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639c1a2 There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you. authenticity beautiful being-yourself inspirational Steve Maraboli
d9eb00b Maybe we've lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them we've found each other... I know I've spent each life before this one searching for you. Not someone like you but you, for your soul and mine must always come together. inspirational poetic romantic beautiful Nicholas Sparks
463bb49 Good works is giving to the poor and the helpless, but divine works is showing them their worth to the One who matters. beautiful christ-like compassion consideration divine-love divine-works empathy faith giving god-like good-works helping-others inspirational jesus life poor sympathy the-one unconditional-love value works worth Criss Jami
9582da5 Destiny is real. And she's not mild-mannered. She will come around and hit you in the face and knock you over and before you know what hit you, you're naked- stripped of everything you thought you knew and everything you thought you didn't know- and there you are! A bloody nose, bruises all over you, and naked. And it's the most beautiful thing. beautiful beauty belief belief-quotes destiny happiness inspirational inspirational-life inspirational-quotes life life-and-living life-experience living spirit truth C. JoyBell C.
1eaa19e Two wrongs don't make a right, but don't three lefts make a right? Two wrongs don't make a right, but don't two negatives make a positive? andrew beautiful clements inspirational ironic life oxemoron paradox wisdom Andrew Clements
8c48ab4 "He shook his head, just looking at me. - "What?" I asked. - "Nothing" he said. - "Why are you looking at me like that?" Augustus half smiled. "Because you`re beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence." A brief awkward silence ensued. Augustus plowed through: "I mean, particularly given that, as you so deliciously pointed out, all of this will end in oblivion and everything." I kind of scoffed or sighed or exhaled in a way that was vaguely coughy and then said, "I`m not beau-" - "You are like a millennial Natalie Portman. Like V for Vendetta Natalie Portman." - "Never seen it." awkward beautiful boy flirt girl gorgeous hazel john-green life looking-at-me love lover lovers natalie-portman real real-life silence smile smiling the-fault-in-our-stars turn-me-on vendetta John Green The Fault in Our Stars
4967ff2 You say freak, I say unique. appreciation attraction beautiful ethereal freak imperfections inner-beauty inspirational inspirational-quote interesting life looks odd oddity people positivity strange unique weird Christian Baloga
2ce7327 Love doesn't have to be on Valentine's Day. It doesn't have to be by the time you turn eighteen or thirty-three or fifty-nine. It doesn't have to conform to whatever is usual. It doesn't have to be kismet at once, or rhapsody by the third day beautiful inspirational life love relationships David Levithan
7a2464e I often stood in front of the mirror alone, wondering how ugly a person could get. appearance beautiful beauty bukowski classic classics loneliness lonely mirror people poem poetry reflection self self-esteem soul superficial superficial-beauty superficiality ugly Charles Bukowski
71cd389 The object of the artist is the creation of the beautiful. What the beautiful is is another question. artist beautiful creation object question James Joyce
47a5d53 It had never occurred to me that our lives, which had been so closely interwoven, could unravel with such speed. beautiful inspirational story Kazuo Ishiguro
72edaad I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence. augustus-waters beautiful beauty hazel hazel-grace hazel-grace-lancaster john-green tfios the-fault-in-our-stars John Green
8792d4f "Here's the thing about Hazel: Almost everyone is obsessed with leaving a mark upon the world. Bequeathing a legacy. Outlasting death. We all want to be remembered. I do, too. That's what bothers me most, is being another unremembered casualty in the ancient and inglorious war against disease. I want to leave a mark. But Van Houten: The marks humans leave are too often scars. You build a hideous minimall or start a coup or try to become a rock star and you think, "They'll remember me now," but (a) they don't remember you, and (b) all you leave behind are more scars. Your coup becomes a dictatorship. Your minimall becomes a lesion. ... We are like a bunch of dogs squirting on fire hydrants. We poison the groundwater with our toxic piss, marking everything MINE in a ridiculous attempt to survive our deaths. I can't stop pissing on fire hydrants. I know it's silly and useless--epically useless in my current state--but I am an animal like any other. Hazel is different. She walks lightly, old man. She walks lightly upon the earth. Hazel knows the truth: We're as likely to hurt the universe as we are to help it, and we're not likely to do either. People will say it's sad that she leaves a lesser scar, that fewer remember her, that she was loved deeply but not widely. But it's not sad, Van Houten. It's triumphant. It's heroic. Isn't that the real heroism? Like the doctors say: First, do no harm. The real heroes anyway aren't the people doing things; the real heroes are the people NOTICING things, paying attention. The guy who invented the smallpox vaccine didn't actually invent anything. He just noticed that people with cowpox didn't get smallpox. ... But then I wanted more time so we could fall in love. I got my wish, I suppose. I left my scar. ... What else? She is so beautiful. You don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: You know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to love her, Van Houten. You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers." beautiful choices death disease dogs dying eulogy fire-hydrant hurt legacy love making-a-difference scars survival John Green
d71f799 Better to illuminate than merely to shine to deliver to others contemplated truths than merely to contemplate. beautiful contemplate illuminate inspirational saint shine truth Thomas Aquinas
f6bf012 It is beautiful to discover our wings and learn how to fly; flight is a beautiful process. But then to rest on the wings of God as He flies: this is divine. beautiful divine flight flying flying-spirit inspirational inspirational-life inspirational-quotes wings-of-god C. JoyBell C.
192b546 The real heroes anyway aren't the people doing things; the real heroes are the people NOTICING things, paying attention. The guy who invented the smallpox vaccine didn't actually invent anything. He just noticed that people with cowpox didn't get smallpox. augustus-waters beautiful cancer cowpox death death-and-dying grace hazel hazel-grace romantic smallpox the-fault-in-our-stars waters John Green
7dd29fd When she listened to songs that she loved on the radio, something stirred inside her. A liquid ache spread under her skin, and she walked out of the world like a witch. inspirational music witch beautiful Arundhati Roy
702df23 It is my belief, Watson, founded upon my experience, that the lowest and vilest alleys in London do not present a more dreadful record of sin than does the smiling and beautiful countryside. beautiful countryside experience john-watson london love rural-life sherlock-holmes sin smiling vile Arthur Conan Doyle
2f31e57 Not forever, Tessa thought. They had a long, long time. A lifetime. His lifetime. And she would lose him one day, as she had lost Will, and her heart would break, as it had broken before. And she would put herself back together and go on, because the memory of having had Jem would be better than never having had him at all. beautiful jem-carstairs love tessa-gray the-infernal-devices Cassandra Clare
30ca5f0 If it hadn't been what it was, it would've been beautiful. beautiful inspirational Megan Abbott
ccf5655 "Amy pulls away and looks into my face. Her pale skin is blotchy red, her eyes are veined and shadowed, and a shiny line of snot trickles from her nose to the top of her lip. beautiful elder Beth Revis
102c1fd You have to find what's good and true and beautiful in your life as it is now. Looking back makes you competitive. And, age is not a competitive issue. beautiful competitive-issue good life true Mitch Albom
1a4013e No one needed to say it, but the room overflowed with that sort of blessing. The combination of loss and abundance. The abundance that has no guilt. The loss that has no fix. The simple tiredness that is not weary. The hope not built on blindness. beautiful blessing blindness description guilt hope hymn ineffable mood wordless Aimee Bender
9167986 Unicorns are immortal. It is their nature to live alone in one place: usually a forest where there is a pool clear enough for them to see themselves-for they are a little vain, knowing themselves to be the most beautiful creatures in all the world, and magic besides. They mate very rarely, and no place is more enchanted than one where a unicorn has been born. The last time she had seen another unicorn the young virgins who still came seeking her now and then had called to her in a different tongue; but then, she had no idea of months and years and centuries, or even of seasons. It was always spring in her forest, because she lived there, and she wandered all day among the great beech trees, keeping watch over the animals that lived in the ground and under bushes, in nests and caves, earths and treetops. Generation after generation, wolves and rabbits alike, they hunted and loved and had children and died, and as the unicorn did none of these things, she never grew tired of watching them. animals beautiful born enchanted forest magic mate nature pool spring time unicorn unicorns vain virgins watching Peter S. Beagle
c86d402 We read the pagan sacred books with profit and delight. With myth and fable we are ever charmed, and find a pleasure in the endless repetition of the beautiful, poetic, and absurd. We find, in all these records of the past, philosophies and dreams, and efforts stained with tears, of great and tender souls who tried to pierce the mystery of life and death, to answer the eternal questions of the Whence and Whither, and vainly sought to make, with bits of shattered glass, a mirror that would, in very truth, reflect the face and form of Nature's perfect self. These myths were born of hopes, and fears, and tears, and smiles, and they were touched and colored by all there is of joy and grief between the rosy dawn of birth, and death's sad night. They clothed even the stars with passion, and gave to gods the faults and frailties of the sons of men. In them, the winds and waves were music, and all the lakes, and streams, and springs,--the mountains, woods and perfumed dells were haunted by a thousand fairy forms. They thrilled the veins of Spring with tremulous desire; made tawny Summer's billowed breast the throne and home of love; filled Autumns arms with sun-kissed grapes, and gathered sheaves; and pictured Winter as a weak old king who felt, like Lear upon his withered face, Cordelia's tears. These myths, though false, are beautiful, and have for many ages and in countless ways, enriched the heart and kindled thought. But if the world were taught that all these things are true and all inspired of God, and that eternal punishment will be the lot of him who dares deny or doubt, the sweetest myth of all the Fable World would lose its beauty, and become a scorned and hateful thing to every brave and thoughtful man. autumn beautiful birth brave death delight deny doubt dreams effort eternity fable fairy fear gods grief hateful haunted hope joy king-lear lake life love mountains music mystery nature pagan passion past perfection philosophies pleasure poetic punishment questions religion-myths sacred-books scorn shakespeare smiles spring summer tears tender thought throne true truth william-shakespeare winter woods Robert G. Ingersoll
82d3568 "Be careful," Aidan called from the bed. "You don't know what he might do." "We all know what you'd do, though, don't we?" beautiful books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
fee373b "Are you sure?" Aidan asked, "Gavriel's still a vampire." "He warned me about you and about them. He didn't have to. I'm not going to repay that by-" she hesitated, then frowned. "What did you call him?" "That's his name," Aidan sighed, "Gavriel. The other vampires, while they were tying me to the bed, they said his name." "Oh." With a final tug she pulled the blanked free and tossed it over to 'Gavriel" beautiful books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
f250e4c "Why are you looking at me like that?" Augustus half smiled. "Because you`re beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence." beautiful enjoy existence john-green pleasures tfios the-fault-in-our-stars John Green
795c792 She fed him scraps from her ragbag because words were all that were left now. Perhaps he could use them to pay the ferryman. The air rippled and shimmered. Time narrowed to a pinpoint. It was about to happen. beautiful death dying edward-thomas gerard-manley-hopkins john-keats kate-atkinson literary-allusions literary-quotes quotes william-blake william-shakespeare william-wordsworth Kate Atkinson
c6fbe44 In her eyes was the reflection of everything that mattered: old diners with neon signs, vinyl records, celluloid film, drive-in movies, Pears soap, department stores, her brother's old blue Camaro car and the smell of coal dust in the rainy sky of a summer lightning storm. ...And all the nice bright colors of the past that she thought were gone for good came flowing back into her life like a wave of nostalgia flooding over her, reds, yellows, blues and greens drenching her gray memories in psychedelic ribbons and glittering fireworks. ...She hoped that the world would always hold those miniscule yet beautiful, deep and mysterious traces of memory. beautiful bright colors earth found-footage kodak memory mystery nostalgia rurl world Rebecca McNutt
72d68bf Mumbai is the sweet, sweaty smell of hope, which is the opposite of hate; and it's the sour, stifled smell of greed, which is the opposite of love. It's the smell of Gods, demons, empires, and civilizations in resurrection and decay. Its the blue skin-smell of the sea, no matter where you are in the island city, and the blood metal smell of machines. It smells of the stir and sleep and the waste of sixty million animals, more than half of them humans and rats. It smells of heartbreak, and the struggle to live, and of the crucial failures and love that produces courage. It smells of ten thousand restaurants, five thousand temples, shrines, churches and mosques, and of hunderd bazaar devoted exclusively to perfume, spices, incense, and freshly cut flowers. That smell, above all things - is that what welcomes me and tells me that I have come home. Then there were people. Assamese, Jats, and Punjabis; people from Rajasthan, Bengal, and Tamil Nadu; from Pushkar, Cochin, and Konark; warrior caste, Brahmin, and untouchable; Hindi, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jain, Parsee, Animist; fair skin and dark, green eyes and golden brown and black; every different face and form of that extravagant variety, that incoparable beauty, India. beautiful city colour empire hate hope human love mumbai shantaram sleep smell-sea sweat sweet Gregory David Roberts
42f85fc Just as mental toughness and physical energy are the primary traits of an army, they also mark God's beautiful woman. beautiful christian energy eyes god love mental physical strength toughness trait woman women Elizabeth George
ac8d9de His plate was full but his fists sat motionless like two dark quartz stones on either side of it. beautiful Flannery O'Connor
357e9dc You despise the real bourgeois classes for all their snobbishness and their snobbish voices and ways. You do, don't you? Yet all you put in their place is a horrid little refusal to have nasty thoughts or do nasty things or be nasty in any way. Do you know that every great thing in the story of art and every beautiful thing in life is actually what you call nasty or has been caused by feelings that you would call nasty? By passion, by love, by hatred, by truth. Do you know that? beautiful beauty bourgeois class classes despise feelings hatred horrid life love nasty passion refusal snob snobbish snobbishness thought thoughts truth John Fowles
b7e2f1c But that (physical attractiveness), as the late great Irish poet and philosopher of beauty John O'Donohue helpfully distinguished, is glamour. I've taken his definition as my own, for naming beauty in all its nuance in the moment-to-moment reality of our days: art-of-living beautiful beauty enoughness life nature on-being wisdom Krista Tippett
7b99d9f Well, that was the end of me, the real end. Two pound ten every Tuesday and a room of the Gray's Inn Road. Saved, rescued and with my place to hide in - what more did I want? I crept in and hid. The lid of the coffin shut down with a bang. Now I no longer wish to be loved, beautiful, happy or successful. I want one thing and one thing only - to be left alone. No more pawings, no more pryings - leave me alone. beautiful coffin end happy hide left-alone love rescued room saved successful wish Jean Rhys
dd4c67e Jemima was not pretty, the flatness and shortness of her face made her almost plain; yet most people looked twice at her expressive countenance, at the eyes which flamed or melted at every trifle, at the rich colour which came at every expressed emotion into her usually sallow face, at the faultless teeth which made her smile like a sunbeam. beautiful countenance eyes jemima-bradshaw not-pretty plain smile Elizabeth Gaskell
cf1a107 "Tony and Peg have two kids, Terry-Lynn and Harvey, both of whom are enrolled in so many extracurricular and afterschool clubs that they hardly ever see their parents. If Terry-Lynn is in Girl Guides, she doesn't have to see Peg inviting the Purolator man in for "a cup of coffee". If Harvey is in the anime drawing club, he doesn't have to see Peg kissing Mr. Cooper from across the street, even if all the other neighbours secretly know what's going on. Tony has no idea, all he knows is that Peg isn't the same Peg he married back in 2003. All he knows is that she's changed a great deal, and not for the better, like a beautiful butterfly regressing back into a devouring, ugly caterpillar in the span of only a couple of months." afterschool anime beautiful butterfly caterpillar change cheater children coffee drawing extracurricular-activities girl-scouts homewrecker kids kiss marriage neighbours parents purolator street ugly Rebecca McNutt
45b6e7e "Say you're beautiful," I whispered, stroking her. "I'm beautiful." "Good," I murmured, kissing her jaw then moving south. "Say it again." beautiful say-it-again Bijou Hunter