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55f0ed6 The only real radicalism in our time will come as it always has--from people who insist on thinking for themselves and who reject party-mindedness. independence politics radicalism partisanship Christopher Hitchens
16a022a "In the tired hand of a dying man, Theodore Senior had written: "The 'Machine politicians' have shown their colors... I feel sorry for the country however as it shows the power of partisan politicians who think of nothing higher than their own interests, and I feel for your future. We cannot stand so corrupt a government for any great length of time." politics partisanship political-machine politicans theodore-roosevelt-senior government Edmund Morris
9184fc3 The matter on which I judge people is their willingness, or ability, to handle contradiction. Thus was better than Burke when it came to the principle of the French revolution, but Burke did and said magnificent things when it came to Ireland, India and America. One of them was in some ways a revolutionary conservative and the other was a conservative revolutionary. It's important to try and contain multitudes. One of my influences was Dr Israel Shahak, a tremendously brave Israeli humanist who had no faith in collectivist change but took a Spinozist line on the importance of individuals. Gore Vidal's admirers, of whom I used to be one and to some extent remain one, hardly notice that his essential critique of America is based on Lindbergh and 'America First'--the most conservative position available. The only real radicalism in our time will come as it always has--from people who insist on thinking for themselves and who reject party-mindedness. india influence humanism politics contradiction charles-lindbergh collectivism edmund-burke israel-shahak radicalism spinozism ireland gore-vidal partisanship conservatism french-revolution free-thought united-states individualism thomas-paine revolution israel Christopher Hitchens