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d96ba61 I have always thought that if women's hair posed so many problems, God would certainly have made us bald. women religion veil hijab religious-beliefs womanhood hair islam Marjane Satrapi
46858dd Her skirts, sleeves, collar, and hat saw to it that none of the young ruffians of the Leased Territories would have the opportunity to invade her body space with their eyes, and lest her distinctive face prove too much of a temptation, she wore a veil too... The veil offered Nell protection from unwanted scrutiny. Many New Atlantis career women also used the veil as a way of meeting the world on their own terms, ensuring that they were judged on their own merits and not on their appearance. It served a protective function as well, bouncing back the harmful rays of the sun... burqa headscarf niqab veil hijab Neal Stephenson
1bdc276 Women often find great roles in revolution, simply because the rules fall apart and everyone has agency, anyone can act. As they did in Egypt, where liberty leading the masses was an earnest young woman in a black hijab. women hijab liberty revolution gender Rebecca Solnit