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6142c72 "Hey, can I see that sword you were using?" I showed him Riptide, and explained how it turned from a pen into a sword just by uncapping it. "Cool! Does it ever run out of ink?" "Um, well, I don't actually write with it." "Are you really the son of Poseidon?" "Well, yeah." "Can you surf really well, then?" I looked at Grover, who was trying hard not to laugh. "Jeez, Nico," I said. "I've never really tried." He went on asking questions. Did I fight a lot with Thalia, since she was a daughter of Zeus? (I didn't answer that one.) If Annabeth's mother was Athena, the goddess of wisdom, then why didn't Annabeth know better than to fall off a cliff? (I tried not to strangle Nico for asking that one.) Was Annabeth my girlfriend? (At this point, I was ready to stick the kid in a meat-flavored sack and throw him to the wolves.)" athena grover-underwood nico-di-angelo percy-jackson poseidon thalia-grace zeus Rick Riordan
4086e4e "As for my brothers," Zeus said, "we are thankful"-he cleared his throat like the words were hard to get out-"erm, thankful for the aid of Hades." The lord of the dead nodded. He had a smug look on his face, but I figure he'd earned the right. He patted his son Nico on the shoulders, and Nico looked happier than I'd ever seen him. "And, of course," Zeus continued, though he looked like his pants were smoldering, "we Poseidon." "I'm sorry, brother," Poseidon said. "What was that?" "We must thank Poseidon," Zeus growled. "Without whom . . . it would've been difficult-" "Difficult?" Poseidon asked innocently. "Impossible," Zeus said. "Impossible to defeat Typhon." nico-di-angelo percy-jackson poseidon zeus Rick Riordan
529379b For a long time,' Nico said, 'I had a crush on you. I just wanted you to know.' Percy looked at Nico. Then at Annabeth, as if to check that he'd heard correctly. Then back at Nico. 'You -' 'Yeah,' Nico said. 'You're a great person. But I'm over that. I'm happy for you guys.' 'You ... so you mean -' 'Right.' Annabeth's grey eyes started to sparkle. She gave Nico a sideways smile. 'Wait,' Percy said. 'So you mean -' 'Right,' Nico said again. 'But it's cool. We're cool. I mean, I see now ... you're cute, but you're not my type.' 'I'm not your type ... Wait. So -' 'See you around, Percy,' Nico said. nico-di-angelo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
f924203 "Percy scowled. "I-I know you." Nico raised his eyebrows. "Do you?" nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
cd9f362 "We need music," Nico said. "How's your singing?" "Um, no. Can't you just, like, tell it to open? You're the son of Hades and all." "It's not so easy. We need music." I was pretty sure if I tried to sing, all I would cause was an avalanche." nico-di-angelo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
78255ab "Nico strode forward. The enemy army fell back before him like he radiated death, which of course he did. Through the face guard of his skull-shaped helmet, he smiled. "Got your message. Is it too late to join the party?" "Son of Hades." Kronos spit on the ground. "Do you love death so much you wish to experience it?" "Your death," Nico said, "would be great for me." "I'm immortal, you fool! I have escaped Tartarus. You have no business here, and no chance to live." Nico drew his sword-three feet of wicked sharp Stygian iron, black as a nightmare. "I don't agree." nico-di-angelo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
561a4c2 "Yeah, well," Nico said, "not giving people a second thought...that can be dangerous." -- nico-di-angelo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
c3f1767 Christmas in the Underworld was NOT my idea. If I'd known what was coming, I would've called in sick. I could've avoided an army of demons, a fight with a Titan, and a trick that almost got my friends and me cast into eternal darkness. But no, I had to take my stupid English exam. nico-di-angelo percy-jackson test thalia-grace titan underworld Rick Riordan
afeb182 "This is so cool!" Nico said, jumping up and down in the driver's seat. "Is this really the sun? I thought Helios and Selene were the sun and moon gods. How come sometimes it's them and sometimes it's you and Artemis?" "Downsizing," Apollo said. "The Romans started it. They couldn't afford all those temple sacrifices, so they laid off Helios and Selene and folded their duties into our job descriptions. My sis got the moon. I got the sun. It was pretty annoying at first, but at least I got this cool car." "But how does it work?" Nico asked. "I thought the sun was a big fiery ball of gas!" Apollo chuckled and ruffled Nico's hair. "That rumor probably got started because Artemis used to call me a big fiery ball of gas." artemis nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
b3319ce "I looked down at my clothes. They were slashed to pieces and full of bullet holes, but I was fine. Not a mark on me. Nico's mouth hung open. "You just . . . with a sword . . . you just--" "I think the river thing worked," I said. "Oh gee," he said sarcastically. "You think?" nico-di-angelo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
96c92d9 Nico, I've seen a lot of brave things. But what you just did? That was maybe the bravest. jason-grace nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
51e20f5 You will suffer, son of Hades!' What else is new? Nico thought. humour life nico-di-angelo suffering Rick Riordan
02ad8cc Then she did something so unexpected Nico would later think he dreamed it. She walked up to Nico, who was standing to one side in the shadows, as usual. She grabbed his hand and pulled him gently into the firelight. 'We had one home,' she said. 'Now we have two.' She gave Nico a big hug and the crowd roared with approval. For once, Nico didn't feel like pulling away. He buried his face in Reyna's shoulder and blinked the tears out of his eyes. love nico-di-angelo reyna Rick Riordan
8cf50db Then there was Nico di Angelo. Dang, that kid gave Leo the freaky-deakies. He sat back in his leather aviator jacket, his black T-shirt and jeans, that wicked silver skull ring on his finger, and the Stygian sword at his side. His tufts of black hair struck up in curls like baby bat wings. His eyes were sad and kind of empty, as if he'd stared into the depths of Tartarus--which he had. leo-valdez nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
6aca71d "You know what would help this boy?" Demeter mused. "Farming." Persephone rolled her eyes. "Mother-" "Six months behind a plow. Excellent character building." nico-di-angelo persephone Rick Riordan
501f3a0 Nico scowled. 'It's none of your business, but I don't belong. That's obvious. No one wants me. I'm a child of -' 'Oh, please.' Will sounded unusually angry. 'Nobody at Camp Half-Blood ever pushed you away. You have friends - or at least people who would like to be your friend. You pushed yourself away. If you'd get your head out of that brooding cloud of yours for once - friendship nico-di-angelo will-solace Rick Riordan
3d1fa99 At Camp Half-Blood. The Hades cabin needs a head counsellor. Have you seen the decor? It's disgusting. I'll have to renovate. And someone needs to do the burial rites properly, since demigods insist on dying heroically.' 'That's - that's fantastic! Dude!' Jason opened his arms for a hug, then froze. 'Right. No touching. Sorry.' Nico grunted. 'I suppose we can make an exception.' Jason squeezed him so hard Nico thought his ribs would crack. nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
8980c1e No,' Nico said. 'Getting a second life is one thing. Making it a better life, that's the trick.' As soon as he said it, Nico realized he could've been talking about himself. He decided not to bring that up. life nico-di-angelo second-chances wisdom Rick Riordan
e0ac01a Jason's fingers itched to draw his sword. He'd met plenty of scary demigods, but he was starting to realize that Nico di Angelo--as pale and gaunt as he looked--might be more than he could handle. house-of-hades jason-grace nico-di-angelo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
84967ae He looked at the silver pocketknife in his hand. An idea came to him - possibly the stupidest, craziest idea he'd had since he thought, Hey, I'll get Percy to swim in the River Styx! He'll love me for that! memory nico-di-angelo past Rick Riordan
5533255 "The way to beat Luke," he said. "If I'm right, it's the only way you'll stand a chance." I took a deep breath. "Okay. I'm listening." Nico glanced inside my room. His eyebrows furrowed. "Is that blue birthday cake?" He sounded hungry, maybe a little wistful. I wondered if the poor kid had ever had a birthday party, or if he'd ever even been invited to one. :Come inside for cake and ice cream," I said. "It sounds like we've got a lot to talk about." blue-food nico-di-angelo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
7e9888d Really? That would be a first. I'm the son of , Jason. I might as well be covered in blood or sewage, the way people treat me. I don't belong anywhere. I'm not even from this . But that's not enough to set me apart. heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan son-of-hades Rick Riordan
bcdebc7 "Whoa," said Nico as he climbed off the bus. "Is that a climbing wall?" "Yeah," I (Percy) said. "Why is there lava pouring down it?" "Little extra challenge..." - Percy" climbing-wall lava nico-di-angelo percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-titan-s-curse Rick Riordan
56406aa "I don't feel that way anymore," Nico muttered. "I mean... I gave up on Percy. I was young and impressionable, and I- I don't..." His voice cracked, and Jason could tell the guy was about to get teary-eyed. Whether Nico had really given up on Percy or not, Jason couldn't imagine what it had been like for Nico all those years, keeping a secret that would've been unthinkable to share in the 1940s, denying who he was, feeling completely alone- even more isolated than other demigods. "Nico," he said gently, "I've seen a lot of brave things. But what you did? That was maybe the bravest." bromance friendship heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan trust Rick Riordan
a751c7d Images flashed through his mind. He saw Nico and his sister on a snowy cliff in Maine, Percy Jackson protecting them from a manticore. Percy's sword gleamed in the dark. He'd been the first demigod Nico had ever seen in action. Later, at Camp Half-Blood, Percy took Nico by the arm, promising to keep his sister Bianca safe. Nico believed him. Nico looked into his sea-green eyes and thought, He was Nico's favorite game, Mythomagic, brought to life. Jason saw the moment when Percy returned and told Nico that Bianca was dead. Nico had screamed and called him a liar. He'd felt betrayed, but still... when the skeleton warriors attacked, he couldn't let them harm Percy. Nico had called on the earth to swallow them up, and then he'd run away- terrified of his own powers, and his own emotions. eros heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace love nico-di-angelo percy-jackson revelation rick-riordan Rick Riordan
bbc76d9 "Dalmatia," Nico said, making Jason jump. Jason wished he could put a bell around Nico di Angelo's neck to remind him the guy was there. Nico had this disturbing habit of standing silently in the corner, blending into the shadows." nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
23c5f4a I will see you again,' Hades promised. 'I will prepare a room for you at the palace in case you do not survive. Perhaps your chambers would look good decorated with the skulls of monks.' 'Now I can't tell if you're joking.' Hades's eyes glittered as his form began to fade. 'Then perhaps we are alike in some important ways.' The god vanished. family father hades nico-di-angelo son Rick Riordan
1e45fb2 "No," Frank said. "I'm only a centurion." Jason cursed in Latin. "He means he can't control a whole legion. He's not of high enough rank." Nico swung back his black sword at another gryphon. "Well, then, promote him!" centurion frank-s-promotion frank-zhang heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace legion nico-di-angelo percy-jackson praetor promotion rick-riordan son-of-mars the-rise-of-frank-zhang Rick Riordan
b2af367 "Frank heard a laugh behind him. He glanced back and couldn't believe what he saw. Nico di Angelo was actually smiling. "That's more like it," Nico said. "Let's turn this tide!" battle blessing destiny fate fortune frank-zhang happiness happy heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades luck nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan surprise tides-have-turned turning-point Rick Riordan
7f783d5 Nico studied his face - his sea-green eyes, his grin, his ruffled black hair. Somehow Percy Jackson seemed like a regular guy now, not a mythical figure. Not someone to idolize or crush on. love nico-di-angelo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
802a91f "Nico drew his sword. His smile was even more unsettling than his scowl. "Underground," he said. "My favorite place." Underground was Jason's favorite place." house-of-hades jason-grace nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
2cc5e56 Nico wasn't sure whether to kick himself or Will Solace. If he hadn't been so distracted bickering with the son of Apollo, he would never have allowed the enemy to get so close. nico-di-angelo will-solace Rick Riordan
b3bebf2 Hades allowed himself the faintest smile, but there was nothing cruel in his eyes. 'I can entertain the possibility that you acted for multiple reasons. My point is this: you and I rose to the aid of Olympus because you convinced me to let go of my anger. I would encourage you to do likewise. My children are so rarely happy. I ... I would like to see you be an exception.' Nico stared at his father. He didn't know what to do with that statement. He could accept many unreal things - hordes of ghosts, magical labyrinths, travel through shadows, chapels made of bones. But tender words from the Lord of the Underworld? No. That made no sense. hades love nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
2be4b6d Yeah, okay. But, Nico, you choose how to live your life. You want to trust somebody? Maybe take a risk that I'm really your friend and I'll accept you. It's better than hiding. friendship heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan trust Rick Riordan
7f5c557 "He scowled at Jason. "And please, I don't like being touched. Don't ever grab me again." jason-grace nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
9509dd9 "Nico," I said at last, "shouldn't you be sitting at the Hades table?" He shrugged. "Technically, yes. But if I sit alone at my table, strange things happen. Cracks open in the floor. Zombies crawl out and start roaming around. It's a mood disorder. I can't control it. That's what I told Chiron." "And is it true?" I asked. Nico smiled thinly. "I have a note from my doctor." Will raised his hand. "I'm his doctor." "Chiron decided it wasn't worth arguing about," Nico said. "As long as I sit at a table with other people, like...oh, these guys for instance...the zombies stay away. Everybody's happier." Will nodded serenely. "It's the strangest thing. Not that Nico would ever misuse his powers to get what he wants." "Of course not," Nico agreed." -- nico-di-angelo solangelo will-solace Rick Riordan
3cba89f Think long and hard about how you proceed, Nico di Angelo. You cannot lie to Cupid. If you let your anger rule you... well, your fate will be even sadder then mine. favonius heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades nico-di-angelo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
ca53d1d At this point, you may be wondering how I felt seeing my son with Nico di Angelo. I'll admit I did not understand Will's attraction to a child of Hades, but if the dark foreboding type was what made Will happy... Oh perhaps some of you are wondering how I felt seeing him with a boyfriend rather than a girlfriend. If that's the case, please. We gods are not hung up about such things. nico-di-angelo will-solace Rick Riordan
52176ac My son, what you are attempting - shadow-travel across the world, carrying the statue of Athena - it may well destroy you.' 'Thanks for the encouragement. nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
8949708 " The god's voice was tinged with disappointment. you "I've been to Tartarus and back," Nico snarled. "You don't scare me." " eros heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades love nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
84a6209 "Hazel frowned. "Why that one?" "You don't see the ghost?" Frank asked. "Ghost?" Nico asked. Okay... if Frank was seeing a ghost that the Underworld kids couldn't see, something was definitely wrong." ghosts hazel-levesque house-of-hades nico-di-angelo percy-jackson-and-te-olympians rick-riordan siblings underworld Rick Riordan
0073b47 Nico had proven himself in other ways. He'd kept the camps' secrets for the best of reasons, because he feared a war. He had plunged into Tartarus alone, voluntarily, to find the Doors of Death. He'd been captured and imprisoned by giants. He had led the crew of the Argo II into the House of Hades...and now he had accepted yet another terrible quest: raking himself to haul the Athene Parthenos back to Camp Half-Blood. nico-di-angelo tartarus Rick Riordan
9b73776 "Nico's voice was like broken glass. "I- I wasn't in love with Annabeth." "You were jealous of her," Jason said. "That's why you didn't want to be around her. Especially why you don't want to be around... him. It makes total sense." -- eros heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace love nico-di-angelo percy-jackson revelation rick-riordan Rick Riordan
a0a700c The name says it all. That's where Dad (Hades) tries out his new punishment ideas, but he says the traditional ones still work best: the lava flows, the minefields full of exploding surprises, burning at the stake, running naked through cactus patches... You name it, we've got it here - Nico di Angelo hades nico-di-angelo torture Rick Riordan
6e8e933 "About five meters ahead, Nico was swinging his black sword with one hand, holding the scepter of Diocletian aloft with the other. He kept shouting orders at the legionnaires, but they paid him no attention. Of course not, Frank thought. He's [...] Jason's face was already beaded with sweat. He kept shouting in Latin: "Form ranks!" But the dead legionnaires wouldn't listen to him, either. [...] "Make way!" Frank shouted. To his surprise, the dead legionnaires parted for him. The closest ones turned and stared at him with blank eyes, as if waiting for further orders. "Oh, great..." Frank mumbled." frank-zhang greek heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace legion legionnaires nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan roman Rick Riordan
c8bc2cd " Cupid said, smashing another skeleton to pieces. "Nico," Jason managed to say, "it's okay. I get it." Nico glanced over, pain and misery washing across his face. "No you don't," he said. "There's no way you can understand." Cupid chided. " eros heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace love nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
18261f3 "Nico, you can do this," Jason said. "It might be embarrassing, but it's for the scepter." Nico didn't look convinced. In fact he looked like he was going to be sick. But he squared his shoulders and nodded. "You're right. I- I'm not afraid of a love god." Favonius beamed. "Excellent! Would you like a snack before you go?" eros favonius heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace love nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
2b5b32a "This did not seem to reassure Nico. "I don't like being in the dark," he muttered. An odd complaint for a child of Hades, but I understood what he meant." humor nico-di-angelo puns Rick Riordan
c6ac7a1 She'd felt more pain from Nico in their brief connection than she had from her entire legion during the battle against the giant Polybotes. nico-di-angelo pain reyna Rick Riordan
ef4a23c He remembered Apollo, smiling and tanned and completely cool in his shades. Thalia had said, He's hot. He's the sun god, Percy replied. That's not what I meant. Why was Nico thinking about that now? The random memory irritated him, made him feel jittery. memory nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
618d1ab "Nothing?" Favonius cried. "The one you care for most... plunged into Tartarus, and you still will not allow the truth?" Suddenly Jason felt like he was eavedropping. " eros favonius heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace love nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
3f4d2b8 Nico's anger turned as cold and dark as his blade. He'd been morphed into a few plants himself, and he didn't appreciate it. He hated people like Bryce Lawrence, who inflicted pain just for fun. nico-di-angelo pain psychopathy Rick Riordan
cb5bc26 Please!' That word didn't make sense to Nico. The Underworld had no mercy. It only had justice. 'You're already dead,' Nico said. 'You're a ghost with no tongue, no memory. You won't be sharing any secrets. justice nico-di-angelo underworld Rick Riordan
962c742 Nico di Angelo came into Olympus to a hero's welcome, his father right behind him, despite the fact that Hades was only supposed to visit Olympus in winter solstice. The God of the dead looked stunned when his relatives clapped him on the back. I doubt he'd ever got such an enthusiastic welcome before. hades nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
7667606 "So," I (Percy) said glumly. "We're going to get a ride from your brother, huh?" Artemis's silver eyes gleamed. "Yes, boy. You see, Bianca di Angelo is not the only one with an annoying brother. It's time for you to meet my irresponsible twin, Apollo." artemis bianca-di-angelo humour nico nico-di-angelo nico-diangelo Rick Riordan
24be102 My dad gave me a present once,' Nico said. 'It was a zombie.' Reyna stared at him. 'What?' 'His name is Jules-Albert. He's French.' 'A... French zombie? humour nico-di-angelo reyna zombie Rick Riordan
33a20c4 Child of Hades, what more could I do to you? You are perfect! So much sorrow and pain!' Nico gasped. His eyes flew open. nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
b2d63d6 Jason always tried to build a good relationship with his team. He'd learned the hard way that if somebody was going to have your back in a fight, it was better if you found some common ground and trusted each other. But Nico wasn't easy to figure out. house-of-hades jason-grace nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
8924e19 I am the son of Hades. I go where I wish. The darkness is my birthright. nico-di-angelo son-of-hades Rick Riordan
c497f69 "Please tell me your master isn't Aeolus." "That airhead?" Favonius snorted. "No, of course not." "He means Eros." Nico's voice turned edgy. "Cupid, in Latin." Favonius smiled. "Very good, Nico di Angelo. I'm glad to see you again, by the way. It's been a long time." eros favonius heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
8286b9d Nico didn't like to be touched, but somehow this brief contact with his father felt reassuring - the same way the Chapel of Bones was reassuring. Like death, his father's presence was cold and often callous, but it was real - brutally honest, inescapably dependable. family foreboding hades impending-doom nico-di-angelo reassurance Rick Riordan
32b7629 "Grover and Nico came back from their walk, and Grover helped me fix up my wounded arm. "It's green!" Nico said with delight." humour nico-di-angelo nico-diangelo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
57dc2b7 Clovis,' Nico growled, 'for the gods' sake, stop dreaming so powerfully! nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
6a1ff0a "Oh, he's not like that," said Favonius. Jason flinched. "You can read my mind?" "I don't need to." Favonius tossed his bronze hoop in the air. " has the wrong impression of Cupid... until they meet him." eros favonius heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
958d827 It's not mind-reading,' she said. 'Not even an empathy link. Just ... a temporary wave of exhaustion. Primal emotions. Your pain washes over me. I take on some of your burden.' Nico's expression became guarded. He twisted the silver skull ring on his finger, the same way Reyna did with her silver ring when she was thinking. Sharing a habit with the son of Hades made her uneasy. nico-di-angelo reyna Rick Riordan
b65bfea He remembered how nice the kids at Camp Half-Blood had been to him after the war with Kronos. Great job, Nico! Thanks for bringing the armies of the Underworld to save us! Everybody smiled. They all invited him to sit at their table. After about a week, his welcome wore thin. Campers would jump when he walked up behind them. He would emerge from the shadows at the campfire, startle somebody and see the discomfort in their eyes: Are you still here? Why are you here? It didn't help that immediately after the war with Kronos, Annabeth and Percy had started dating ... Nico set down his fartura. Suddenly it didn't taste so good. heartbreak life love memory nico-di-angelo past Rick Riordan
905c657 "You are a half-blood," Zoe Nightshade said. Her accent was hard to place. It sounded old-fashioned, like she was reading from a really old book. "One of thy parents was mortal. The other was an Olympian." "An Olympian athlete?" "No," Zoe said. "One of the gods." "Cool!" said Nico." nico-di-angelo nico-diangelo olympian Rick Riordan
e66fbdc The two of them looked so comfortable together it made Nico glad. But it also it caused an ache in his heart - a ghostly pain, like an old war wound throbbing in bad weather. love nico-di-angelo pain Rick Riordan
5aa8f8e "Who wants us?" Bianca demanded. "Because if you think you'll get a ransom, you're wrong. We don't have any family. Nico and I--" Her voice broke a little. "We've got no one but each other." nico-di-angelo nico-diangelo Rick Riordan
b5acfeb As for my brothers,' Zeus said, 'we are thankful -' he cleared his throat, like the words were hard to get out - 'erm, thankful for the aid of Hades.' The Lord of the Dead nodded. He had a smug look on his face, but I figure he'd earned the right. He patted his son Nico on the shoulders, and Nico looked happier than I'd ever seen him. humor-inspirational inspirational nico-di-angelo pay-back zeus Rick Riordan
8cdd43d The wind god Favonius had warned him in Croatia: If you let your anger rule you ... your fate will be even sadder than mine. But how could his fate be anything but sad? Even if he lived through this quest, he would have to leave both camps forever. That was the only way he would find peace. He wished there was another option - a choice that didn't hurt like the waters of the Phlegethon - but he couldn't see one. destiny fate life nico-di-angelo reflection Rick Riordan
3c3130b It doesn't seem right? Another part of him wondered, Since when do I worry about what's right? nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
6133c44 "Nico danced around like he needed to use the restroom. "Does Zeus really have lightning bolts that do six hundred damage? Does he get extra movement points for--" "Nico, shut up!" Bianca put her hands to her face. "This is not your stupid Mythomagic game, okay? There are no gods!" mythomagic nico-di-angelo nico-diangelo zeus Rick Riordan
d64d91e "Where are you taking us?" Nico said. "You should be honored, my boy. You will have the opportunity to join a great army! Just like that silly game you play with cards and dolls." "They're not dolls! They're figurines! And you can take your great army and--" nico-di-angelo nico-diangelo Rick Riordan
6c553ed "I still don't get it" Coach Hedge muttered as they roamed the centre aisle. "They named a whole town after Leo's table?" "I think the town was here first, Coach" Nico said." -- nico-di-angelo percy-jackson the-blood-of-olympus Rick Riordan
d0f8586 The Underworld had no mercy. It only had justice justice mercy nico-di-angelo underworld Rick Riordan
a24cb50 "Bianca di Angelo shivered. "That explains Nico, you remember last summer, those guys who tried to attack us in the alley in DC?" "And that bus driver," Nico said. "The one with the ram's horns. I *told* you that was real." nico-di-angelo nico-diangelo Rick Riordan
77c30db "I (Percy) set Nico on guard duty with Beckendorf and the Stoll brothers, figuring he'd be safely out of the way. ... "What's happening?" Nico demanded, trying to climb up next to me." connor-stoll nico-di-angelo nico-diangelo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
05c42e9 "I'm scared," Nico mumbled. He was fiddling with something--a little metal toy soldier of some kind. "Stop talking!" Dr. Thorn said. "Face me!" nico-di-angelo nico-diangelo Rick Riordan