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386b958 They said I was a valued customer, now they send me hate mail. humor humour shopping Sophie Kinsella
c6e7344 ...most guys have about 73 calories of shopping energy, and once these calories are gone, they're gone for the day - if not the week - and can't be regenerated simply by having an Orange Julius at the Food Fair. shopping Douglas Coupland
1aa9523 I walked inside Macy's and faced the pathetic spectacle of a department store full of shoppers, none of whom were shopping for themselves. Without the instant gratification of a self-aimed purchase, everyone walked around in the tactical stupor of the financially obligated. shopping Rachel Cohn
e521780 The town is mobbed out with Saturday shoppers looking for Christmas bargains. You can almost breathe in the raw greed which hangs in the air like vapour. As the late afternoon darkness falls, the lights look tacky and sinister. greed shopping tacky Irvine Welsh
94e38b9 "I can't wear this," she said from inside the dressing room. "It's too small." "Let's see," Nick said. "Come on out." "Get me a bigger size. A lot bigger." Nick opened the door and looked in at Kate. "Whoa," he said on a gush of air. His pupils dilated to the point where his brown eyes were almost totally black, and Kate decided the dress must look better than she'd first thought. "Well?" she asked. "I think I'm in love," Nick said. "But then my brain isn't completely engaged right now. That's not where the blood is flowing." "Too much information" Kate said. "It would have been enough to tell me I look okay." "Honey you look a lot better than okay." "You don't think I look slutty?" "Not at these prices," Nick said." nick-fox shopping Janet Evanovich
588afaa [Short Talk on the Sensation of Airplane Takeoff] Well you know I wonder, it could be love running toward my life with its arms up yelling essay love poetry shopping Anne Carson
181fc05 "We were poor back then. Not living in a cardboard carton poor, not "we might have to eat the dog" poor, but still poor. Poor like, no insurance poor, and going to McDonald's was a really big excitement poor, wearing socks for gloves in the winter poor, and collecting nickels and dimes from the washing machine because she never got allowance, that kind of poor... poor enough to be nostalgic about poverty. So, when my mom and dad took me here for my tenth birthday, it was a really big deal. They'd saved up for two months to take me to the photography store and they bought me a Kodak Instamatic film camera... I really miss those days, because we were still a real family back then... this mall doesn't even have a film photography store anymore, just a cell phone and digital camera store, it's depressing..." birthday camera canada cape-breton cardboard coins digital dog film future instamatic insurance kodak mall mcdonald-s nostalgia nostalgic nova-scotia past poor poverty shopping washing-machine wishes Rebecca McNutt
96b7d3a "When I opened my case in the hotel, he gestured excitedly at my snakeskin sandals, turquoise suede wedges and silver-speckled jellies. "But you've loads of shoes," he bellowed joyfully. I shook my head sadly. Men just don't get it, do they? They're definitely missing the shoe chromosome." men relationships shopping Marian Keyes
5c8555d n lns l yHbwn lmtjr lkhly@ , hkdh kn yqwl 'by , nhm ysh`rwn bdkhlh b`dm l'mn shop shopping Jeffrey Archer
f1afd0e [Patricia Highsmith] was overwhelmed by sensory stimulation - there were too many people and too much noise and she just could not handle the supermarket. She continually jumped, afraid that someone might recognise or touch her. She could not make the simplest of decisions - which type of bread did she want, or what kind of salami? I tried to do the shopping as quickly as possible, but at the check-out she started to panic. She took out her wallet, knocked off her glasses, dropped the money on the floor, stuff was going all over the place. asperger-s asperger-s-syndrome aspergers aspergers-syndrome autism check-out decision decisions fear glasses jump jumped money noise overwhelmed panic people quickly recognise sensory-stimulation shopping stuff supermarket touch wallet Andrew Wilson
56b258b As I stare at it,I can feel little invisible strings,silently tugging me toward it. I have to touch it. I have to wear it. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. feelings invisible shopping strings tugging Sophie Kinsella
10054a5 "I've just been thinking it would be a lot of fun to live in a defunct shopping mall! Totally abandoned, Yet still frozen in time, Bright white lights shining, Artificial turquoise fountains spewing out clear water, Eerie eighties elevator music drifting by... Dancing erratically, shouting to the top, Because it's sad to see these places die. They're a testament to the hubris of modern America, which is dying in and of itself. Let's face it. We know we can't compete with Online shopping And Made-in-China products And eBay And Amazon. Those of us who spent our High school And college days Being wage slaves to these dying malls, We'll be old and nostalgic someday, Telling our grandkids about these wonderful buildings! They housed sets of trendy clothes Which nobody was rich enough to afford Or thin enough to fit in. We'll tell them about the first time We were almost trampled in a Black Friday stampede. The first time we saw a kid Vomit in the ugly rainbow ball pit At the children's play area, Dumped by babysitters to grow up there, Spending their childhood draped in neon. The first time eating greasy pad-thai And hamburgers At the food court. The first time falling in love In the dark movie theatre That charges too much for stale popcorn. Holding hands in the sunlit rays Of the dusty projector... Totally lost in moments. What is the meaning of this voyage? Our grandkids, Who will probably have Smartphones Surgically implanted to their brains And identical glass condominiums by then, They'll gasp in shock and say, "Wow, that sounds SO cool!" childhood consumerism dead-mall eerie life love mall nostalgia shopping Rebecca McNutt
2408934 Don't tell me you're passionate about your job - show me that you're passionate about helping people like me. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right helping influence influence-quotes money negotiation passionate sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
12e2e4c Remember what I used to tel you when you were a little girl? 'A fool and her money soon part.' Current-day translation? Stop pissing away your assets at Bloomingdale's. addiction bloomingdales confession money shop shopaholic shopping Sophie Kinsella
387005a We all need salespeople who deliver value that wasn't there before they arrived. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
95218ad Your target market are more bothered about whether what you sell will get them promoted, sacked, recognised, accepted, praised or laid. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
de8d58d The salesperson you'd ideally like to be and the salesperson you'd like to encounter as a customer should roughly be the same, shouldn't they? business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
48ec76a Salespeople who think that it's all about price aren't required: If it can be sold on the internet at the lowest price, you can take the huge cost of a sales team out of the equation. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote cost customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation price sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
ecaca7a When deciding what to buy, remember that some things are easy to buy--but then we have to them. If they're not used, they don't enhance our lives; they just contribute to guilt and clutter. shopping Gretchen Rubin
131e07a "1) Leopardskin is always a neutral. 2) You can get away with nearly anything if you wear the thing with black opaque tights and boots. 3) Contrary to popular opinion, a belt is often not a good friend to a lady. Indeed, in many circumstances, it acts merely as a visual aid to help the onlooker settle the question: "Which half is fatter - the bottom or the top?" 4) Bright red is a neutral. 5) Sellotape is NOT strong enough to mend a hole in the crotch of a pair of tights. 6) You should NOT buy an outfit if you have to strike a sexy pose in the changing-room mirror to make it look good. On the other hand, if you immediately start dancing the minute you put it on, buy it, however much it costs: unless it's lots, in which case, you can't, so don't. Fashion magazines will NEVER say, "Actually, don't buy it if you can't afford it." Neither will your friends. I am probably the only person who will EVER say it to you. You're welcome." fashion shopping womanhood Caitlin Moran
f20f05f Anyone could see the ticker tape. It was more frightening than the that never stopped calculating the national debt. This one said '27 SHOPPING DAYS TO CHRISTMAS'. It might as well have said '27 DAYS TO ARMAGEDDON'. shopping Jeanette Winterson
0102ac2 If what you sell doesn't help me then why are you knocking on my door? business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
7d3b95f Remember: when you walk into a DIY store to buy a drill, you don't want the drill. Your end goal is to make a hole and, in order to achieve this, you have to buy the drill. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
69c7403 22% of current business-to-business salespeople will be replaced by search engines within the next five years. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying customers influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust Chris Murray
04fdfe1 When your pipeline is full - with business coming out of your ears - the notion of people asking for a discount will sound hilarious, because you'll already be at capacity business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust Chris Murray
5f876ad We all need salespeople with humility, honesty, integrity, empathy and an old-fashioned work ethic that ensures the job gets done. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right empathy honesty humility influence influence-quotes integrity money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust work-ethic Chris Murray
547aad7 We all desperately need brilliant sales professionals far more than ever before - to help us, guide us, keep us informed and stop us from making diabolically stupid buying decisions. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust Chris Murray
a8906c7 We all need salespeople who understand the problem and can deliver a solution that works brilliantly for both sides. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust Chris Murray
03638e6 For all salespeople - Driving around and talking to people for a living, with no recognisable return for the time or money spent by your employer - is a job description that belongs in the past. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust Chris Murray
df39e32 I can't and won't promise you magic sales fairy dust or the Jedi Mind Trick for salespeople - they simply don't exist. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes jedi money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
1a99297 In this wonderful modern age, if you know what you want, you can just reach out and, with the click of a mouse, take complete control of your entire buying and shopping experience. business-advice business-quotes business-success buying customers influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust Chris Murray
ea1abdf "Salespeople need to "Earn the right" to become suppliers more than they ever did before." business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust Chris Murray
1888533 If you sound like a contestant from The Apprentice or if the customer believes that they are being sold AT, you have already failed. business business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust Chris Murray
59bad1b "It was a stark choice: shoes or food; beauty or sustenance; the sensible or the self-indulgent. "I'll take the shoes," she said firmly." -- guilt shoes shopping Alexander McCall Smith
b675d01 Ignore the people who say that the sales industry needs to become professionalised: it already has. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust Chris Murray
a2005e3 I click to buy it and I'm furious to discover that it's not available in Ireland and they won't post it from abroad and the only place that sells it is Harrods and it's impossible for me to go to Harrods because it's like being trapped in an Escher painting. humour ireland london make-up shopping trapped Marian Keyes
8df6422 Author Bill Bryson has this to say about our national obsession with shopping-- 'We used to build civilizations. Now we build shopping malls. downfall-mankind shopping shopping-malls Dan Taylor
61d1012 The Viscount, meanwhile, conveyed Miss Wantage to a certain mantua-maker's establishment in Bond Street, where he was not unknown. Here, after a few moments' brief and startlingly frank colloquy with the astonished proprietress, he handed Miss Wantage over, to be fitted out as became her station. Nothing occurred to disturb the harmony of these proceedings, except a slight contretemps arising out of Miss Wantage's burning desire for a very dashing confection of sea-green gauze, with silver ribbons, and the Viscount's flat refusal to permit her to wear any garment so outrageously unsuited to a young lady supposedly on her way to a select seminary in Bath. This trifling quarrel was adjusted by the mantua-maker, who, foreseeing a valuable customer in the future Lady Sheringham, who spared no pains to exercise all the tact at her command. She suggested that his lordship should buy a demure (and extremely expensive) gown for Miss Wantage to wear in the immediate future, at the same time laying by, for a later occasion, the sea-green gauze which had so taken Miss's fancy. The Viscount agreed tooth's, and was at once obliged to call Miss Wantage to order for hugging him in public. By the time these purchases, with a few other of a more intimate nature, had been made; a hat to match the muslin dress chosen at a milliner's shop farther down the street; a pair of lavender kid gloves procured; such items as brushes, combs, and Joppa soap added to the list of necessities; and a faithful promise made to Miss Wantage that she should visit this entrancing thoroughfare again upon the morrow to make further purchases, dusk was falling. necessities shopping Georgette Heyer
90956ac Nothing could have appealed more strongly to Miss Wantage's youthful taste, so as soon as she had changed the chip-straw hat for an Angouleme bonnet of white thread-net trimmed with lace, she sallied forth once more with Mr. Ringwood, tripping beside him with all the assurance of one who knew herself to be dressed in the pink of fashion. The Angouleme bonnet most becomingly framed her face; she had taken great pains to comb her curls into modish ringlets; and if the figured muslin gown was less dashing than a certain pomona green silk which Mr. Ringwood had assured her, in some agitation, Sherry wouldn't like at all, no fault could be found with her little blue kid shoes, or her expensive gloves and ridicule, or with the sophisticated sun-shade which she carried to the imminent danger of the passers-by. hero-wantage shopping Georgette Heyer