More about Howl? Sophie thought desperately. I have to blacken his name! Her mind was such a blank that for a second it actually seemed to her that Howl had no faults at all. How stupid! 'Well, he's fickle, careless, selfish, and hysterical,' she said. 'Half the time I think he doesn't care what happens to anyone as long as alright--but then I find out how awfully kind he's been to someone. Then I think he's kind just when it suits him--only then I find out he undercharges poor people. I don't know, Your Majesty. He's a mess.
"By now it was clear that Howl was in a mood to produce green slime any second. Sophie hurriedly put her sewing away. "I'll make some hot buttered toast," she said. "Is that all you can do in the face of tragedy??" Howl asked. "Make toast!"
"Tell me about this Wizard Howl of yours." "He's the best wizard in Ingary or anywhere else. If he'd only had time, he would have defeated that djinn. And he's sly and selfish and vain as a peacock and cowardly, and you can't pin him down to anything." "Indeed? Strange that you should speak so proudly such a list of vices, most loving of ladies." "What do you mean, vices? I was just describing Howl. He comes from another world entirely, you know, called Wales, and I refuse to believe he's dead!"
You are a terror, aren't you? Leave this yard alone. I know just where everything is in it, and I won't be able to find the things I need for my transport spells if you tidy them up.' So there was probably a bundle of souls or a box of chewed hearts somewhere out here, Sophie thought. She felt really thwarted. 'Tidying up is what I'm for!' she shouted at Howl. 'Then you must think of a new meaning for your life,' Howl said.
"Demon pox," said Sophie. "Mr. Lightwood's got it, has had for years, and it'll kill him in a right couple of months if he doesn't get the cure. And Mortmain said he can get it for him." The room exploded in a hubbub. Charlotte raced over to Sophie; Henry called after her; Will leaped from his chair and was dancing in a circle."
"Let me drive," she said, reaching for the reins. He turned to her in disbelief. "This is a phaeton, not a single-horse wagon." Sophie fought the urge to throttle him. His nose was running, his eyes were red, he couldn't stop coughing, and still he found the energy to act like an arrogant peacock. "I assure you," she said slowly, "that I know how to drive a team of horses."
"By the time I was finished, Dad looked older and sadder than I'd ever seen him. "None of this makes any sense." "I'm beginning to think I should make that the title of my autobiography."
He wasn't certain how this woman had come to mean so much to him. It seemed that one day she was a stranger, and the next she was as indispensable as air. And yet it hadn't happened in a blinding flash. It had been a slow, sneaky process, quietly coloring his emotions until he realized that without her, his life lacked all meaning. -Benedict's thoughts about Sophie
"What are you smiling about?" she asked. He drew back a few inches, cupping her face with both hands. "How did you know I was smiling?" "I could feel it on my lips." He brought a finger to those lips, tracing the outline, then running the edge of his fingernail along the plump skin. "You make me smile," he whispered. "When you don't make me want to scream, you make me smile." -Sophie & Benedict"
"You can't marry her," Araminta insisted. Benedict turned to his mother. "Is there any reason I need to consult Lady Penwood about this?" "None that I can think of," Lady Bridgerton replied. "She is nothing but a whore," Araminta hissed. "Her mother was a whore, and blood runs-- urp!" Benedict had her by the throat before anyone was even aware that he had moved. "Don't," he warned, "make me hit you." The magistrate tapped Benedict on the shoulder. "You really ought to let her go." "Might I muzzle her?" The magistrate looked torn, but eventually he shook his head."
"Oh, for the love of God," Benedict snarled. "Will you let go of her or will I have to shoot your damned hand off?" Benedict wasn't even holding a gun, but the tone of his voice was such that the man let go instantly. "Good," Benedict said, holding his arm out toward the maid. She stepped forward, and with trembling fingers placed her hand on his elbow. "You can't just take her!" Phillip yelled. Benedict gave him a supercilious look. "I just did." "You'll be sorry you did this," Phillip said. "I doubt it. Now get out of my sight." Phillip made a huffy sound, then turned his friends and said, "Let's get out of here." Then he turned to Benedict and added, "Don't think you shall ever receive another invitation to one of my parties." "My heart is breaking," Benedict drawled."
She was here, with him, and she felt like heaven. The soft scent of her hair, the slight taste of salt on her skin-- she was, he thought, born to rest in the shelter of his arms. And he was born to hold her. -Benedict's thoughts about Sophie
It was remarkable, but every time he kissed her, her lips seemed to grow sweeter, her scent more beguiling. And his need grew, too. His blood was racing with desire, and it was taking his every last shred of restraint not to push her back onto the sofa and tear her clothes from her body. That would come later, he thought with a secret smile. But this-- surely her first time-- would be slow and tender and everything a young girl dreamed. Well, maybe not. His smile turned into an outright grin. Half the things he was going to do to her, she wouldn't have even to dream about.