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abb7891 Percy was getting tired of water. If he said that aloud, he would probably get kicked out of Poseidon's Junior Sea Scouts, but he didn't care. percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians poseidon the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
8680509 "Percy?" Annabeth gripped his arm. "Oh, bad," he muttered. "Bad. Bad." He looked across the table at Frank and Hazel. "You guys remember Polybotes?" "The giant who invaded Camp Jupiter," Hazel said. "The anti-Poseidon you whacked in the head with a Terminus statue. Yes, I think I remember" camp-jupiter hazel-levesque heroes-of-olympus humor percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians polybotes poseidon terminus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
f38e52f "Don't untie me," she said, "no matter what happens or how much I plead. I'll want to go straight over the edge and drown myself." "Are you trying to tempt me?" "Ha-ha." percy-jackson the-olympians Rick Riordan
34d01d4 A telkhine was hunched over a console, but he was so involved with his work, he didn't notice us. He was about five feet tall, with slick black seal fur and stubby little feet. He had the head of a Doberman, but his clawed hands were almost human. He growled and muttered as he tapped on his keyboard. Maybe he was messaging his friends on internet percy-jackson Rick Riordan
ddfb061 "She led him past the engine room, which looked like a very dangerous, mechanized jungle gym, with pipes and pistons and tubes jutting from a central bronze sphere. Cables resembling giant metal noodles snaked across the floor and ran up the walls. "How does that thing even work?" Percy asked. "No idea," Annabeth said. "And I'm the only one besides Leo who can operate it." "That's reassuring." "It should be fine. It's only threatened to blow up once." "You're kidding, I hope." She smiled. "Come on." explosions heroes-of-olympus humor leo-valdez mechanics percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians romance the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
386a9b4 "So...these Pillars of Hercules. Are they dangerous?" Annabeth stayed focused on the cliffs. "For Greeks, the pillars marked the end of the known world. The Romans said the pillars were inscribed with a Latin warning--" Percy said. Annabeth looked stunned. "Yeah. . How did you know?" Percy pointed. "Because I'm looking at it." hercules heroes-of-olympus non-plus-ultra percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians piper-mclean the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
c1db77f "Right before the game, she strolled up to me. "Hey, Seaweed Brain." "Will you stop calling me that?" She knows I hate that name, mostly because I never have a good comeback. She's the daughter of Athena, which doesn't give me a lot of ammunition. I mean, "Owl-head" and "Wise Girl" are kind of lame insults." demigod demigod-files insults percy-jackson put-downs rick-riordan Rick Riordan
0bb9d90 "Dakota's head was stuck in his toga. He staggered around olike a Kool-Aid-stained ghost. "Um," Percy said, "should I wear my bed sheets?" kool-aid percy-jackson toga Rick Riordan
326a507 "Percy," Grover said, "the gods don't appreciate people sitting in their thrones. I mean like turn-you-into-a-pile-of-ashes don't appreciate it." percy-jackson poseidon Rick Riordan
eab3e68 And you, Percy, are my favorite son. percy-jackson poseidon sibling-rivalry Rick Riordan
3d1caa2 "Hades smiled coldly. "Hello, Father. You're looking...young." "Hades," Kronos growled. "I hope you and the ladies have come to pledge your allegiance." "I'm afraid not." Hades sighed. "My son here convinced me that perhaps I should prioritize my list of enemies." He glanced at me with distaste. "As much as I dislike certain demigods, it would not do for Olympus to fall. I would miss bickering with my siblings. And if there is one thing we agree on - it is that you were a TERRIBLE father." hades nico-diangelo percy-jackson persephone Rick Riordan
e6b1396 "But I've never even been to Olympus! Zeus is crazy!" Chiron and Grover glanced nervously at the sky. The clouds didn't seem to be parting around us, as Grover had promised. They were rolling straight over our valley, sealing us in like a coffin lid. Er, Percy ...?" Grover said. "We don't use the c-word to describe the Lord of the Sky." grover-underwood percy-jackson zeus Rick Riordan
e0ac01a Jason's fingers itched to draw his sword. He'd met plenty of scary demigods, but he was starting to realize that Nico di Angelo--as pale and gaunt as he looked--might be more than he could handle. house-of-hades jason-grace nico-di-angelo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
b546f12 Fish gathered to look at us - a school of baracudas, some curious marines. SCRAM! I told them. They swam off, but I could tell they went reluctantly. I swear I understood their intencions. They were about to star rumors flighing around the sea about the son of poseidon and some girl at the bottom of Siren Bay. percy-jackson siren-bay Rick Riordan
fb01a00 You assume that it has to be a male god who finds a human female attractive? How sexist is that? percy-jackson Rick Riordan
9c2b5d5 "I stared at him (Dionysus). "You''re married? But I thought you got in trouble for chasing a wood nymph-" humor hypocrite percy-jackson Rick Riordan
4f1f7a4 "Hephaestus glowered up at us. "I didn't make you, did I?" Uh," Annabeth said, "no, sir." Good," the god grumbled. "Shoddy workmanship." hephaestus percy-jackson Rick Riordan
1f07484 "I am Persephone" she said, her voice thin and papery. "Welcome, demigods. Nico squashed a pomegranate under his boot. "Welcome? After last time, you've got the nerve to welcome me?" I shifted uneasily, because talking that way to a god can get you blasted into dust bunnies. "Um, Nico-" "It's all right," Persephone said coldly. "We had a little family spat." "Family spat?" Nico cried. "You turned me into a dandelion!" percy-jackson persephone thalia-grace Rick Riordan
311152b "Otrera stayed dead the second time," Kinzie said, batting her eyes. "We have to thank you for that. If you ever need a new girlfriend...well, I think you'd look great in an iron collar and an orange jumpsuit." Percy couldn't tell if she was kidding or not. He politely thanked her and changed seats." humor percy-jackson Rick Riordan
5533255 "The way to beat Luke," he said. "If I'm right, it's the only way you'll stand a chance." I took a deep breath. "Okay. I'm listening." Nico glanced inside my room. His eyebrows furrowed. "Is that blue birthday cake?" He sounded hungry, maybe a little wistful. I wondered if the poor kid had ever had a birthday party, or if he'd ever even been invited to one. :Come inside for cake and ice cream," I said. "It sounds like we've got a lot to talk about." blue-food nico-di-angelo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
644f3ba "Let us find the dam snack bar," Zoe said. "We should eat while we can." Grover cracked a smile. "The dam snack bar?" Zoe blinked. "Yes. What is funny?" "Nothing," Grover said, trying to keep a straight face. "I could use some dam french fries." Even Thalia smiled at that. "And I need to use the dam restroom." Maybe it was the fact that we were so tired and strung out emotionally, but I started cracking up, and Thalia and Grover joined in, while Zoe just looked at us. "I do not understand." "I want to use the dam water fountain," Grover said. "And..." Thalia tried to catch her breath. "I want to buy a dam T-shirt." I busted up, and I probably would've kept laughing all day, but then I heard a noise: "Moooo." The smile melted off my face. I wondered if the noise was just in my head, but Grover had stopped laughing too. He was looking around, confused. "Did I just hear a cow?" "A dam cow?" Thalia laughed." humour percy-jackson thalia-grace zoe-nightshade Rick Riordan
dc9ff92 "That's us," he said. "Those five nuts right there." Which one is me?" I asked. The little deformed one," Zoe suggested. Oh, shut up." gods grover percy-jackson zoe Rick Riordan
7e9888d Really? That would be a first. I'm the son of , Jason. I might as well be covered in blood or sewage, the way people treat me. I don't belong anywhere. I'm not even from this . But that's not enough to set me apart. heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan son-of-hades Rick Riordan
eaca89d "Annabeth didn't want to sleep, but her body betrayed her. Her eyelids turned to lead. "Percy, wake me for second watch. Don't be a hero." He gave her that smirk she'd come to love. "Who, me?" He kissed her, his lips parched and feverishly warm. "Sleep." percy-jackson Rick Riordan
b6dff26 "Wait just a minute," Ares growled. He pointed at Thalia and me. "These two are dangerous. It'd be much safer, while we've got them here--" "Ares," Poseidon interrupted, "they are worthy heroes. We will not blast my son to bits." "Nor my daughter," Zeus grumbled. "She has done well." -- percy-jackson poseidon thalia-grace zeus Rick Riordan
e011e49 "Laistry....I can't even say that. What would you call them in English?" "Canadians." -- percy-jackson Rick Riordan
6cb1d53 "Laistry....I can't even say that. What would you call them in English?" "Canadians." percy-jackson Rick Riordan
a372c86 "Wait just a minute," Ares growled. He pointed at Thalia and me. "These two are dangerous. It'd be much safer, while we've got them here--" "Ares," Poseidon interrupted, "they are worthy heroes. We will not blast my son to bits." "Nor my daughter," Zeus grumbled. "She has done well." percy-jackson poseidon thalia-grace zeus Rick Riordan
748e1e3 If you ever leave me again,' she said, her eyes stinging, 'I swear to all the gods-' Percy had the nerve to laugh. Suddenly the lump of heated emotions melted inside Annabeth. 'Consider me warned,' Percy said. 'I missed you, too. love percy-jackson rick riordan
bcdebc7 "Whoa," said Nico as he climbed off the bus. "Is that a climbing wall?" "Yeah," I (Percy) said. "Why is there lava pouring down it?" "Little extra challenge..." - Percy" climbing-wall lava nico-di-angelo percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-titan-s-curse Rick Riordan
a6bd708 "According to Festus, our flying table, Buford, made it back safely while we were in Charleston, so those eagles didn't get him. Unfortunately, he lost the laundry bag with your pants." "Dang it!" Frank Barked, which Leo figured was probably severe profanity for him. No doubt Frank would've cursed some more -busting out the golly gees and the gosh darns- but Percy interrupted by doubling over and groaning. frank-zhang humour jason-grace leo-valdez percy-jackson rick riordan the mark of athena
86397ef "I know, I'm an idiot!" Leo moaned. "A brilliant idiot, but still an idiot." leo-valdez percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
cc6abc2 I uncapped the blade, flung open the door, and found myself face-to-face with a black pegasus. Its voice spoke in my mind as it clopped away from the sword blade. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
29426e7 "But Annabeth just smiled and put us in jail. As she was heading back to the front line, she turned and winked. "See you at the fireworks?" She didn't even wait for my answer before darting off into the woods. I looked at Beckendorf. "Did she just...ask me out?" He shrugged, completely disgusted. "Who knows with girls? Give me a haywire dragon, any day." So we sat together and waited while the girls won the game." capture-the-flag charles-beckendorf fireworks percy-jackson silena-beauregard Rick Riordan
56406aa "I don't feel that way anymore," Nico muttered. "I mean... I gave up on Percy. I was young and impressionable, and I- I don't..." His voice cracked, and Jason could tell the guy was about to get teary-eyed. Whether Nico had really given up on Percy or not, Jason couldn't imagine what it had been like for Nico all those years, keeping a secret that would've been unthinkable to share in the 1940s, denying who he was, feeling completely alone- even more isolated than other demigods. "Nico," he said gently, "I've seen a lot of brave things. But what you did? That was maybe the bravest." bromance friendship heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan trust Rick Riordan
1f87446 "But how did you know where we were?" Annabeth asked. Advanced planning, my dear. I figured you would wash up near Miami if you made it out of the Sea of Monsters alive. Almost everything strange washes up near Miami." chiron grover-underwood percy-jackson Rick Riordan
6bc7eee I'd missed Annabeth probably more than I wanted to admit. percabeth percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-sea-of-monsters Rick Riordan
d6f1b77 "Blood trickled from the corner of her (Annabeth) mouth. She croaked, "Family, Luke. You promised." Luke stared at the knife in Annabeth's hand, the blood on her face. "Promise." Then he gasped like he couldn't get air. "Annabeth . . ." But it wasn't the Titan's voice. It was Luke's. He stumbled forward like he couldn't control his own body. "You're bleeding. . . ." He gasped again."He's changing. Help. He's . . . he's almost ready. He won't need my body anymore. Please--" "The knife, Percy," Annabeth muttered. Her breath was shallow. "Hero . . . cursed blade . . ." Luke turned and collapsed, clutching his ruined hands."Please, Percy . . ." Luke seemed to know what I was thinking. He moistened his lips. "You can't . . . can't do it yourself. He'll break my control. He'll defend himself. Only my hand. I know where. I can . . . can keep him controlled." I raised the knife to strike. Then I looked at Annabeth, at Grover. And I finally understood what she'd been trying to tell me. You are not the hero, Rachel had said. It will affect what you do. The line from the great prophecy echoed in my head: A hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap. My whole world tipped upside down,and I gave the knife to Luke.I watched as Luke grasped the hilt he stabbed himself" cursed-blade luke percy-jackson the-hero-in-the-great-prophecy Rick Riordan
2cf92f6 If the statue engulfs people in fire, we should send Leo.' 'I love you too, man.' 'You know what I mean. You're immune. Or, heck, give me some of those nice water grenades and I'll go. Ares and I have tangled before. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
f7a261e It was like Percy had faced death before, like he knew about grief. What mattered was listening. You didn't need to say you were sorry. The only thing that helped was moving on--moving forward. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
a1e0590 "The god of wine looked around at the assembled crowd. "Miss me?" The satyrs fell over themselves nodding and bowing. "Oh, yes, very much, sire!" "Well, I did not miss this place!" Dionysus snapped. "I bear bad news, my friends. Evil news. The minor gods are changing sides. Morpheus has gone over to the enemy. Hecate, Janus, and Nemesis, as well. Zeus knows how many more." Thunder rumbled in the distance. "Strike that," Dionysus said. "Even doesn't know." grover-underwood percy-jackson zeus Rick Riordan
a4825d1 "My faithful companion, Zoe Nightshade, has passed into the stars. I must have a new lieutenant. And I intend to choose one. But first, Father Zeus, I must speak to you privately." Zeus beckoned Artemis forward. He leaned down and listened as she spoke in his ear. A feeling of panic seized me. "Annabeth," I said under my breath. "Don't." She frowned at me. "What?" Look, I need to tell you something," I continued. The words came stumbling out of me. "I couldn't stand it if... I don't want you to--" Percy?" she said. "You look like you're going to be sick." And that's how I felt. I wanted to say more, but my tongue betrayed me. It wouldn't move because of the fear in my stomach" artemis percy-jackson zeus zoe-nightshade Rick Riordan
8f62f50 You promised, Seaweed Brain. We would not get separated! Ever again! love percabeth percy-jackson Rick Riordan The House of Hades
a751c7d Images flashed through his mind. He saw Nico and his sister on a snowy cliff in Maine, Percy Jackson protecting them from a manticore. Percy's sword gleamed in the dark. He'd been the first demigod Nico had ever seen in action. Later, at Camp Half-Blood, Percy took Nico by the arm, promising to keep his sister Bianca safe. Nico believed him. Nico looked into his sea-green eyes and thought, He was Nico's favorite game, Mythomagic, brought to life. Jason saw the moment when Percy returned and told Nico that Bianca was dead. Nico had screamed and called him a liar. He'd felt betrayed, but still... when the skeleton warriors attacked, he couldn't let them harm Percy. Nico had called on the earth to swallow them up, and then he'd run away- terrified of his own powers, and his own emotions. eros heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace love nico-di-angelo percy-jackson revelation rick-riordan Rick Riordan
57f6c98 "Not all powers are spectacular." Hestia looked at me. "Sometimes the hardest power to master is the power of yielding." percy-jackson Rick Riordan
176e3b0 He'd learned years ago it was better not to dwell too much on who was related to whom on the godly side of things. After Tyson the Cyclops adopted him as a brother, Percy decided that that was about as far as he wanted to extend the family. gods percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena tyson Rick Riordan
a2419fb "Is this guy Love or Death?" Jason growled. Cupid said. " eros heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
699303b "Percy, we're going to Polyphemus' island! Polyphemus is an S-i-k...a C-y-k..." She stamped her foot in frustration. As smart as she was, Annabeth was dyslexic, too. We could've been there all night while she tried to spell Cyclops. "You know what I mean!" -- cyclops dyslexia frustration percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians polyphemus polyphemus-island rick-riordan spelling the-sea-of-the-monsters Rick Riordan
65534d2 Running with a drowsy child of Hades was more like doing a 3 -legged race with a life size rag doll. nico percy-jackson Rick Riordan
b554cf6 You promised you would protect her Nico said. He might as well have stabbed me with a rusty dagger.It would've hurt less than reminding me of my promise. percy-jackson promises Rick Riordan
b3887bb "I've got this." Apollo stepped forward. His fiery armor was so bright it was hard to look at, and his matching Ray-Bans and perfect smile made him look like a male model for battle gear. "God of medicine, at your service." He passed his hand over Annabeth's face and spoke an incantation. Immediately the bruises faded. Her cuts and scars disappeared. Her arm straightened, and she sighed in her sleep. Apollo grinned. "She'll be fine in a few minutes. Just enough time for me to compose a poem about our victory: 'Apollo and his friends save Olympus.' Good, eh?" Thanks, Apollo," I said. "I'll, um, let you handle the poetry." apollo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
78df999 Because I know you, Percy Jackson. In many ways, you are impulsive, but when it comes to your friends, you are as constant as a compass needle. You are unswervingly loyal, and you inspire loyalty. You are the glue that will unite the seven. hera percy-jackson the-seven Rick Riordan
28e38be "You do know how to play pinochle?" Mr. D eyed me suspiciously. "I'm afraid not," I said. "I'm afraid not, sir," he said. "Well," he told me, "it is, along with gladiator fighting and Pac-Man, one of the greatest games ever invented by humans. I would expect all civilized young men to know the rules." -- dionysus gladiator pac-man percy-jackson pinochle Rick Riordan
1c795dd "You do know how to play pinochle?" Mr. D eyed me suspiciously. "I'm afraid not," I said. "I'm afraid not, sir," he said. "Well," he told me, "it is, along with gladiator fighting and Pac-Man, one of the greatest games ever invented by humans. I would expect all civilized young men to know the rules." dionysus gladiator pac-man percy-jackson pinochle Rick Riordan
4fb47eb "You're cute when you're worried," she muttered. "Your eyebrows get all scrunched together." You are going to die while I owe you a favor," I said. "Why did you take that knife?" You would've done the same for me." percy-jackson Rick Riordan
1e45fb2 "No," Frank said. "I'm only a centurion." Jason cursed in Latin. "He means he can't control a whole legion. He's not of high enough rank." Nico swung back his black sword at another gryphon. "Well, then, promote him!" centurion frank-s-promotion frank-zhang heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace legion nico-di-angelo percy-jackson praetor promotion rick-riordan son-of-mars the-rise-of-frank-zhang Rick Riordan
adc3365 "I gotta say"--Apollo broke the silence--"these kids did okay." He cleared his throat and began to recite: " --" Um, yes, first class," Hermes interrupted, like he was anxious to avoid Apollo's poetry." hermes percy-jackson Rick Riordan
4cd4823 You know how teachers tell you the magic word is 'please'? That's not true. The magic word is 'puke'. It will get you out of class faster than anything else. percy-jackson puke Rick Riordan
a13168d "The most dangerous flaws are those which are good in moderation," she said. "Evil is easy to fight. Lack of wisdom... that is very hard indeed." percy-jackson Rick Riordan
b2af367 "Frank heard a laugh behind him. He glanced back and couldn't believe what he saw. Nico di Angelo was actually smiling. "That's more like it," Nico said. "Let's turn this tide!" battle blessing destiny fate fortune frank-zhang happiness happy heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades luck nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan surprise tides-have-turned turning-point Rick Riordan
7f783d5 Nico studied his face - his sea-green eyes, his grin, his ruffled black hair. Somehow Percy Jackson seemed like a regular guy now, not a mythical figure. Not someone to idolize or crush on. love nico-di-angelo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
9396969 "George unhinged his jaw and coughed up a little plastic bottle filled with chewable vitamins. "You're kidding," I said. "Are those Minotaur-shaped?" Hermes picked up the bottle and rattled it. "The lemon ones, yes. The grape ones are Furies, I think. Or are they hydras? At any rate, these are potent." " percy-jackson Rick Riordan
d60f717 "Have you any idea how much my kingdom has swollen in this past century alone, how many subdivisions I've had to open?" I opened my mouth to respond, but Hades was on a roll now. More security ghouls," he moaned. "Traffic problems at the judgment pavilion. Double overtime for the staff. I used to be a rich god, Percy Jackson. I control all the precious metals under the earth. But my expenses!" Charon wants a pay raise," I blurted, just remembering the fact. As soon as I said it, I wished I could sew up my mouth. Don't get me started on Charon!" Hades yelled. "He's been impossible ever since he discovered Italian suits! Problems everywhere, and I've got to handle all of them personally. The commute time alone from the palace to the gates is enough to drive me insane! And the dead just keep arriving. No, godling. I need no help getting subjects! I did not ask for this war." -- hades percy-jackson Rick Riordan
ad2eda1 Looking at the elementary schoolers in their colorful T-shirts from various day camps, Percy felt a twinge of sadness. He should be at Camp Half-Blood right now, settling into his cabin for the summer, teaching sword-fighting lessons in the arena, playing pranks on the other counselors. These kids had no idea just how crazy a summer camp could be. home nostalgia percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
41dd50a "It will make you powerful. But it will also make you weak. Your prowess in combat will be beyond any mortal's, but your weaknesses, your failings will increase as well." You mean I'll have a bad heel?" I said. "Couldn't I just, like, wear something besides sandals? No offense." percy-jackson Rick Riordan
961d14d "Percy looked at Coach Hedge and Frank. "A trap?" "Probably," Frank said. "She's not mortal," Hedge said, sniffing the air. "Probably some kind of goat-eating, demigod-destroying fiend from Tartarus." "No doubt," Percy agreed. "Awesome." Hedge grinned. "Let's go." frank-zhang humor percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
2dd0661 "So . . . what is this fire river called?" "The Phlegethon," [Annabeth] said. "You should concentrate on going down." "The ?" [Percy] shinnied along the ledge. They'd made it roughly a third of the way down the cliff--still high enough up to die if they fell. "Sounds like a marathon for hawking spitballs." "Please don't make me laugh," she said. "Just trying to keep things light." percy-jackson Rick Riordan
802a91f "Nico drew his sword. His smile was even more unsettling than his scowl. "Underground," he said. "My favorite place." Underground was Jason's favorite place." house-of-hades jason-grace nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
b496704 Leo smiled nervously. Maybe he and Percy did share something else - a stupid sense of humour. 'Yeah, I bet that would totally be against her sponsorship deal. THOSE ARE NOT THE OFFICIAL SHOES OF THE OLYMPICS! YOU WILL DIE NOW!' Hazel rolled her eyes. 'You're both impossible.' Behind Leo, a thunderous voice shook the ruins: 'YOU WILL DIE NOW! leo-valdez nike percy-jackson Rick Riordan
daf35fb With great power... comes need to take a nap. Wake me up later percy-jackson rick-riordan the-last-olympian Rick Riordan
ab352dc Annabeth realized that if six of them went on these two quests, it would leave Percy alone on the ship with Coach Hedge, which was maybe not a situation a caring girlfriend should put him in. Nor was she eager to let Percy out of her sight again--not after they'd been apart for so many months. coach-hedge percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians relationships separation the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
d33e708 "Nyx's quasar eyes burned. "Of course not. I would not let my horses eat you, any more than I would let Akhlys kill you. Such fine prizes, I will kill myself!" Annabeth didn't feel particularly witty or courageous, but her instincts told her to take the initiative, or this would be a very short conversation. "Oh, don't kill yourself!" she cried. "We're not scary." The goddess lowered her whip. "What? No, I didn't mean--" "Well, I hope not!" Annabeth looked at Percy and forced a laugh. "We wouldn't want to scare her, would we?" "Ha, ha," Percy said weakly. "No, we wouldn't." nyx percy-jackson Rick Riordan
56e77fb Don't you ever feel like, what if the world really IS messed up? What if we COULD Do it all over again from scratch? No more war. Nobody homeless. No more summer reading homework. 'm listening. Annabeth: I mean, the West represents a lot of the best things mankind ever did--that's why the fire is still burning. That's why OlympusIs still around. But sometimes you just see the bad stuff, you know? And you start thinking the way Luke does: 'If I could tear this all down, i would do it better.'. Don't you ever feel that way? Like YOU could do a better job I'd you ran the world? Me running the world would be kind of a nightmare. Annabeth: then you're lucky. Hubris isn't your fatal flaw. Percy: what is? Annabeth: I don't know, Percy, but every hero has one. If you don't find it and learn to control it...well, they don't call it 'fatal' for nothing. Percy(thinking to himself): I thought about that. It didn't exactly cheer me up. fatality flaws hubris percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians rick-riordan the-sea-of-the-monsters Rick Riordan
4bda894 "Hestia shook her head. "I am here because when all else fails, when all the other mighty gods have gone off to war, I am all that's left. Home. Hearth. I am the last Olympian" percy-jackson Rick Riordan
40a2201 hermes has threatened me with slow mail. lousy Internet service and a horrible stock market if i publish this story. I hope he is just bluffing. heroes-of-olympus humor percabeth percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
b14b89e Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand; instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb nail. humor percy-jackson tyson Henry David Thoreau
dd0bee9 The crew gathered for a hurried meeting on the foredeck - mostly because Percy was keeping an eye on a giant red sea serpent swimming off the port side. 'That thing is really red,' Percy muttered. 'I wonder if it's cherry-flavoured.' 'Why don't you swim over and find out?' Annabeth asked. 'How about no. percy-jackson the-blood-of-olympus Rick Riordan
2be4b6d Yeah, okay. But, Nico, you choose how to live your life. You want to trust somebody? Maybe take a risk that I'm really your friend and I'll accept you. It's better than hiding. friendship heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan trust Rick Riordan
7f5c557 "He scowled at Jason. "And please, I don't like being touched. Don't ever grab me again." jason-grace nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
3b41530 "Doubtful, but it did work... "Annabeth?" Percy said again. "You're planning something. You've got that I'm-planning-something look." "I don't have an I'm-planning-something look." "Yeah, you totally do. Your eyebrows knit and your lips press together and ---" "Do you have a pen?" she asked him. "You're kidding, right?" He brought out Riptide. "Yes, but can you actually write with it?" "I--I don't know," he admitted. "Never tried." humor percy-jackson Rick Riordan
ae0c3a6 Percy grunted. 'Probably something to do with that creep Octavian. Maybe he was so bad at telling the future that he broke Apollo's powers. octavian percy-jackson prophecy Rick Riordan
5b4d5e2 " Cupid said. "Great," Jason said. "Now he's spouting greeting card messages." eros heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace love percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
3cba89f Think long and hard about how you proceed, Nico di Angelo. You cannot lie to Cupid. If you let your anger rule you... well, your fate will be even sadder then mine. favonius heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades nico-di-angelo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
321f929 Don't judge someone until you've stood at his forge and worked with his hammer, eh? percy-jackson Rick Riordan
8c648ef "The Death Mist is not for helping!" Akhlys shrieked. "It shrouds mortals in misery as their souls pass into the Underworld. It is the very breath of Tartarus, of death, of despair!" "Awesome," Percy said. "Could we get two orders of that to go?" percy-jackson sarcasm Rick Riordan
99bb5dd "Hey, why do pegasi gallop as they fly, anyway?" Blackjack whinnied. " percy-jackson Rick Riordan
5da24b5 "This belonged to my sister-in-law," Prometheus explained. "Pandora." A lump formed in my throat. "As in Pandora's box?" Prometheus shook his head. "I don't know how this business got started. It was never a box. It was a , a storage jar. I suppose Pandora's doesn't have the same ring to it." percy-jackson prometheus Rick Riordan
f1335ca "You both passed out," Percy said. "I don't know why, but Ella told me not to worry about it. She said you were...sharing?" "Sharing," Ella agreed. She crouched in the stern, preening her wing feathers with her teeth, which didn't look like a very effective form of personal hygiene. She spit out some red fluff. "Sharing is good. No more blackouts. Biggest American blackout, August 14, 2003. Hazel shared. No more blackouts." Percy scratched his head. "Yeah...we've been having conversations like that all night. I still don't know what she's talking about." ella hazel-levesque heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians sharing the-son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
f3deed9 "Percy: "You asked Poseidon for... me?" Tyson: "For a friend, young cyclopes grow up alone on the streets, learns to make things out of scraps. Learn to survive." Percy: "But that's so cruel!" Tyson: "Makes us appreciate blessings, not be greedy and mean and fat like Polyphemus. But I got scared. Monsters chased me so much, clawed me sometimes--" Percy: "The scars on your back?" Tyson: "Sphinx on Seventy-second Street. Big Bully. I prayed to Daddy for help. Soon the people at Meriwether found me. Mey you. Biggest blessing ever. Sorry I said Poseidon was mean. He sent me a brother." percy-jackson poseidon tyson Rick Riordan
9614d90 "You must forgive my Hunters if they do not welcome you," Artemis said. "It is very rare that we would have boys in this camp. Boys are usually forbidden to have any contact with the Hunters. The last one to see this camp..." She looked at Zoe. "Which one was it?" That boy in Colorado," Zoe said. "You turned him into a jackalope." Ah, yes." Artemis nodded, satisfied. "I enjoy making jackalopes." percy-jackson zoe-nightshade Rick Riordan
daa3a05 "Anybody have any money?" Frank checked his pockets. "Three denarii from Camp Jupiter. Five dollars Canadian." Hedge patted his gym shorts and pulled out what he found. "Three quarters, two dimes, a rubber band and--score! A piece of celery." He started munching on the celery, eyeing the change and the rubber band like they might be next." -- food frank-zhang humor money percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
3d91d6a "Anybody have any money?" Frank checked his pockets. "Three denarii from Camp Jupiter. Five dollars Canadian." Hedge patted his gym shorts and pulled out what he found. "Three quarters, two dimes, a rubber band and--score! A piece of celery." He started munching on the celery, eyeing the change and the rubber band like they might be next." food frank-zhang humor money percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
f5293a9 Now, if you have never been hit by a flying burrito, count yourself lucky. In terms of deadly projectiles, it's right up there with grenades and cannonballs. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
969ef0f "Thanks for not freaking out," I said. "Oh, I'm freaking out," Paul promised, his eyes wide. "I just think it's awesome!" paul percy-jackson Rick Riordan
3727db4 "As soon as the rocky coast line of the island came into view, I ordered one of the ropes to wrap around Annabeth's waist, tying her to the foremast. "Don't untie me," she said, "no matter what happens or how much I plead. I'll want to go straight over the edge and drown myself." "Are you trying to tempt me?" "Ha-ha." mermaids percabeth percy-jackson percy-jackson-2 percy-jackson-and-the-olympians rick-riordan the-sea-of-monsters Rick Riordan
83e7ab3 "And there, shimmering in the Mist right next to us, was the last person I wanted to see: Mr. D, wearing his leopard-skin jogging suit and rummaging through the refrigerator. He looked up lazily. "Do you mind?" Where's Chiron!" I shouted. How rude." Mr. D took a swig from a jug of grape juice. "Is that how you say hello?" Hello," I amended. "We're about to die! Where's Chiron?" dionysus percy-jackson Rick Riordan
a4fe7d0 "Frank tugged again with no luck. Even Hazel was trying not to laugh. Frank grimaced with concentration. Suddenly, he disappeared. On the deck where he'd been standing, a green iguana crouched next to an empty set of Chinese handcuffs. "Well done, Frank Zhang," Leo said dryly, doing his impression of Chiron the centaur. "That is exactly how people beat Chinese handcuffs. They turn into iguanas." frank-zhang iguanas mark-of-athena percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
16d5633 "I see you like to study," I said. "Well done." Percy snorted. "I hate to study. I've been guaranteed admission with a full scholarship to New Rome University, but they're still requiring me to pass all my high school courses and score well on the SAT. Can you believe that? Not to mention I have to pass the DSTOMP." "The what?" Meg asked. "An exam for Roman demigods," I told her. "The Demigod Standard Test of Mad Powers." Percy frowned. "That's what it stands for?" "I should know. I wrote the music and poetry analysis sections." "I will never forgive you for that," Percy said." demigods meg-mccaffrey percy-jackson studying Rick Riordan
d7ca4c4 "Do you know who I am?" she demanded. "Well, you're Night, I suppose," said Annabeth. "I mean, I can tell because you're dark and everything, though the brochure didn't say much about you." Nyx's eyes winked out for a moment. "What brochure?" Annabeth patted her pockets. "We had one, didn't we?" Percy licked his lips. "Uh-huh." He was still watching the horses, his hand tight on his sword hilt, but he was smart enough to follow Annabeth's lead. [...] "Anyway," she said, "I guess the brochure didn't say much, because you weren't spotlighted on the tour. We got to see the River Phlegethon, the Cocytus, the arai, the poison glade of Akhlys, even some random Titans and giants, but Nyx...hmm, no you weren't really featured." "Featured? Spotlighted?" "Yeah," Percy said, warming up to the idea. "We came down here for the Tartarus tour--like, exotic destinations, you know? The Underworld is overdone. Mount Olympus is a tourist trap--" "Gods, totally!" Annabeth agreed. "So we booked the Tartarus excursion, but no one even mentioned we'd run into Nyx. Huh. Oh, well. Guess they didn't think you were important." percy-jackson tourists Rick Riordan
f674b79 "If we can't repair things with the Romans--well, the two sets of demigods have gotten along. That's why the gods kept us separate. I don't know if we could ever belong there." Percy didn't want to argue, but he couldn't let go of the hope. It felt important--not just for him, but for all the other demigods. It to be possible to belong in two different worlds at once. After all, that's what being a demigod was all about--not quite belonging in the mortal world or on Mount Olympus, but trying to make peace with both sides of their nature." families fitting-in percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians relationships the-heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
25f743a "That is correct," Zeus said. "The blood of Olympus was spilled. She is fully conscious." "Oh, come on!" Percy complained. "I get a little nosebleed and I wake up the entire earth? That's not fair!" gaia nosebleed percy-jackson Rick Riordan
01df99d "One down," Beckendorf said. "About five thousand to go." He tossed me a jar of thick green liquid--Greek fire, one of the most dangerous magical substances in the world. Then he threw me another essential tool of demigod heroes--duct tape" duct-tape percy-jackson Rick Riordan
c23bfd1 your loved ones have been used to lure you into Kronos's traps. Your fatal flaw is personal loyalty Percy. You do not know when it is time to cut your losses. To save a friend you would sacrifice the world. fatal-flaw percy-jackson Rick Riordan
8949708 " The god's voice was tinged with disappointment. you "I've been to Tartarus and back," Nico snarled. "You don't scare me." " eros heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades love nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
ae6770c "Hermes gazed up at the stars. "My dear young cousin, if there's one thing I've learned over the eons, it's that you can't give up on your family, no matter how tempting they make it. It doesn't matter if they hate you, or embarrass you, or simply don't appreciate your genius for inventing the Internet-" "You invented the Internet?" , Martha said. , George said. "It was my idea!" Hermes said. "I mean the Internet, not the rats." george hermes humor internet martha patience percy-jackson rat Rick Riordan
006a3f8 Piper bit her lip. The last thing she wanted to do was check Katopris for more terrifying images. 'I've tried,'she said.'The dagger doesn't always show what I want to see. In fact,it hardly ever does' 'Please,'Percy said.'Try again.' He pleaded with those sea-green eyes, like a cute baby seal that needed help.Piper wondered how Annabeth ever won an argument with this guy. 'Fine,'she sighed,and drew her dagger percy-jackson piper-mclean Rick Riordan
f54670f "Hermes's eyes twinkled. "Martha, may I have the first package, please?" Martha opened her mouth ... and kept opening it until it was as wide as my arm. She belched out a stainless steel canister-an old-fashioned lunch box thermos with a black plastic top. The sides of the thermos were enameled with red and yellow Ancient Greek scenes-a hero killing a lion; a hero lifting up Cerberus, the three-headed dog. "That's Hercules," I said. "But how-" "Never question a gift," Hermes chided. "This is a collector's item from Hercules Busts Heads. The first season." "Hercules Busts Heads?" "Great show." Hermes sighed. "Back before Hephaestus-TV was all reality programming. Of course, the thermos would be worth much more if I had the whole lunch box-" collectible gift hercules hermes humor martha percy-jackson tv Rick Riordan
9b73776 "Nico's voice was like broken glass. "I- I wasn't in love with Annabeth." "You were jealous of her," Jason said. "That's why you didn't want to be around her. Especially why you don't want to be around... him. It makes total sense." -- eros heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace love nico-di-angelo percy-jackson revelation rick-riordan Rick Riordan
df3203a There's no point in defending camp if you guys die. All our friends are here. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
20eeae3 "What-what do you want?" Annabeth asked, trying to maintain a tone of confidence. The voice cackled maliciously. annabeth-chase chase hades house jackson mother mother-night night of percy percy-jackson the thousand times Rick Riordan
c84e6da "Bianca, camp is cool! It's got a pegasus stable and a sword-fighting arena and... I mean, what do you get by joining the Hunters?" To begin with," Zoe said, "immortality." I stared at her, then at Artemis. "She's kidding, right?" Zoe rarely kids about anything," Artemis said. "My Hunters follow me on my adventures. They are my maidservants, my companions, my sisters-in-arms. Once they swear loyalty to me, they are indeed immortal... unless they fall in battle, which is unlikely. Or break their oath." What oath?" I said. To foreswear romantic love forever," Artemis said. To never grow up, never get married. To be a maiden eternally." Like you?" The goddess nodded. I tried to imagine what she was saying. Being immortal. Hanging out with only middle-school girls forever. I couldn't get my mind around it." bianca-di-angelo percy-jackson zoe-nightshade Rick Riordan
00b6a85 "Reyna looked at Percy without much hope. "You have a plan?" Percy wanted to step forward bravely and say, " percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians plans reyna the-heroes-of-olympus the-son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
b439a74 I love New York. You can pop out of the Underworld in Central Park, hail a taxi, head down Fifth Avenue with a giant hellhound loping along behind you, and nobody even looks at you funny. Of course, the Mist helped. People probably couldn't see Mrs. O'Leary, or maybe they thought she was a large,loud,very friendly truck. new-york-city percy-jackson Rick Riordan
56f809c "Frank couldn't breathe underwater. But where was he? Percy turned in a full circle. Nothing. Then he glanced up. Hovering above him was a giant goldfish. Frank had turned -clothes, backpack, and all- into a koi the size of a teen-aged boy. goldfish humour koi percy-jackson rick riordan the mark of athena
d34e7a2 "Nosoi?" Percy planted his feet in a fighting stance. "You know, I keep thinking, I have now killed every single thing in Greek mythology. But the list never seems to end." "You haven't killed me yet," I noted. "Don't tempt me." fighting greek-mythology humor percy-jackson Rick Riordan
6e8e933 "About five meters ahead, Nico was swinging his black sword with one hand, holding the scepter of Diocletian aloft with the other. He kept shouting orders at the legionnaires, but they paid him no attention. Of course not, Frank thought. He's [...] Jason's face was already beaded with sweat. He kept shouting in Latin: "Form ranks!" But the dead legionnaires wouldn't listen to him, either. [...] "Make way!" Frank shouted. To his surprise, the dead legionnaires parted for him. The closest ones turned and stared at him with blank eyes, as if waiting for further orders. "Oh, great..." Frank mumbled." frank-zhang greek heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace legion legionnaires nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan roman Rick Riordan
42d6fc9 The ruins stretch from the river to the base of that mountain over there, about half a kilometre.' 'How far is that in regular measurements?' Percy asked. Frank rolled his eyes. 'That is a regular measurement in Canada and the rest of the world. Only you Americans -' 'About five or six football fields,' Hazel interceded, feeding Arion a big chunk of gold. Percy spread his hands. 'That's all you needed to say. measurement-units percy-jackson Rick Riordan
c8bc2cd " Cupid said, smashing another skeleton to pieces. "Nico," Jason managed to say, "it's okay. I get it." Nico glanced over, pain and misery washing across his face. "No you don't," he said. "There's no way you can understand." Cupid chided. " eros heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace love nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
18261f3 "Nico, you can do this," Jason said. "It might be embarrassing, but it's for the scepter." Nico didn't look convinced. In fact he looked like he was going to be sick. But he squared his shoulders and nodded. "You're right. I- I'm not afraid of a love god." Favonius beamed. "Excellent! Would you like a snack before you go?" eros favonius heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace love nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
eb09ddc He slung off his backpack. He'd managed to grab a lot of supplies at the Napa Bargain Mart: a portable GPS, duct tape, lighter, superglue, water bottle, camping roll, a Comfy Panda Pillow Pet (as seen on TV), and a Swiss army knife--pretty much every tool a modern demigod could want. percy-jackson supplies Rick Riordan
d745f83 Like the zodiac sign?' Percy asked. 'I'm a Leo.' 'No, stupid,' Leo said, 'I'm a Leo. You're a Percy. leo-valdez percy-jackson zodiac-sign Rick Riordan
1a585a9 There are parties and then there are huge major blowout parties. And then there are Olympian parties. If you ever get a choice go for the Olympian. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
e0af2e1 "The jogger sighed. He pulled out his phone and my eyes got big, because it glowed with a bluish light. When he extended the antenna, two creatures began writhing around it-green snakes, no bigger than earthworms. The jogger didn't seem to notice. He checked his LCD display and cursed. "I've got to take this. Just a sec ..." Then into the phone: "Hello?" He listened. The mini-snakes writhed up and down the antenna right next to his ear. Yeah," the jogger said. "Listen-I know, but... I don't care if he is chained to a rock with vultures pecking at his liver, if he doesn't have a tracking number, we can't locate his package....A gift to humankind, great... You know how many of those we deliver-Oh, never mind. Listen, just refer him to Eris in customer service. I gotta go." percy-jackson Rick Riordan
21c039a "Dude." Jason gave Percy a bear hug. "Back from Tartarus!" Leo whooped. "That's my peeps!" jason-grace leo-valdez percy-jackson rick-riordan the-house-of-hades Rick Riordan
625622f "I started to walk away, but she [Clarisse] called out, "Percy?" "Yeah?" "When you, uh, had that vision about your friends..." "You were one of them," I promised, "Just don't tell anybody, okay? Or I'de have to kill you." A faint smile flickered across her face "See you later." "See you" demigod friends percy-jackson Rick Riordan
67fbf52 "Ah, Senor Zhang," Leo said, "you know how you're always saying, 'Leo, you are the only true genius among demigods'?" "I'm pretty sure I never said that." leo-valdez percy-jackson Rick Riordan
65483eb Percy muttered. 'I want to drown her.' 'Be patient, water boy.' 'Don't call me water boy. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
e1e3021 He was making a brave attempt, but Jason could see the sadness lingering in his eyes. Something had happened to him... something to do with Calypso. house-of-hades jason-grace leo-valdez love marooned oggygia percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
d09cd45 "That's us," he said. "Those five nuts right there." "Which one is me?" I asked. "The little deformed one," Zoe suggested. "Oh, shut up." percy-jackson zoe-nightshade Rick Riordan
e5e4ab3 "Percy and Reyna occupied matching praeters' chairs on the dais, which made Percy self-conscious. It wasn't easy looking dignified wearing a bedsheet and a purple cape. "The camp is safe," Octavian continued. " I'll be the first to congragulate our heroes for bringing back the legion's eagle and so much Imperial gold! Truly we have been blessed with good fortune. But why do more? Why tempt fate?" "I'm glad you asked." Percy stood, taking the question as an opening. Octavian stammered, " I wasn't--" "--Part of the quest," Percy said. "Yes I know. And your'e wise to let me explain, since I was." -- percy-jackson Rick Riordan
d5e3262 I didn't understand how. But the toilets had responded to me. I had become one with the plumbing... percy-jackson plumbing Rick Riordan
40b46eb As Hazel marched down the hill, she cursed in Latin. Percy didn't understand all of it, but he got , , and a few choice suggestions about where Octavian could stick his knife. hazel-levesque humor insults octavian percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-son-of-neptune Rick Riordan
8bc70e2 Percy pulled Annabeth close and kissed her... long enough for it to get really awkward for Piper, though she said nothing. She thought about the old rule of Aphrodite's cabin: that to be recognized as a daughter of the love goddess, you had to break someone's heart. Piper had long ago decided to change that rule. Percy and Annabeth were a perfect example of why. You should have to make someone's heart whole. That was a much better test. When Percy pulled away, Annabeth looked like a fish gasping for air. 'The Rivalry end here,' Percy said. 'I love you, Wise Girl. love percy-jackson piper-mclean Rick Riordan
a4fdc5a "Very good, Jason Grace," Notus said. "You are a son of Jupiter, yet you have chosen your own path- as all the greatest demigods have done before you. You cannot control your parentage, but you choose your legacy." greek hero heroes-of-olympus heroism house-of-hades jason-grace legacy percy-jackson rick-riordan roman self Rick Riordan
23f2d49 "The rivalry ends here," [Percy] said. "I love you, Wise Girl." annabeth-chase percabeth percy-jackson romance together-forever true-love Rick Riordan
618d1ab "Nothing?" Favonius cried. "The one you care for most... plunged into Tartarus, and you still will not allow the truth?" Suddenly Jason felt like he was eavedropping. " eros favonius heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace love nico-di-angelo percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
ef8460c So I took her hand, and I don't know what everybody else heard, but to me it sounded like a slow dance: a little sad, but maybe a little hopeful, too. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
7c60b4c "Snake people do not drink milk," Kekrops said. "We are lactose intolerant reptiles." "Me too!" Frank said. "I mean . . . lactose intolerant. Not a reptile. Though I can be a reptile sometimes-" lactose-intolerant percy-jackson Rick Riordan
37907ea "I sat up in bed. "What did he say?" Tyson groaned, still half asleep. He was lying facedown on the couch, his feet so far over the edge they were in the bathroom. "The happy man said...bowling practice?" bowling-practice disembowling-practice percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-sea-of-the-monsters tyson Rick Riordan
1bfdf00 "Percy looked at his friends. "I'm getting tired of this guy's shirt." "Combat time?" Piper grabbed her horn of plenty. jason-grace percy-jackson piper-mclean wonder-bread rick riordan the mark of athena
b3aeaeb "I turned and faced the Olympians. "We need a shroud," I announced, my voice cracking. "A shroud for the son of Hermes." percy-jackson Rick Riordan
274648b "Percy Jackson," Hermes said, "because you have taken on the curse of Achilles, I must spare you. You are in the hands of the Fates now. But you will never speak to me like that again. You have no idea how much I have sacrificed, how much--" His voice broke, and he shrank back to human size. "My son, my greatest pride . . . my poor May . . ." He sounded so devastated I didn't know what to say. One minute he was ready to vaporize us. Now he looked like he needed a hug." percy-jackson Rick Riordan
beb41b8 All aboard for one last trip. frank-zhang hazel-levesque heroes-of-olympus jason-grace last-book leo-valdez percy-jackson piper-mclean Rick Riordan
a5060d9 The story of Psyche finally made sense to him- why a mortal girl would be so afraid. Why would she risk breaking the rules to look the god of love in the face, because she feared he might be a monster. Psyche had been right. Cupid a monster. Love was the most savage monster of all. eros heroes-of-olympus house-of-hades jason-grace love percy-jackson psyche rick-riordan Rick Riordan
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