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6dca253 My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops? David Mitchell
3c0ee38 A half-read book is a half-finished love affair. love reading David Mitchell
fb82c4a Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future. David Mitchell
fb44556 Travel far enough, you meet yourself. travel inspirational David Mitchell
9a1da5b Books don't offer real escape, but they can stop a mind scratching itself raw. escape reading David Mitchell
6790391 I believe there is another world waiting for us. A better world. And I'll be waiting for you there. inspirational inspirational-quotes life science cloud-atlas David Mitchell
4172a0d People pontificate, "Suicide is selfishness." Career churchmen like Pater go a step further and call in a cowardly assault on the living. Oafs argue this specious line for varying reason: to evade fingers of blame, to impress one's audience with one's mental fiber, to vent anger, or just because one lacks the necessary suffering to sympathize. Cowardice is nothing to do with it - suicide takes considerable courage. Japanese have the right i.. guilt selfishness suffering suicide David Mitchell
9d1f783 You say you're 'depressed' - all i see is resilience. You are allowed to feel messed up and inside out. It doesn't mean you're defective - it just means you're human. human David Mitchell
1ccf9e2 Power, time, gravity, love. The forces that really kick ass are all invisible. David Mitchell
b664279 Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty. David Mitchell
04a23d0 All revolutions are, until they happen, then they are historical inevitabilities. history revolution David Mitchell
795a3c7 Souls cross ages like clouds cross skies, an' tho' a cloud's shape nor hue nor size don't stay the same, it's still a cloud an' so is a soul. Who can say where the cloud's blowed from or who the soul'll be 'morrow? Only Sonmi the east an' the west an' the compass an' the atlas, yay, only the atlas o' clouds. life soul spirituality David Mitchell
bba24e7 there ain't no journey what don't change you some. journey travel inspirational David Mitchell
bece3db Belief, like fear or love, is a force to be understood as we understand the theory of relativity and principals of uncertainty. Phenomena that determine the course of our lives. Yesterday, my life was headed in one direction. Today, it is headed in another. Yesterday, I believe I would never have done what I did today. These forces that often remake time and space, that can shape and alter who w inspirational David Mitchell
ef1173a Truth is singular. Its 'versions' are mistruths. David Mitchell
604c94e Belief, like fear or love, is a force to be understood as we understand the theory of relativity and principals of uncertainty. Phenomena that determine the course of our lives. Yesterday, my life was headed in one direction. Today, it is headed in another. Yesterday, I believe I would never have done what I did today. These forces that often remake time and space, that can shape and alter who we imagine ourselves to be, begin long before w.. David Mitchell
dc86e5c We are only what we know, and I wished to be so much more than I was, sorely. David Mitchell
410f599 We looked at each other for the last time; nothing is as eloquent as nothing. David Mitchell
d1c1965 If you show someone something you've written, you give them a sharpened stake, lie down in your coffin, and say, 'When you're ready'. writing David Mitchell
81d255a Time is what stops history happening at once; time is the speed at which the past disappears. David Mitchell
12c4f81 What is any ocean but a multitude of drops? David Mitchell
cd8e818 now I'm a spent firework; but at least I've been a firework. David Mitchell
9c406dd A book you finish reading is not the same book it was before you read it. David Mitchell
9bfaf69 my dreams are the single unpredictable factor in my zoned days and nights. Nobody allots them, or censors them. Dreams are all I have ever truly owned. David Mitchell
8ee86d7 I understand now that boundaries between noise and sound are conventions. All boundaries are conventions, waiting to be transcended. One may transcend any convention if only one can first conceive of doing so. David Mitchell
69d9d7f In an individual, selfishness uglifies the soul; for the human species, selfishness is extinction. David Mitchell
bd74fed We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love. love religion David Mitchell
828d999 Whoever opined "Money can't buy you happiness" obviously had far too much of the stuff." David Mitchell
f1b7313 The better organized the state, the duller its humanity. philosophy David Mitchell
8264e00 One fine day a predatory world shall consume itself. David Mitchell
7d4d068 I believe death is only a door. One closes, and another opens. If I were to imagine heaven, I would imagine a door opening. And he would be waiting for me there. David Mitchell
7e04ce3 only as you gasp your dying breath shall you understand, your life amounted to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean! Yet what is any ocean but a multitude of drops? David Mitchell
408982a Three or four times only in my youth did I glimpse the Joyous Isles, before they were lost to fogs, depressions, cold fronts, ill winds, and contrary tides... I mistook them for adulthood. Assuming they were a fixed feature in my life's voyage, I neglected to record their latitude, their longitude, their approach. Young ruddy fool. What wouldn't I give now for a never-changing map of the ever-constant ineffable? To possess, as it were, an a.. happiness David Mitchell
6611a93 History admits no rules; only outcomes. David Mitchell
bf93c36 Trees're always a relief, after people. forest humanity nature trees David Mitchell
25f4944 How vulgar, this hankering after immortality, how vain, how false. Composers are merely scribblers of cave paintings. One writes music because winter is eternal and because, if one didn't, the wolves and blizzards would be at one's throat all the sooner. David Mitchell
121aaf1 This isn't an interrogation or a trail. Your version of the truth is the only thing that matters. -Truth is singular. It's 'versions' are mistruths. David Mitchell
f8dea73 Anticipating the end of the world is humanity's oldest passtime David Mitchell
2d25736 By each crime and every kindness, we birth our future. David Mitchell
75abb7d She was widely read enough to appreciate my literary wit but not so widely read that she knew my sources. I like that in a woman. wit women David Mitchell
4177724 Strip back the beliefs pasted on by governesses, schools, and states, you find indelible truths at one's core. Rome'll decline and fall again, Cortes'll lay Tenochtitlan to waste again, and later, Ewing will sail again, Adrian'll be blown to pieces again, you and I'll sleep under the Corsican stars again, I'll come to Bruges again, fall in and out of love with Eva again, you'll read this letter again, the sun'll grow cold again. Nietzsche's.. David Mitchell
94563ec Me inspirational life David Mitchell
6579c43 Me, want to bloody kick this world in the bloody over and over till it bloody that is ten bloody times more bloody important than being . life David Mitchell
83f9a18 The healthy can't understand the emptied, the broken. David Mitchell