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4dded49 "The door cracked open. "Decent?" Rafe asked. "Yep" "Damn." He pushed it open. "If you're hoping to see something, the trick is to not knock first." "That would be wrong," he said as he walked in. "The trick is to hope you say 'no, but come in anyway.'" "Ah." rafe Kelley Armstrong
59ced46 I called. A sharp intake of breath. I broke into a jog. Only no matter how fast I ran, his scent and his voice didn't get any stronger. I kept going until I tripped over a root and hit the ground hard. I pushed to my feet, wincing as I flexed my stinging hands. His voice seemed to come from all around me. I spun, trying to pinpoint it, but he kept yelling, more panicking with every shout, my own panic rising until I flung myself forward-- Hands grabbed me and yanked me back. For a moment, all I saw was the darkness of night. Then it fell away, dawn light filtering through the trees, and I was standing in front of Daniel, his fingers wrapped around my wrist. Kenji was beside me, whimpering. I said, wrenching from his grasp. rafe maya shock trauma Kelley Armstrong
0a4963c Rafe shrugged. He twisted to look at the stab wound. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him, and when I did, I knew he was real--the heat of him, the smell of him, the feel of him, the taste of him so incredibly real that it surpassed anything my memory could conjure up. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back, and it was like every other amazing kiss he'd given me, multiplied ten-fold. I kissed him until I couldn't breathe, and then I kissed him a little more, until I had to pull back, gasping. he said. And he grinned, that incredible blaze of a grin that made me kiss him again. kiss survived rafe maya reunion Kelley Armstrong
430b2c2 Rafe said again. tragedy helicopter rafe maya fall Kelley Armstrong
5e7b419 she said. Daniel winced. Corey lifted his brows. Rafe only sputtered a laugh. insult corey rafe sam daniel Kelley Armstrong
f950be7 (Sam) Rafe grinned. humor rafe sam Kelley Armstrong
4a86d18 Daniel said, his voice low. Rafe sputtered a laugh. She glowered at him, then at Corey, who'd joined them, grinning as he heard. Even Daniel had to wipe away a smile. she said. Daniel said. I said. She glared at Corey, who was cracking up behind Rafe. Derek said. Sam sighed. Daniel's roar made everyone stumble back. He climbed the steps and stopped in front of Sam. Corey said. insult corey rafe maya sam daniel Kelley Armstrong
89a1f08 I said, barely able to open my jaw enough to get the words out. Rafe looked surprised at first but seeing my face, that melted away and his own face hardened. He turned to Nicole. he said. she squeaked. Her blue eyes rounded and she flinched, like a whipped puppy seeing a raised hand. Hayley said. I clenched my fists tighter and my face started to throb, as if I was about to shift. I took a deep breath and tried to find clam so I could explain. Nicole said again, tears welling up. Sam said. She turned to the others. truth nicole rafe sam reveal Kelley Armstrong
9437371 "Nicole crumpled--just let her legs give way and fell to the floor, hunched and sobbing. Hayley looked at me. Even Rafe did. Uncertain looks from both of them. I had to admit, Nicole was a good actor. If I hadn't seen her switch from "sweet Nicole" to "raving lunatic Nicole" in a heartbeat at the campsite, I might have believed her myself." nicole rafe unsure hayley believing maya Kelley Armstrong
b656268 As she did, someone else poked his head in. Rafe. He looked at the other two, then me. He lowered his voice. I said. He nodded and retreated. I said when he was gone. Chloe looked from me to the now-empty doorway. She trailed off and shook her head. Derek cut in. Chloe gave him a look as I inwardly flinched. relationship-angst rafe derek maya Kelley Armstrong
8ca70da he asked. I hesitated, then blurted, He frowned. I glanced at the open door and lowered my voice. rafe the-look maya like Kelley Armstrong