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865096a Happy endings are a luxury of fiction. truefacts Trudi Canavan
23268e0 So what were you [Sonea] and Dorrien discussing before?' Akkarin asked. She turned to regard him. 'Discussing?' 'Outside the farmhouse when I was buying the food.' 'Oh. Then. Nothing.' He smiled and nodded. 'Nothing. Amazing subject, that one. Produces such fascinating reactions in people. Trudi Canavan
c24bbee Akkarin: I watched the first woman I loved die. I dont think I can survive losing the second. Sonea: I love you too. Trudi Canavan
9c479a4 It is said, in Imardin, that the wind has a soul, and that it wails through the narrow streets because it is grieved by what it finds there. Trudi Canavan
f84157d There's always a bit of truth in each rumour, the trouble is finding out which bit. - Tayend Trudi Canavan
41cc42b How am I going to make friends with these people if all I can think of is how easy it would be to rob them? sonea trudi-canavan Trudi Canavan
7057560 He had given her too much. He had given her everything. Trudi Canavan
bf37606 Wisdom and knowledge is everywhere, but so is stupity. Trudi Canavan
88c5437 Great. She shook her head. Not only am I having conversations with myself, but now I'm refusing to talk to me. This has got to be the first sign of madness. Trudi Canavan
bdfc101 Better to know the quick pain of truth than the ongoing pain of a long-held false hope. Trudi Canavan
8110afe What was I thinking? Of all the assistants I could have wound up with, why did I have to choose the one with the scary mother and troublemaking in his bloodlines? I am doomed. Trudi Canavan
922f06f If your appearance is all people see, they have no respect for your mind. Trudi Canavan
1252b6b Mortals did not need gods to order them to kill eachother. They were quite capable of finding reasons to do so themselves. Trudi Canavan
71c136e Cery: So, Hem, tell me why I shouldn't see how many holes I need to make before you start leaking money? magic fiction humor Trudi Canavan
c6b0fcb Nodding, Cery strode to the door and stepped through. Though the burly guards eyes him suspiciously, Cery smiled back. Never make enemies of someone's lackeys, his father had taught him. Better still, make them like you a lot. Trudi Canavan
eca6ab5 It was impossible to imagine the aloof, dignified, powerful High Lord living as, of all things, a . humor Trudi Canavan
b9409bc Unquestioning obedience is for slaves, the uneducated and the pathetic. Trudi Canavan
5fbbc7b Tayend nodded. "I know it won't. I admit I was worried about you, but you are still your old self, underneath." Dannyl straightened in protest. "Underneath what?" The Elyne stood up, waving one hand in Dannyl's direction. "All...that." "I'm reeling at your descriptive clarity," Dannyl told him." tayend trudi-canavan Trudi Canavan
8281677 Extending his senses, Lorkin tried again to hear his mother's surface thoughts. What he picked up seemed too out of character, however. He must be imagining it. was also odd that he would imagine his mother thinking such a string of curse words. trudi-canavan Trudi Canavan
f127afd Cold, truthful common sense was harder to like than warm, hopeful generosity. Trudi Canavan
c67eed2 He liked the idea that if either of them ever fell from grace, the other might be there to offer support. Trudi Canavan
93498b5 Achati chuckled. "You may be surprised. Some might come in the hopes of being snatched away to a secret place ruled by exotic women." Trudi Canavan
d373f26 Your supposed to drink wine, my friend, not breathe it. Trudi Canavan
f7e5869 The last young lady I met stabbed me. You know I'm cursed when it comes to women. Trudi Canavan
93d4102 Though I can't help feeling a sudden death cheats you of something. Death is an experience of life. You only get one death. I would like to be aware it was happening, even if that did mean enduring pain and fear. Trudi Canavan
8e5f1a3 The most powerful women in Sachaka and all you do is waste time gossiping and matchmaking humour lorkin traitors tyvara Trudi Canavan
e121edf Friendship? What friendship? I lust after him and he rightly ignores it! Trudi Canavan
c4d8759 Injustice alway captures the attention of the young," she said. "But as we get older we discover how difficult it is to change the world, and we learn to turn our eyes away from what we can't fix until we no longer see injustice at all." Trudi Canavan
c3b3abd The right rumour in the right ears can kill the emperor, as they say. the-magicians-apprentice trudi-canavan Trudi Canavan
8530756 Believe me. There was nothing good in always being second place. Next to you, I may as well have been invisible - at least when it came to the ladies. If I'd known, we'd both end up as bachelors, I wouldn't have been so jealous of you.' 'Jealous?' Akkarin's smile faded. He turned away to stare at the horizon. 'No. Don't be jealous. lorlen Trudi Canavan
cef2aea As the others paired off he turned to face her. "Can't leave me partnerless," he said. She pulled a face, grabbed the bowl and stood up."Forgot my little speech earlier, have you, Jayan?Not if you were the last man in Kyralia." kyralia tessia Trudi Canavan
d182337 Ranel had said that the murderer wore a ring with a red gemstone. Looking at Akkarin's hands, she was almost disappointed to see they were bare. Not even a mark to hint that a ring might have been worn regularly. His fingers were long and elegant, yet masculine... Trudi Canavan
ccc12fd Era mejor evitar las heridas desde un principio que tener que tratarlas Trudi Canavan
113f351 Suddenly she was all too aware how different she was. A woman among all these man. A natural from a humble background among rich young men chosen from powerful families. A beginner among the well trained. Trudi Canavan
5bcf90f You two still establishing a pecking order?" "Oh, it's clear who's at the top," Jayan said. "The lesser hordes need to sort out their own hierarchy. Are you enjoying being the prize they're fighting over?" "Me?" "Yes, you. I'm afraid female magicians have quite a reputation. My young, naive subordinates are trying to work out if any of them stands a chance with you." "A chance?" She turned and began picking fruit again. "Am I to expect a ma.. tessia the-magicians-apprentice trudi-canavan Trudi Canavan
e82893f But right now it's a friend's love. Trudi Canavan
7bfac69 People and land, they're the same, his father used to say. Neglect one and the other suffers eventually. the-magicians-apprentice trudi-canavan Trudi Canavan
cf574a9 Lo unico que se necesita en la vida es seguridad, conocimiento y mucho descaro. Trudi Canavan
52940c7 It is said, in Imardin, that the wind has a soul, and that it wails through the narrow city streets because it is grieved by what it finds there. Trudi Canavan
8a93c78 Nunca le gusto mirar atras. El pasado estaba repleto de malos recuerdos, y los buenos lo dejaban lleno de amargura recuerdos Trudi Canavan
0932cd3 Kyralia estaria muy bien gobernada, si gobernar fuera un delito Trudi Canavan
5ac32de En ocasiones, revelar la medida justa de la verdad era mejor que mentir descaradamente. Trudi Canavan
90ffd6f I love you, he told her. Sweet joy rushed through her. But there was a distinct smugness about his words. He'd sensed her feelings in return, and was pleased with himself for doing so. Turns out I love you too, she replied, communicating her wry amusement. Of all the annoying people in the world. tessia the-magicians-apprentice trudi-canavan Trudi Canavan
3b52133 But as I witnessed what Dakova was capable of, I cared less about what the Guild did and didn't allow. He did not need black magic to perform evil. I saw him do things with his bare hands that I will never forget. Trudi Canavan