As for literary criticism in general: I have long felt that any reviewer who expresses rage and loathing for a novel or a play or a poem is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae or a banana split.
"1. Everyone is entitled to their opinion about the things they read (or watch, or listen to, or taste, or whatever). They're also entitled to express them online. 2. Sometimes those opinions will be ones you don't like. 3. Sometimes those opinions won't be very nice. 4. The people expressing those may be (but are not always) assholes. 5. However, if your solution to this "problem" is to vex, annoy, threaten or harrass them, you are a bigger asshole. 6. You may also be twelve. 7. You are not responsible for anyone else's actions or karma, but you are responsible for your own. 8. So leave them alone and go about your own life."
Making judgments on films is in many ways so peculiarly vaporous an occupation that the only question is why, beyond the obvious opportunities for a few lectures fees and a little careerism at a dispiritingly self-limiting level, anyone does it in the first place.