If you really want to be totally accurate about it, the day that really changed Abby's life wasn't the day she discovered her power. It was the day Ben sang to her in the Telekinesis lab.
Tanrim! Bugun her sey ne tuhaf! Daha dun her sey kendi olagan halindeydi. Acaba ben gece mi degistim? Bir dusuneyim: Bu sabah kalktigimda ben ben miydim? Sanki biraz farkli gibiydim, ama ben ayni ben degilsem, o zaman yahu ben kimim? Iste asil bilmece bu!
"I trust you are enjoying your stay in our castle?" I asked at last. "Would that I were, Your Highness. But I am afraid my sleep last night was quite troubled. This morning I identified the source of my bruises" - here he reached into a pocket of his waistcoat - "as a pea that had been tucked beneath my mattress."