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f3e5db8 "Anger has great strength, but no brains. Greed has many hands, but no heart. Fear has many titles, but no honor. Hatred has many forms, but no soul. Desire has great strength, but no brains. Agony has many hands, but no heart. Shame has many titles, but no honor. Ego has many forms, but no soul. Envy has great strength, but no brains. Malice has many hands, but no heart. Lust has many titles, but no honor. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
e0de829 "When you meet young people, inspire them. When you meet old people, honor them. When you meet wise people, study them. When you meet foolish people, avoid them. When you meet humble people, treasure them. When you meet arrogant people, ignore them. When you meet gracious people, emulate them. When you meet crude people, disregard them. When you meet brave people, support them. When you meet cowardly people, encourage them. When you meet strong people, follow them. When you meet weak people, toughen them. When you meet kind people, esteem them. When you meet cruel people, oppose them. When you meet virtuous people, reward them. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
e76f1e2 "If they hate your race, pardon them. If they hate your religion, enlighten them. If they hate your gender, admonish them. If they hate your class, avoid them. If they hate your politics, debate them. If they hate your culture, question them. If they hate your tribe, confront them. If they hate your ancestry, defy them. If they hate your age, outshine them. If they hate your appearance, disregard them. If they love you for your knowledge, teach them. If they love you for your wisdom, counsel them. If they love you for your understanding, instruct them. If they love you for your intuition, guide them. If they love you for your excellence, inspire them. If they love you for your humility, honor them. If they love you for your compassion, welcome them. If they love you for your honesty, value them. If they love you for your kindness, treasure them. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
c48480b "Justice is the gateway to peace. Education is the gateway to equality. Patience is the gateway to tolerance. Compassion is the gateway to mercy. Certainty is the gateway to assurance. Hope is the gateway to courage. Contentment is the gateway to happiness. Integrity is the gateway to virtue. Need is the gateway to want. Laughter is the gateway to health. Pleasure is the gateway to enjoyment. Love is the gateway to joy. Life is the gateway to death. Reality is the gateway to truth. Harmony is the gateway to order. Time is the gateway to eternity. Intelligence is the gateway to wisdom. Focus is the gateway to determination. african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes philosophy-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
d53fd16 "When I see memories, I see the past. When I see thoughts, I see the present. When I see intentions, I see the future. When I see regret, I see the past. When I see hope, I see the present. When I see expectation, I see the future. When I see habits, I see the past. When I see actions, I see the present. When I see character, I see the future. When I see karma, I see the past. When I see chance, I see the present. When I see destiny, I see the future. When I see knowledge, I see the past. When I see understanding, I see the present. When I see wisdom, I see the future. When I see elders, I see the past. future-quotes philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
97cdc68 "Teach the ignorant. Study the wise. Avoid the foolish. Embrace the enlightened. Conquer your vices. Exploit your virtues. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes religion-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
d75184e "The path to ignorance is wide. The path to shallowness is smooth. The path to understanding is bumpy. The path to wisdom is narrow. The path to ignorance is steep. The path to vice is wide. The path to pleasure is smooth. The path to integrity is bumpy. The path to innocence is narrow. The path to paradise is steep. The path to fear is wide. The path to assurance is smooth. The path to hope is bumpy. The path to valor is narrow. The path to faith is steep. The path to sorrow is wide. The path to desire is smooth. The path to patience is bumpy. The path to gratitude is narrow. The path to humility is steep. The path to strife is wide. The path to indifference is smooth. The path to peace is bumpy. The path to joy is narrow. The path to harmony is steep. The path to error is wide. The path to delusion is smooth. The path to discovery is bumpy. philosopher-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
d9e4339 "Greed has no mouth, but swallows many. Love has no hands, but touches many. Hope has no feet, but carries many. Despair has no teeth, but devours many. Envy has no mouth, but swallows many. Compassion has no hands, but touches many. Joy has no feet, but carries many. Ego has no teeth, but devours many. Anger has no mouth, but swallows many. Peace has no hands, but touches many. Patience has no feet, but carries many. Evil has no teeth, but devours many. Time has no mouth, but swallows many. Reality has no hands, but touches many. Life has no feet, but carries many. Death has no teeth, but devours many. The past has no mouth, but swallows many. The present has no hands, but touches many. The future has no feet, but carries many. Fate has no teeth, but devours many. Darkness has no mouth, but swallows many. Light has no hands, but touches many. The universe has no feet, but carries many. african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes philosophy-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
dbc4db6 "For me to heal, I need you to heal. For me to trust, I need you to trust. For me to be strong, I need you to be strong. For me to gain, I need you to gain. For me to win, I need you to win. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
3d598e5 "I am generous because I've been poor, cautious because I've been naive, strong because I've been afraid, clever because I've been foolish, mighty because I've been weak, kind because I've been downtrodden, cheerful because I've been miserable, patient because I've been reckless, modest because I've been humbled, calm because I've been confused, friendly because I've been ostracized, noble because I've been dishonoured, loyal because I've been betrayed, confident because I've been nervous, pleasant because I've been malicious, chaste because I've been depraved, principled because I've been unethical, philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
f5c7399 "God opens the door, light walks in. Light opens the door, love walks in. Love opens the door, the universe walks in. The universe opens the door, life walks in. Life opens the door, time walks in. Time opens the door, the past walks in. The past opens the door, the present walks in. The present opens the door, the future walks in. The future opens the door, eternity walks in. Eternity opens the door, reality walks in. Reality opens the door, truth walks in. Truth opens the door, knowledge walks in. Knowledge opens the door, wisdom walks in. philosopher-quotations african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
2301e8a "Knowledge is our gift. Understanding is our blessing. Wisdom is our fortune. Enlightenment is our reward. Art is our gift. Science is our blessing. Technology is our fortune. God is our reward. Time is our gift. Light is our blessing. Fate is our fortune. Nature is our reward. Land is our gift. Water is our blessing. Air is our fortune. Life is our reward. Mothers are our gift. Youth are our blessing. Elders are our fortune. Children are our reward. The past is our gift. The present is our blessing. The future is our fortune. Eternity is our reward. The mind is our gift. The heart is our blessing. The body is our fortune. The soul is our reward. Faith is our gift. Joy is our blessing. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
137c178 "I am fortitude," said faith. "I am contentment," said peace. "I am delight," said joy. "I am goodness," said virtue. "I am God," said love. "I am truth," said knowledge. "I am sight," said understanding. "I am perception," said intelligence. "I am prudence," said wisdom. "I am awareness," said enlightenment. "I am success," said excellence. "I am mastery," said discipline. "I am persistence," said focus. philosopher-quotations guru-quotations african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes religion-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
1f29702 "You were born happy, don't die sad. You were born full, don't die empty. You were born rich, don't die poor. You were born pure, don't die corrupt. You were born innocent, don't die guilty. You were born free, don't die shackled. You were born curious, don't die indifferent. You were born sensitive, don't die heartless. You were born tolerant, don't die prejudiced. You were born trusting, don't die cynical. You were born caring, don't die spiteful. You were born loving, don't die hateful. You were born youthful, don't die worn-out. You were born active, don't die idle. You were born lively, don't die downcast. You were born special, don't die normal. You were born extraordinary, don't die common. life-quotes philosophy-quotations african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes life-quotations matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
fe63ded "I am injustice," said tyranny. "I am lawlessness," said corruption. "I am inequality," said bigotry. "I am intolerance," said racism. "I am destruction," said immorality. "I am independence," said freedom. "I am fairness," said justice. "I am humanity," said compassion. sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes philosophy-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
9a430c1 "Intelligence is a disciple, wisdom is its master. Caution is a disciple, prudence is its master. Discernment is a disciple, intuition is its master. Truth is a disciple, reality is its master. Experience is a disciple, awareness is its master. Illumination is a disciple, enlightenment is its master. Desire is a disciple, pleasure is its master. Laughter is a disciple, joy is its master. Need is a disciple, want is its master. Prudence is a disciple, virtue is its master. Knowledge is a disciple, truth is its master. The heart is a disciple, the mind is its master. The mind is a disciple, the soul is its master. The body is a disciple, the flesh is its master. The soul is a disciple, the spirit is its master. The present is a disciple, the past is its master. The future is a disciple, the present is its master. The past is a disciple, eternity is its master. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
11aa2a1 "Free your mind, ignorance is a prison. Liberate your heart, greed is a jail. Release your soul, arrogance is a cell. Embrace knowledge, education is independence. Acquire understanding, awareness is freedom. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
bd168ed "Fear tells you what can't be done, courage tells you what can be done, wisdom tells you what must be done, and love tells you why it must be done. Impossible tells you what can't be done, faith tells you what can be done, guru-quotations philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes religion-quotations religion-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
f00a65d "You are no greater than the thoughts you carry, the knowledge you acquire, the desires you harbor, and the experiences you cherish. You are no better than the friends you keep, the books you read, the heroes you admire, and the obstacles you overcome. You are no higher than the wisdom you retain, the understanding you gain, the faith you practice, and the love you give. You are no larger than the powerless you help, the poor you enrich, the weak you embolden, and the fearful you inspire. You are no bigger than the opponents you face, the alliances you broker, philosopher-quotations guru-quotations african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes religion-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
23b7689 "There is no entrance that joy cannot enter, no door that faith cannot open, no bridge that patience cannot cross, and no wall that love cannot breach. There is no entrance that hope cannot enter, no door that truth cannot open, no bridge that grace cannot cross, and no wall that humility cannot breach. There is no entrance that knowledge cannot enter, no door that curiosity cannot open, no bridge that understanding cannot cross, and no wall that wisdom cannot breach. There is no entrance that time cannot enter, no door that chance cannot open, no bridge that destiny cannot cross, and no wall that eternity cannot breach. There is no entrance that the mind cannot enter, no door that the heart cannot open, sage-quotes philosopher-quotes philosophy-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes religion-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
8398a65 "To hate is human, to love is divine. To destroy is human, to build is divine. To fall is human, to rise is divine. To break is human, to heal is divine. To take is human, to give is divine. love-quotes philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
a3f9872 "Silence is a temple of wisdom, stillness is a temple of joy, and harmony is a temple of love. Humility is a temple of wisdom, contentment is a temple of joy, and peace is a temple of love. Intelligence is a temple of wisdom, understanding is a temple of joy, and virtue is a temple of love. The past is a temple of wisdom, the present is a temple of joy, and the future is a temple of love. The mind is a temple of wisdom, the heart is a temple of joy, and the soul is a temple of love. The world is a temple of wisdom, the cosmos is a temple of joy, and the universe is a temple of love. Heaven is a temple of wisdom, philosopher-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
837c94a "Train your ears to hear more, your eyes to see more, your hands to do more, your feet to accomplish more, your mind to think more, your heart to feel more, and your soul to love more. The mind, though small, can perceive the impossible. The heart, though small, can endure the impossible. The soul, though small, can experience the impossible. The hands, though small, can do the impossible. The tongue, though small, can express the impossible. philosopher-quotations guru-quotations african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
2683aed "Peace in your mind is patience, in your heart is confidence, in your soul is contentedness, and in your life is happiness. Joy in your mind is stillness, in your heart is pleasantness, in your soul is kindness, and in your life is friendliness. Love in your mind is goodness, in your heart is benevolence, philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes spirituality-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
8d608d9 "Wisdom speaks, though it does not have lips. Joy moves, though it does not have feet. Faith rises, though it does not have wings. Hope speaks, though it does not have lips. Expectation moves, though it does not have feet. Conviction rises, though it does not have wings. Need speaks, though it does not have lips. Compassion moves, though it does not have feet. Love rises, though it does not have wings. Silence speaks, though it does not have lips. Speech moves, though it does not have feet. Actions rise, though they do not have wings. Fate speaks, though it does not have lips. Chance moves, though it does not have feet. Destiny rises, though it does not have wings. Reality speaks, though it does not have lips. Desire moves, though it does not have feet. Eternity rises, though it does not have wings. Light speaks, though it does not have lips. Darkness moves, though it does not have feet. Nature rises, though it does not have wings. The past speaks, though it does not have lips. The present moves, though it does not have feet. The future rises, though it does not have wings. The world speaks, though it does not have lips. The cosmos move, though they do not have feet. The universe rises, though it does not have wings. Awareness speaks, though it does not have lips. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
9b36a6e "Truth is the eldest daughter of knowledge. Intelligence is the eldest daughter of wisdom. Perception is the eldest daughter of understanding. Exposure is the eldest daughter of awareness. Calmness is the eldest daughter of peace. Hope is the eldest daughter of faith. Charity is the eldest daughter of virtue. Humility is the eldest daughter of honor. Mercy is the eldest daughter of grace. Chastity is the eldest daughter of piety. Modesty is the eldest daughter of meekness. Desire is the eldest daughter of action. Prudence is the eldest daughter of caution. Trust is the eldest daughter of Integrity. Friendship is the eldest daughter of kindness. Tolerance is the eldest daughter of equality. Freedom is the eldest daughter of democracy. Praise is the eldest daughter of appreciation. Patience is the eldest daughter of diligence. Maturity is the eldest daughter of growth. Harmony is the eldest daughter of order. Sound is the eldest daughter of movement. Heat is the eldest daughter of motion. Acceleration is the eldest daughter of force. Experience is the eldest daughter of reality. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
bdb5d99 "If you tolerate fear, you yourself will become distrustful. If you tolerate hate, you yourself will become dispiteful. If you tolerate arrogance, you yourself will become concietful. If you tolerate ignorance, you yourself will become disgraceful. If you promote tolerance, you yourself will become peaceful. If you promote harmony, you yourself will become joyful. If you promote love, you yourself will become powerful. diversity-quotes tolerance-quotes world-changers-quotes hate-quotes peace-quote world-peace-quotes racism-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
1f1916e "There is a fine line between: ego and confidence, weakness and cowardice, piety and self-righteousness, lust and infatuation, patience and procrastination, contentment and apathy, fear and hatred, greed and ambition, sin and pleasure, want and need, and hope and delusion. There is also a fine line between: sleep and death, rest and idleness, envy and desire, noise and music, sight and blindness, respect and idolatry, poverty and crime, corruption and equality, tyranny and despair, philosopher-quotations guru-quotations african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
14a1fbe "Follow few. Lead many. Walk with some. Embrace all. Believe in truth. Trust in hope. philosopher-quotations guru-quotations african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
fe1abb6 "Jealousy stings, envy poisons, anger burns, and hatred murders. Peace heals, laughter remedies, sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes philosophy-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
6e11927 "Don't take life for granted. Don't compare yourself to others. Don't run from your problems. Don't entertain negative people. Don't abuse your friendships. Don't hold onto the past. Don't throw away opportunities. Don't blame others for your failures. Don't quarrel over small issues. Don't make excuses for your mistakes. Don't try to please your enemies. Don't run from your responsibilities. Don't force your opinions on others. Don't complain about things you can change. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes religion-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
20edf67 "Acknowledge others, and you will be acknowledged. Welcome others, and you will be welcomed. Cherish others, and you will be cherished. Esteem others, and you will be esteemed. Despise others, and you will be despised. Reject others, and you will be rejected. Ignore others, and you will be ignored. Disregard others, and you will be disregarded. Hear others, and you will be heard. Understand others, and you will be understood. Help others, and you be will be helped. mindfulness-quotes philosophy-quotations sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
67c033c "I was taught by family at ten. I was taught by books at twenty. I was taught by enemies at thirty. I was taught by nature at forty. I was taught by life at fifty. At ten, I was foolish. At twenty, I was naive. At thirty, I was alert. sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes philosophy-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
94157b8 "Love has many eyes to seek the lost, many ears to hear the weeping, many hands to uphold the poor, many shoulders to carry the weary, and many feet to visit the sick. Love has no eyes, but sees much, has no ears, but hears much, has no hands, but does much, philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
e1c754a "Exercise helps the body grow. Enigmas help the mind grow. Hardship helps the heart grow. Goodness helps the soul grow. Pain helps the body grow. Riddles help the mind grow. Loss helps the heart grow. Temptations help the soul grow. Sleep helps the body grow. Reading helps the mind grow. Laughter helps the heart grow. Prayer helps the soul grow. Food helps the body grow. Work helps the mind grow. Friendships help the heart grow. Meditation helps the soul grow. Rest helps the body grow. Wisdom helps the mind grow. mindfulness-quotes philosophy-quotations sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
289cd44 "If you waste time looking at the clouds, you might miss the stars. If you waste time looking at the storm, you might miss the rainbow. If you waste time looking at the rain, you might miss the sunshine. If you waste time looking at the seeds, you might miss the harvest. If you waste time looking at the river, you might miss the ocean. If you waste time looking at the thorns, you might miss the roses. If you waste time looking at the past, you might miss the future. If you waste time looking at the losses, you might miss the victories. hope-quotes philosophy-quotations sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
6a710fb "Nature is a thought. Nature is a desire. Nature is an expression. Nature is an experience. Nature is reality. Nature is light. Nature is sound. Nature is movement. Nature is energy. Nature is power. Nature is the sky. Nature is the stars. Nature is the planets. Nature is the world. Nature is the universe. Nature is a man. Nature is a woman. Nature is a child. nature-quotations nature-quotes sage-quotes african-philosophy-quotes african-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
8cd004f "Understanding is fortune. Ignorance is poverty. Intuition is treasure. Wisdom is wealth. Anticipation is fortune. Fear is poverty. Hope is treasure. Faith is wealth. Comfort is fortune. Envy is poverty. Contentment is treasure. Fulfilment is wealth. Charity is fortune. Avarice is poverty. Peace is treasure. Happiness is wealth. Friendship is fortune. Hatred is poverty. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
86ac55c "Identify who you are. Understand who you are. Appreciate who you are. Embrace who you are. Celebrate who you are. Enjoy who you are. sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes philosophy-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
da3a15f "Light is full of strength. Nature is full of might. The world is full of energy. The universe is full of power. Nature is a masterpiece of Earth. Earth is a jewel of light. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes spirituality-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
9af0ada "There is no priest purer than virtue, no prophet greater than faith, no preacher louder than prudence, no principality higher than goodness, and no power larger than love. There is no saint warmer than mercy, no angel swifter than joy, no nurse gentler than compassion, no pleasure sweeter than excitement, and no breeze cooler than peace. There is no student brighter than knowledge, no scholar sharper than intelligence, no teacher wiser than understanding, philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes spirituality-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
8794705 "Truth is an honest saint, ignorance is a helpless scholar, knowledge is a kind sage. Understanding is an honest saint, uncertainty is a helpless scholar, wisdom is a kind sage. Awareness is an honest saint, apathy is a helpless scholar, intelligence is a kind sage. Time is an honest saint, life is a helpless scholar, eternity is a kind sage. Nature is an honest saint, mankind is a helpless scholar, enlightenment is a kind sage. Hope is an honest saint, wrath is a helpless sinner, love is a kind sage. Prudence is an honest saint, greed is a helpless sinner, charity is a kind sage. Compassion is an honest saint, vengeance is a helpless sinner, forgiveness is a kind sage. Contentment is an honest saint, envy is a helpless sinner, peace is a kind sage. Virtue is an honest saint, philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
d8adfef "Listen to your mind, it thinks. Hear your heart, it speaks. Hearken to your soul, it knows. Listen to wisdom, it thinks. Hear understanding, it speaks. Hearken to enlightenment, it knows. Listen to your friends, they think. Hear your children, they speak. Hearken to your family, they know. Listen to your mentors, they think. Hear your teachers, they speak. Hearken to your instructors, they know. Listen to your intellect, it thinks. Hear your intuition, it speaks. Hearken to your conscience, it knows. Listen to now, it thinks. Hear before, it speaks. Hearken to later, it knows. Listen to life, it thinks. Hear time, it speaks. Hearken to eternity, it knows. Listen to nature, it thinks. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
e404624 "My thoughts are for everyone. My joy is for friends. My love is for family. My time is for learning. My mind is for the youth. My heart is for the children. sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes philosophy-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
11b8d83 "Wisdom is your mentor, never forsake it. Understanding is your guide, never ignore it. Ignorance is your enemy, never embrace it. Faith is your helper, never desert it. Hope is your confidant, never reject it. Despair is your opponent, never tolerate it. Peace is your consoler, never avoid it. Contentment is your companion, never betray it. Greed is your adversary, never accept it. Joy is your healer, never shun it. Happiness is your friend, never disown it. Envy is your antagonist, never welcome it. Love is your savior, never abandon it. Kindness is your helpmate, never oppose it. Hatred is your rival, never approve it. Virtue is your preacher, never discard it. sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes philosophy-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
cf6a947 "I see for you. You see for me. We see for each other. I hear for you. You hear for me. We hear for each other. I think for you. You think for me. We think for each other. I speak for you. You speak for me. We speak for each other. I stand for you. inspiring-quotes world-peace-quotes philosopher-quotations african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
ec5f488 "Intelligence is a great scholar, virtue is an extraordinary saint, love is a remarkable sage; together they are alters of integrity. Awareness is a great scholar, compassion is an extraordinary saint, prudence is a remarkable sage; together they are alters of humanity. Intellect is a great scholar, truth is an extraordinary saint, experience is a remarkable sage; together they are alters of philosophy. Curiosity is a great scholar, humility is an extraordinary saint, discipline is a remarkable sage; together they are alters of discovery. Understanding is a great scholar, patience is an extraordinary saint, discernment is a remarkable sage; together they are alters of harmony. Life is a great scholar, God is an extraordinary saint, nature is a remarkable sage; together they are alters of divinity. Reality is a great scholar, time is an extraordinary saint, fate is a remarkable sage; together they are alters of eternity. The mind is a great scholar, the heart is an extraordinary saint, the soul is a remarkable sage; together they are alters of spirituality. Mankind is a great scholar, the world is an extraordinary saint, philosopher-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
18cf246 "Intelligence is a tenant in the house of wisdom. Knowledge is a tenant in the house of nature. Insight is a tenant in the house of understanding. Wealth is a tenant in the house of risk. Mastery is a tenant in the house of discipline. Patience is a tenant in the house of virtue. Tolerance is a tenant in the house of freedom. Awareness is a tenant in the house of experience. Rest is a tenant in the house of sleep. Laughter is a tenant in the house of joy. Hope is a tenant in the house of faith. Contentment is a tenant in the house of peace. Kindness is a tenant in the house of love. Harmony is a tenant in the house of order. Humility is a tenant in the house of honor. Caution is a tenant in the house of prudence. Speech is a tenant in the house of silence. Certainty is a tenant in the house of conviction. Expectation is a tenant in the house of desire. Need is a tenant in the house of want. Truth is a tenant in the house of reality. Chance is a tenant in the house of fate. Time is a tenant in the house of eternity. philosopher-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
e68e083 "The weak forgive none, the strong forgive some, the great forgive many, and the enlightened forgive all. Trust unites, fear divides, sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes philosophy-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
9c3e820 "The simple crawl to truth. The average walk to knowledge. The prudent run to understanding. The intelligent sprint to brilliance. The enlightened soar to wisdom. The simple crawl to laughter. The average walk to peace. The prudent run to contentment. The intelligent sprint to enjoyment. The enlightened soar to joy. The simple crawl to patience. The average walk to gratitude. The prudent run to virtue. The intelligent sprint to faith. The enlightened soar to love. The simple crawl to caution. The average walk to passion. The prudent run to discipline. The intelligent sprint to humility. The enlightened soar to excellence. The simple crawl to awareness. The average walk to reality. The prudent run to experience. The intelligent sprint to spirituality. The enlightened soar to destiny. The simple crawl to the past. The average walk to the present. The prudent run to the future. philosopher-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
4464f17 "Pleasure knows no enemy, pain knows no friends. Peace knows no enemy, strife knows no friends. Joy knows no enemy, sorrow knows no friends. Hope knows no enemy, despair knows no friends. Humility knows no enemy, pride knows no friends. Patience knows no enemy, anger knows no friends. Compassion knows no enemy, cruelty knows no friends. Kindness knows no enemy, hostility knows no friends. Innocence knows no enemy, guilt knows no friends. Honor knows no enemy, shame knows no friends. Trust knows no enemy, disloyalty knows no friends. Valor knows no enemy, fear knows no friends. Contentment knows no enemy, greed knows no friends. Desire knows no enemy, envy knows no friends. Money knows no enemy, poverty knows no friends. Virtue knows no enemy, vice knows no friends. Faith knows no enemy, doubt knows no friends. Laughter knows no enemy, misery knows no friends. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
7b3e433 "If a disciple is old, a master should be mature. If a disciple is young, a master should be accessible. If a disciple is brave, a master should be fearless. If a disciple is shrewd, a master should be wise. If a disciple is strong, a master should be powerful. If a disciple is learned, a master should be enlightened. If a disciple is contented, a master should be joyful. If a disciple is faithful, a master should be devoted. If a disciple is tolerant, a master should be peaceful. If a disciple is intro inspective, a master should be self-aware. If a disciple is focused, a master should be determined. mindfulness-quotes philosophy-quotations sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
c5103e1 "The forest reveals what was in the seed. The hen reveals what was in the egg. The storm reveals what was in the clouds. The light reveals what was in the star. The perfume reveals what was in the flower. The honey reveals what was in the bee. The fruit reveals what was in the tree. The rose reveals what was in the thorn. The web reveals what was in the spider. The butterfly reveals what was in the caterpillar. The venom reveals what was in the serpent. The pearl reveals what was in the oyster. The diamond reveals what was in the rock. The flame reveals what was in the spark. The nest reveals what was in the bird. The roar reveals what was in the lion. The leaf reveals what was in the plant. The fire reveals what was in the wood. The droplet reveals what was in the ocean. The rainbow reveals what was in the storm. The ocean reveals what was in the shark. The desert reveals what was in the camel. The sky reveals what was in the eagle. The jungle reveals what was in the elephant. The team reveals what was in the coach. The flock reveals what was in the shepherd. The crew reveals what was in the captain. The army reveals what was in the general. The tower reveals what was in the architect. The sculpture reveals what was in the sculptor. The painting reveals what was in the painter. The symphony reveals what was in the composer. The sensation reveals what was in the body. The tongue reveals what was in the mind. The action reveals what was in the heart. The character reveals what was in the soul. Spring reveals what was in winter. Summer reveals what was in spring. Autumn reveals what was in summer. Summer reveals what was in spring. The past reveals what was in the beginning. The present reveals what was in the past. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
aeda6d7 "Poverty in your mind is ignorance. Poverty in your heart is bitterness. Poverty in your soul is arrogance. Poverty in your life is foolishness. Wealth in your mind is intelligence. Wealth in your heart is happiness. guru-quotations sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes religion-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
850fa22 "Truth is straight. Ignorance is narrow. Knowledge is wide. Wisdom is high. Contentment is straight. Lust is narrow. Peace is wide. Joy is high. Humility is straight. Ego is narrow. Grace is wide. Meekness is high. Faith is straight. Envy is narrow. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
5c0fcf2 "Truth is an honest saint, ignorance is a helpless scholar, vice is an uncaring sinner, and love is a kind sage. Knowledge is the path, understanding is the way, sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes religion-quotations religion-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
21c43f2 "Your feet may be small, but travel much. Your hands may be little, but conquer much. Your eyes may be tiny, but perceive much. Your ears may be modest, but heed much. Your head may be small, but think much. Your heart may be little, but give much. Your soul may be tiny, but love much. philosopher-quotations guru-quotations african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
5526681 "When I was weak, I was full of fear. When I was strong, I was full of hope. When I was a happy, I was full of peace. When I was a sad, I was full of suffering. When I was poor, I was full of gratitude. When I was rich, I was full of longing. When I was wise, I was full of grace. When I was foolish, I was full of ignorance. When I was a child, I was full of joy. When I was a youth, I was full of laughter. sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes philosophy-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
6e45706 "Truth has no ears. Ignorance has no eyes. Fear has no hands. Lust has no mind. Hate has no heart. Evil has no soul. Instinct has lips to speak to the mind. Hope has feet to carry the heart. Joy has hands to lift the soul. sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes philosophy-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
8c9be3f "Truth has one eye, understanding has two ears, knowledge has three feet, and wisdom has four hands. Truth has the world's biggest mouth, wisdom has the world's largest ears, philosopher-quotations guru-quotations african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
3e7ded6 "God is the beginning of life. Life is the beginning of time. Time is the beginning of eternity. Eternity is the beginning of reality. Reality is the beginning of existence. Existence is the beginning of truth. Truth is the beginning of knowledge. Spirituality is the beginning of virtue. Virtue is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom the beginning of intelligence. Intelligence is the beginning of understanding. Understanding is the beginning of insight. god-quotes philosophy-quotations sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
2a13dbd "Wisdom knows the way. Understanding sees the way. Passion feels the way. Love goes all the way. Truth is straight like a line. Virtue is firm like a wall. sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes religion-quotations religion-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
7205194 "I see you. You see me. We see each other. I know you. You know me. We know each other. I am who I am. You are who you are. We are who we are. I am here to help you. inspiring-quotes guru-quotations sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
de125e8 "Worry soils even the purest mind. Envy poisons even the purest heart. Greed sullies even the purest soul. Gratitude cleanses even the dirtiest mind. Mercy sanitizes even the dirtiest heart. Goodness purifies even the dirtiest soul. Ignorance soils even the purest mind. Hatred poisons even the purest heart. Ego sullies even the purest soul. Prudence cleanses even the dirtiest mind. Kindness sanitizes even the dirtiest heart. Humility purifies even the dirtiest soul. Corruption soils even the purest mind. Bigotry poisons even the purest heart. Injustice sullies even the purest soul. Innocence cleanses even the dirtiest mind. Grace sanitizes even the dirtiest heart. Humanity purifies even the dirtiest soul. Slander soils even the purest mind. Malice poisons even the purest heart. Wrath sullies even the purest soul. Goodwill cleanses even the dirtiest mind. Selflessness sanitizes even the dirtiest heart. Love purifies even the dirtiest soul. Idleness soils even the purest mind. Lust poisons even the purest heart. Decadence sullies even the purest soul. Wisdom cleanses even the dirtiest mind. african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes philosophy-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
0f78e57 "The mind is the key, the heart is the door, the soul is the corridor, the divine is the destination. The past is the key, the present is the door, the future is the corridor, the hereafter is the destination. The world is the key, the sky is the door, philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
22ef33d "Truth changes what you see. Experience changes what you feel. Illumination changes what you experience. Consciousness changes what you see. Awareness changes what you feel. Life changes what you experience. Light changes what you see. Freedom changes what you feel. Peace changes what you experience. Hope changes what you see. Compassion changes what you feel. Love changes what you experience. The past changes what you see. The present changes what you feel. The future changes what you experience. The mind changes what you see. life-quotes philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
1e831de "The mind has greater power than a computer. The heart has greater power than an engine. The soul has greater power than a reactor. The tongue has greater power than a sword. The eye has greater power than a camera. The ear has greater power than a recorder. The feet are a greater invention than the car. The hands are a greater invention than the carriage. The nose is a greater invention than the vacuum. The mouth is a greater invention than the megaphone. mindfulness-quotes philosophy-quotations sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
591f53d "Have the mind of a fox, the heart of a lion, the tongue of a serpent, the flair of a swan, and the soul of a dove. Have the fortitude of a camel, the courage of a bear, the strength of a bull, philosopher-quotations guru-quotations african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes religion-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
e02bee8 "Needs crawls. Want walks. Desire runs. Lust sprints. Love soars. Peace crawls. Pleasure walks. Excitement runs. Happiness sprints. Joy soars. Doubt crawls. Expectation walks. Hope runs. Courage sprints. Faith soars. Skill crawls. Talent walks. Excellence runs. Brilliance sprints. Genius soars. Intelligence crawls. Insight walks. Understanding runs. life-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
21d266e "Wisdom is my religion. Books are my priest. Libraries are my temple. Enlightenment is my heaven. Love is my religion. Compassion is my priest. The world is my temple. The universe is my heaven. Truth is my religion. Conscience is my priest. Conviction is my temple. Virtue is my heaven. Freedom is my religion. Tolerance is my priest. Harmony is my temple. Peace is my heaven. Nature is my religion. Light is my priest. african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes philosophy-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
5aceb17 "The ignorant have no ears, the undiscerning have no eyes, the cowardly have no hands, the senseless have no mind, the ruthless have no heart, and the unrighteous have no soul. The learned have many ears, the intelligent have numerous eyes, the brave have countless hands, the wise have great minds, philosophy-quotations sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes religion-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
ae6dee7 "The world is elevated by these noble wonders: wisdom and knowledge, intuition and understanding, diligence and excellence, commitment and determination, answers and solutions, character and destiny, mercy and compassion, joy and happiness, faith and courage, honor and diplomacy, peace and contentment, god-quotes philosophy-quotations sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
dc4aa3c "Wisdom has a mind. Joy has a heart. Love has a soul. Awareness has a mind. Discernment has a heart. Consciousness has a soul. Intention has a mind. Desire has a heart. Mindfulness has a soul. Imagination has a mind. Inspiration has a heart. Passion has a soul. Understanding has a mind. Patience has a heart. Humility has a soul. Intellect has a mind. Compassion has a heart. Goodness has a soul. Speech has a mind. Silence has a heart. Action has a soul. Nature has a mind. The world has a heart. The universe has a soul. Mankind has a mind. philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
0fa50d5 "Time crawls when you are bored, walks when you are occupied, runs when you are busy, but flies when you are having fun. You cannot fast-forward it, you cannot rewind it, time-quotations time-quote philosopher-quotes philosophy-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
343b80b "Anger has harmful power, rage has damaging power, wrath has deadly power, and retribution has disastrous power. Forgiveness has healing power, vengeance has destructive power, forgive-quotes forgiveness-quotes peace-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes love-quotations matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
4507ef0 "Infinity dwells in wisdom's mind, eternity resides in joy's heart, divinity rests in love's soul. Infinity dwells in awareness's mind, eternity resides in experience's heart, divinity rests in virtue's soul. Infinity dwells in reality's mind, eternity resides in time's heart, divinity rests in fate's soul. Infinity dwells in a sage's mind, eternity resides in a guru's heart, divinity rests in a master's soul. Infinity dwells in the world's mind, eternity resides in the cosmos's heart, divinity rests in the universe's soul. Infinity dwells in God's mind, mindfulness-quotes philosophy-quotations sage-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
9fcdb2a "Knowledge opens your mind, understanding opens your heart, wisdom opens your soul. Patience opens your mind, gratitude opens your heart, humility opens your soul. Contentment opens your mind, freedom opens your heart, innocence opens your soul. Pleasure opens your mind, laughter opens your heart, joy opens your soul. Intelligence opens your mind, virtue opens your heart, love opens your soul. Confidence opens your mind, hope opens your heart, faith opens your soul. Focus opens your mind, determination opens your heart, fortitude opens your soul. Thoughts open your mind, emotions open your heart, desires open your soul. Consciousness opens your mind, awareness opens your heart, experience opens your soul. Imagination opens your mind, actions open your heart, life opens your soul. Truth opens your mind, philosopher-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wise-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
c66dca2 "Ignorance says, "hate others." Jealousy says, "hurt others." Folly says, "hinder others." Evil says, "harm everyone." Intelligence says, "help yourself." Virtue says, "help others." philosophy-quotations sage-quotes african-philosopher-quotes philosopher-quotes african-philosophy-quotes guru-quotes solomonology-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
f423ae3 "Love of plants makes you gentle. Love of animals makes you compassionate. love-quotations matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wisdom-quotations wise-quotations wise-quotes spirituality-quotes spiritual-quotes wisdom-quotes enlightenment-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
c28af66 The Enlightenment, finally, invented progressive 'history' as an inner-worldly purgatory in order to develop the conditions of possibility of a perfected 'society'. This provided the required setting for the aggressive social theology of the Modern Age to drive out the political theology of the imperial eras. What was the Enlightenment in its deep structure if not an attempt to translate the ancient rhyme on learning and suffering - mathein pathein - into a collective and species-wide phenomenon? Was its aim not to persuade the many to expose themselves to transitional ordeals that would precede the great optimization of all things? enlightenment philosophy theology enlightenment-quotes optimization political-theology purgatory Peter Sloterdijk