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9a920e8 Maybe all the strings inside him broke. paper towns quentin paper-towns John Green
af0f0f1 And I wanted to tell her that the pleasure for me wasn't planning or doing or leaving; the pleasure was in seeing our strings cross and separate and then come back together. paper towns John Green
ff0871a Even a broken heart doesn't warrant a waste of good paper. paper Dodie Smith
8596faf Was it animal pee or human pee? Someone asked. How would I know? What, am I an expert in the study of pee? humor paper towns pee John Green
1bd5bb4 You were with Margo Roth Spiegelman last night? At THREE A.M.? I nodded. Alone? I nodded. Oh my God, if you hooked up with her, you have to tell me every single thing that happened. You have to write me a term paper on the look and feel of Margo Roth Spiegelman's breasts. Thrity pages, minimum! I want you to do a photo-realistic pencil drawing. A sculpture would also be acceptable. I was wondering if it would be possible for you to write a sestina about Margo Roth Spiegelman's breasts? Your six words are: pink, round, firmness, succulent, supple, and pillowy. Personally, I think at least one of the words should be buhbuhbuhbuh. funny humor paper towns breasts John Green
d50868e Muses are fickle, and many a writer, peering into the voice, has escaped paralysis by ascribing the creative responsibility to a talisman: a lucky charm, a brand of paper, but most often a writing instrument. Am I writing well? Thank my pen. Am I writing badly? Don't blame me blame my pen. By such displacements does the fearful imagination defend itself. writer writing muses paper pen Anne Fadiman
e5b5505 The paper landed on the table, but the news was stapled to his chest. A tattoo. paper Markus Zusak
97e3315 "I guess if there's one thing I can say about the 21st century, it's that the 21st century is all flash and no substance... everything is digital, nothing but files of invisible electronic data on computers and mindless zombies on their cellular phones... it's sad how because of the digital age, society is ultimately doomed. Nothing in the digital age is real anymore, and you know, they say celluloid film and ray tube televisions and maybe even paper might become obsolete in this century? ...What's most annoying is that nobody cares, they've just learned to accept the digital age and get addicted to it... none of them are ever going to step up and say to the world, "you're all a bunch of sheep!" and even if they did say anything, I doubt anyone would listen... they're all too obsessed and attached to their cellular phones and overly big televisions and whatever other moronic things they've got these days... it almost makes me want an apocalypse to happen, to erase digital technology and force the world to start over again." photography future books bleak cell-phones celluloid depressingly-honest super-8 camera digital paper doom apocalypse book film scary poison Rebecca McNutt
2641a74 And everything was made of paper: sentences, pardons, pleas, bad records, demerits, proof of guilt, but never, it seemed, proof of innocence. If there were no paper, Carter felt, the entire judicial system would collapse and disappear. philosophical paper Patricia Highsmith
a4f9cff And speaking of this wonderful machine: [840] I'm puzzled by the difference between Two methods of composing: , the kind Which goes on solely in the poet's mind, A testing of performing words, while he Is soaping a third time one leg, and , The other kind, much more decorous, when He's in his study writing with a pen. In method B the hand supports the thought, The abstract battle is concretely fought. The pen stops in mid-air, then swoops to bar [850] A canceled sunset or restore a star, And thus it physically guides the phrase Toward faint daylight through the inky maze. But method is agony! The brain Is soon enclosed in a steel cap of pain. A muse in overalls directs the drill Which grinds and which no effort of the will Can interrupt, while the automaton Is taking off what he has just put on Or walking briskly to the corner store [860] To buy the paper he has read before. literature writing pencil paper pen teaching Vladimir Nabokov
e739ff4 Excellent papier. Rien a voir avec les pates mecaniques d'aujourd'hui... Vous savez quelle est la duree de vie moyenne d'un livre imprime a l'heure actuelle ?... Dis lui, Pablo. - Soixante-dix ans, repondit l'autre avec rancoeur, comme si Corso etait le coupable. Soixante-dix miserables annees. Le frere aine cherchait quelque chose parmi les objets disperses sur la table. Finalement, il s'empara d'une loupe speciale a fort grossissement et l'approcha du livre. - Dans moins d'un siecle, murmura-t-il tandis qu'il soulevait une page pour l'etudier a contre-jour en fermant un oeil, presque tout ce qui se trouve aujourd'hui dans les librairies aura disparu. Mais ces volumes imprimes il y a deux cents ou cinq cents ans, demeureront intacts... Nous avons les livres, comme le monde, que nous meritons... N'est-ce pas, Pablo ? - Des livres de merde pour un monde de merde. literature world books philosophy handmade-books paper Arturo Pérez-Reverte