I will be generous with my love today. I will sprinkle compliments and uplifting words everywhere I go. I will do this knowing that my words are like seeds and when they fall on fertile soil, a reflection of those seeds will grow into something greater.
"I understand that you are an accomplished swords-man," she finally said. He eyed her curiously. Where was she going with this? "I like to fence, yes," he replied. "I have always wanted to learn." "Good God," Gregory grunted. "I would be quite good at it," she protested. "I'm sure you would," her brother replied, "which is why you should never be allowed within thirty feet of a sword." He turned to Gareth. "She's quite diabolical." "Yes, I'd noticed," Gareth murmured, deciding that maybe there might be a bit more to Hyacinth's brother than he had thought. Gregory shrugged, reaching for a piece of shortbread. "It's probably why we can't seem to get her married off." "Gregory!" This came from Hyacinth, but that was only because Lady Bridgerton had excused herself and followed one of the footmen into the hall. "It's a compliment!" Gregory protested. "Haven't you waited your entire life for me to agree that you're smarter than any of the poor fools who have attempted to court you?" "You might find it difficult to believe," Hyacinth shot back, "but I haven't been going to bed each night thinking to myself--Oh, I do wish my brother would offer me something that passes for a compliment in his twisted mind."
Isaiah says. As I move to rest next to him, he stops me. He motions to the spot between his legs. Awkwardly, I settle in front of him. Isaiah, the king of secure, waves off any distance between us as he gathers me into the safe shelter of his body. The blood pulses faster in my veins. I like being this close to him. Maybe a little too much. His breath tickles the skin behind my ear, and the small hairs stand on end with the joyous sensation. He glides his fingers against my skin causing an addictive tingling. I cut him off. The panic attacks confirm that. Unable to be near him anymore, I attempt to untangle myself from him, but Isaiah becomes a solid wall around me and I jerk in his arms in protest. His tender hold tightens, and the words feel like poetry because of the deep, soothing way he speaks.