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dce726b I sold my elegant blackness to all those childhood ghosts and now they pay me for it. blackness race-and-racism-in-america Toni Morrison
1c57427 Black people are not the descendants of kings. We are--and I say this with big pride--the progeny of slaves. If there's any majesty in our struggle, it lies not in fairy tales but in those humble origins and the great distance we've traveled since. Ditto for the dreams of a separate but noble past. Cosby's, and much of black America's, conservative analysis flattens history and smooths over the wrinkles that have characterized black America since its inception. race-and-racism-in-america political-philosophy culture Ta-Nehisi Coates
300c74e It becomes more and more difficult to avoid the idea of black men as subjects of not just racial profiling but of an insidious form of racial obliteration sanctioned by silence. humanity darren-hunt post-racial-america racial-profiling demographics-of-united-states eric-garner kajieme-powell killing-of-black-men-in-america michael-brown tamir-rice trayvon-martin troy-anthony-davis mass-incarceration prison-reform human-rights-day race-and-racism-in-america race-relations Aberjhani
281de5a "It's because of my grandfather that I became a Young Avenger. But it's hard sometimes, to be a black kid carrying a name like "Patriot". I remember talking to Captain America about before he died, and he explained what Patriotism meant to him... It wasn't about blindly supporting your government. It was about knowing what your country could be, what it should be... And trying to lead it there through your example. And holding it accountable when it failed. I remember he said: "There's noting patriotic about corruption or cover-ups... or defending them. But exposing them, well, that takes a hero." equality heroism captain-america cover-ups eli elijah-bradley non-conformism patriot race-and-racism-in-america young-avengers comics corruption patriotism Ed Brubaker
a552d06 The issue, perhaps, boils down to one of how perceptions or misperceptions of racial difference impact various individuals', or groups of individuals', experience of freedom in America. Some would argue that it goes beyond hampering their 'pursuit of happiness' to outright obliterating it. racism equality freedom happiness demographics-of-united-states eric-garner george-zimmerman kajieme-powell killing-of-black-men-in-america michael-brown new-jim-crow pursuit-of-happiness racial-demographics tamir-rice trayvon-martin troy-anthony-davis mass-incarceration human-rights-day race-and-racism-in-america racial-discrimination diversity justice democracy Aberjhani
58bc682 No one in the world -- in the entire world -- know more -- knows Americans better or, odd as this may sound, loves them more than the American Negro. This is because he has had to watch you, outwit you, deal with you, and bear you, and sometimes even bleed and die with you, ever since we got here, that is, since both of us, black and white, got here -- and this is a wedding. Whether I like it or not, or whether you like it or not, we are bound together forever. We are part of each other. race-and-racism-in-america race-relations James Baldwin
2e3a972 Should assaulting an officer of the state be a capital offense, rendered without trial, with the officer as judge and executioner? Is that what we wish civilization to be? race-and-racism-in-america Ta-Nehisi Coates
17083aa It was not only colored people who praised John, since they could not, John felt, in any case really know; but white people also said it, in fact had said it first and said it still. It was when John was five years old and in the first grade that he was first noticed; and since he was noticed by an eye altogether alien and impersonal, he began to perceive, in wild uneasiness, his individual existence. racism identity identity-confusion racism-and-culture respectability self-actualization identity-crisis race-and-racism-in-america individualism race-relations racism-in-america respect self-respect self-esteem James Baldwin
2761d28 I have no God to hold me up. And I believe that when they shatter the body they shatter everything, and I knew that all of us--Christians, Muslims, atheists--lived in this fear of this truth. religion race-and-racism-in-america Ta-Nehisi Coates
6a41ecf My enlightened racial consciousness demands that I reject the so-called greatness of William Faulkner and William Shakespeare. I don't have time for any of that Hamlet jive -- but Marvel superheroes are super cool. race-and-racism-in-america Ta-Nehisi Coates
d540c9c That summer, in any case, all the fears with which I had grown up, and which were now a part of me and controlled my vision of the world, rose up like a wall between the world and me, and drove me into the church. religion race-and-racism-in-america James Baldwin
d114ceb "That's what a man is supposed to do for his wife. Listen, if a nigger didn't get lynched every now and then, well, there's just no telling what they'd do to us." "Who?" Lily asked. "Why, honey, the niggers and our husbands both. I don't care what color they are; men build up steam. And they gotta let it out somewhere. Colored men. White men. They both crazy. Honey, the point is you gotta look at it this way: A whole lotta women can't, "I got a man who'll kill for me." " race-and-racism-in-america race masculinity gender Bebe Moore Campbell
3515de2 ...all the fears with which I had grown up, and which were now a part of me and controlled my vision of the world, rose up like a wall between the world and me... ta-nehisi-coates race-and-racism-in-america James Baldwin
0bb0354 Part of me thinks that your very vulnerability brings you closer to the meaning of life, just as for others, the quest to believe oneself white divides them from it. race-and-racism-in-america nonfiction Ta-Nehisi Coates
09a1745 All white people, I think, are implicated in these things so long as we participate in America in a normal way and attempt to go on leading normal lives while any one race is being cheated and tormented. But I now believe that we will probably go on leading our normal lives, and will go on participating in our nation in a normal way, unless there comes a time where Negroes can compel us by methods of extraordinary pressure to interrupt our pleasure. equality jonathan-kozol white-people white-supremacy race-and-racism-in-america white white-privilege race-relations race Jonathan Kozol
73dc162 One ever feels his two-ness - an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder. race-and-racism-in-america W.E.B. Du Bois
7fd5125 To be fair, I hate the N-word and avoid using it because the N-word has always been a pejorative, a word designed to remind black people of their place, a word to reinforce a perception of inferiority. I have no interest in using the word to describe myself or any person of color, under any circumstance. There is no reclamation to be had. race-and-racism-in-america Roxane Gay