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fb7a294 I've crossed some kind of invisible line. I feel as if I've come to a place I never thought I'd have to come to. And I don't know how I got here. It's a strange place. It's a place where a little harmless dreaming and then some sleepy, early-morning talk has led me into considerations of death and annihilation. death dreaming insomnia life lost place sleep Raymond Carver
6f6ced3 I feel sorry for anyone who is in a place where he feels strange and stupid. alone belonging jonah life lois-lowry lonely place sorry strange stupid the-giver wisdom Lois Lowry
5e6cd84 Love makes you see a place differently, just as you hold differently an object that belongs to someone you love. If you know one landscape well, you will look at all other landscapes differently. And if you learn to love one place, sometimes you can also learn to love another. place Anne Michaels
d953904 Maybe you had to leave in order to miss a place; maybe you had to travel to figure out how beloved your starting point was. leave miss place starting-point travel Jodi Picoult
c3975fe [I]t doesn't matter whom you love or where you move from or to, you always take yourself with you. If you don't know who you are, or if you've forgotten or misplaced her, then you'll always feel as if you don't belong. Anywhere. (xiii) life love place self-awareness self-knowledge yourself Sarah Ban Breathnach
4a094b8 Regular maps have few surprises: their contour lines reveal where the Andes are, and are reasonably clear. More precious, though, are the unpublished maps we make ourselves, of our city, our place, our daily world, our life; those maps of our private world we use every day; here I was happy, in that place I left my coat behind after a party, that is where I met my love; I cried there once, I was heartsore; but felt better round the corner once I saw the hills of Fife across the Forth, things of that sort, our personal memories, that make the private tapestry of our lives. maps place Alexander McCall Smith
6b4c3e6 The moon went slowly down in loveliness; she departed into the depth of the horizon, and long veil-like shadows crept up the sky through which the stars appeared. Soon, however, they too began to pale before a splendour in the east, and the advent of the dawn declared itself in the newborn blue of heaven. Quieter and yet more quiet grew the sea, quiet as the soft mist that brooded on her bosom, and covered up her troubling, as in our tempestuous life the transitory wreaths of sleep brook upon a pain-racked soul, causing it to forget its sorrow. From the east to the west sped those angels of the Dawn, from sea to sea, from mountain-top to mountain-top, scattering light from breast and wing. On they sped out of the darkness, perfect, glorious; on, over the quiet sea, over the low coast-line, and the swamps beyond, and the mountains above them; over those who slept in peace and those who woke in sorrow; over the evil and the good; over the living and the dead; over the wide world and all that breathes or as breathed thereon. dusk heavens horizon life mist moon night observation place sea setting stars sunrise sunset H. Rider Haggard
a967c90 "Justice is the only worship. Love is the only priest. Ignorance is the only slavery. Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now, The place to be happy is here, happiness how-to-be-happy morality place time Robert Green Ingersoll
00618d0 Perhaps she was just looking for love in the wrong places. In all the safe places. What if love was not safe at all? place safe wrong Mary Balogh
04622de It is a pity indeed to travel and not get this essential sense of landscape values. You do not need a sixth sense for it. It is there if you just close your eyes and breathe softly through your nose; you will hear the whispered message, for all landscapes ask the same question in the same whisper. 'I am watching you -- are you watching yourself in me?' Most travelers hurry too much...the great thing is to try and travel with the eyes of the spirit wide open, and not to much factual information. To tune in, without reverence, idly -- but with real inward attention. It is to be had for the can extract the essence of a place once you know how. If you just get as still as a needle, you'll be there. landscape new-journalism place travel Lawrence Durrell
63f808a It is very difficult to know people and I don't think one can ever really know any but one's own countrymen. For men and women are not only themselves; they are also the region in which they are born, the city apartment or the farm in which they learnt to walk, the games they played as children, the old wives' tales they overheard, the food they ate, the schools they attended, the sports they followed, the poets they read, and the God they believed in. It is all these things that have made them what they are, and these are the things that you can't come to know by hearsay, you can only know them if you have lived them. nationality place W. Somerset Maugham
daf5459 Places matter. Their rules, their scale, their design include or exclude civil society, pedestrianism, equality, diversity (economic and otherwise), understanding of where water comes from and garbage goes, consumption or conservation. They map our lives. landscape place Rebecca Solnit
fc0af4d Now I wonder if it means that the future is a place, or like a place, that I could go to; that is go to in some way other than just getting older. future life place time Audrey Niffenegger
975c7aa The universe is a big place. Maybe we're not in the best neighborhood. big neighborhood place universe John Scalzi
47405c8 I told the students that they were at the age when they might begin to choose places that would sustain them the rest of their lives, that places were more reliable than human beings, and often much longer-lasting, and I asked them where they felt at home. home landscape place sense-of-place Rebecca Solnit
d7f7fa6 London is a language. I guess all places are. place David Mitchell
c91aa62 lw stT`t 'n SHw fy mkn nkhtlf wfy wqt mkhtlf , fhl bws`y 'n 'SHw kshkhS mkhtlf ? novel place Chuck Palahniuk
0b96283 You've got a chance to start out all over again. A new place, new people, new sights. A clean slate. See, you can be anything you want with a fresh start. fresh-start new people place start Annie Proulx
c9b62e1 "It was Stevenson, I think, who most notably that there are some places that simply demand a story should be told of them. ... After all, perhaps Stevenson had only half of the matter. It is true there are places which stir the mind to think that a story must be told about them. But there are also, I believe, places which have their story stored already, and want to tell this to us, through whatever powers they can; through our legends and lore, through our rumors, and our rites. By its whispering fields and its murmuring waters, by the wailing of its winds and the groaning of its stones, by what it chants in darkness and the songs it sings in light, each place must reach out to us, to tell us, tell us what it holds. ("The Axholme Toll")" genius-loci horror legend location place psychogeography robert-louis-stevenson story Mark Valentine
98a01e0 - Vzemete koito shchete moriak, gazil v d'lboki vodi i sreshchal sm'rtta tolkova p'ti, kolkoto men, drasnete go s nok't po kozhata i otdolu shche namerite filosof. Zasukanite dumi shche sa mu chuzhdi, garantiram vi, no shche namerite d'lbok i traen uset za miastoto mu v sveta. bulgaria bulgarian feist filosofia life philosopher philosophy place raymond sea world амос бард българия български война живот магьосник майстор more място разлом реймънд saga фийст философ Raymond E. Feist
981cf6c The topography of literature, the fact in fiction,is one of my pleasures -- I mean, where the living road enters the pages of a book, and you are able to stroll along both the real and imagined road. literature place topography Paul Theroux
3d8a70d Our own place is mall perhaps, but when your old man is eaten by his own shadow, you realise that maybe in every house, something so savage and sad and brilliant is standing up, without the world even seeing it. Maybe that's what these pages of words are about: Bringing the world to the window. old-man place shadow small window words Markus Zusak
cac94a0 "Failure to put the relationship on a slower timetable may result in an act that was never intended in the first place. Another important principle is to avoid the circumstances where compromise is likely. A girl who wants to preserve her virginity should not find herself in a house or dorm room alone with someone to whom she is attracted. Nor should she single-date with someone she has reason not to trust. A guy who wants to be moral should stay away from the girl he knows would go to bed with him. Remember the words of Solomon to his son, "Keep to a path far from her, do not go near the door of her house" (Proverbs 5:8). I know this advice sounds very narrow in a day when virginity is mocked and chastity is considered old-fashioned. But I don't apologize for it. The Scriptures are eternal, and God's standards of right and wrong do not change with the whims of culture. He will honor and help those who are trying to follow His commandments. In fact, the apostle Paul said, "He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear" (1Corinthians 10:13). Hold that promise and continue to use your head. You'll be glad you did." act advice alone and apostle are attracted avoid away be bear bed beyond can change chastity circumstances commandments compromise considered continue culture day did do door eternal failure first follow girl glad go god-s guy he head help her him hold honor house important intended is keep knows let likely may mocked moral narrow near never not old-fashioned path paul place preserve principle proberbs promise reason relationship remeber result right scriptures she should single-date slower solomon someone son sounds standards stay tempted those to trust trying use very virginity wants what-you whims who whom will with words would wrong you you-ll your James C. Dobson
c6df86f That thing we call a place is the intersection of many changing forces passing through, whirling around, mixing, dissolving, and exploding in a fixed location. To write about a place is to acknowledge that phenomena often treated separately--ecology, democracy, culture, storytelling, urban design, individual life histories and collective endeavors--coexist. They coexist geographically, spatially, in place, and to understand a place is to engage with braided narratives and sue generous explorations. narrative place Rebecca Solnit
6c77e45 The eastern sky was red as coals in a forge, lighting up the flats along the river. Dew had wet the million needles of the chaparral, and when the rim of the sun edged over the horizon the chaparral seemed to be spotted with diamonds. A bush in the little backyard was filled with the little rainbows as the sun touched the dew. dew diamonds feeling horizon place place-to-be rainbows seeing sky Larry McMurtry
db255e9 It's hard to love a place that's outlawed smoking but finds it perfectly acceptable to serve raw fish in a bath of chocolate. place smoking David Sedaris
551901f Write in different places--for example, in a laundromat, and pick up on the rhythm of the washing machines. Write at bus stops, in cafes. Write what is going on around you. cafe laundromat place rhythm Natalie Goldberg
da1b5b6 "She shakily rushed towards the car to find Alecto casually standing beside it, smoking a cigarette and staring fixedly on the radio as it played the song 'Draggin' the Line' by Tommy James, his expression thoughtful. "What are you thinking about?" Mandy questioned. "Wouldn't the world be a very loud place to live if we said everything we thought?" Alecto asked quietly." cigarette dragging line live loud mind music noise noisy place question quiet radio smoking song thinking thought tommy-james world Rebecca McNutt
a8dff2f Ishap, moreto e goliamo, a lodkata mi - malka. Imai milost k'm men. boat bulgarian feist ishap longbow martin mercy phylosopher phylosophy place raymond sea small world амос aruta български война дълголъкия лодка милост more моряк място разлом реймънд saga свят фийст философия Raymond E. Feist
744c696 The double-crossed, might-have-been history of my country is not the study of what actually took place here: it's the study of historians' studies. . . . Memories are their own descendants masquerading as the ancestors of the present. memory place David Mitchell
15104fe Typical Pollution, they're always living in the wrong place at the wrong time. living place pollution time typical wrong Rebecca McNutt
41394a2 Auf diesem Platz hat schon mancher gedacht, hier ware der Ort fur ein tuchtiges Stuck Leben und Freude, hier musste etwas Lebendiges, Begluckendes wachsen konnen, hier mussten reife und gute Menschen ihre freudigen Gedanken denken und schone und heitere Werke schaffen. growth life nature place society Hermann Hesse