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bd05c34 Do your clothes make you feel happy, beautiful, comfortable in your skin, handsome, confident, or powerful? branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
91e1c2d You can be dressed to the nines and have it all going on, but if you don't have shoes to support your look, they can be your undoing. Your shoes should be appropriate, clean, polished, and maintained if you want to make a great impression and fortify your credibility. If your shoes are scuffed, dirty, or worn, clients may wonder what other details you've neglected to attend to. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
5517ed0 Becoming an expert not only establishes you as a leader in your field, it will make you a trusted resource that people can rely on for new and innovative ideas. In addition to raising the stakes and helping you increase your income, your expertise will serve to make a powerful first impression, which will truly help you shine and stand apart from the crowd. Having fun and meeting interesting, incredible people along the way is an added bonus! branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
7458856 Become a thought leader by taking an idea, belief, or process and turning it inside-out and upside-down. Bust beyond the box and shatter a few ceilings to go where no one has gone before. Make your mark by becoming a pioneer in your pursuits. branding communication-skills expertise-quotes motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
7e6309c Companies that do not have a succession plan in place in which their seasoned professionals are teaching the younger, less experienced generations risk losing far more than talent. The depth of their experience is a valuable commodity and resource. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
46bf479 Dressing appropriately in one venue may be highly inappropriate in another. Yet every day we see a lack of modesty and taste, regardless of how uncomfortable it makes others feel. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
5580147 Are your habits and hygiene hindering your success or making a great first impression on your behalf? branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
328e21d Without a second look, your habits and hygiene reflect a lot about you--your thoughts, values, beliefs, priorities, self-esteem, self-respect, confidence, and every other category covered in this book that influence how people perceive you. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
2207214 I know that trying to begin a new habit may be uncomfortable, inconvenient, or challenging. However, when the goal is to feel terrific, isn't it worth your consideration? branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
578e875 Poor habits can invalidate your credibility and undermine your success in all areas. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
83d6198 Be and Do what it takes to Have superb results. Nurture a mindset that works for you, rather than against you. Your inner thoughts determine your outer world. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
5849f62 A quality education prepares you to make a living, make better choices, and have more doors open as you build a solid life. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
f16bb00 Your education is one of the greatest treasures you can ever acquire and something no one can ever take away from you. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
c83090a The importance of healthy habits and hygiene for making a positive first impression should go without saying; however, I would be remiss if I did not include this topic in the book, because surprisingly, many people just don't get it. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
3882e76 When you resolve to live a healthier life, you will feel better, look better, and make a better impression on everyone you meet. Only you have the power, ability, and personal choice to instill healthy habits and hygiene into your life. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
9184a99 Rather than staying stuck in stress, unhappiness, or grief, use your experience to find gifts in the pain and grow. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
d7b0e2c To position yourself as an expert, share your knowledge with others. Deliver presentations and teach others on your topic. Look what TED Talks have done for normal people who simply presented their passion and thereby launched careers, fame, and fortune. Interact with your target market. Maximize use of the Internet and SEO. branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young quotes-on-expert relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
8af4854 When you have paid the price, earned the right, and done the homework to be called an expert, people perceive you differently. branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young quotes-on-expert relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
89631a1 Your expertise can elevate your impressions to bring you to an entirely new realm. branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young quotes-on-expert relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
f95f500 To position yourself as an expert, create content, write a book, build a blog, post on social media, and write articles for professional publications and news sites to build your intellectual portfolio of expertise. Repurpose content in a variety of ways. branding communication-skills expertise-quotes motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
0441a5b Put in the time. To position yourself as an expert, practice, apply, experiment, volunteer, and work within your area of knowledge to deepen your own understanding as you build real-life experience. branding communication-skills expertise-quotes motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
b195340 Is your branding serving your needs for positive impact? Is it paving the way for a great first impression on people when they meet you, think of you, speak of you, or even see you on the Internet? If not, it's time for a change, and it is perfectly within your control. branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
93c36ba "The word "brand" has now taken an individualized and highly personalized shift toward how you are perceived in the minds of others." branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
f2aaa3d "For many people and companies, the only place they are seen by others "in person" is on the Internet. Having a stand-out, consistent brand is imperative." branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
29e474b "A "brand" identifies how you are unique and different. It is an attention-getter to help you stack up against your competitors. It also shares with us what we can expect by doing business with you." branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
238a754 Is YOUR brand consistent and congruent with your desired outcomes? branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
3c48295 Whether you are in business or simply want to be remembered positively, frankly consider these things: What makes you feel special and significant? What makes you unforgettable? When people see or think of you, what image do you think comes to mind? branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
83b643d Since nothing stays the same, the great news is that, at any moment, you have the ability and power to move the needle in the direction of your dreams and create a brand that best represents you. branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
5c1aa4d You can re-design your life, learn a new skill, update your appearance, offer a new service, or even change your attitude. branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
642a3b7 You can always create the space to Review, Redo, and Renew as I teach in my book Release the Power of Re3. If you feel it is time to refresh your brand, take a moment to rethink your relevance and apply my 3-step formula. branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
e4630ff "How can you stand apart from the herd? How can you start to be noticed so people will remember you? How can you be heard above the noise? "What is your personal branding that makes you special, unique, individual, and memorable?" branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
c6bdc92 What helps people identify your Super Powers? Instead of hiring a personal PR firm to identify and promote your personal brand, ask yourself what strengths you want to be remembered by. branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
4e3b104 "To help get your creative juices flowing, you might look online at lists of the "best taglines ever." Their branding ideas are genius and may be just the catalyst you need to activate your awesome!" branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
4344e11 Take a searching inventory of your speech, habits, behaviors, appearance, hobbies, preferences, talents, and products. The key is what makes you distinct and unlike others. branding communication-skills motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
0eac940 Making a great first impression is not an accident, and with a little planning, experimentation, and application, you can transform your style, substance, and impact. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
5799da9 Once you are dressed there may be still more you can do to enhance, complement, or complete your look. Simply changing your accessories will change your entire impression. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
5805d6c Proven professionals know that by focusing on quality, you can't lose with the classics and your clothes will last longer. It's not about having expensive clothing, it is about having style. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
a73ad94 An important part of dressing for success is not only wearing something well but making sure it is appropriate for the occasion or the environment. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
b7dc146 Research has shown that different colors represent different character qualities and have a powerful psychological effect. Color portrays different meanings in life and in business. Choose the colors that not only make you look and feel great, but inspire the emotions you hope to evoke. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
ef9f3ad Punctuality Plus. When you have scheduled an appointment, or have made a commitment, you have essentially made a promise. Being punctual demonstrates your consideration for others and that you can be depended upon. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
0da53bd Your expertise elevates your impressions to an entirely new realm. When you have paid the price, earned the right, and done the homework to be called an expert, people will be impressed. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
5f5d719 Experts agree that color can stimulate emotions which evoke different responses. Simply by changing colors, you can change moods, communication, perceptions, energy, and expectations. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
110dfd3 Prepare for Success. Feel the satisfaction and power of having your act together! Get organized beforehand to get better results. Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
3b8a7e5 Make the personal choice to instill healthy habits and hygiene into your life. When you resolve to live a healthier life, you will feel better, look better, enjoy improved well-being and make a better impression. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
3678112 Color is one of the most important and distinctive elements in enhancing your image. Wearing the colors which are best matched to your personality, energy, skin tone, hair color, and body type will make you look healthier, more vibrant, confident, successful, and approachable. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
bd5dca0 The times, they are a-changing! What was once defined by tradition, respect, and custom has evolved into a relaxed and casual society. What is acceptable and normal today would never have been permitted in the past. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
8875493 Dressing appropriately in one venue may be highly inappropriate in another. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
26c031c Your habits and hygiene demonstrate how you feel about yourself. Without saying a word, they speak for you. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
a8a4889 Create your own personal brand to stand apart from the crowd. Package your unique talents, style, personality, and products. Show and tell who you are and what you do--to the world. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
5418740 Developing your EI will allow you to explore new depths of understanding in yourself and others. It will give you insight as to why people behave as they do and assist you in areas you may wish to improve. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
c40a401 Simply by living life you will gain new experiences that are uniquely your own. Your vantage points along your journey will help you form your perceptions, grow your influence, and ground you in a wisdom which can only be gained from having been there and having done it. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
c6e62e9 Your education can be the 'make or break' difference when a hiring manager reads your resume or invites you in for an interview. In our competitive world, today a Master's Degree has become the new differentiator that a Bachelor's Degree once was. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
7f70fb0 Rather than allowing your failures to define you, learn from your experience to do better next time. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
fb4c991 How can you build credibility without grandstanding as you strive to stand apart from the crowd? branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
426c761 Your level of education speaks on your behalf. It demonstrates your ability to establish a clear vision, prioritize your goals, and honor your commitments. Oh yeah, did I mention it also makes you smarter? branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
fd1bfc0 People will form impressions, assumptions, opinions, and judgments all within a few short seconds. To make a favorable first impression and make these seconds count, enhance your image by choosing clean, crisp, appropriate attire that reflects confidence and professionalism. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
054c3b6 Getting an education is not only a matter of checking the boxes as your life progresses; it is a gift which can enrich every aspect of your world. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
97d7870 Take your place among experienced professionals by focusing on ways to learn, grow, and succeed. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young