But I thought we might get naked, just like Adam and Eve, so natural..." I gasped. I'd forgotten all about that part of my conversation with Scott! Utter humiliation. I curled into a tighter ball. "Oh, come on. You haven't even thanked me yet." "For what?" I asked, still not looking. "For saving you from snogging that plonker. You didn't really fancy him, did you?" My cheeks burned, and I was glad to be turned away from him. I kept my mouth..
Wendy Higgins |
Well, I'm over it. Let's just forget about it." He blinked at me, seeming surprised by my easy forgiveness. I gave him a small smile and took a sip of my juice. He leaned back in his chair and observed me. "How's your orange juice, Ann? Does it have a touch of lime?" The glass paused at my lips as I processed his innuendo, and I took a second to make sure my embarrassment stayed hidden inside. I let the drink swish over my tongue a moment b..
Wendy Higgins |
Here he comes," Blake said. When Kaidan climbed the steps to the deck he came straight for me, his hair slicked back with sweat from running. He took my face in his hands, breathing hard, lips tight, eyes like blue blazes. "Don't ever do that again," he ground out. It took a second to process his words and remember what exactly I wasn't supposed to do again. Then I recalled interfering. "I know it was dangerous," I admitted, "but there were..
Wendy Higgins |