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ba033ff It's okay," he said. "We're together." He didn't sa absence annabeth-chase heroes-of-olympus inspirational love percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians relationship separation the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
ebb0a38 "It's okay," he said. "We're together." He didn't say , or . After all they'd been through over the last year, he knew that the most important thing was that they were together. She loved him for saying that." -- annabeth-chase heroes-of-olympus inspirational love percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians relationship separation the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
7cc94f1 "He turned to Frank who was trying to pull his fingers out of the Chinese handcuffs... "Okay," Frank relented. "Sure." He frowned at his fingers, trying to pull them out of the trap. "Uh, how do you--" Leo chuckled. "Man, you've never seen those before? There's a simple trick to getting out." Frank tugged again with no luck. Even Hazel was trying not to laugh. Frank grimaced with concentration. Suddenly, he disappeared. On the deck where he'd been standing, a green iguana crouched next to an empty set of Chinese handcuffs. "Well done, Frank Zhang," Leo said dryly, doing his impression of Chiron the centaur. "That is exactly how people beat Chinese handcuffs. They turn into iguanas." frank-zhang heroes-of-olympus humor jason-grace keep-it-simple leo-valdez percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena trap Rick Riordan
aacfcf9 "Gods of Olympus." Piper stared at Leo. "What happened to ?" His hair was greased back. He had welding goggles on his forehead, a lipstick mark on his cheek, tattoos all over his arms, and a T-shirt that read HOT STUFF, BAD BOY, and TEAM LEO. "Long story," he said." leo-valdez percy-jackson-and-the-olympians piper-mclean the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
eb1c4aa "This is Annabeth," Jason said. "Uh, normally she doesn't judo-flip people." heroes-of-olympus humor jason-grace percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
44f5313 "I could have killed you." "Or I could have killed you," Percy said. Jason shrugged. "If there'd been an ocean in Kansas, maybe." "I don't need an ocean--" "Boys," Annabeth interrupted, "I'm sure you both would've been wonderful at killing each other. But right now, you need some rest." Food first," Percy said. "Please?" food heroes-of-olympus jason-grace percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
33bff2c "And," Annabeth continued, "it reminds me how long we've known each other. We were , Percy. Can you believe that?" "No, he admitted. " knew you liked me from that moment?" She smirked. "I hated you at first. You annoyed me. Then I tolerated you for a few years. Then--" "Okay, fine." She leaned in and kissed: him a good, proper kiss without anyone watching--no Romans anywhere, no screaming satyr chaperones. She pulled away. "I missed you, Percy." Percy wanted to tell her the same thing, but it seemed too small a comment. While he had been on the Roman side, he'd kept himself alive almost solely by thinking of Annabeth. didn't really cover that." annabeth-chase heroes-of-olympus missing-you percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians romance separation the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
393bca1 "Blackjack," Percy said, "this is Piper and Jason. They're friends." The horse nickered. "Uh, maybe later," Percy answered. Piper had heard that Percy could speak to horses, being the son of the horse lord Poseidon, but she'd never seen it in action. "What does Blackjack want?" she asked. "Donuts," Percy said. "Always donuts." donuts flying-horses heroes-of-olympus humor jason-grace percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians piper-mclean the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
2254ea9 "You sneaked into my cabin?" Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Percy, you'll be seventeen in two months. You can't seriously be worried about getting in trouble with Coach Hedge." "Uh, have you seen his baseball bat?" "Besides, Seaweed Brain, I just thought we could take a walk. We haven't had any time to be together alone. I want to show you something--my favorite place aboard the ship." Percy's pulse was still in overdrive, but it wasn't from fear of getting in trouble. "Can I, you know, brush my teeth first?" "You'd better," Annabeth said. "Because I'm not kissing you until you do. And brush your hair while you're at it." coach-hedge heroes-of-olympus humor percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians romance sneaking-out the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
0aba9d5 "Save yourselves!" Percy warned. "It is too late for us!" Then he gasped and pointed to the spot where Frank was hiding. "Oh, no! Frank is turning into a crazy dolphin!" Nothing happened. "I ," Percy repeated, "Frank is turning into a crazy dolphin!" Frank stumbled out of nowhere, making a big show of grabbing his throat. "Oh, no," he said, like he was reading from a teleprompter. "I am turning into a crazy dolphin." He began to change, his nose elongating into a snout, his skin becoming sleek and gray. He fell to the deck as a dolphin, his tail thumping against the boards. The pirate crew disbanded in terror." frank-zhang heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians pirates the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
0aafc24 "Annabeth gripped the hilt of her dagger. "A bounty on our heads . . . as if we didn't attract enough monsters already." "Do we get WANTED posters?" Leo asked. "And do they have our bounties, like, broken down on a price list?" Hazel wrinkled her nose. " are you talking about?" "Just wondering how much I'm going for these days," Leo said. "I mean, I can understand not being as pricey as Percy or Jason, maybe . . . but am I worth, like, two Franks, or three Franks?" bounty frank-zhang hazel-levesque jason-grace leo-valdez percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
30b952e The first lesson every child of Athena learned: Mom was the best at everything, and you should never, suggest otherwise. athena heroes-of-olympus hubris mother-knows-best mothers-and-daughters percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
8190244 "Aphros nodded, a glint of pride in his eyes. "We have trained all the famous mer-heroes! Name a famous mer-hero, and we have trained him or her!" "Oh, sure," Leo said. ", the Little Mermaid?" Aphros frowned. "Who? No! Like Triton, Glaucus, Weissmuller, and Bill!" "Oh. "Leo had no idea who any of those people were. "You trained Bill? Impressive." hero-training heroes heroes-of-olympus leo-valdez mermaids percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-little-mermaid the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
d2a255a "I still don't understand what a sea god would be doing in Atlanta." Leo snorted. "What's a wine god doing in Kansas? Gods are weird." heroes-of-olympus leo-valdez percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
c08fed5 "Annabeth," he said hesitantly, "in New Rome, demigods can live their whole lives in peace." Her expression turned guarded. "Reyna explained it to me. But, Percy, you belong at Camp Half-Blood. That other life--" "I know," Percy said. "But while I was there, I saw so many demigods living without fear: kids going to college, couples getting married and raising families. There's nothing like that at Camp Half-Blood. I kept thinking about you and me...and maybe someday when this war with the giants is over..." It was hard to tell in the golden light, but he thought Annabeth was blushing. "Oh," she said... "I'm sorry," he said. "I just...I had to think of that to keep going. To give me hope. Forget I mentioned--" "No!" she said. "Gods, Percy, that's so sweet." hope percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians relationships reyna romance the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
101bfca "Leo drummed his fingers. "Great. I should have installed a smoke screen that makes the ship smell like a giant chicken nugget. Remind me to invent that, next time." Hazel frowned. "What is a chicken nugget?" "Oh, man..." Leo shook his head in amazement. "That's right. You've missed the last, like, seventy years. Well, my apprentice, a chicken nugget--" "Doesn't matter," Annabeth interrupted." chicken hazel-levesque heroes-of-olympus leo-valdez percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
c9123a0 "Naturally, Coach Hedge went ballistic; but Percy found it hard to take the satyr seriously since he was barely five feet tall. "Never in my life!" Coach bellowed, waving his bat and knocking over a plate of apples. "Against the rules! Irresponsible!" "Coach," Annabeth said, "it was an accident. We were talking, and we fell asleep." "Besides," Percy said, "you're starting to sound like Terminus." Hedge narrowed his eyes. "Is that an insult, Jackson? 'Cause I'll--I'll terminus you, buddy!" coach-hedge heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians terminus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
6a4b29f Once the others were below, Hazel and Leo faced each other awkwardly. They were alone except for Coach Hedge, who was back on the quarterdeck singing the theme song. The coach had changed the words to: , and Leo really didn't want to know why. hazel-levesque heroes-of-olympus humor leo-valdez percy-jackson-and-the-olympians pokemon the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
3a7f8e3 [Piper] rushed to get dressed. By the time she got up on deck, the others had already gathered--all hastily dressed except for Coach Hedge, who had pulled the night watch. Frank's Vancouver Winter Olympics shirt was inside out. Percy wore pajama pants and a bronze breastplate, which was an interesting fashion statement. Hazel's hair was all blown to one side as though she'd walked through a cyclone; and Leo had accidentally set himself on fire. His T-shirt was in charred tatters. His arms were smoking. fashion frank-zhang hazel-levesque leo-valdez percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians piper-mclean the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
320044b "Festus just detected a large group of eagles behind us--long-range radar, still not in sight." Piper leaned over the console. "Are you sure they're Roman?" Leo rolled his eyes. "No, Pipes. It could be a random group of giant eagles flying in perfect formation. Of course they're Roman!" leo-valdez percy-jackson-and-the-olympians piper-mclean sarcasm the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
54cd289 "Hmm..." Jason snapped his fingers. "I can call a friend for a ride." Percy raised his eyebrows. "Oh, yeah? Me too. Let's see whose friend gets here first." flying-horses heroes-of-olympus humor jason-grace percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
cf6a94d "Aphrodite," [Annabeth] said. "Venus?" Hazel asked in amazement. "Mom," Piper said with no enthusiasm. "Girls!" The goddess spread her arms like she wanted a group hug. The three demigods did not oblige. Hazel backed into a palmetto tree." aphrodite hazel-levesque heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson-and-the-olympians piper-mclean the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
b1a051a The meeting was like a war council with donuts. Then again, back at Camp Half-Blood they used to have their most serious discussions around the Ping-Pong table in the rec room with crackers and Cheez Whiz, so Percy felt right at home. humor percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena war-council Rick Riordan
420437e Annabeth:My fatal flaw. That's what the Sirens showed me. My fatal flaw is hubris. Percy: the brown stuff they spread on veggie sandwiches? Annabeth:No, Seaweed Brain. That's HUMMUS. hubris is worse. Percy: what could be worse than hummus? Annabeth: Hubris means deadly pride, Percy. Thinking you can do things better than anyone else... Even the gods. hubris hummus percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians rick-riordan the-sea-of-the-monsters the-sirens Rick Riordan
59bbd5a "Percy blinked. "So your brother is a winged horse. But you're also my half brother, which means all the flying horses in the world are my...You know what? Lets' forget it." flying-horses percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
b644a40 "Butch hesitated. "Annabeth's okay. You gotta cut her some slack. She had a vision telling her to come here, to find a guy with one shoe. That was supposed to be the answer to her problem." "What Problem?" Piper asked. "She's been looking for one of our campers, who's been missing three days," Butch said. "She's going out of her mind with worry. She hoped he'd be here." percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-lost-hero Rick Riordan
9e1dbe3 "Down in the water, Octavian yelled, "Get me out of here! I'll kill you!" "Tempting," Percy called down." humor octavian percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
b9afaa3 "This is Buford," Leo announced. "You name your furniture?" Frank asked." frank-zhang leo-valdez percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
45b9d0d "Piper and Hazel were ready to go, but first Annabeth turned to Percy, who was leaning on the starboard rail, gazing over the bay. Annabeth took his hand. "What are you going to do while we're gone?" "Jump in the harbor," he said casually, like another kid might say, ." hazel-levesque percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians piper-mclean the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
e4496b0 Please, Percy...change your clothes. You smell like you've been run over by an electric horse. heroes-of-olympus horses humor hygiene percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
a629c4e "Percy and Hedge lay on the deck, looking exhausted. Hedge was missing his shoes. He grinned at the sky, muttering, "Awesome. Awesome." Percy was covered in nicks and scratches, like he'd jumped through a window. He didn't say anything but he grasped Annabeth's hand weakly as if to say, Leo, Piper, and Jason, who'd been eating in the mess hall, came rushing up the stairs. "What? What?" Leo cried, holding a half-eaten grilled cheese sandwich. "Can't a guy even take a lunch break? What's wrong?" "Followed!" Frank yelled again. "Followed by ? Jason asked. "I don't know!" Frank panted. "Whales? Sea monsters? Maybe Kate and Porky!" Annabeth wanted to strangle the guy, but she wasn't sure her hands would fit around his thick neck. "That makes absolutely no sense." coach-hedge frank-zhang jason-grace leo-valdez percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians piper-mclean the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
42e3de8 "Percy says be talked to a Nereid in Charleston Harbor!" "Good for him!" Leo yelled back. "The Nereid said we should seek help from Chiron's brothers." "What does that mean? The Party Ponies?" Leo had never met Chiron's crazy centaur relatives, but he'd heard rumors of Nerf sword-fights, root beer-chugging contests, and Super Soakers filled with pressurized whipped cream. "Not sure," Annabeth said. "But I've got coordinates. Can you input latitude and longitude in this thing?" "I can input star charts and order you a smoothie, if you want. Of I can do latitude and longitude!" chiron family heroes-of-olympus humor leo-valdez nereids party-ponies percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
4b82bfe "Did someone just call me the ?" he asked in a lazy drawl. "It's Bacchus, please. Or Mr. Bacchus. Or Lord Bacchus. Or, sometimes, Oh-My-Gods-Please-Don't-Kill-Me, Lord Bacchus." dionysus gods humor names percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
35c988a Forget the chicken-nugget smoke screen. Percy wanted Leo to invent an anti-dream hat. heroes-of-olympus leo-valdez percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
0b6dc2e "I'm nobody's sidekick," Annabeth growled. "And, Percy, his accent sounds familiar because he sounds like his mother. We killed her in New Jersey." Percy frowned. "I'm pretty sure that accent isn't New Jersey. Who's his--? Oh." It all fell into place. Aunty Em's Garden Gnome Emporium--the lair of Medusa. She'd talked with that same accent, at least until Percy had cut off her head. " is your mom?" he asked. "Dude, that sucks for you." annabeth-chase family humor medusa new-jersey percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
abb7891 Percy was getting tired of water. If he said that aloud, he would probably get kicked out of Poseidon's Junior Sea Scouts, but he didn't care. percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians poseidon the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
8680509 "Percy?" Annabeth gripped his arm. "Oh, bad," he muttered. "Bad. Bad." He looked across the table at Frank and Hazel. "You guys remember Polybotes?" "The giant who invaded Camp Jupiter," Hazel said. "The anti-Poseidon you whacked in the head with a Terminus statue. Yes, I think I remember" camp-jupiter hazel-levesque heroes-of-olympus humor percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians polybotes poseidon terminus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
ddfb061 "She led him past the engine room, which looked like a very dangerous, mechanized jungle gym, with pipes and pistons and tubes jutting from a central bronze sphere. Cables resembling giant metal noodles snaked across the floor and ran up the walls. "How does that thing even work?" Percy asked. "No idea," Annabeth said. "And I'm the only one besides Leo who can operate it." "That's reassuring." "It should be fine. It's only threatened to blow up once." "You're kidding, I hope." She smiled. "Come on." explosions heroes-of-olympus humor leo-valdez mechanics percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians romance the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
386a9b4 "So...these Pillars of Hercules. Are they dangerous?" Annabeth stayed focused on the cliffs. "For Greeks, the pillars marked the end of the known world. The Romans said the pillars were inscribed with a Latin warning--" Percy said. Annabeth looked stunned. "Yeah. . How did you know?" Percy pointed. "Because I'm looking at it." hercules heroes-of-olympus non-plus-ultra percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians piper-mclean the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
4552e35 "Coach Hedge yelled,"Thar she blows! Kansas, ahoy!" "Holy Hephaestus," Leo muttered. "He really needs to work on his shipspeak." heroes-of-olympus humor kansas leo-valdez percy-jackson-and-the-olympians ships the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
6f1b293 "Hazel!" he yelled. "That box! Open it!" She hesitated, then saw the box he meant. Te label read WARNING. DO NOT OPEN. "Open it!" Leo yelled again." heroes-of-olympus humor percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
54ece87 "Coach Hedge grumbled as he tended their wounds. "How come I never get invited on these violent trips?" heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
bcdebc7 "Whoa," said Nico as he climbed off the bus. "Is that a climbing wall?" "Yeah," I (Percy) said. "Why is there lava pouring down it?" "Little extra challenge..." - Percy" climbing-wall lava nico-di-angelo percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-titan-s-curse Rick Riordan
6bc7eee I'd missed Annabeth probably more than I wanted to admit. percabeth percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-sea-of-monsters Rick Riordan
5a9819a A hero can go anywhere, challenge anyone, as long as he has the nerve. chiron hero percy-jackson-and-the-olympians rick-riordan ultimate-guide Rick Riordan
176e3b0 He'd learned years ago it was better not to dwell too much on who was related to whom on the godly side of things. After Tyson the Cyclops adopted him as a brother, Percy decided that that was about as far as he wanted to extend the family. gods percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena tyson Rick Riordan
2b18fbc "Rachel bit her lip. "I hope you're right. I'm a little worried. What if someone asks what's on the next math test and I start spouting a prophecy in the middle of geometry class? Gods, that would be embarrassing." percy-jackson-and-the-olympians rachel Rick Riordan
699303b "Percy, we're going to Polyphemus' island! Polyphemus is an S-i-k...a C-y-k..." She stamped her foot in frustration. As smart as she was, Annabeth was dyslexic, too. We could've been there all night while she tried to spell Cyclops. "You know what I mean!" -- cyclops dyslexia frustration percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians polyphemus polyphemus-island rick-riordan spelling the-sea-of-the-monsters Rick Riordan
f002e36 "Frank held up the Chinese handcuffs. "Keep it simple." -- chinese-handcuffs frank-zhang heroes-of-olympus keep-it-simple percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
9374332 "Frank held up the Chinese handcuffs. "Keep it simple." chinese-handcuffs frank-zhang heroes-of-olympus keep-it-simple percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
6660eb6 "We still should have enough time to reach Rome." Hazel scowled. "When you say ..." Leo shrugged. "How do you feel about ?" Hazel put her face in her hands for a count of three. "Sounds about typical for us." hazel-levesque leo-valdez percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
5e490c5 "Yay!" Tyson went around the couches and gave everyone a big hug--even Octavian, who didn't look thrilled about it." hugs octavian percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena tyson Rick Riordan
35afd6b Piper had a new entry in her top-ten list of . Fighting Shrimpzilla with a dagger and a pretty voice? Not so effective. percy-jackson-and-the-olympians piper-mclean self-confidence self-esteem skolopendra the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
d43b2d4 "I excel at pulling strings!" said Arachne. "I'm a spider!" arachne heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson-and-the-olympians pulling-strings spiders the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
ad2eda1 Looking at the elementary schoolers in their colorful T-shirts from various day camps, Percy felt a twinge of sadness. He should be at Camp Half-Blood right now, settling into his cabin for the summer, teaching sword-fighting lessons in the arena, playing pranks on the other counselors. These kids had no idea just how crazy a summer camp could be. home nostalgia percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
961d14d "Percy looked at Coach Hedge and Frank. "A trap?" "Probably," Frank said. "She's not mortal," Hedge said, sniffing the air. "Probably some kind of goat-eating, demigod-destroying fiend from Tartarus." "No doubt," Percy agreed. "Awesome." Hedge grinned. "Let's go." frank-zhang humor percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
2baf4c5 "Wisdom's daughter walks alone--" "Ella!" Frank stood suddenly. "Maybe it's not the best time--" Ella continued, cupping her hands over her ears and raising her voice. " ella future heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson-and-the-olympians prophecy sybillene-books the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
ab352dc Annabeth realized that if six of them went on these two quests, it would leave Percy alone on the ship with Coach Hedge, which was maybe not a situation a caring girlfriend should put him in. Nor was she eager to let Percy out of her sight again--not after they'd been apart for so many months. coach-hedge percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians relationships separation the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
56e77fb Don't you ever feel like, what if the world really IS messed up? What if we COULD Do it all over again from scratch? No more war. Nobody homeless. No more summer reading homework. 'm listening. Annabeth: I mean, the West represents a lot of the best things mankind ever did--that's why the fire is still burning. That's why OlympusIs still around. But sometimes you just see the bad stuff, you know? And you start thinking the way Luke does: 'If I could tear this all down, i would do it better.'. Don't you ever feel that way? Like YOU could do a better job I'd you ran the world? Me running the world would be kind of a nightmare. Annabeth: then you're lucky. Hubris isn't your fatal flaw. Percy: what is? Annabeth: I don't know, Percy, but every hero has one. If you don't find it and learn to control it...well, they don't call it 'fatal' for nothing. Percy(thinking to himself): I thought about that. It didn't exactly cheer me up. fatality flaws hubris percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians rick-riordan the-sea-of-the-monsters Rick Riordan
64fd5b7 "What exactly did you find in Atlanta?" Frank unzipped his backpack and started bringing out souvenirs. "Some peach preserves. A couple of T-shirts. A snow globe. And, um, these not-really-Chinese handcuffs." Annabeth forced herself to stay calm. "How about you start from the top--of the story, not the backpack." communication frank-zhang jason-grace percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
870c374 He just raised the dead with coke and cheeseburgers nico percy-jackson-and-the-olympians Rick Riordan
f1335ca "You both passed out," Percy said. "I don't know why, but Ella told me not to worry about it. She said you were...sharing?" "Sharing," Ella agreed. She crouched in the stern, preening her wing feathers with her teeth, which didn't look like a very effective form of personal hygiene. She spit out some red fluff. "Sharing is good. No more blackouts. Biggest American blackout, August 14, 2003. Hazel shared. No more blackouts." Percy scratched his head. "Yeah...we've been having conversations like that all night. I still don't know what she's talking about." ella hazel-levesque heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians sharing the-son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
3d91d6a "Anybody have any money?" Frank checked his pockets. "Three denarii from Camp Jupiter. Five dollars Canadian." Hedge patted his gym shorts and pulled out what he found. "Three quarters, two dimes, a rubber band and--score! A piece of celery." He started munching on the celery, eyeing the change and the rubber band like they might be next." food frank-zhang humor money percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
daa3a05 "Anybody have any money?" Frank checked his pockets. "Three denarii from Camp Jupiter. Five dollars Canadian." Hedge patted his gym shorts and pulled out what he found. "Three quarters, two dimes, a rubber band and--score! A piece of celery." He started munching on the celery, eyeing the change and the rubber band like they might be next." -- food frank-zhang humor money percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
1cd47a1 One false step, and you'll fall all the way to Tartarus--and believe me, unlike the Doors of Death, this would be a one-way trip, a very hard fall! I will have you dying before you tell me your plan for my artwork. arachne artwork death doors-of-death heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson-and-the-olympians tartarus the-mark-of-athena weaving Rick Riordan
3727db4 "As soon as the rocky coast line of the island came into view, I ordered one of the ropes to wrap around Annabeth's waist, tying her to the foremast. "Don't untie me," she said, "no matter what happens or how much I plead. I'll want to go straight over the edge and drown myself." "Are you trying to tempt me?" "Ha-ha." mermaids percabeth percy-jackson percy-jackson-2 percy-jackson-and-the-olympians rick-riordan the-sea-of-monsters Rick Riordan
50a6164 "Marvelous," she said. "Tell me about this tapestry." Arachne's lips curled over her mandibles. "Why do you care? You're about to die." "Well, yes," Annabeth said. "But the way you captured the light is amazing. Did you use real gold thread for the sunbeams?" arachne flattery heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson-and-the-olympians spiders the-mark-of-athena trickery weaving Rick Riordan
f674b79 "If we can't repair things with the Romans--well, the two sets of demigods have gotten along. That's why the gods kept us separate. I don't know if we could ever belong there." Percy didn't want to argue, but he couldn't let go of the hope. It felt important--not just for him, but for all the other demigods. It to be possible to belong in two different worlds at once. After all, that's what being a demigod was all about--not quite belonging in the mortal world or on Mount Olympus, but trying to make peace with both sides of their nature." families fitting-in percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians relationships the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
fb18056 If not for the horses, Piper would've died. horses percy-jackson-and-the-olympians piper-mclean the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
00b6a85 "Reyna looked at Percy without much hope. "You have a plan?" Percy wanted to step forward bravely and say, " percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians plans reyna the-heroes-of-olympus the-son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
40b46eb As Hazel marched down the hill, she cursed in Latin. Percy didn't understand all of it, but he got , , and a few choice suggestions about where Octavian could stick his knife. hazel-levesque humor insults octavian percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
f8fc11c "What? You run? Coward! Stand still and die!" Percy had no intention of doing that." humor percy-jackson-and-the-olympians polybotes son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
37907ea "I sat up in bed. "What did he say?" Tyson groaned, still half asleep. He was lying facedown on the couch, his feet so far over the edge they were in the bathroom. "The happy man said...bowling practice?" bowling-practice disembowling-practice percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-sea-of-the-monsters tyson Rick Riordan
ad6920d "Would Grandmother scold him? Would she say, "Frank! Thank the gods, you've come. I'm surrounded by monsters." More likely she'd scold him, or mistake them for intruders and chase them off with a frying pan." heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson-and-the-olympians rick-riordan son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
1baff14 "Kinzie smiled smugly. "You admire our base of operations? Yes, our distribution system is worldwide. It took many years and most of our fortune to build. Now, finally, we're turning a profit. The mortals don't realize they are funding the Amazon kingdom. Soon, we'll be richer than any mortal nation. Then--when the weak mortals depend on us for everything--the revolution will begin!" "What are you going to do?" Frank grumbled. "Cancel free shipping?" amazons frank-zhang humor kinzie percy-jackson-and-the-olympians rick-riordan the-heroes-of-olympus the-son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
23d381a "Pluto's pauldrons," Reyna cursed." heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson-and-the-olympians pluto reyna the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
2a8748e "[Iris] squeezed his hand. "Don't lose hope, Frank. Rainbows always stand for hope." heroes-of-olympus hope iris percy-jackson-and-the-olympians rainbows the-son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
d19b8a4 "I can't believe how much this place has grown," Hazel muttered. The taxi driver grinned in the rearview mirror. "Been a long time since you visited, miss?" "About seventy years," Hazel said. The driver slid the glass partition closed and drove on in silence." humor percy-jackson-and-the-olympians taxi-driver the-heroes-of-olympus the-son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
e252fd8 "Which reminded me...I still owed the gods a debt. "You're a genius," I (Percy) told Annabeth." genius gods percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians rick-riordan the-sea-of-the-monsters Rick Riordan
046c9fb My only thought was to keep him away from Annabeth. percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-last-olympian Rick Riordan
5119446 "At the front window was something that looked like a machine gun with a cluster of barrels. "Rocket launcher?" he wondered aloud. "Nope, nope! Potatoes. Ella doesn't like potatoes." "Ella! Where are the others?" "Roof. Ogre-watching. Ella doesn't like ogres. Potatoes." Potatoes? Frank didn't understand until he swiveled the machine gun around. Its eight barrels were loaded with spuds. At the base of the gun, a basket was filled with more edible ammunition... "They have cannonballs," Frank said, "and we have a potato gun." "Starch," Ella said thoughtfully. "Starch is bad for ogres." frank-zhang heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson-and-the-olympians son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
dea607e "Ella, just stay here. Stay safe." "Safe," Ella repeated. "Ella likes being safe. Safety in numbers. Safety deposit boxes. Ella will go with Tyson." "What?" Percy said. "Oh... fine, whatever. Just don't get hurt. And Mrs. O'Leary--" "ROOOF." "How do you feel about pulling a chariot?" -- heroes-of-olympus humor mrs-o-leary percy percy-jackson-and-the-olympians son-of-neptune tyson Rick Riordan
a63c33d Why would Roman gods want to date Chinese Canadians? grandmother heroes-of-olympus humor percy-jackson-and-the-olympians son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
dea53db He just summoned the dead with coke and cheeseburgers nico percy-jackson-and-the-olympians Rick Riordan
54ba849 "Hope," Frank grumbled. "I'd rather have a few good weasels." heroes-of-olympus hope iris percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-son-of-neptune weasels Rick Riordan
9a046ae At the end of the warehouse was a dais constructed from pallets of books: stack of vampire novels, walls of James Patterson thrillers, and a throne from about a thousand copies of something called . heroes-of-olympus humor percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
968d779 "Ella is nervous," the harpy muttered from her perch on the railing. "The elephant. The elephant is watching Ella." heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson-and-the-olympians son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
6714b9d The bridge fell away into the chasm, and the Cyclops howled ... with delight, because he was standing right next to us. percy-jackson-and-the-olympians Rick Riordan
59114ea As a general rule, I preferred not to have my soul reaped. percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians sarcasm soul the-last-olympian Rick Riordan
125eb98 It was the heaviest thing I'd ever felt, as if I were being crushed under a thousand trucks. I wanted to black out from the pain, but I breathed deeply. inspirational percy-jackson-and-the-olympians pjo the-titan-s-curse Rick Riordan
8c7073a Jason hated being old. heroes-of-olympus jason-grace percy-jackson-and-the-olympians Rick Riordan
bde0378 It isn't easy being a brilliant inventor, always alone. Always misunderstood. Easy to turn bitter, make horrible mistakes. People are more difficult to work with than machines. And when you break a person, he can't be fixed. -Hephaestus inventor olympus percy-jackson-and-the-olympians rick-riordan Rick Riordan