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d910fff "Hello Ra," he said in a kindly voice. "It's been a long time." A feeble voice from behind the chair said,"Can't play. Go away." "would you like a treat?" Apophis asked. "we used to play so nicely together. Every night, trying to kill each other. Don't you remember?" Ra poked his head above the throne. "Treat?" "How about a stuffed date?" Apophis pulled one out of the air. "You used to love stuffed dates, didn't you? All you have to do is come out and let me devour-- I mean entertain you." " Want a cookie," Ra said. "What kind?" "Weasel cookie." I'm here to tell you, that comment about weasel cookies probably saved the known universe." weasel-cookies ra carter Rick Riordan
e749d31 Nate said. Brad slapped another photo on the table. A smiling teenage girl with blue eyes and blond hair streaked with red. Carter grunted. They looked surprised. The cute smiling girl definitely did not seem like a romantic match for the scowling brute in the other photos. But Brad had done enough surveillance to be sure of his facts. Carter's face screwed up. Theo said. Nate said. Carter said, still eying the photo. Nate said. cains chloe carter derek nate Kelley Armstrong
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