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d3f4e3c Availing himself of the innate Apache love of fighting, he offered full army pay to warriors willing to turn against their own people (he had plenty of takers). Peter Cozzens
dffe281 I do not wonder, and you will not either, that when Indians see their wives and children starving and their last source of supplies cut off, they go to war. And then we are sent out there to kill them. It is an outrage. All tribes tell the same story. They are surrounded on all sides, the game is destroyed or driven away, they are left to starve, and there remains but one thing for them to do--fight while they can. Our treatment of the Indi.. Peter Cozzens
77ef340 We] picked them up, that is, their internals, and did not know the soldiers they belonged to. So you see, the cavalryman got an infantryman's guts, and an infantryman got a cavalryman's guts. Peter Cozzens
0e34bb1 The Army and Navy Journal labeled the latest raids simply "one more chapter in the old volume," the result of alternately feeding and fighting the tribes. "We go to them Janus-faced. One of our hands holds the rifle and the other the peace-pipe, and we blaze away with both instruments at the same time. The chief consequence is a great smoke--and there it ends." Peter Cozzens
c954afe peculiar and difficult to gauge," with eyes that "were really not open and transparent windows to his soul." Peter Cozzens
1aa7300 Scattered about were nude, scalped, and beheaded bodies bristling with arrows. Brains had been scooped out, and penises severed and shoved in the victims' mouths. The evidence of torture was unmistakable. Bowels had been opened while the victims were still alive and live coals placed upon them, and a scorched corpse, chained between two wagons, slumped over a smoldering fire. Peter Cozzens
1b670ac Major Brown called on them to surrender; the Yavapais responded with hoots of derision--that is, until rocks rained down on them, hurled by soldiers who had clawed up the palisade to the bluff overlooking the cave. From inside came the baleful and monotonous intoning of death songs. Determined to finish the business rapidly, Major Brown ordered his men to ricochet bullets off the roof of the cave into the unseen mass of Indians. In three mi.. Peter Cozzens
a174fce The Pawnees did most of the killing at Summit Springs, and they killed without mercy. The Cheyennes expected as much. "I do not belittle the Pawnees for their killing of women or children because as far back as any of us could remember the Cheyenne and Sioux slaughtered every male, female, and child they could run across of the Pawnee tribe," said a Dog Soldier survivor. "Each tribe hated the other with a deadly passion and savage hearts [t.. Peter Cozzens
b980256 Sitting Bill returned from the East with an enlarged worldview that not only made him more independent of the agent but also deepened his contempt of the white way of life. First, Sitting Bull set his people straight on the Great Father. The agents had lied: white men did not hold the Great Father sacred. On the contrary, Sitting Bull told them, "half the people in the hotels were always making fun of him and trying to get him out of his pl.. Peter Cozzens
8fe8671 The Lakota warrior Iron Hawk later explained why he had pounded a trooper's head into jelly. "These white men wanted it, they called for it, and I let them have it."16" Peter Cozzens
0b8e703 In a little depression there lay outstretched a stalwart Sioux warrior, stark naked with the exception of a breech clout and moccasins. I could not help feeling a sorrow as I stood gazing upon him. He was within a few hundred yards of his home and family, which we had attempted to destroy and he had tried to defend. The home of the slayer was perhaps a thousand miles away. In a few days the wolves and buzzards would have his remains torn as.. Peter Cozzens