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3db299a This was very exciting. I'd never had two boys get into a fight over me before. The fact that one of the boys was my stepbrother, however, and held about as much romantic appeal for me as Max, the family dog, somewhat dampened my enthusiasm. And Michael wasn't much of a catch, either, when you actually thought about it, being a potential murderer and all. Oh, why did I have to have such a couple of losers fighting over me? Why couldn't Matt Damon and Ben Affleck fight over me? Now that would be truly excellent. mediator-series meg-cabot Meg Cabot
a836f7f "Well, hi, CeeCee," I said. "Hi, Adam. Nice of you two to drop by. Ever heard of knocking?" "Oh, please," CeeCee said. "Why? Because we might interrupt you and your precious Jesse?" Jesse, upon hearing this, raised his eyebrows. Way up." mediator meg-cabot Meg Cabot
53dcde3 "I said, "Jesse, don't flatter yourself that I did this for you. I mean, it has been nothing but one giant pain in the neck, having you for a roommate. Do you think I like having to come home from school or from work or whatever and having to explain stuff like the Bay of Pigs to you? Believe me, life with you is no picnic." He didn't say anything. He just kept pulling me along. "Or what about Tad?" I said, bringing up what I knew was a sore subject. "I mean, you think I like having you tag along on my dates? Having you out of my life is going to make things a lot simpler, so don't think, you know, I did this for you. I only did it because that stupid cat of yours has been crying its head off. And also because anything I can do to make your stupid girlfriend mad, I will." "Nombre de Dios, Susannah," Jesse muttered. "Maria's not my girlfriend." "Well, she certainly used to be," I said. "And what about that, anyway? That girl is a full-on skank, Jesse. I can't believe you ever agreed to marry her. I mean, what were you thinking, anyway? Couldn't you see what she was like underneath all that lace?" mediator jesse-de-silva meg-cabot suze-simon Meg Cabot
c2c21f3 Jesse, this is Craig. Craig, Jesse. You two should get along. Jesse's dead, too. mediator meg-cabot suze-simon Meg Cabot
4ec9b55 If it turned out Brandon Stark also likes to dress up as Strwberry Shortcake while playing croquet with his miniture pony collection, I totally wouldn't be surprised anymore. strawberry-shortcake meg-cabot Meg Cabot
2dd1400 I stood on Susan Boone's front porch, feeling lame. But then, since I've pretty much felt lame my entire life, this was no big surprise. On the other hand, usually I felt lame for no particular reason. This time I really had a reason to feel lame. life meg-cabot lame Meg Cabot
70ddca0 "Didn't you," he asked, "have me exorcised?" "Me?" My own voice rocketed up about ten octaves. "Me? Jesse, of course not. I would never do that. I mean, you know I would never do something like that. That kid Jack did it. Your girlfriend Maria made him do it. She was trying to get rid of you. She told Jack you were bothering me, and he didn't know any better, so he exorcised you, and then Felix Diego threw me off the porch roof, and Jesse, they found your body, I mean your bones, and I saw them and I threw up all over the side of the house, and Spike really misses you and I was just thinking, you know, if you wanted to come back, you could, because that's why I've got this rope, so we can find our way back." -- mediator meg-cabot Meg Cabot
8a9421f "Who-who are you?" Seth asked, hesitantly."Wh-what do you want?" How else was was I supposed to reply? The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.I mean, I'd only seen the movie like seventeen times. "I'm Luke Skywalker," I said. "I'm here to rescue you." jess meg-cabot movie-reference Meg Cabot
d7ff34d "I snatched the paper away from Dopey. "Hey," he yelled. "I was reading that!" "Let somebody who can pronounce all the big words have a try," I said." mediator meg-cabot Meg Cabot
d3fa6c6 "Kill her for me," she said in that whiny little-girl voice. Diego took a step toward me, wearing an expression that told me he was only too happy to oblige his lady love. "Oh, what?" I said. I wasn't even scared. I didn't care anymore. The numbness in my heart had pretty much taken over my whole body. "You always do what she tells you? You know, we have a word for that now. It's called being whipped." mediator meg-cabot Meg Cabot
26d25a2 Why does anyone commit murder?' he asked in a low voice. 'I-'I blinked.'How should I know?' 'Three reasons,' Christopher said. He held up one finger. 'Love.' Another finger. 'Revenge.' And finally, a third finger. 'Profit... revenge murder meg-cabot profit Meg Cabot
d00051a "You know," I said, holding my ground. "I gotta tell you. The goatee thing? Yeah, way over. And you know a little jewelry really does go a long way. Just something you might want to consider. I'm actually glad you stopped by, because I have a couple things I've been meaning to say to you. Number one, about your wife? Yeah, she's a skank. And number two, you know that whole thing where you killed Jesse and then buried his remains out back there? Yeah, way un-cool." mediator meg-cabot Meg Cabot
c591c28 "Adam gave me a scandalized look. "Fraternizing with the enemy!" he cried. "For shame, wench!" mediator meg-cabot Meg Cabot
7a13298 "Hey," Dopey said when I was finished reading. "How come they never mentioned me? I'm the one who found the skeleton." "Oh, yeah," Sleepy said in disgust. "Your role was really crucial. After all, if it wasn't for you, the guy's skull might still have been intact." mediator meg-cabot Meg Cabot
c1d0a00 I was in love with Scott Bennett. That I had been in love with him my whole life, practically. teen-idol thatsaquote meg-cabot Meg Cabot
ee099dd Diet Coke does not contain nasty chemicals. It contains lovely and delicious carbonation, caffeine, and aspartame. What's unnatural about that? queen-of-babble meg-cabot Meg Cabot
3fa0d7a "Well, I guess slave-runners aren't really my cup of tea. That is who you married instead, right? A slave-runner. Your father must have been so proud." That wiped the grin right off her face. "You leave my father out of this," she snarled. "Oh, why?" I asked. "Tell me something, is he sore at you? Your dad, I mean. You know, for having Jesse killed? Because I imagine he would be. I mean, basically, thanks to you, the de Silva family line ran out. And your kids with that Diego dude turned out to be, as we've already discussed, major losers. I bet whenever you run into your dad out there, you know, on the spiritual plane, he doesn't even say hi anymore, does he? That's gotta hurt." I'm not sure how much of that, if any, Maria actually understood. Still, she seemed plenty mad." mediator meg-cabot suze-simon Meg Cabot
7aa051e Are you a pirate? mediator meg-cabot Meg Cabot
30b26d7 Look, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I said no because the whole thing would just be too Dirty Dancing , right? Summer fling at the resort, only with the roles reversed: you know, the poor working girl and the rich doctor's son, nobody puts Baby in the corner, blah blah blah. That kind of thing. mediator meg-cabot suze-simon Meg Cabot
19fc1f5 "I thought you'd like it," he said, seeming hurt. "You look very pretty." pierce-and-john meg-cabot Meg Cabot
411cfb9 Because my heat was too full of appreciation for what my friends-- my real friends-- had done for me. teen-idol thatsaquote meg-cabot Meg Cabot
f32ced0 "I thought there was something weird with all of you, I just couldn't figure out what it was. But now I know. It all makes sense." Her dark, tear-filled eyes sparkled as her accusatory gaze traveled from one of us to the other. "I can tell you battle on the side of good, and I want to join you." She turned to Frank, brushed her curly hair away from her throat, and closed her eyes. "Go ahead. Do it." There was a long silence as everyone stared at Kayla's shapely neck. Then Frank looked helplessly at John. meg-cabot underworld Meg Cabot
19e2f66 And that's that as you get older, you lose things, things you don't necessarily want to lose. loss princess-diaries meg-cabot Meg Cabot
63fa8e1 What to Do During Algebra O what to do during Algebra! The possibilities are limitless: There's drawing, and yawning, and portable chess There's dozing, and dreaming, and feeling confused. There's humming, and strumming, and looking bemused. You can stare at the clock. You can hum a little song. I've tried just about everything to pass the time along. what-to-do-during-algebra i-hate-math the-princess-diaries meg-cabot Meg Cabot
987da24 Good bye AEHS. You suck. I hate you. And yet... Somehow I'll miss you too. princess-diaries meg-cabot school Meg Cabot
d7051b7 Ode to Algebra Thrust into this dingy classroom we die like lampless moths locked into the desolation of fluorescent lights and metal desks. Ten minutes until the bell rings. What use is the quadratic formula in our daily lives? Can we use it to unlock the secrets in the hearts of those we love? Five minutes until the bell rings. Cruel Algebra teacher, won't you let us go? i-hate-math ode-to-algebra the-princess-diaries meg-cabot Meg Cabot
c6b803a "Anything can happen in the blink of an eye. Anything at all. One. Two. Three. Blink. meg-cabot Meg Cabot