"Hey," said Shadow. "Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are." The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes. "Say 'Nevermore,'" said Shadow. "Fuck you," said the raven."
" "On a night quite unenchanting, when the rain was downward slanting I awakened to the ranting of the man I catch mice for. Tipsy and a bit unshaven, in a tone I found quite craven, Poe was talking to a Raven perched above the chamber door. 'Raven's very tasty,' thought I, as I tiptoed o'er the floor. 'There is nothing I like more.' [...] Still the Raven never fluttered, standing stock-still as he uttered In a voice that shrieked and sputtered, his two cents' worth -- 'Nevermore.' While this dirge the birdbrain kept up, oh, so silently I crept up, Then I crouched and quickly leapt up, pouncing on the feathered bore. Soon he was a heap of plumage, and a little blood and gore -- Only this and not much more."
They were relentless, brilliant scavengers with a keen sense of craftiness, and no human being could outwit them. The kind of cunning mischief and competition that a murder of crows possessed was unbeatable, and the war between farmer and fowl was a never-ending tale of woe which often led purely to bankruptcy.
"Raven paced restlessly across the floor of the cabin, sending Jacques a little self-mocking smile. "I'm very good at waiting." "I can see that," Jacques agreed dryly. "Come on, Jacques"-- Raven made the length of the room again, turned to face him--" don't you find this even a little bit nerve-racking?" He leaned lazily back in his chair, flashing a cocky grin. "Being caged up with a beautiful lunatic, you mean?" "Ha, ha, ha. Do all Carpathian males think they're stand-up comedians?" "Just those of us with sisters-in-law who bounce off walls. I feel like I am watching a Ping-Pong ball. Settle down." "Well, how long does something like this take? I thought he implied he'd be in and out of the hospital in two minutes, Jacques. What could have gone wrong? Mikhail was very upset." "Mikhail did not actually say anything went wrong, did he?" Jacques asked, blankly innocent. Raven's large blue-violet eyes settled on Jacques's face thoughtfully. Jacques squirmed under her suspicious, steady gaze. There was far too much intelligence in her enormous eyes to suit him. He held up a placating hand. "Now, Raven." "Don't you now-Raven me. That brother of yours, worm that he is, male chauvinist unequaled in modern times, told you something he didn't tell me, didn't he?" Leaning back with studied casualness, Jacques tipped his chair to a precarious angle and raised an eyebrow. "Women have vivid imaginations. I think you have a suspicious nature due to your American upbringing." "Intellect, Jacques, not imagination," she corrected sweetly. "My American upbringing made me incredibly intelligent, and believe me, I can spot one of your pathetic Carpathian plots to protect the helpless woman from information you consider would make her fragile little delicate self unnecessarily fearful." He grinned at her. "Carpathian males understand the fragile nature of women's nerves. Women-- especially women-- just cannot take the adversity that we men can." "I think I should have enjoyed meeting your mother. How a woman could manage to raise two domineering tyrants like you and Mikhail is beyond me." His dark eyes laughed at her. "But we are charismatic, sexy, handsome, and right." Raven hooked her foot around his chair and sent him crashing to the floor. Hands on hips, she regarded him with a superior glint. "Carpathian men are vain, dear brother-in-law," she proclaimed, "but not too bright." Jacques glared up at her with mock ferocity. "You have a mean streak in you, woman. Whatever happened to a soft, sweet, " "Try the Dark Ages."
"I'm planning to go redneck chic with the wedding," Maddy announced, looking through the racks of dresses. "What the hell is that?" "Redneck chic is a nice way of saying I have bad taste, but I'm embracing it." Sizing up Maddy's blonde girl next door beauty, I found her dressed normal. "Bad taste how? Is this about Tucker because, yeah, I see it?" Maddy rolled her blue eyes then walked to the next rack. "Tucker is gorgeous. He's the classiest part of my life." Nearby, Raven burst into laughter to the point of nearly pissing herself. I didn't blame her since we'd all seen Tucker fall off chairs and struggle with push/ pull doors. "
"Laughing, I stood up and got her a Coke from the fridge. When I handed it to her, Raven stared at my flat belly then leaned her face against it. "You're so lucky," she whispered. "Your mommy will make you laugh and kiss away the tears. She'll read you books about self esteem then sing you awful songs until you sleep out of boredom. You're going to grow up so loved and you won't know any other way." When Raven looked up at me, she smiled at my tears. "I wish I had a mom like you, Lark. Everyone does. You're going to love the shit out of this kid and you'll make it look easy. No worries, okay?" "Okay," I whispered, caressing her face. "I'm so glad you came home." "Me too." The sound of dogs' claws on the wood floors ended the quiet moment. "Thank goodness we have company," Raven said. "I was gonna start bawling." Startled by a new person in the house, Pollack descended into a barking fit while Professor played tough guy by growling. Raven barked back at Pollack who decided she couldn't argue with crazy and ran away. Already laughing before he turned the corner, Aaron took a minute to realize who was sitting with me. "Raven came home," I told him and he smiled wider. "She speaks dog too." "Pollack has never met a challenge she couldn't run from," he said then glanced down at a growling Professor. "Hush." The dog grudgingly quieted, but kept an eye on Raven who stood up and shook Aaron's hand. "You planning to make an honest woman out of my sister?" she asked in a voice more suiting of a protective dad. "Yes, sir."
Figuring I might entertain myself with heckling, I walked to the bar. I never made it through the door. Instead, I leaned against the doorway, crossed my arms, and enjoyed the spectacle of Raven, Bailey, and Sawyer singing horribly along with Steve Perry. The three blondes sang their talentless hearts out with Sawyer on a stool in the middle. Bailey wasn't singing as much as yelling to the music. Sawyer was talking the song. Raven though was really trying to sound good. Unfortunately, her sexy voice didn't translate well into song. The few people in the bar clapped when the song ended. Mainly because Bailey and Raven were hot. Sawyer ran to the bar and ordered a beer. The bartender nodded and gave her a big glass of root beer. She winked at him and told Bailey to pay the man. The kid was going to rule the world one day.
"Gregori did not look at him but stared out into the storm. There was an unmistakable warning note, an actual threat. In all their centuries together, such a thing had never happened. Mikhail immediately closed his mind to Raven. She could never hope to understand how Gregori felt. Without a lifemate, the healer had no choice but to eventually destroy himself or become the very epitome of evil. The vampire. The walking dead. Gregori had spent endless centuries waiting for his lifemate, holding on when those younger than he had given in. Gregori had defended their people, lived a solitary existence so that he might keep their race safe. He was far more alone than the others of his kind, and far more susceptible to the call of power as he had to hunt and kill often. Mikhail could not blame his oldest friend for his possessive, protective streak toward the unborn child. He spoke calmly and firmly, hoping to avoid a confrontation. Gregori had held on for so long, this promise of a lifemate could send him careening over the edge into the dark madness if he felt there was a danger to the female child. Gregori actually snarled, a menacing rumble that froze Shea in place, put Jacques into a crouch, and had Mikhail shifting position for a better defense. Raven pushed past Mikhail's strong body and fearlessly laid a hand on the healer's arm. Everyone else might think Gregori could turn at any moment, but he had held on for centuries, and she believed implicitly that he would no more hurt her than he would her child. "Gregori, don't be angry with Mikhail." Her voice was soft and gentle. "His first duty to me is to see to my happiness." "It is to see to your protection." Gregori's voice was a blend of heat and light. "In a way it's the same thing. Don't blame him for having to make adjustments for what you consider my shortcomings. It hasn't been easy for him, or for me, for that matter. We could have waited to conceive until I'd had time to become more familiar with Carpathian ways, but that would have taken more time than you have. You're far more than a close friend to us-- you're family, a part of our hearts. We weren't willing to risk losing you. So we both pray this child is a female and that she grows to love and cherish you as we do, that this is the one who will be your other half." Gregori stirred as if to say something. Mikhail hissed in the healer's head. Gregori bowed his head mentally to Mikhail. If Mikhail chose to allow his wife the comforting if false thought that the female child would have a choice in such a matter, then so be it."
"Raven's blue eyes were steady on Gregori. "If you wish to examine me to determine the sex of the child, you may do so." Her chin lifted. "But as you wish me to accept you for yourself, for your predatory nature, you must accept me as I am. My heart and soul may be Carpathian, but my mind is human. I will not be put on a shelf somewhere because you or my husband deems it necessary. Human women moved out of the dark ages a long time ago. My place is with Mikhail, and I must make my own decisions. If you feel the need to add your protection to Mikhail's, I will be most grateful." There was a long silence, and the red glow faded slowly from the slashing silver eyes. Gregori shook his head slowly, with infinite weariness. This woman was so different from his kind. Reckless. Compassionate. Unaware of every taboo she broke. His hand went to her stomach, fingers splayed. He focused, aimed, sent himself out of his body. His breath caught in his throat, and his heart seemed to melt. Deliberately he moved to surround the tiny being, merging his light and will for a heartbeat of time. He was taking no chances. This was his lifemate; he would ensure it with every means at his disposal, from blood bonding to mental sharing. No one was as powerful as he. This female child was his and his alone. He could hang on until she came of age. "We did it, didn't we?" Raven said softly, bringing Gregori back to his own body. "She's a girl." Gregori stepped away from Raven, holding on to his composure with his great strength of will. "Few Carpathian women carry to full term. The child rarely survives the first year of life. Do not be so certain we are out of the woods. You must rest and be cared for. The child comes first. Byron would say so also. Mikhail must take you far from this place, away from the vampire and the assassins. I will hunt and rid our people of the danger while your mate looks after you." Gregori's voice was low and pitched in silver tones, tones of light that beckoned and danced. Nearly impossible to resist. So calm and soothing and reasonable. Raven actually had to shake off the compulsion to do as he wished. She glared at him. "Don't even try that with me, Gregori." She included Mikhail in her stare. "And you, you big lunk, you would have gone along with him like the tree-swinging macho man you are. Watch these guys, Shea, they're impossible. They'll do anything to get their way." Shea found herself smiling. "So I've noticed."
"He also thinks there's something in the Carpathian woman's chemistry that makes it nearly impossible for the female chromosome to beat out the male." "Wouldn't you know he'd think it was the woman." Shea sniffed contemptuously. "More than likely the men determine the sex, just like in humans, and they just can't produce girls." She grinned at Raven. "The men bring about their own destruction."
"Finishing her cigarette, Raven put it out in the ashtray then sighed. "I never really bought into the God thing. Religion felt like a lie men told to make people listen to them. Mostly, it seemed dumb to think a magic man in the sky cared about us. Like if I was a magic man and could make the earth or whatever, I wouldn't waste time on helping out losers." Raven set the ashtray on the ground and crossed her arms as if cold. "I see what Lark has now with you, this house, the ugly dogs, her friends, and now the baby. It makes me think God might exist. While losers run in our family, Lark could be more if she let herself. Now she has more and I think God might have helped her out. I prayed someone would. Even not believing, I prayed and told God if He was real and wanted me to believe that He needed to help Lark. I guess He heard me because she's happy like I've never seen her happy before. Not even when Phoenix was alive and we were the best we ever were as a family." "I'm glad you're here and you're welcome to stay as long as you want, but, Raven, my dogs aren't ugly." She laughed and tapped her foot against mine. "You're a good guy. I know I said that before, but I didn't think you would be. I've been around and good guys are rare." "They exist though." Raven nodded. "I need to quit men the way I need to quit smoking. Just go cold turkey. If I try to be rational about it, I'll fool myself into falling for another creep. No, just say enough is enough all that shit. Focus on other stuff like a job and roller derby and family." "If you ever get sick of living here, the Johanssons have an apartment that Cooper used to live in." "There are plenty of apartments in Ellsberg." "Yeah, but if you want to avoid loser men, those apartments won't help. They're full of assholes. College shitheads and lowlife fuckers. If you stay out there with the Johanssons, no man will bother you. You might even like Bailey. She's an acquired taste, but a good friend if you can deal with her mouth." "Bossy bitches are my favorite," Raven said, pulling her knees up to her chest. "No hurry moving out though. Lark is feeling unsure about stuff and having you here makes her feel more centered. Like she's combining her old life with her new one and it fits." "I just have one question, bud," Raven said, standing up and ready to leave the cold evening. "Are you planning to fix her damn worm?" "I don't normally tattoo pregnant women." "You really going to have your kid born to a chick with a worm tattoo?" Smiling at Raven, I nodded. "I don't want to do anything to jinx the pregnancy. Since we've been together, Lark was hurt by Larry, got into a fight with my ex, and had to hide under the table during a bar brawl. I want the rest of her pregnancy to be as pain free as possible." "Sissy," she said, grinning. "I'm really glad you aren't an asshole. It was a pleasant surprise." "Glad you approve, but don't mock my dogs again and stop barking at Pollack." "Fuck off," she said over her shoulder while walking inside."
By our seventh anniversary, we had five kids and weren't done yet. Raven was blessed with easy pregnancies and could run around until the moment of delivery. Oh, and did those deliveries become legend. When River was born, the whole crew was laughing their asses off in the waiting room because of Raven's profanity-laced rants. Our twins came two years later. During their deliveries, a drinking game started with the crew and club guys. Every time Raven screamed a cuss word, Tucker told the guys at the bar and they'd take a shot of whiskey. Half of the guys were wasted by the time Savannah was born. As Avery joined her sister, the other half of the bar was just as drunk off their asses. The obstetrician nearly begged Raven to use pain meds. She refused of course. No one was telling her what to do. For Maverick's birth, the hospital moved Raven to a room at the end of the hall and kept the other laboring mothers as far away as possible. Another change the third time around was how Raven refused to allow the club guys free fun based on her laboring pains. To play the drinking game, they had to donate a hundred dollars into the kids' college fund. We figured at least one of our kids would want to do the education thing. The guys donated the money and got ready for Raven to let loose. In her laboring room, she even allowed a mic connected to overhead speakers at the bar. Despite knowing they were all listening, my woman didn't disappoint. One particular favorite was motherfucking crustacean cunt. When Maverick's head crowded, she also sounded a little bit like a graboid from . Hell, I think she did that on purpose because we'd watched the movie the night before. Raven was a born entertainer. That night, we added a few thousand dollars to the kids' college fund, the guys had a blast getting wasted to Raven's profanity, and I welcomed my second son. Unlike his angelic brother, Maverick peed on me an hour after birth. I knew that boy was going to be a handful.