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1b2aae0 "A cop? You married a bloody cop?" " married a bloody criminal," Eve muttered, "but nobody ever thinks of that." -- eve-dallas J.D. Robb
a53ba52 "A cop? You married a bloody cop?" " married a bloody criminal," Eve muttered, "but nobody ever thinks of that." eve-dallas J.D. Robb
ee1bcf3 "We're standing here, beat to shit, walking away from a crime scene where either or both of us could have bought it, and you're asking me to marry you?" "Perfect timing." glory-in-death glory eve-dallas J.D. Robb
c37d30a "Today," she told it, "death comes to all your circuits. Will it be slow and systematic or fast and brutal?" Considering, she circled it, "Tough decision. I've waited so long for this moment. Dreamed of it." Showing her teeth, she began to roll up her sleeves. "What," Roarke asked from the doorway that connected their work areas, "is that?" "The former bane of my existence. The Antichrist of technology. Do we have a hammer?" Studying the pile on the floor, he walked in. "Several, I imagine, of various types." "I want all of them. Tiny little hammers, big, wallbangers, and everything in between." "Might one ask why?" "I'm going to beat this thing apart, byte by byte, until there's nothing left but dust from the last trembling chip." "Hmmm." Roarke crouched down, examined the pitifully out-of-date system. "When did you haul this mess in here?" "Just now. I had it in the car. Maybe I should use acid, just stand here and watch it hiss and dissolve. That could be good." Saying nothing, Roarke took a small case out of his pocket, opened it, and chose a slim tool. With a few deft moves, he had the housing open. "Hey! Hey! What're you doing?" "I haven't seen anything like this in a decade. Fascinating. Look at this corrosion. Christ, this is a SOC chip system. And it's cross-wired." When he began to fiddle, she rushed over and slapped at his hands. "Mine. I get to kill it." "Get a grip on yourself," he said absently and delved deeper into the guts. "I'll take this into research." "No. Uh-uh. I have to bust it apart. What if it breeds?" eve-dallas roarke J.D. Robb
541ef13 "He stepped to her again, laid his lips on her brow. "But I want children with you, my lovely Eve. One day." "One day being far, far in the future. Like, I don't know, say a decade when...Hold on. Children is plural." He eased back, grinned. "Why, so it is--nothing slips by my canny cop." "You really think if I ever actually let you plant something in me--they're like aliens in there, growing little hands and feet." She shuddered. "Creepy. If I ever did that, popped a kid out--which I think is probably as pleasant a process as having your eyeballs pierced by burning, poisonous sticks, I'd say, 'Whoopee, let's do this again?' Have you recently suffered head trauma?" "Not to my knowledge." "Could be coming. Any second." eve-dallas roarke J.D. Robb
2d80403 ... If you tried to touch my woman she'd break your dick off like a twig then stick it up your arse. eve-dallas roarke J.D. Robb
40dd509 "I'm just full of surprises." Watching her, he waved the wrapped bar from side to side. "You can have the candy if you sit on my lap." That sounds like something perverted old men say to young, stupid girls." eve-dallas roarke J.D. Robb
cb61eb1 "Damn it all to hell and back again, you know very well that was a setup. You bloody well know I couldn't put my hands on her." "Yeah, yeah, sure, sure." Eve shrugged off her coat, tossed it aside. "I know a setup when I see it, and I know your face, ace. I didn't see desire on it, I saw annoyance." "Is that so? Is that bloody well so? Well, if you knew it was just what it was, why did you sucker punch me?" "Mostly?" She turned, cocked a hip. "Because you're a man." Eyes narrowed on her face, he tried to stanch the blood with the back of his hand. "And do you have any sort of idea just how often I might expect your fist in my goddamn face because of my bleeding DNA?" eve-dallas roarke J.D. Robb
b739a84 "Every minute with you, Darling Eve, is a minute to treasure." She slid a glance toward him as she uncoded the seal. "You really do want sex." "I'm still breathing, so that would be yes." eve-dallas roarke J.D. Robb
59e3644 "I can handle it. But it stinks, if you ask me, really stinks, that you get to go out somewhere drinking beer while I'm stuck at Baby Central. Just because you have a penis." "We'll think fondly of you over beer, me and my penis." She ate a little more, then smiled slowly. "You've still got to be in the birthing room when she pushes it out." "Shut up, Eve." "Your penis won't save you then, Pal." penis eve-dallas roarke J.D. Robb
37e65a1 "Hold on a minute." She leaned out the window, shouted at the messenger who'd nearly sideswiped her vehicle with his jet-board. "Police property, asshole. If I had time I'd hunt you down and use that board to beat your balls black." "Darling Eve, you know how that kind of talk thrills and excites me. How can I keep my mind off sex now?" eve-dallas roarke J.D. Robb
80aae17 "Why doesn't it bother her? Seriously, it doesn't. She's not putting on a front. She's in a serious relationship with a guy who has sex with other women for a living, and it doesn't matter to her." "I married a cop." Roarke smiled at her. "We all have our levels of acceptance. He was an LC when they met, just as she was a doctor, and one who often works in dangerous areas of the city." She shot him the same easy smile. "So...if I'd been an LC when we met, you wouldn't have any problem with me banging other guys. Professionally." "None at all, as I'd kick your ass and murder all of them. But that's my level of acceptance." level-of-acceptance louise eve-dallas roarke J.D. Robb
54760d3 "The security officer smiled and said, 'Good afternoon, ma'am,' to me before I gave him ID." "It's a sick world, Eve." He resisted taking her hand for another squeeze. "A sick, sad world." humor j-d-robb eve-dallas roarke j.d. robb
4e75fe3 "Just shut your mouth, you ignorant twat." "Aw, Dallas, he called me a twat. How come you get to be a bitch, but I only get to be a twat." "It's the rank," Eve told her. "You'll make bitch one day." "Thanks. That means a lot to me." eve-dallas peabody J.D. Robb
cc04d80 "Pull yourself together, Detective. You're embarrassing yourself, and more imprtant, you're embarrassing me." "They're going to do it outside. In public." "So the fuck what?" "Public," Peabody said, head still between her knees. "You're being honored by this department and this city for having the integrity, the courage, and the skill to take out a blight on this department and this city. Dirty, murdering, greedy, treacherous cops are sitting in cages right now because you had that integrity, courage, and skill. I don't care if they do this damn thing in Grand Central, you get on your feet. You will puke, pass out, cry like a baby, or squeal like a girl. That's a goddamn order." "I had more of a 'Relax, Peabody, this is a proud moment' sort of speech in mind," McNab murmured to Roarke. Roarke shook his head, grinned. "Did you now? You've a bit to learn yet, haven't you?" eve-dallas mcnab peabody roarke speech J.D. Robb
4e7b42e "Have McNab take the edge if you need one. Can he handle bad cop?" "He does it really well during personal role-playing games when I'm the reluctant witness." eve-dallas peabody J.D. Robb
5a0aa25 The worst, the very worst requirement of friendship, in Eve Dallas's opinion, was sitting through an entire evening of childbirth classes. What went on there--the sights, the sounds, the assault on all the senses--turned the blood cold. eve-dallas J.D. Robb
ae4a0e7 "I have to say you don't look anything like a policewoman." Maxia's perfect eyebrows arched as she gave Eve's dress a quick scan. "Leonardo dresses you, doesn't he?" "No, I usually do it myself." leonardo eve-dallas J.D. Robb
f925f90 "Eve: "You already own half the universe" Roarke: "Why settle for half when you can have all?" eve-dallas roarke J.D. Robb
ef697c4 "I'll wait. By the way, sex-me-up shoes?" "I was following a theme." "Well." Reo turned her ankles, looked down. "They are pretty fabulous." "They are," Mira agreed. "I was going to say the same about yours. What a terrific color." "Could we not talk about shoes in the box that still smells of evildoer?" "You started it," Reo reminded her before she turned back to Mira." reo in-death-series jd-robb eve-dallas J.D. Robb
644d694 Eve engaged her On Duty sign and stepped out of the car. Immediately her ears were assaulted with a blast of music. Christmas carols pumped, full blast, into the air. She decided that people ran inside, ready to buy anything, just to escape the noise. escape eve-dallas J.D. Robb
26ccce8 "I wasn't going to have dessert, but it was right there, all gooey and sweet. It's like sex. I mean, when it's right there, what are you supposed to do? I wasn't going to have that either--sex--with my parents bunking in the office, but, well, it was right there." "I'll tolerate the gooey and sweet, Peabody, but I'm not thinking about you having sex with McNab, especially in the same sentence as 'my parents.'" "I think they had sex, too." Eve struggled not to wince or twitch. "Do you want me to kick you down four flights of steps and make you walk up again?" "I'd probably bounce all the way down, too, with all this gooey and sweet in my butt. So I guess not." "Good choice." sex eve-dallas peabody J.D. Robb
36a7ad3 "Roarke didn't quite make it to Eve's office. He found her down the corridor, in front of one of the vending machines. She and the machine appeared to be in the middle of a vicious argument. "I put the proper credits in, you blood-sucking, money-grubbing son of a bitch." Eve punctuated this by slamming her fist where the machine's heart would be, if it had one. ANY ATTEMPT TO VANDALIZE, DEFACE, OR DAMAGE THIS UNIT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE. The machine spoke in a prissy, singsong voice Roarke was certain was sending his wife's blood pressure through the roof. THIS UNIT IS EQUIPPED WITH SCANEYE, AND HAS RECORDED YOUR BADGE NUMBER. DALLAS, LIEUTENANT EVE. PLEASE INSERT PROPER CREDIT, IN COIN OR CREDIT CODE, FOR YOUR SELECTION. AND REFRAIN FROM ATTEMPTING TO VANDALIZE, DEFACE, OR DAMAGE THIS UNIT. "Okay, I'll stop attempting to vandalize, deface, or damage you, you electronic street thief. I'll just do it." She swung back her right foot, which Roarke had cause to know could deliver a paralyzing kick from a standing position. But before she could follow through he stepped up and nudged her off balance. "Please, allow me, Lieutenant." "Don't put any more credits in that thieving bastard," she began, then hissed when Roarke did just that. "Candy bar, I assume. Did you have any lunch?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know it's just going to keep stealing if people like you pander to it." "Eve, darling, it's a machine. It does not think." "Ever hear of artificial intelligence, ace?" "Not in a vending machine that dispenses chocolate bars." funny death-to-technology eve-dallas roarke J.D. Robb