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3081f71 "Emotional intelligence does not mean merely "being nice". At strategic moment it may demand not "being nice", but rather, for example, bluntly confronting someone with an uncomfortable but consequential truth they've been avoiding." avoidance avoiding being-nice emotional-intelligence eq truth uncomfortable Daniel Goleman
c24cc7a After years of being taught that the way to deal with painful emotions is to get rid of them, it can take a lot of reschooling to learn to sit with them instead, finding out from those who feel them what they have learned by sleeping in the wilderness that those who sleep in comfortable houses may never know. emotional-intelligence emotional-pain emotions emotions-quotes Barbara Brown Taylor
98ac137 So, what if you are not naturally funny? Don't get discouraged. Do your research, gather ideas, and find your fun. Seek ways to laugh. Not only will doing this provide you with new material for making a great first impression, but laughter will bring you personal delight and satisfaction. Putting a smile on someone's face is one of the best gifts you can deliver. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
034e839 Communicating on the surface can be easy. But when you want to dig deeper and connect with more profound impact, you'll need to achieve greater understanding, especially when others have personalities, experiences, needs, and preferences different from your own. customer-service emotional-intelligence employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
228cc92 Expressing and demonstrating genuine interest for people can connect you on levels you may never have imagined. customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
f96ae5b In The Art of Connection, you will learn simple, yet powerful ways to build trust and rapport for connecting with ease. By being personable and friendly, you will receive more positive and welcoming reactions. customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
ef71d94 Encourage others to talk about themselves by asking questions and listening with genuine interest. Demonstrating such mutual respect will make you all the more fascinating for kinship and camaraderie. customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
d2b2f86 As you use fun and humor to reduce tension and connect with laughter, light-heartedness will prevail. Exercising discretion and good judgment in your communication will leave your listener feeling like they have met a person of substance and style. customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
f505d60 It is easier to do business and work with people who are most like ourselves. best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
e999aa6 "Strategic Commonality "Social media has capitalized on helping people find others who share their similar interests, shared experiences, and common passions. With social media, we are easily able to target potential customers who would be ideal for our business pursuits and professional development." best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
33793e2 What gives you your sense of importance and makes you feel special? Who and what bring out the best in you? What does it take to make you feel like a million bucks and ready to take on the world? When people make you feel important, doesn't it elevate them in your eyes? Learn to do the same for others. best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
1e328f5 "We all have an innate desire to feel important, be special, and feel appreciated. Considering the universal drive to have those needs met, it is one of your best ways to move past making a positive first impression and turn it into a lasting one"." best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
19c1c06 The Gift that Keeps on Giving I once had a lovely real estate client named Jane who was an elderly lady living alone. Her sons lived far away in the Pacific Northwest and she rarely saw them. I became her Realtor when she decided she needed to down-size from her larger home and buy a smaller one. Throughout this transition, we would talk, laugh, share, and bond. After we successfully completed her transactions and got her comfortably situated in her new home, I stayed in touch to nurture our friendship. Over a year later, I got a call from her son in Seattle who was calling to inform me that his mother had passed away. And at the reading of her will it was revealed she had requested that when it the time came to sell the property in her estate, they were to call Susan Young. By making her feel special and important, I earned not only her friendship, but her loyalty and continued business. best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
0c9d53a Once you start looking, you will discover unlimited links and openers for nurturing camaraderie. Do you drive the same car? Did you attend the same college? Do you both write with your left hand? Love vacationing in Paris? Prefer sushi over pasta? Both have twins? Attend the same church? Each run marathons? Enjoy the same television shows? Have the same breed of dog? While downright basic, these shared commonalities can often bring a sense of familiarity and affection even for people whom you have never met. best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
9fa330f I recently heard of a real estate professional who LOVES to cook. So, her niche market? Foodies. She attends local restaurant events and cooking classes and turns strangers into friends and clients. Her closing gift to new homeowners? A recipe box. Then she sends new recipe postcards every month to tuck inside. Isn't that a smart way to stay connected in a meaningful way? best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
0ba8a7b In our high-tech world today, there are unlimited ways with which you can search for people, places, and events to connect you with like-minded people. Food enthusiasts? There are local cooking classes. Gardening fans? There are flower shows and garden expos. Kids in school? Join the PTA and get involved. There are clubs and groups for almost any interest these days and venturing out to make those connections is a powerful way to expand your insights, your network, and even your business. best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
9a484b4 When all else fails, Mother Nature has provided you with a great social default for finding commonality with others. Since weather is a universally shared experience, it enables you to jump into a conversation with anybody and everybody. While discussing the weather may sound boring, trite, and predictable, it is a safe and the certain ice-breaker that can help you build commonality regardless of who you are addressing. As I write this, we have icy rain! It's never a boring topic. best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
9c7b71e "Professional Networking "The first week I lived in Madison, WI, I sought a local chapter meeting for ATD (Association for Training Development). Having belonged to the same organization in Florida, I knew it would be a comfortable way to meet new people and make new friends. Knowing we would have a lot in common, I entered the room of strangers feeling confident and hopeful. As everyone took turns introducing themselves, it was easy to see our common denominators. I briefly mentioned that I was new to the area, was a professional speaker, and a member of the National Speakers Association. Within minutes of mentioning NSA, a fellow participant approached me, shared that she was a member too, and our lively conversation began. The positive first impression we made on each was so powerful and captivating that we continued our conversations for months to come. Now, two years later, Tina and I are the best of friends and I have every confidence we will be for life. You never know when an amazing person will walk into your life when you seek common bonds and camaraderie." best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
4985838 "Instant Access "When my twins were born, I moved abruptly from being a professional career woman to a full-time, stay-at-home mom. The role shift opened a new door of commonality which surprised and delighted me. I was instantly welcomed into a special "Motherhood Club," where before I never would have related. It felt as if I was suddenly bonded with mothers worldwide. It's important to remember--nothing stays the same, nor do we." best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
e159375 Finding commonality with another person can help you create an instant bond by transcending social differences and going straight to creating rapport. Finding common ground allows you to connect the dots in the big picture to discover what feels most comfortable, how to connect, and where you might fit in when meeting new people. best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
137f8e3 When people are like you, conversations flow naturally and feel more relaxed, don't they? You know what to say, how to talk, what to expect, and how to understand them on an intuitive level. best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
4f3d07c Wouldn't it be wonderful to enjoy this level of simplicity in all relationships, regardless of differences? You can. Begin taking the initiative to find common ground with others and you will soon lay solid foundations on which to build great first impressions. best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
c35dec4 "The romantic notion of "opposites attract" works well in fairy tales. However, science proves that "like attracts like" for healthy communication and successful relationships. Social psychologists have long relied upon the "Similarity Attraction Theory" to explain why we are more positively inclined toward people who are the most like ourselves. Similarity reduces uncertainty and gives us a comforting degree of psychological safety. It is no wonder, then, that "birds of a feather flock together." Our tribe understands our vibe." best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
02b7dd2 Establishing social certainty helps you build trust, develop rapport, and strengthen your connection. However, the right questions might lead you to find a niche of commonality in someone who is very different from you. It can be professionally and personally rewarding. best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
d8cd0e4 "Along with the "Law of Attraction" there is also an "Attractor Factor" for easily building camaraderie and commonality for making a positive first impression. Seek to find: 1. Shared History 2. Shared Stories 3. Shared Interests 4. Shared Attitudes 5. Shared Experiences 6. Shared Beliefs and Values" best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
853faa3 Identifying, developing, and connecting on these points of reference will provide you with a rich resource of information from which to engage in stimulating conversations and connect on meaningful levels. best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
2ed3244 "This insightful quote I once heard stays with me: "Tell me what gives you your sense of importance and I will tell you what you are. That is the most important thing about you. That is what determines your character." Some people get their sense of importance through their charitable works and community service. Some get it through the diplomas on their walls and the letters behind their names, while others may get their sense of importance from the cars they drive, the balance in their bank accounts, or the size of their homes. Different strokes for different folks. Regardless of what their motivators may be, notice what a person's hot button is and you will have the key to nurturing your new relationship in a positive way." best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
e255f14 13 Ways to Make Other People Feel Important 1. Ask people questions about themselves, their interests, their families, their passions and their lives. 2. Catch people doing things right, pat them on the back, and acknowledge them for a job well done. 3. Celebrate their successes. 4. Be lavish in your compliments and sincere in your praise. 5. Be appreciative and say thank you. 6. Listen with genuine interest. 7. Respect their opinions. 8. Encourage people with words of affirmation and validation. 9. Brag about people behind (and in front of) their backs. 10. Make the time and space to be fully present and engaged. 11. Spend quality time together. 12. Share your authentic self and be real. 13. Offer comfort and compassion. best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
fd264aa "Every time a new client hires me for a keynote, workshop, or coaching session, the first questions I ask them are, "What are the 3 top challenges your organization is dealing with? What are your goals? What problems would you like for me to help solve?" Using their own answers, I am able to design a program that is customized specifically around their needs. It takes the focus off of Susan and centers my complete attention toward making them feel important." best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
25a0ec5 Find Your Funny Bone . . . Life provides plenty of material for things for you to laugh at. Seek irony, coincidence, and the abundance of simple humor in life's little absurdities. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
9dafc90 Watch, Listen, & Learn . . . Broaden your sense of humor by watching funny movies and shows, reading funny books, visiting live comedy shows, or enjoying YouTube clips. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
8d0c86c Expand Your Repertoire . . . Professional humorists and comedians, like Jeanie Robertson, maintain joke files filled with assorted topics, anecdotes, and titles. When something outrageously funny happens, she makes a note of it, puts it away, and saves it for the day she can integrate it into her hilarious presentations. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
77a904c "Mary Kay Ash, the founder of the Mary Kay Cosmetic empire, taught her teams that most people have a sign hanging around their necks that says, "Make me feel special." Answer that need in others through nurturing words, deeds, and actions, and you will be amazed by the ease with which people respond to you. What can you do to make other people feel special?" best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
4b3447c Many salespeople make the mistake of talking about how great they are and what they bring to the table. If they would simply take a breath, shift their mindset, and instead present ways to help solve their client's problems, they would capture more new business. best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
6fea256 "Most everyone has the classic question stamped on their forehead that asks, "What's in It for Me?" It is not a matter of being self-centered, arrogant, or narcissistic; it is simply a natural and instinctive response to gauge how we are going to best interact and deal with another person." best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
7d5b7cc Clown Around . . . Nancy Weil of The Laugh Academy gives people she meets red clown noses and shows them how to use them. Promoting laughter as a cure for stress and negativity, she makes a positive and memorable impact and gives others permission to play. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
51e3f6a Know your audience! With the high level of cultural sensitivity these days, it is often better to err on the side of caution. If you don't want your humor to come back and bite you, don't hurt one person to entertain another. We can have humor without making fun of other people. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
d78f5bc "I have noticed generational humor exists as well. Since our frames of reference and cultural influences vary, there is a lot of room for misinterpretation and the potential to not "get it." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
abfe57f Don't try to make a joke just to make a joke. Sometimes, as human beings, we so want to fit in and connect that we try TOO hard to be something we are not. It's okay if you're not the life of the party. It's fine if you're not a stand-up comedian. Just be you. Real life provides real humor when we're paying attention to it. Share what makes you laugh. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
b89b0a0 People love to be happy, enjoy a hearty laugh, and simply have fun. When you're happy, everything feels right in the world and life is good. Knowing that this is a universal yearning, what can you do to feed the need and bring out the best in others? best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
b6742ab "Having a sense of humor can be one of your greatest assets and equip you with an undeniable "attractor factor." The benefits extend far past a quick wit and spontaneous laughter. It can help you lower stress levels in yourself and others, diffuse difficult situations, interact more easily, and provide health benefits for improved well-being." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
1bc7ef6 Humor lightens our spirits, comforts us through the challenge, brings people together, and helps us to remember the positive sides of life. When your presence and personality bring this welcomed delight and joy to others, you are a pleasure to know and you leave them wanting more. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
0839743 "In our digital world today, handwritten notes are an "old school" way to make people feel important. Email is easy and Facebook birthday messages are now the norm, however, taking that extra step makes your efforts extra special. Whether it is a thank you note, birthday greeting, or a card of congratulations, taking the time to extend this personal consideration makes a person feel like you care. Be the surprise in someone's day and make them feel important." best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
d8d4abc If people would read more of these humor books, they wouldn't need all those self-improvement books! best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
11d7d4c "Follow your heart, but take your brain with you!" After buying an armload of funny books filled with clean jokes, one-liners, and speech openers, I discovered how truly "spot-on" Joe had been. Inserting humorous zingers throughout my programs has worked like a charm and improved my presentation skills." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
e5c4d08 Life wasn't meant to be so serious. Enjoy life, be fun, spend time with people who make you happy, widen that smile, and laugh out loud. Learn to laugh at yourself. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
faef85a How's your humor? What can you do to have more humorous lines to use in the right place at the right time? I highly recommend it! Laughter is the best medicine indeed. Not only will you enjoy the experience yourself, but the people around you will enjoy the entertainment. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
4469da7 "When Humor Falls Flat "Humor is not a "one-size fits all" guarantee. What is hilarious to one person may be offensive to another. By being emotionally intelligent and self-aware, you can discern how, when, why, or where to be funny . . . or not. You might be walking on thin ice and risk making a damaging first impression if you use humor that is: * At the expense of others. * Thoughtless sarcasm. * Belittling or condescending. * Hitting below the belt. * Creepy or profane. * Raunchy humor with sexual innuendo. * Politically incorrect. * Mean-spirited." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
c3b92af "When I was a young and aspiring speaker, I sought mentorship from a man who had been a Dale Carnegie trainer for decades. Eagerly wanting to know how to improve my stage presence and build my career, I contacted Dr. Joe Carnley in Destin, Florida and invited him out to lunch. After we placed our order at the Harbor Docks Restaurant, he dove right in and gave me some of the best advice of my life. He said, "Susan, you have to make them laugh! When they leave your presentations, you want them to feel better and leave happier than when they came in. Help them enjoy your time together." He continued to describe the magical power that humor has over the human spirit. When we craft humor into our speeches, we can take our audiences on a journey they will never forget. Immediately after our delightful lunch ended, I drove straight to a Books-a-Million store and headed for the humor section. Since I was not a particularly funny person, I needed all the help I could get. For over an hour I stood there reading titles, flipping through funny books, and enjoying outrageous belly laughs, giggles, and snorts. People were staring, and probably thinking, "I want what she is having!" The humor section was one of the smallest in the entire bookstore, but it may well have been the most important. When I turned around, I noticed the opposite aisle was the "Self-Improvement" section. It ran half the length of the store and displayed hundreds of books. At that cathartic moment, I had a huge "Ah-Ha" moment." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young