The best things in life are beyond money; their price is agony and sweat and devotion ... and the price demanded for the most precious of all things in life is life itself - ultimate cost for perfect value.
"Wait," I repeated. The darkness vanished, leaving Rhysand in his solid form as he grinned. "Yes?" I raised my chin as high as I could manage. "Just two weeks?" "Just two weeks," he purred, and knelt before me. "Two teensy, tiny weeks with me every month is all I ask." "Why? And what are to ... to be the terms?" I said, fighting past the dizziness. "Ah," he said, adjusting the lapel of his obsidian tunic. "If I told you those things, there'd be no fun in it, would there?" I looked at my ruined arm. Lucien might never come, might decide I wasn't worth risking his life any further, not now that he'd been punished for it. And if Amarantha's healers cut off my arm ... Nesta would have done the same for me, for Elain. And Tamlin had done so much for me, for my family; even if he had lied about the Treaty, about sparing me from its terms, he'd still saved my life that day against the naga, and saved it again by sending me away from the manor. I couldn't think entirely of the enormity of what I was about to give--or else I might refuse again. I met Rhysand's gaze. "Five days." "You're going to bargain?" Rhysand laughed under his breath. "Ten days." I held his stare with all my strength. "A week." Rhysand was silent for a long moment, his eyes traveling across my body and my face before he murmured: "A week it is." "Then it's a deal"
I mind how I said to you once that there is a price for being good the same as for being bad; a cost to pay. And it's the good men that cant deny the bill when it comes around. They cant deny it for the reason that there aint any way to make them pay it, like a honest man that gambles. The bad men can deny it; that's why dont anybody expect them to pay on sight or any other time. But the good cant. Maybe it takes longer to pay for being good than for being bad.
I will do anything to save Laurana, he swore beneath his breath, clenching his fist. Anything! If it means sacrificing myself or-- He stopped. Would he really give up Berem? Would he really trade the Everman to the Dark Queen, perhaps plunge the world into a darkness so vast it would never see light again? No, Tanis told himself firmly. Laurana would die before she would be part of such a bargain.
Salespeople who think that it's all about price aren't required: If it can be sold on the internet at the lowest price, you can take the huge cost of a sales team out of the equation.
Let's just go in and enjoy ourselves,' Yvonne had said after a long moment when the Hitchens family had silently reviewed the menu--actually of the prices not the courses--outside a restaurant on our first and only visit to Paris. I knew at once that the odds against enjoyment had shortened (or is it lengthened? I never remember).
Cudnovato je, ali istinito, da te velike nesrece, kao mine sa dugackim fitiljem, eksplodiraju tek mnogo docnije, cesto kad ih vec niko vise ne ocekuje.
Bilo je vreme dozrelih vrucina kad se dan i noc gotovo i ne razlikuju, samo sto mesec smeni sunce, a u svako doba dana i noci se podjednako radi i seta, jede i peva. Vreme kad se o zivotu moze pomisliti sve, osim da prolazi. Vreme kad prvo grozde nagrne u grad i kad kostica u vocu pocinje da crni.
To grow the plants and animals that made up my meal, no pesticides found their way into any farmworker's bloodstream, no nitrogen runoff or growth hormones seeped into the watershed, no soils were poisoned, no antibiotics were squandered, no subsidy checks were written. If the high price of my all-organic meal is weighed against the comparatively low price it exacted from the larger world, as it should be, it begins to look, at least in karmic terms, like a real bargain.