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9acfe43 Why had my life suddenly become a Nancy Drew mystery from hell? ya ya-paranormal Rachel Hawkins
564995b My brain was spinning. Demons, missing students... Why had my life suddenly become a Nancy Drew mystery from hell? "Okay, but that would mean..." I could hardly say the next words. They seemed unbelievable to me. "That would mean Mrs. Casnoff is in on it, and if that is the case,my dad would know something about it." "Not necessarily," Archer said. "Hecate Hall and Graymalkin Island are completely Mrs. Casnoff's domain. Your dad signs off o.. Rachel Hawkins
cc69570 Curiouser and curiouser." Startled,I glanced at him. "I say that sometimes." Even with his face tight with worry, Dad managed to look a little amused. "It's from Appropriate, don't you think?" Yeah,except that our rabbit hole was a heck of a lot darker,I thought. I pretended to study the bookcase in the far corner. I'd expected boring books about Prodigium history or shifter economy, and there were a few of those, but I also noticed some .. Rachel Hawkins
5cc2036 Sophie, you saw Alice's transformation." I nodded. "And the murder of my great-grandfather. Weird it showed me that when I've had so many other awful things happen directly to me," I said, beginning to tick them off on my fingers. "Elodie getting killed, having to kill Alice, escaping a burning building with the help of a ghost..." And then, because both my parents looked so deflated, I added, "Oh, and this really heinous pageboy haircut in.. Rachel Hawkins
8bd8915 I stood in the doorway, taking that image in: a Brannick, cooking breakfast for two demons. Who could have imagined Nick saw me and grinned. Well, tried to. Like me-heck, like all of us-he still had that haunted look in his eyes that made friendly expressions seem sad. "'Morning, Sophia. I saved you a slice of bacon. You too, Jenna," he said, glancing over my shoulder. His eyes flicked to my other side. "Sorry, cuz, you're out of luck." Ar.. Rachel Hawkins
aacc077 I was just about to get up when Dad rushed into the kitchen. He was in pajamas, which was totally bizarre. Dad never came down to breakfast until he was completely dressed. Of course, his pajamas even had a little pocket and handkerchief, so maybe he felt dressed. He had a sheet of paper in his hands and was staring at it, his eyes wide. "James," Aislinn acknowledged. "You're up kind of late this morning. Is Grace sleeping in, too?" Dad gla.. Rachel Hawkins
e896193 Okay," I finally said. "Can we all agree that this is maybe the most screwed-up situation we've ever found ourselves in?" "Agreed," they said in unison. "Awesome." I gave a little nod. "And do either of you have any idea what we should do about it?" "Well, we can't use magic," Archer said. "And if we try to leave, we get eaten by Monster Fog," Jenna added. "Right. So no plans at all, then?" Jenna frowned. "Other than rocking in the fetal po.. Rachel Hawkins
ad8ef5f Archer no es lindo --ella me corrigio. --Los cachorritos son lindos. Los bebes son lindos. Yo soy linda. Archer Cross esta terriblemente bueno. Y ni siquiera me gustan los chicos Rachel Hawkins
59079d5 By the time I was finished, Dad looked older and sadder than I'd ever seen him. "None of this makes any sense." "I'm beginning to think I should make that the title of my autobiography." sophie Rachel Hawkins
993bd00 Operation Nancy Drew Goes To Hex Hall starts today! Rachel Hawkins