fossemos de aviao ate a California para disputar um campeonato de escolas secundarias com o time de la. Quando chegamos a cidade tivemos de visitar um industria local qualquer. Nosso treinador era um daqueles dados a convencer as pessoas de que o atletismo era educativo por causa do aprendizado proporcionado pelas viagens, e em todas as viagens que faziamos ele carregava com o time para visitar fabricas de laticinios, fazendas de plantacao de beterraba e fabricas de conservas, antes do jogo . Na California foi uma fabrica de tecido. Quando entramos na fabrica, a maior parte do time deu uma olhada rapida e saiu para ir sentar-se no onibus e jogar poquer em cima das malas, mas eu fiquei la dentro numa canto, fora do caminho das mocas negras que corriam de um lado para o outro entre as fileiras de maquinas. A fabrica me colocou numa especie de sonho, todos aqueles zumbidos e estalos a chocalhar de gente e de maquinas sacudindo-se em espasmos regulares. Foi por isso que eu fiquei quando todos os outros se foram, por isso e porque aquilo me lembrou de alguma forma os homens da tribo que haviam deixado a aldeia nos ultimos dias para ir trabalhar na trituradora de pedras para a represa. O padrao frenetico, os rostos hipnotizados pela rotina... eu queria ir com o time, mas nao pude. Era de manha, no principio do inverno, e eu ainda usava a jaqueta que nos deram quando ganhamos o campeonato - uma jaqueta vermelha e verde com mangas de couro e um emblema com o formato de uma bola de futebol bordado nas costas, dizendo o que haviamos vencido - e ela estava fazendo com que uma porcao de mocas negras olhassem. Eu a tirei , mas elas continuaram olhando. Eu era muito maior naquela epoca. " (Pagina 46) "Uma das mocas afastou-se de sua maquina e olhou para um lado e para o outro das passagens entre as maquinas, para ver se o capataz estava por perto, depois veio ate onde eu estava. Perguntou se iamos jogar na escola secundaria naquela noite e me disse que tinha um irmao que jogava como zagueiro para eles. Falamos um pouco a respeito do futebol e coisas assim, e reparei como o rosto dela parecia indistinto, como se houvesse uma nevoa entre nos dois. Era a lanugem de algodao pairando no ar. Falei-lhe a respeito da lanugem. Ela revirou os olhos e cobriu a boca com a mao, para rir, quando eu lhe disse como era parecido com o olhar o seu rosto numa manha enevoada de caca ao pato. E ela disse : " Agora me diga para que e que voce quereria nesse bendito mundo estar sozinho comigo la fora, numa tocaia de pato ?" Disse-lhe que ela poderia tomar de conta da minha arma, e as mocas comecaram a rir com a boca escondida atras das maos na fabrica inteira. Eu tambem ri um pouco, vendo como havia parecido inteligente. Anda estavamos conversando e rindo quando ela agarrou meus pulsos e os apertou com as maos. Os tracos do seu rosto de repente se acentuaram num foco radioso; vi que ela estava aterrorizada por alguma coisa. - Leve-me - disse ela num murmurio - Leve-me mesmo garotao. Para fora desta fabrica aqui, para fora desta cidade, para fora desta vida. Me leva para uma tocaia de pato qualquer, num lugar qualquer . Num outro lugar qualquer. Hem garotao, hem ?" insight life perspective rotina routine Ken Kesey