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4a76255 All religions are based on obsolete terminology. religion philosophy philosophy-of-religion translation theology Vladimir Nabokov
e10e4d5 "Oh, no-" They weren't even on the runway, and Jonah's father was already immersed in his BlackBerry. "Remember those 'Live Large with the Wiz Generation' posters? Well, guess how that translates into Chinese- 'Jonah Wizard Makes Your Ancestors Fat'." jonah-wizard translation mistake joke Gordon Korman
c93615e When you translate the Bible with excessive literalism, you demythologize it. The possibility of a convincing reference to the individual's own spiritual experience is lost. (111) spirituality spiritual-experience translation mythology Joseph Campbell
f5a1c62 Prowling the meanings of a word, prowling the history of a person, no use expecting a flood of light. Human words have no main switch. But all those little kidnaps in the dark. And then the luminous, big, shivering, discandied, unrepentant, barking web of them that hangs in your mind when you turn back to the page you were trying to translate... words translation Anne Carson
55e848e Deep in her soul, however, she was waiting for something to happen. Like a sailor in distress, she would gaze out over the solitude of her life with desperate eyes, seeking some white sail in the mists of the far-off horizon. She did not know what this chance event would be, what wind would drive it to her, what shore it would carry her to, whether it was a longboat or a three-decked vessel, loaded with anguish or filled with happiness up to the portholes. But each morning, when she awoke, she hoped it would arrive that day, and she would listen to every sound, spring to her feet, feel surprised that it had not come; then at sunset, always more sorrowful, she would wish the next day were already there. simile lydia-davis madame-bovary translation waiting sad soul Gustave Flaubert
85b5ed8 The Bible has been through at least half a dozen translations by the time you read it. Plus, when the word of God is infected by the hand of man, that is, written down, it is tainted. man god infection word-of-god translation Craig Ferguson
c5eaf92 "On Translating Eugene Onegin 1 What is translation? On a platter A poet's pale and glaring head, A parrot's screech, a monkey's chatter, And profanation of the dead. The parasites you were so hard on Are pardoned if I have your pardon, O, Pushkin, for my stratagem: I traveled down your secret stem, And reached the root, and fed upon it; Then, in a language newly learned, I grew another stalk and turned Your stanza patterned on a sonnet, Into my honest roadside prose-- All thorn, but cousin to your rose. 2 Reflected words can only shiver Like elongated lights that twist In the black mirror of a river Between the city and the mist. Elusive Pushkin! Persevering, I still pick up Tatiana's earring, Still travel with your sullen rake. I find another man's mistake, I analyze alliterations That grace your feasts and haunt the great Fourth stanza of your Canto Eight. This is my task--a poet's patience pushkin translation Vladimir Nabokov
ee66f4f The Tao Te Ching is partly in prose, partly in verse; but as we define poetry now, not by rhyme and meter but as a patterned intensity of language, the whole thing is poetry. I wanted to catch that poetry, its terse, strange beauty. Most translations have caught meanings in their net, but prosily, letting the beauty slip through. And in poetry, beauty is no ornament; it is the meaning. It is the truth. We have that on good authority. poetry meaning tao-te-ching translation prose Ursula K. Le Guin
934574c Why? Because true translation is not a binary affair between two languages but a triangular affair. The third point of the triangle being what lay behind the words of the original text before it was written. True translation demands a return to the pre-verbal pre-verbal mediation translation John Berger
580f417 Less doth yearning trouble him who knoweth many songs, or with his hands can touch the harp: his possession is his gift of glee which God gave him. exeter-book translation J.R.R. Tolkien
f1b9451 "Jayden went for my fries, ignoring Anna's narrowed gaze. "Thanks, babe." "You two know each other?" Jo gestured between Jayden and me with her fork. Before I could nod, he dropped an arm over my shoulders. "She's my bae." I grinned. Keira sighed. "I hate that word. Do you know what it really means?" "Poop," I answered without thinking. "In Danish." My eyes widened. Holy crap. I'd spoken without hesitation at lunch! Holy crap! No one recognized my internal freak-out over it, but I couldn't believe it. I sat there and spoke with no problem. I needed to give myself a cookie. Anna giggled. "Oh, man. I know. I know. Still think it's a cute word." Across from her, Keira rolled her eyes. "It literally means shit." "Mallory the shit, though." bae danish poop jayden-luna mallory-dodge keira shit translation Jennifer L. Armentrout
902ecb2 We read and reread the words of the original text in order to penetrate through them, to reach, to touch the vision or experience which prompted them. We then gather up what we have found there and take this quivering almost wordless 'thing' and place it behind the language into which it needs to be translated. And now the principal task is to persuade the host language to take in and welcome the 'thing' which is waiting to be articulated. thing translation John Berger
07bb867 " Hector laughed as Rider shook his head. Ainsley stiffened across from me. She was pretty fluent in Spanish and even though Hector was Puerto Rican, I had a feeling she was getting the general gist of whatever he was saying and she was not happy about it. Ainsley cocked her head to the side as she brushed her long, blond hair over her shoulder. Hector's eyes widened. Rider threw his head back and burst into laughter. "Oh, shit. Priceless." "What?" Ainsley blinked big eyes at the stunned Hector. "You think some white chick can't possibly understand another language so you're going to sit in front of me and talk about me like I'm not here?" Her smile was brittle and fake. "Bitch, please." "Man..." Hector sat back, slowly shaking his head as he stared at her. "You're...brutal." "Damn straight," she replied, her eyes like chips of blue ice. Whatever yumminess she'd seen in Hector was completely out the window now. "And you're a Hector's eyes narrowed. "I really like your friend, Mouse." Still chuckling, Rider winked at me. "She basically called him a classless ass, and I agree." insult spanish hector-luna priceless shocked translation Jennifer L. Armentrout
39576d4 Be as vigilantly on guard against translating such a sentence into the passive voice as you would against committing murder. translation Jay Rubin
ab60ccd Du skal bare huske at det ikke er en perfekt krig i en perfekt verden. freedom frihed translation Jonathan Franzen
85918cb "Det var det der holdt mig vagen om natten," sagde Walter. "Den her opsplitning af landet. For det er det samme problem overalt. Det er ligesadan med internettet eller kabel-tv - der er aldrig noget centrum, der er ingen faelles enighed, der er bare en billion forskellige distraherende stojkilder. Vi kan aldrig saette os og fore en vedvarende samtale, det er bare billigt skrammel og en lorteudvikling, det hele. Alt det aegte, alt det autentiske, alt det aerlige dor ud. Intellektuelt og kulturelt bliver vi kastet omkring som tilfaeldige billiardkugler og reagerer pa den seneste tilfaeldige stimulans." freedom oversættelse frihed translation Jonathan Franzen
6305e67 "Men are so superior about their Latin," said Mrs. Blair. "But all the same I notice that when you ask them to translate inscriptions in old churches, they can never do it! They hem and haw, and get out of it somehow." men translation Agatha Christie
78d8a71 "Many terribly quiet customers exist but none more terribly quiet than Man his footsteps pass so perilously soft across the sea in marble winter up the stiff blue waves and every Tuesday down he grinds the unastonishable earth with horse and shatter shatters too the cheeks of birds and traps them in his forest headlights salty silvers roll into his net, he weaves it just for that, this terribly quiet customer he dooms poetry sophocles translation hamlet Sophocles Carson Anne
1f602bf "No I do not like blaming. Because for me it's enough if someone is other than bad--not too much out of hand, conscious at least of the justice that helps the city, a healthy man. No I shall not lay blame. Because fools are a species that never ends. poetry philosophy translation greek Simonides of Ceos
3e83f84 Un traduttore qualificato dovrebbe essere in grado non solo di tradurre letteralmente, ma di tradurre i termini, anche concettuali, di una determinata cultura nazionale nei termini di un'altra cultura nazionale, cioe un tale traduttore dovrebbe conoscere criticamente due civilta ed essere in grado di far conoscere l'una all'altra servendosi del linguaggio storicamente determinato di quella civilta alla quale fornisce il materiale d'informazione. translation Antonio Gramsci
74db059 "I've done a Russian movie," Claire said. "Thank God they're still stuck in realism, Zola-crazy. Subtitling their films is like captioning a child's picture book." -- zola translation Paula Fox