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f708f5b One can't fight with oneself, for this battle has only one loser. Mario Vargas Llosa
c2fbec9 I convinced her that her first loyalty isn't to other people, but to her own feelings. Mario Vargas Llosa
d758616 But what do I have? The things I'm told and the things I tell, that's all. And as far as I know, that never yet made anyone fly. Mario Vargas Llosa
78b7978 Sentia una inmensa ternura por ella. Estaba seguro de que la querria siempre, para mi dicha y tambien mi desdicha. Mario Vargas Llosa
3e0bfec The secret to happiness, at least to peace of mind, is knowing how to separate sex from love. And, if possible, eliminating romantic love from your life, which is the love that makes you suffer. That way, I assure you, you live with greater tranquility and enjoy things more. sex Mario Vargas Llosa
de23921 That is one thing I am sure of amid my many uncertainties regarding the literary vocation: deep inside, a writer feels that writing is the best thing that ever happened to him, or could ever happen to him, because as far as he is concerned, writing is the best possible way of life, never mind the social, political, or financial rewards of what he might achieve through it. writer-quotes Mario Vargas Llosa
f1de3d3 Well, at heart I knew she'd never be a normal woman. And I didn't want her to be one, because what I loved in her were the indomitable and unpredictable aspects of her personality romance the-bad-girl translated Mario Vargas Llosa
0ab2730 Science is still only a candle glimmering in a great pitch-dark cavern. Mario Vargas Llosa
ac53f8d Revolution will free society of its afflictions, while science will free the individual of his. Mario Vargas Llosa
18cefe4 Why would anyone who is deeply satisfied with reality, with real life as it is lived, dedicate himself to something as insubstantial and fanciful as the creation of fictional realities? Naturally, those who rebel against lie as it is, using their ability to invent different lives and different people, may do so for any number of reasons, honorable or dishonorable, generous or selfish, complex or banal. The nature of this basic questioning o.. Mario Vargas Llosa
84e4152 No me preguntes por que, porque ni muerta te lo voy a decir. Nunca te voy a decir que te quiero aunque te quiera. Mario Vargas Llosa
116551c Death isn't enough. It doesn't remove the stain. But a slap, a whiplash, square on the face, does. Because a man's face is as sacred as his mother or his wife. Mario Vargas Llosa
025a29b n m yfsWr lbTwl@ khyr tfsyr lyst ldwf` lsmy@ dy'man. hnk ltHml , Dyq l`ql w 'shd m ymkn tSwrh mn l'fkr Gban. Mario Vargas Llosa
bdae5f0 It is rare and almost impossible for a novel to have only one narrator. Mario Vargas Llosa
435a50f Hay dias en que la recuerdo y me pregunto: ?Que estara haciendo? Hay noches en que la extrano y me pregunto: ?Que me estoy haciendo? Mario Vargas Llosa
521f4fa La verdad, habia en ella algo que era imposible no admirar, por esas razones que nos llevan a apreciar las obras bien hechas, aunque sean perversas. Mario Vargas Llosa
cece911 It is the case that, albeit to a lesser extent, all fictions make their readers live "the impossible", taking them out of themselves, breaking down barriers, and making them share, by identifying with the characters of the illusion, a life that is richer, more intense, or more abject and violent, or simply different from the one that they are confined to by the high-security prison that is real life. Fictions exist because of this fact. Bec.. Mario Vargas Llosa
1f09489 It's easier to imagine the death of one person than those of a hundred or a thousand. When multiplied, suffering becomes abstract. It's not easy to be moved by abstract things. Mario Vargas Llosa
5f92183 escribir lo que no se habia vivido, lo que solo se habia querido vivir, era tambien una manera --cobarde y timida-- de vivirlo... writing Mario Vargas Llosa
97664fe Aunque dicen que solo los imbeciles son felices, confieso que me sentia feliz. Mario Vargas Llosa
97706c5 El secreto de la felicidad, o, por lo menos, de la tranquilidad, es saber separar el sexo del amor. Y, si es posible, eliminar el amor romantico de tu vida, que es el que hace sufrir. Asi se vive mas tranquilo y se goza mas, te aseguro. Mario Vargas Llosa
a606a7a At times I wondered whether writing was not a solipsistic luxury in countries like mine, where there were scant readers, so many people who were poor and illiterate, so much injustice, and where culture was a privilege of the few. These doubts, however, never stifled my calling, and I always kept writing even during those periods when earning a living absorbed most of my time. I believe I did the right thing, since if, for literature to fl.. Mario Vargas Llosa
5a94073 hkdh hy lsys@ ,nh shq lTryq byn ljthth Mario Vargas Llosa
e0f7dde Lo injusta que es a veces la suerte con los artistas que suenan con encontrar el Paraiso en este terrenal valle de lagrimas. destino vida Mario Vargas Llosa
6efe33a O comes o te comen, no hay mas remedio. Mario Vargas Llosa
1ff1ac1 Para todo el mundo es mas dificil vivir en la verdad que en la mentira. Mario Vargas Llosa
00cc327 Tu eres bonita sobre todo cuando sonries. Mario Vargas Llosa
723c6eb In this country, in one way or another, everyone had bean, was, or would be part of the regime. "The worst thing that can happen to a Dominican is to be intelligent or competent," he had once heard Agustin Cabral say ...and the words had been etched in his mind: "Because sooner or later Trujillo will call upon him to serve the regime, or his person, and when he calls, one is not permitted to say no." [Agustin Cabral] was proof of this truth.. Mario Vargas Llosa
b8a6f52 L'ispirazione non esiste. E forse qualcosa che guida le mani di scultori e pittori e detta immagini e note all'udito di poeti e musicisti, ma che non va mai a trovare il romanziere: quest'ultimo e del tutto trascurato dalle muse ed e condannato a sostituire quella collaborazione negatagli con la testardaggine, la fatica e la pazienza Mario Vargas Llosa
894222a Los zorros del desierto de Sechura aullan como demonios cuando llega la noche; ?sabes por que?: para quebrar el silencio que los aterroriza. Mario Vargas Llosa
496b083 The sort of decision arrived at by saints and madmen is not revealed to others. It is forged little by little, in the folds of the spirit, tangential to reason, shielded from indiscreet eyes, not seeking the approval of others--who would never grant it--until it is at last put into practice. I imagine that in the process--the conceiving of a project and its ripening into action--the saint, the visionary, or the madman isolates himself more .. Mario Vargas Llosa
9572aef Un libro abierto es un cerebro que habla; cerrado, un amigo que espera; olvidado, un alma que perdona; destruido, un corazon que llora>>. Mario Vargas Llosa
406b64d Secretul fericirii, sau cel putin al linistii, e sa stii sa desparti sexul de iubire. Si, daca e posibil, sa elimini iubirea romantica din viata ta, caci ea te face sa suferi. Mario Vargas Llosa
08465d7 I was very young and lived with my grandparents in a villa with white walls in the Calle Ocharan, in Miraflores. Mario Vargas Llosa
d78f916 They had forgotten the abuses, the murders, the corruption, the spying, the isolation, the fear: horror had become myth. Everybody had jobs and there wasn't so much crime. Mario Vargas Llosa
5c287da Nostalgia is cowardice Mario Vargas Llosa
176d081 lae shaewYkhy dLgyr hych shtYkh zoertr lae khwYndny khtYbYkhy bsh mroev hYwr nkhtaewae, nae saeyrkhrdny fylm w nae gwYgrtn lae moesyq. bkhaewy w bkhwYny w bYkhaeyLy `laem w y'daem w dny byt. Mario Vargas Llosa
95897a1 We invent fictions in order to live somehow the many lives we would like to lead when we barely have one at our disposal. reading Mario Vargas Llosa
35ecc5f Fictions exist because of this fact. Because we have only one life, and our desires and fantasies demand a thousand lives. Because the abyss between what we are and what we would like to be has to be bridged somehow. That was why fictions were born: so that, through living this vicarious, transient, precarious, but also passionate and fascinating life that fiction transports us to, we can incorporate the impossible into the possible and our.. words literature reading fiction Mario Vargas Llosa
d2eb34b The essential difference between the culture of the past and the entertainment of today is that the products of the former sought to transcend mere present time, to endure, to stay alive for future generations, while the products of the latter are made to be consumed instantly and disappear, like cake or popcorn. Mario Vargas Llosa
a248725 Scrivere un romanzo e una cerimonia che somiglia allo streap-tease. Come la ragazza che, sotto impudichi riflettori, si libera dei propri indumenti e mostra, a uno a uno, i suoi incanti segreti, cosi anche il romanziere mette a nudo la propria intimita in pubblico attraverso i suoi romanzi. premi-nobel Mario Vargas Llosa
509e02c Pueden ustedes reirse de mi, cuando les de la espalda. mofa Mario Vargas Llosa
af243a3 He was a man in the prime of his life, his fifties...broad forehead, aquiline nose, penetrating gaze, the very soul of rectitude and goodness. Mario Vargas Llosa
2d45dcc Escribo. Escribo que escribo. Mentalmente me veo escribir que escribo y tambien puedo verme ver que escribo. Me recuerdo escribiendo ya y tambien viendome que escribia. Y me veo recordando que me veo escribir y me recuerdo viendome recordar que escribia y escribo viendome escribir que recuerdo haberme visto escribir que me veia escribir que recordaba haberme visto escribir que escribia y que escribia que escribo que escribia. Tambien puedo .. Mario Vargas Llosa
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